BNP Britain's nazi party

I some times think that my entire life is thowing words out to the wind. A wind that gails but never hears.

Ok, arrogant, but some times arrogant is true.

Some times.
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Which means that Muslims can't jump up and down and threaten to kill over novels or Danish cartoons if they do not want white, bald fuck heads to do the same thing over Islamic declarations.

I actually agree with this statement...

You may agree with the statement but the issue was the BNP being a Nazi Party and my seeing the first part of a film on Hitler last night and being reminded far too much of the BNP party.

Now the particular sentence I could remember a German journalist of the time using about them was
they hope to use our fears and hates to drown our reason

I said that is was by these methods that the BNP were managing to get more votes, that is by the manipulation of people's fears and hates.

The point is not whether you agree with your quote. The point is that the BNP manipulates this hate and fear to get people to join it's party in just the same was as Hitler manipulated people's hates and fears to get people to join his.
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The point is that the BNP manipulates this hate and fear to get people to join it's party in just the same was as Hitler manipulated people's hates and fears to get people to join his.

The BNP is “manipulating people’s fear and hate.”

Oh my.

Or no shit.

Anyone that has lived in the Middle East (I have) knows that most Islamic papers pretty well do this on a regular basis, from disparaging other religious minorities, to insane conspiracy theories (the Jews committed 9 11 with the help of the Neo Cons) to the insane crap Mullahs often preach about women, let alone the real oppression women face in many Islamic countries.

Not to mention what I have already mentioned, threatening to kill novelists or cartoonists who just gave an opinion.

It would seem the BNP and many radical Muslims have much in common.

Fear and hate.
The point is that the BNP manipulates this hate and fear to get people to join it's party in just the same was as Hitler manipulated people's hates and fears to get people to join his.

The BNP is “manipulating people’s fear and hate.”

Oh my.

Or no shit.

Anyone that has lived in the Middle East (I have) knows that most Islamic papers pretty well do this on a regular basis, from disparaging other religious minorities, to insane conspiracy theories (the Jews committed 9 11 with the help of the Neo Cons) to the insane crap Mullahs often preach about women, let alone the real oppression women face in many Islamic countries.

Not to mention what I have already mentioned, threatening to kill novelists or cartoonists who just gave an opinion.

It would seem the BNP and many radical Muslims have much in common.

Fear and hate.

What is going on in the Middle East or Danish cartoons has nothing to do with the BNP's long relationship with European Nazi's and it's own recent Nazi past and its current collaboration with European Nazi's. It has nothing to do with the reality that the BNP party's real dream is a 'white's only' UK. It has nothing to do with the fact that the BNP has the same feeling towards Black people and people of any Asian origin, not just our mainly Asian Muslims. For you, what is going on in the Middle East appears to drown your ability to see what the BNP is all about - but what the BNP is about is what I have written above - nothing to do with the Middle East. Hope not Hate the main people who work on making sure the BNP do not fool people is run by a Jewish person, not an Islamist.

The BNP simply has in this instance, since 9/11 found the ability to do what Hitler did and change it's presentation to exploit peoples fear and hatred of Muslims to help in it's recruitment. People of reason here in the UK have not yet been fooled - it is just those who were already racist or who are extremely uneducated who are moving towards them - and it is still thankfully a tiny part of the population.

My interest was simply if anyone had seen the Channel 4 film on Hitler.

Two other strategies which I noticed they have in common with the Nazi strategies are agitation, which we know they do in Muslim areas and refraining from violence when it is opportunistic. For that the Party Members themselves are now asked and now ask their followers not to be violent and to change their appearance from skinheads. It is all to give the appearance of respectability in the hope of getting some power.

Racist people obviously see no fault in them. Those who see themselves not as racist but just don't like Muslims are the people whose fear and hate has been exploited so that their reason has been drowned as to what the BNP is all about.
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Which means that Muslims can't jump up and down and threaten to kill over novels or Danish cartoons if they do not want white, bald fuck heads to do the same thing over Islamic declarations.

I actually agree with this statement...

You may agree with the statement but the issue was the BNP being a Nazi Party and my seeing the first part of a film on Hitler last night and being reminded far too much of the BNP party.

Now the particular sentence I could remember a German journalist of the time using about them was
they hope to use our fears and hates to drown our reason

I said that is was by these methods that the BNP were managing to get more votes, that is by the manipulation of people's fears and hates.

The point is not whether you agree with your quote. The point is that the BNP manipulates this hate and fear to get people to join it's party in just the same was as Hitler manipulated people's hates and fears to get people to join his.

