Bob Barr At CPAC: 'How Would You Like To Be Waterboarded?'

If Al Queda captures any Americans they wil torture them. Really torture them.

It won't be waterboarding. It will be real torture. Anyone who doesn't realize this is living in la la land.

There will be no doctor on site.

There will be no one there to say, "Hey. Enough".

Nope anyone they capture will be in for one hard time.

I think in one of the Al Queda manuals that we captured there is a whole section on how the Americans will treat you well. I think most would take waterboarding over the alternatives that they themselves offer.

How many did we waterboard???? Three?? I'm sure they have beheaded many more.
So, your answer is...."At least we aren't quite as bad as the Terrorists"?

Sorry, that's not something I want as our new National Motto.

I could care less about motto's.

I'm more interested in saving American lives and getting the info to make that possible.


You bet your ass.

I'd wateboard every one of em to saves American lives.

I can live with it. Boy can I.

Ah...but where is the proof that waterboarding saves lives?

It's really all about revenge and torture for torture's sake.
So, your answer is...."At least we aren't quite as bad as the Terrorists"?

Sorry, that's not something I want as our new National Motto.

I could care less about motto's.

I'm more interested in saving American lives and getting the info to make that possible.


You bet your ass.

I'd wateboard every one of em to saves American lives.

I can live with it. Boy can I.

Ah...but where is the proof that waterboarding saves lives?

It's really all about revenge and torture for torture's sake.

Wheres the proof that waterboarding didn't save lives???

As for revenge?? Naa. Thats a dish best served cold.

How about finding out about another 9-11 or worse?? Works for me.
So, your answer is...."At least we aren't quite as bad as the Terrorists"?

Sorry, that's not something I want as our new National Motto.

I could care less about motto's.

I'm more interested in saving American lives and getting the info to make that possible.


You bet your ass.

I'd wateboard every one of em to saves American lives.

I can live with it. Boy can I.

Ah...but where is the proof that waterboarding saves lives?

It's really all about revenge and torture for torture's sake.

I provided it.
Now i know you are nuts. It does not matter one iota how we treat a terrorist prisoner, they will continue to chop off arms legs and heads. Or do you not know that this is the condition we have found some of our troops in? I remember one where they never did find his limbs or head. And you keep making excuses to be against our using waterboarding on three people. Yes 3 people and you want to compare that to every American soldier. Piss off Commander.

again... for the intellectually impaired... let me repeat. You would have to be a fucking IDIOT to think that Islamic extremists will be the only enemies that America will ever have. Again... everything we do to anyone we capture on the battlefield today becomes a technique that we give any FUTURE enemy our blessing to use on any of OUR troops captured on any FUTURE battlefield.

Oh... and Go fuck yourself sarge... anyone noncom with your paltry reasoning skills would not have made it past E4 in MY Navy.

Can you believe that military washout tried to lecture me about respect for a non-commissioned officer, then he tells a Senior Officer to piss off?

Just between you and me and the board, I think he's a boot camp washout or else got ahold of his daddy's medals and military pics and is playing the military game...and not quite pulling it off.

No REAL Chief would say that to you. A wash out would.
Oh that's just too damn funny. Is sarge Ollie still bound by UCMJ?

He can tell that commander to go fuck himself if he so pleases. ANYTIME he so pleases!

And you think that being officers affords you some special treatment in civilian life?



Every military member knows that it's the NCO's who run the show. Without us, you officers would be in a world of hurt. If only I had ten bucks for everytime I watched a Sr. NCO, politely yet firmly dress down a young louie or captain for being an incompetent MORON!
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If Al Queda captures any Americans they wil torture them. Really torture them.

It won't be waterboarding. It will be real torture. Anyone who doesn't realize this is living in la la land.

There will be no doctor on site.

There will be no one there to say, "Hey. Enough".

Nope anyone they capture will be in for one hard time.

I think in one of the Al Queda manuals that we captured there is a whole section on how the Americans will treat you well. I think most would take waterboarding over the alternatives that they themselves offer.

How many did we waterboard???? Three?? I'm sure they have beheaded many more.

And what does one have to do with the other?
Waterboarding isn't torture so, Barr's point is completely moot!

I am sure you realize that that statement is your opinion, not fact, and that it is not shared by many intelligent folks.

I am also sure you realize that whatever we do to prisoners under our control, we invite any and all future enemies to do to our soldiers.

Of course soldiers are covered under the Geneva Convention. The people getting waterboarded are not soldiers. By the laws of war they could be killed at random.
So the comment is a throwaway.
Waterboarding isn't torture so, Barr's point is completely moot!

I am sure you realize that that statement is your opinion, not fact, and that it is not shared by many intelligent folks.

I am also sure you realize that whatever we do to prisoners under our control, we invite any and all future enemies to do to our soldiers.