The reason why I even made that comment... usually I'm on the side of the underdog, the downtrodden, the immigrants... but the quote I agreed with expressed the sentiment of those on the other side of the argument - and that side has to be taken seriously and their fears need to be addressed and dealt with... The reason why parties such as BNP are gaining ground is because those fears are not adequately addressed and usually people with those fears are just told with an air of contempt that those fears are simple xenophobia and racism.

So there... The main parties have dropped the ball.. now you're gonna be eating up the consequences.


Btw, I think that was the case in Denmark as well where the populist party entered the ruling coalition and started wreaking havoc, which turned the most liberal (towards immigrants at least) country to one of the most restrictive in Europe - if not the most restrictive.

I'm an immigrant myself, so believe me, I know the issues and understand them sufficiently.
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I actually agree with this statement...

You may agree with the statement but the issue was the BNP being a Nazi Party and my seeing the first part of a film on Hitler last night and being reminded far too much of the BNP party.

Now the particular sentence I could remember a German journalist of the time using about them was
they hope to use our fears and hates to drown our reason

I said that is was by these methods that the BNP were managing to get more votes, that is by the manipulation of people's fears and hates.

The point is not whether you agree with your quote. The point is that the BNP manipulates this hate and fear to get people to join it's party in just the same was as Hitler manipulated people's hates and fears to get people to join his.

The reason why I even made that comment... usually I'm on the side of the underdog, the downtrodden, the immigrants... but the quote I agreed with expressed the sentiment of those on the other side of the argument - and that side has to be taken seriously and their fears need to be addressed and dealt with... The reason why parties such as BNP are gaining ground is because those fears are not adequately addressed and usually people with those fears are just told with an air of contempt that those fears are simple xenophobia and racism.

So there... The main parties have dropped the ball.. now you're gonna be eating up the consequences.


What then do you think should be being done? My guess is not so much that people here in the UK are terrified, I think it has more to do with the fact that we had not properly dealt with racism towards Muslims - most Muslims here being from Pakistan, then called Paki's now Muslims with the same disdain. In that way 9/11 was a gift to the BNP. Lots of racism already there, add to it fear - and the BNP does work at creating and magnifying that fear - there is no doubt about that.

What policy do you think is needed, why is it needed and how would it be implemented.

Btw, I think that was the case in Denmark as well where the populist party entered the ruling coalition and started wreaking havoc, which turned the most liberal (towards immigrants at least) country to one of the most restrictive in Europe - if not the most restrictive.

What is going on with these fascist groups in Europe is very concerning and like you say very surprising.

Europe however has always managed to hold onto a steady base of Nazi fascist groups. Clearly they were on the ball to take the opportunity when the cartoon thing came up.

Here in the UK Nazi parties have not had much luck. Please tell me what you think the need is that has not been done and how it should be done.
Islamic immigrant lesson number one when moving to the democratic West, you live in a Enlightenment, secular society. If you keep jumping up and down in the streets, calling to kill novelists or cartoonists, or if you demand Shira law, simply because you think you have found an infallible book (my how the joke is on your very reason) you do not understand the very basic premises of the civilisation you chose to move to.

And YOU are fuelling those bald, racists BNP fuck heads. Indeed, they are depending on you.
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o fuck me running..yall act like there is an american nazi party and that they are not active....

Today, according to the latest U.S. Census - only 23% of the American population under the age of 18 is WHITE. Already, four U.S. states are MAJORITY NON-WHITE, and 10% of all counties in America are MAJORITY NON-WHITE. World-wide, White women of child-bearing age comprise only 3% of the earth's population. Do these FACTS disturb you? They should.

Currently, America has an estimated 20 MILLION brown, mestizo ILLEGAL ALIENS who have INVADED OUR NATION - this evil, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system - where basically 3% of the population, control 85% of the nation's wealth, are demanding and will eventually grant "amnesty" to these foreigners. Why?

American Nazi Party

honey i aint white enough for these people....dont act like its not here yet, it was here long before david duke and will be here long after...unemployee young white males are readily becoming aryans and joining the aryan nation.


the problems are here and have been here
And YOU are fuelling those bald, racists BNP fuck heads. Indeed, they are depending on you.

Speaking up against Nazi's is encouraging them :eek: We have reached the land of double speak. If you are a Nazi just be honest.

Anyone can speak up against Nazis, that is easy. What you need to do is speak up against Islamic religious fanatics.