Of course soldiers are covered under the Geneva Convention. The people getting waterboarded are not soldiers. By the laws of war they could be killed at random.
So the comment is a throwaway.

please provide a link that shows that the people being waterboarded could be killed at random by the laws of war.

and while you are at it, explain how waterboarding is not a violation of the supreme law of OUR land in America with respect to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment which the United States is a signatory.
I could care less about motto's.

I'm more interested in saving American lives and getting the info to make that possible.


You bet your ass.

I'd wateboard every one of em to saves American lives.

I can live with it. Boy can I.

Ah...but where is the proof that waterboarding saves lives?

It's really all about revenge and torture for torture's sake.

Wheres the proof that waterboarding didn't save lives???

As for revenge?? Naa. Thats a dish best served cold.

How about finding out about another 9-11 or worse?? Works for me.

Your logic isn't.

So...since, as you say, there is NO PROOF that waterboarding doesn't work...let's just use it on any suspect for any crime. After all, there's NO PROOF it doesn't work. And it makes YOU feel so gosh darn good also.
I am sure you realize that that statement is your opinion, not fact, and that it is not shared by many intelligent folks.

I am also sure you realize that whatever we do to prisoners under our control, we invite any and all future enemies to do to our soldiers.

Of course soldiers are covered under the Geneva Convention. The people getting waterboarded are not soldiers. By the laws of war they could be killed at random.
So the comment is a throwaway.

please provide a link that shows that the people being waterboarded could be killed at random by the laws of war.

and while you are at it, explain how waterboarding is not a violation of the supreme law of OUR land in America with respect to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment which the United States is a signatory.

CDR, it can't be a violation. They enjoy it too gosh darn much.
again... for the intellectually impaired... let me repeat. You would have to be a fucking IDIOT to think that Islamic extremists will be the only enemies that America will ever have. Again... everything we do to anyone we capture on the battlefield today becomes a technique that we give any FUTURE enemy our blessing to use on any of OUR troops captured on any FUTURE battlefield.

Oh... and Go fuck yourself sarge... anyone noncom with your paltry reasoning skills would not have made it past E4 in MY Navy.

Can you believe that military washout tried to lecture me about respect for a non-commissioned officer, then he tells a Senior Officer to piss off?

Just between you and me and the board, I think he's a boot camp washout or else got ahold of his daddy's medals and military pics and is playing the military game...and not quite pulling it off.

No REAL Chief would say that to you. A wash out would.
Oh that's just too damn funny. Is sarge Ollie still bound by UCMJ?

He can tell that commander to go fuck himself if he so pleases. ANYTIME he so pleases!

And you think that being officers affords you some special treatment in civilian life?



Every military member knows that it's the NCO's who run the show. Without us, you officers would be in a world of hurt. If only I had ten bucks for everytime I watched a Sr. NCO, politely yet firmly dress down a young louie or captain for being an incompetent MORON!

The thing is...I don't believe either you nor Ollie were ever NCO's. You do not have the intelligence nor the honor to be one. Simple as that. Oh sure, you probably huff and puff and play soldier now and again on the Internet. But the Real Deal? Seriously? You are fooling no one.
I am sure you realize that that statement is your opinion, not fact, and that it is not shared by many intelligent folks.

I am also sure you realize that whatever we do to prisoners under our control, we invite any and all future enemies to do to our soldiers.

Of course soldiers are covered under the Geneva Convention. The people getting waterboarded are not soldiers. By the laws of war they could be killed at random.
So the comment is a throwaway.

please provide a link that shows that the people being waterboarded could be killed at random by the laws of war.

and while you are at it, explain how waterboarding is not a violation of the supreme law of OUR land in America with respect to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment which the United States is a signatory.

Easy. Because it was not torture.

Okay here I go yet again...

1) There are strict guidlines for when waterboarding was used

2) The guidelines were that it could be used only to stop what may be an imminent terrorist attack

3) The 3 arch terrorists, in all other measures, when asked about terrorist attacks, simply responded ominiously "soon you will know"

4) All other measures to get them to talk failed

5) The Inspector General found that the CIA only used as much discomfort necessary to get the information to stop terrorist attacks

6) As a result of the waterboarding:
a) A terrorist plot to crash a plane into a Los Angeles building was thwarted
b) A plot to build and explode a "dirty bomb" in Washington D.C. Was thwarted
c) Over 6,000 intelligence reports were created
d) Over half the intelligence on Al Qaida came from this

7) The waterboarding was a lot milder than the waterboarding used on some of our CIA people in their training.

In the training the subect is completely immesered in water and it's below 41 degrees F

On the 3 arch terrorists the subjects were splashed with water and it was never below 41 degrees F

8) The CIA sent this to the DOJ for their review first also Nancy Pelosi was told about this as well

All this can be found here
and while you are at it, explain how waterboarding is not a violation of the supreme law of OUR land in America with respect to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment which the United States is a signatory.

Easy. Because it was not torture.


this is the supreme law of OUR land:

Article 1 of the Convention defines torture as:

Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

– Convention Against Torture, Article 1.1

Actions which fall short of torture may still constitute cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment under Article 16.

Ban on torture and cruel and degrading treatment Article 2 of the convention prohibits torture, and requires parties to take effective measures to prevent it in any territory under its jurisdiction. This prohibition is absolute and non-derogable. "No exceptional circumstances whatsoever"[5] may be invoked to justify torture, including war, threat of war, internal political instability, public emergency, terrorist acts, violent crime, or any form of armed conflict.[6] Torture cannot be justified as a means to protect public safety or prevent emergencies
If Al Queda captures any Americans they wil torture them. Really torture them.

It won't be waterboarding. It will be real torture. Anyone who doesn't realize this is living in la la land.

There will be no doctor on site.

There will be no one there to say, "Hey. Enough".

Nope anyone they capture will be in for one hard time.

I think in one of the Al Queda manuals that we captured there is a whole section on how the Americans will treat you well. I think most would take waterboarding over the alternatives that they themselves offer.

How many did we waterboard???? Three?? I'm sure they have beheaded many more.
So, your answer is...."At least we aren't quite as bad as the Terrorists"?

Sorry, that's not something I want as our new National Motto.

United States: Hey, at least we're not as bad as Al Qaeda!
and while you are at it, explain how waterboarding is not a violation of the supreme law of OUR land in America with respect to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment which the United States is a signatory.

Easy. Because it was not torture.


this is the supreme law of OUR land:

Article 1 of the Convention defines torture as:

Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

– Convention Against Torture, Article 1.1

Actions which fall short of torture may still constitute cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment under Article 16.

Ban on torture and cruel and degrading treatment Article 2 of the convention prohibits torture, and requires parties to take effective measures to prevent it in any territory under its jurisdiction. This prohibition is absolute and non-derogable. "No exceptional circumstances whatsoever"[5] may be invoked to justify torture, including war, threat of war, internal political instability, public emergency, terrorist acts, violent crime, or any form of armed conflict.[6] Torture cannot be justified as a means to protect public safety or prevent emergencies

That's only your interpretation. The Bush Administration had a different interpretation, one that was recently held as legitimate by the Obama Justice Dept btw.
But it is hard to see how a procedure which we use as a training tool in our own military is now suddenly torture.
If Al Queda captures any Americans they wil torture them. Really torture them.

It won't be waterboarding. It will be real torture. Anyone who doesn't realize this is living in la la land.

There will be no doctor on site.

There will be no one there to say, "Hey. Enough".

Nope anyone they capture will be in for one hard time.

I think in one of the Al Queda manuals that we captured there is a whole section on how the Americans will treat you well. I think most would take waterboarding over the alternatives that they themselves offer.

How many did we waterboard???? Three?? I'm sure they have beheaded many more.
So, your answer is...."At least we aren't quite as bad as the Terrorists"?

Sorry, that's not something I want as our new National Motto.

United States: Hey, at least we're not as bad as Al Qaeda!

and while you are at it, explain how waterboarding is not a violation of the supreme law of OUR land in America with respect to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment which the United States is a signatory.

Easy. Because it was not torture.


this is the supreme law of OUR land:

Article 1 of the Convention defines torture as:

Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

– Convention Against Torture, Article 1.1

Actions which fall short of torture may still constitute cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment under Article 16.

Ban on torture and cruel and degrading treatment Article 2 of the convention prohibits torture, and requires parties to take effective measures to prevent it in any territory under its jurisdiction. This prohibition is absolute and non-derogable. "No exceptional circumstances whatsoever"[5] may be invoked to justify torture, including war, threat of war, internal political instability, public emergency, terrorist acts, violent crime, or any form of armed conflict.[6] Torture cannot be justified as a means to protect public safety or prevent emergencies

What is torture is subjective. Reading your idiotic posts can be considered toture.

The CIA had medical people there who would not let waterboarding occur if it did create severe pain either physical or mental, no matter how critical the intelligence was.
I already posted this.

Sorry about the formatting. It's page 8 section 3 if you go to the link.