Then you will have some Enlightenment cred.
And YOU are fuelling those bald, racists BNP fuck heads. Indeed, they are depending on you.

Speaking up against Nazi's is encouraging them :eek: We have reached the land of double speak. If you are a Nazi just be honest.

Anyone can speak up against Nazis, that is easy. What you need to do is speak up against Islamic religious fanatics.

:eek: You have some strange ideas. Did you see what the title of this thread is. Lord preserve us from those who come on a forum believing that interjecting into threads their own bias and then believing that anyone who does not share the same prejudice as them has no crediibility. May I suggest Stormfront. You will find plenty with your opinions there.

For the meantime this thread is about BNP Britains Nazi Party.
:eek: You have some strange ideas. .

Yes, the Enlightenment is strange to too many Muslims.

I am sorry, I wish it was not thus, but it is.

Where is your outrage at Islamic murder of Bahais in Iran, or Wahhabi oppression of all women, or the idiot Islamic press in the Middle East that propagates ignorance and fear, day after day?

You and the BNP are looking in the same looking glass.
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You may agree with the statement but the issue was the BNP being a Nazi Party and my seeing the first part of a film on Hitler last night and being reminded far too much of the BNP party.

Now the particular sentence I could remember a German journalist of the time using about them was

I said that is was by these methods that the BNP were managing to get more votes, that is by the manipulation of people's fears and hates.

The point is not whether you agree with your quote. The point is that the BNP manipulates this hate and fear to get people to join it's party in just the same was as Hitler manipulated people's hates and fears to get people to join his.

The reason why I even made that comment... usually I'm on the side of the underdog, the downtrodden, the immigrants... but the quote I agreed with expressed the sentiment of those on the other side of the argument - and that side has to be taken seriously and their fears need to be addressed and dealt with... The reason why parties such as BNP are gaining ground is because those fears are not adequately addressed and usually people with those fears are just told with an air of contempt that those fears are simple xenophobia and racism.

So there... The main parties have dropped the ball.. now you're gonna be eating up the consequences.


What then do you think should be being done? My guess is not so much that people here in the UK are terrified, I think it has more to do with the fact that we had not properly dealt with racism towards Muslims - most Muslims here being from Pakistan, then called Paki's now Muslims with the same disdain. In that way 9/11 was a gift to the BNP. Lots of racism already there, add to it fear - and the BNP does work at creating and magnifying that fear - there is no doubt about that.

What policy do you think is needed, why is it needed and how would it be implemented.

Btw, I think that was the case in Denmark as well where the populist party entered the ruling coalition and started wreaking havoc, which turned the most liberal (towards immigrants at least) country to one of the most restrictive in Europe - if not the most restrictive.

What is going on with these fascist groups in Europe is very concerning and like you say very surprising.

Europe however has always managed to hold onto a steady base of Nazi fascist groups. Clearly they were on the ball to take the opportunity when the cartoon thing came up.

Here in the UK Nazi parties have not had much luck. Please tell me what you think the need is that has not been done and how it should be done.

Honestly, I wish I had an answer for you... One of the arguments is that the major parties should try to address fears of those that would possibly vote for parties such as BNP... how? Possibly by launching some media campaign that promotes understanding between immigrants and the British population... a bit of positive propaganda, educational programmes that deal with inter-cultural understanding, etc. I don't know exactly the situation in Britain, so I can't speak directly to what British parties are doing... but it has to steal the wind from BNP's sails so to speak... Now, it won't be able to prevent all the voters voting for BNP, because there are some true racists and xenophobes among them, but people who are not that, just reacting to what they perceive as scary, etc...

Another dimension is actually working with immigrants and making sure they know what is expected of them when they enter GB. In Sweden, one party wants every immigrant that decides to live in Sweden to sign some sort of 'social contract' where they are told that they will be given freedom of expression, religion, and all that, but in return, they are expected to follow strictly and passionately Swedish laws, etc.

Yet another dimension is having better control of immigration... now that's a tough one. You have to persuade people that there are tough measures applied to immigration....and maybe add a little one or two to prove that they are doing something about immigration in that way as well.

It is war for hearts and minds really... (cliche but true)
Speaking up against Nazi's is encouraging them :eek: We have reached the land of double speak. If you are a Nazi just be honest.

Anyone can speak up against Nazis, that is easy. What you need to do is speak up against Islamic religious fanatics.

:eek: You have some strange ideas. Did you see what the title of this thread is. Lord preserve us from those who come on a forum believing that interjecting into threads their own bias and then believing that anyone who does not share the same prejudice as them has no crediibility. May I suggest Stormfront. You will find plenty with your opinions there.