Medical and psychological professionals from the CIA's Office ofMedIcal Services
("OMS") carefully evaluate detaInees before any enhanced technique is authorized in order to
ensure that the detainee "is not likely to suffer any severe physical or menti;1 pain Of suffering as
a result of interrogation."
Techniques at 4; see OMSGuidelines on Medical and Psychological
Support to Detainee Rendition, Interrogation and Detention at 9 (Dec. 2004) (HOMS
Guideline.f'). In addition, OMS officials continuously rnonitorthe detainee's c·ondition
throughout any interrogation using enhanced techniques, and the interrogation team will stop the
use ofparticular techniques or the interrogation altogether lithe detainee's medical or
psychological condition indicates that the detainee might suffer signWcant physical or mental
harm. See Techniques at 5-6. OMS has, in fact, prohibited the use ofcertain techniques in the
interrogations of certain detainees: .See 5. Thus, no technique is used in tbtlinterrogation
detainee----no matter how valuable the information the CIA believes the detainee has~if
medic·a! andpsychologica!evall.lations or oIigoing monitoring suggest thafthG detainee is
to suffer serious bann
. Careful records are kept bfeach interrogation, which ensures
accountability and allows for ongoing evaluation of the efficacy of each technique and its
potential for any unintended or inappropriate results. See id
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Can you believe that military washout tried to lecture me about respect for a non-commissioned officer, then he tells a Senior Officer to piss off?

Just between you and me and the board, I think he's a boot camp washout or else got ahold of his daddy's medals and military pics and is playing the military game...and not quite pulling it off.

No REAL Chief would say that to you. A wash out would.
Oh that's just too damn funny. Is sarge Ollie still bound by UCMJ?

He can tell that commander to go fuck himself if he so pleases. ANYTIME he so pleases!

And you think that being officers affords you some special treatment in civilian life?



Every military member knows that it's the NCO's who run the show. Without us, you officers would be in a world of hurt. If only I had ten bucks for everytime I watched a Sr. NCO, politely yet firmly dress down a young louie or captain for being an incompetent MORON!

The thing is...I don't believe either you nor Ollie were ever NCO's. You do not have the intelligence nor the honor to be one. Simple as that. Oh sure, you probably huff and puff and play soldier now and again on the Internet. But the Real Deal? Seriously? You are fooling no one.

I would be proud of both of them to represent my country :salute:
Can you believe that military washout tried to lecture me about respect for a non-commissioned officer, then he tells a Senior Officer to piss off?

Just between you and me and the board, I think he's a boot camp washout or else got ahold of his daddy's medals and military pics and is playing the military game...and not quite pulling it off.

No REAL Chief would say that to you. A wash out would.
Oh that's just too damn funny. Is sarge Ollie still bound by UCMJ?

He can tell that commander to go fuck himself if he so pleases. ANYTIME he so pleases!

And you think that being officers affords you some special treatment in civilian life?



Every military member knows that it's the NCO's who run the show. Without us, you officers would be in a world of hurt. If only I had ten bucks for everytime I watched a Sr. NCO, politely yet firmly dress down a young louie or captain for being an incompetent MORON!

The thing is...I don't believe either you nor Ollie were ever NCO's. You do not have the intelligence nor the honor to be one. Simple as that. Oh sure, you probably huff and puff and play soldier now and again on the Internet. But the Real Deal? Seriously? You are fooling no one.
Oh, aren't you the funny one,

Fact is, lil' MAN, I'll put my left chest momentos up against yours any day.

Your tax paying dollars are going to pay for my lifetime care.

Doesn't that just piss you off?

I'm sure it does, washout!

Figured out how to start that plane yet?

Guess you didn't figure that one out while fantasizing you were Tom Cruise in TOP GUN.

You're a tool Bulldykea, nothing more!

BTW, Sarge Ollie wasn't a "CHIEF". You should know that. But then, we all know why you wouldn't know such a thing.

Oh that's just too damn funny. Is sarge Ollie still bound by UCMJ?

He can tell that commander to go fuck himself if he so pleases. ANYTIME he so pleases!

And you think that being officers affords you some special treatment in civilian life?



Every military member knows that it's the NCO's who run the show. Without us, you officers would be in a world of hurt. If only I had ten bucks for everytime I watched a Sr. NCO, politely yet firmly dress down a young louie or captain for being an incompetent MORON!

The thing is...I don't believe either you nor Ollie were ever NCO's. You do not have the intelligence nor the honor to be one. Simple as that. Oh sure, you probably huff and puff and play soldier now and again on the Internet. But the Real Deal? Seriously? You are fooling no one.
Oh, aren't you the funny one,

Fact is, lil' MAN, I'll put my left chest momentos up against yours any day.

Your tax paying dollars are going to pay for my lifetime care.

Doesn't that just piss you off?

I'm sure it does, washout!

Figured out how to start that plane yet?

Guess you didn't figure that one out while fantasizing you were Tom Cruise in TOP GUN.

You're a tool Bulldykea, nothing more!

BTW, Sarge Ollie wasn't a "CHIEF". You should know that. But then, we all know why you wouldn't know such a thing.


Yawn. I don't have to prove anything to someone I have on ignore. Simply not really even worth my time to bother to respond. So here's a public thank you to Jester for handling this small problem. And doing it so well.

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