For the meantime this thread is about BNP Britains Nazi Party.

I believe a post about the dangers of militant Islam is probably to be expected in a thread about the BNP. You may not like it but it is, after all, a related subject.

This Islam issue has been front and center for some time now. Indeed, the current lead article on the BNP's website is about the danger of allowing a Muslim country to join the EU.’s-attack-on-leaflet-“proof-of-the-danger-of-eu’s-expansion”-says-bnp-leader/
Anyone can speak up against Nazis, that is easy. What you need to do is speak up against Islamic religious fanatics.

:eek: You have some strange ideas. Did you see what the title of this thread is. Lord preserve us from those who come on a forum believing that interjecting into threads their own bias and then believing that anyone who does not share the same prejudice as them has no crediibility. May I suggest Stormfront. You will find plenty with your opinions there.

For the meantime this thread is about BNP Britains Nazi Party.

I believe a post about the dangers of militant Islam is probably to be expected in a thread about the BNP. You may not like it but it is, after all, a related subject.

This Islam issue has been front and center for some time now. Indeed, the current lead article on the BNP's website is about the danger of allowing a Muslim country to join the EU.

If you wish to promote the BNP then that is of course your right.

I was simply interested whether anyone had seen the Channel 4 program on Hitler and the similarities I found to his way of working.

This thread is about the BNP Britain's Nazi party for that reason it would be nice just for a short while to be free of BNP propaganda.
:eek: You have some strange ideas. Did you see what the title of this thread is. Lord preserve us from those who come on a forum believing that interjecting into threads their own bias and then believing that anyone who does not share the same prejudice as them has no crediibility. May I suggest Stormfront. You will find plenty with your opinions there.

For the meantime this thread is about BNP Britains Nazi Party.

I believe a post about the dangers of militant Islam is probably to be expected in a thread about the BNP. You may not like it but it is, after all, a related subject.

This Islam issue has been front and center for some time now. Indeed, the current lead article on the BNP's website is about the danger of allowing a Muslim country to join the EU.

If you wish to promote the BNP then that is of course your right.

I was simply interested whether anyone had seen the Channel 4 program on Hitler and the similarities I found to his way of working.

This thread is about the BNP Britain's Nazi party for that reason it would be nice just for a short while to be free of BNP propaganda.

Why would you think I would wish to promote the BNP? Aren't you jumping to conclusions?
The reason why I even made that comment... usually I'm on the side of the underdog, the downtrodden, the immigrants... but the quote I agreed with expressed the sentiment of those on the other side of the argument - and that side has to be taken seriously and their fears need to be addressed and dealt with... The reason why parties such as BNP are gaining ground is because those fears are not adequately addressed and usually people with those fears are just told with an air of contempt that those fears are simple xenophobia and racism.

So there... The main parties have dropped the ball.. now you're gonna be eating up the consequences.


What then do you think should be being done? My guess is not so much that people here in the UK are terrified, I think it has more to do with the fact that we had not properly dealt with racism towards Muslims - most Muslims here being from Pakistan, then called Paki's now Muslims with the same disdain. In that way 9/11 was a gift to the BNP. Lots of racism already there, add to it fear - and the BNP does work at creating and magnifying that fear - there is no doubt about that.

What policy do you think is needed, why is it needed and how would it be implemented.

Btw, I think that was the case in Denmark as well where the populist party entered the ruling coalition and started wreaking havoc, which turned the most liberal (towards immigrants at least) country to one of the most restrictive in Europe - if not the most restrictive.

What is going on with these fascist groups in Europe is very concerning and like you say very surprising.

Europe however has always managed to hold onto a steady base of Nazi fascist groups. Clearly they were on the ball to take the opportunity when the cartoon thing came up.

Here in the UK Nazi parties have not had much luck. Please tell me what you think the need is that has not been done and how it should be done.

Honestly, I wish I had an answer for you... One of the arguments is that the major parties should try to address fears of those that would possibly vote for parties such as BNP... how? Possibly by launching some media campaign that promotes understanding between immigrants and the British population... a bit of positive propaganda, educational programmes that deal with inter-cultural understanding, etc. I don't know exactly the situation in Britain, so I can't speak directly to what British parties are doing... but it has to steal the wind from BNP's sails so to speak... Now, it won't be able to prevent all the voters voting for BNP, because there are some true racists and xenophobes among them, but people who are not that, just reacting to what they perceive as scary, etc...

Another dimension is actually working with immigrants and making sure they know what is expected of them when they enter GB. In Sweden, one party wants every immigrant that decides to live in Sweden to sign some sort of 'social contract' where they are told that they will be given freedom of expression, religion, and all that, but in return, they are expected to follow strictly and passionately Swedish laws, etc.

Yet another dimension is having better control of immigration... now that's a tough one. You have to persuade people that there are tough measures applied to immigration....and maybe add a little one or two to prove that they are doing something about immigration in that way as well.

It is war for hearts and minds really... (cliche but true)

I agree quick answers are not easy. Such issues usually develop slowly and hence the required time can be taken to sort them out. It was noticing the similarity between tactics used by the Nazi's in Germany and the BNP in this country which got me into this thread. The idea that our country could ever become like that and my grandchild stuck in that is beyond thinking.

Coming back to the present day, in Britain we seem to not to have moved in the Nazi/fascist direction as strongly as most European countries seem to. By that I am going by studies which show the UK has about 8% antisemiticism and 25% Islamophobics whereas in Europe not only is the level of Islamophobia around 50% but antisemiticism in some countries has also risen to around 40%. I got these figures from the official UK document on antisemiticism.

So in Europe in general we are seeing a disturbing rise in antisemiticism as well as hatred and fear of Muslims but in the UK it appears to be limited to Muslims and is less severe.

Our main concern at the moment is the possibility of Nick Griffin getting a seat in the European elections next week. He only needs 8% of the vote to do that. As you may know all Britain's other parties are in severe disrepute for filling their pockets with taxpayers money and a lot of people are so fed up with them that they are saying they will not be voting in any elections for some time. This lays open the possibility that the BNP may actually secure a few seats at the European Parliament. However the BNP is still so disliked that Politicians are telling people on the door step that if they do not vote the BNP will probably get a seat. Whether that will get people to vote remains to be seen.

I do not want to see even 1 BNP member in the European Parliament not least because of the amount of money he will get his hands on to promote the BNP. The UKIP Leader said he managed to get £2,000,000 in European expenses to promote his party.

Now, this is such an enormous subject, but I am sure the European Nazi/fascists are working the same way as the BNP - making themselves appear presentable and interested in the problems of the guy next door and all that. Some people are easily fooled or wish to be fooled.

So 9/11 was what the BNP here took advantage of. 9/11 and its aftermath. In the 2 weeks after 9/11 there were 670 attacks on Muslim people and places, no doubt a great number done by the BNP themselves. This resulted in Muslim people regrouping for security, becoming more Muslim as seen outwardly in dress and in addition a lot of people who were previously not practicing Muslims and who wore Western dress because of their experiences at this time have reverted to being Muslims. It's a long story but that is it briefly for this post.

Now my own feeling is give things time and they would probably change again. Sort out the Middle East and they probably would change a lot quicker.

I think to deal with this issue we need to deal with the underlying issue of Muslims tending to be well over presented in the unemployment queue. Make sure people have positive opportunities.

One thing I think should be changed and I am not sure if this can/will. I think there is a promise to build a significant number of additional Muslims schools. I don't think that is a good idea because that reinforces differences. When kids spend time at school together they are more likely to get on and feel part of the same culture.

We also do need to make sure we deal properly with all racism.

With regards other things. Immigration seems to be the big thing that people are concerned about. However the highest rate of immigration we have had in recent years has been from white East European countries. A Guardian article I read said that 50% of British workers would like immigrants to be encouraged to return home. 50% now that I do find concerning if it is true. Of course this is BNP policy.

Along with the desire to basically stop immigration, which obviously is worse in a recession, is the desire by a lot of people to at the very least lesson the role of the EU on our lives. The BNP wants us out of Europe, so that could be pulling power for them.

Previously I liked more European involvement but now with all these Nazi's possibly getting a hold on seats, I am not so upset at the thought of moving back. I do not see as yet the likelihood of BNP people being able to make it into the British Parliament.

Immigration will need to be dealt with. Cameron, our opposition leader, was today making a speech about how he was going to limit Europe power on us so I guess that will be an issue we will be dealing with.

and of course the recession adds to it.

The UK though looks like it is in for some pretty big changes in the near future what with people being so disgusted with our Politicians. Hopefully that change will be for the better and see the need to address issues.

The BNP are still a very fringe party in the UK. Are you from Sweden?

To be honest though, my interest in this thread was more in the psychology the BNP use and it's similarity to that of Hitler.
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