Bob Barr At CPAC: 'How Would You Like To Be Waterboarded?'

The thing is...I don't believe either you nor Ollie were ever NCO's. You do not have the intelligence nor the honor to be one. Simple as that. Oh sure, you probably huff and puff and play soldier now and again on the Internet. But the Real Deal? Seriously? You are fooling no one.
Oh, aren't you the funny one,

Fact is, lil' MAN, I'll put my left chest momentos up against yours any day.

Your tax paying dollars are going to pay for my lifetime care.

Doesn't that just piss you off?

I'm sure it does, washout!

Figured out how to start that plane yet?

Guess you didn't figure that one out while fantasizing you were Tom Cruise in TOP GUN.

You're a tool Bulldykea, nothing more!

BTW, Sarge Ollie wasn't a "CHIEF". You should know that. But then, we all know why you wouldn't know such a thing.


Yawn. I don't have to prove anything to someone I have on ignore. Simply not really even worth my time to bother to respond. So here's a public thank you to Jester for handling this small problem. And doing it so well.
I don't know if you were up here when Bulldykea had a California flag desecrated with the ''gay pride" rainbow symbols in her avatar, basically trying to make a statement on her disgusting gayness. Desecrating a flag, whether it be our great countries, or a state in our great countries union, is definite conduct unbecoming of an "OFFICER".

She's full o' shit!
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Oh, aren't you the funny one,

Fact is, lil' MAN, I'll put my left chest momentos up against yours any day.

Your tax paying dollars are going to pay for my lifetime care.

Doesn't that just piss you off?

I'm sure it does, washout!

Figured out how to start that plane yet?

Guess you didn't figure that one out while fantasizing you were Tom Cruise in TOP GUN.

You're a tool Bulldykea, nothing more!

BTW, Sarge Ollie wasn't a "CHIEF". You should know that. But then, we all know why you wouldn't know such a thing.


Yawn. I don't have to prove anything to someone I have on ignore. Simply not really even worth my time to bother to respond. So here's a public thank you to Jester for handling this small problem. And doing it so well.
I don't know if you were up here when Bulldykea had a California flag desecrated with the ''gay pride" rainbow symbols in her avatar, basically trying to make a statement on her disgusting gayness. Desecrating a flag, whether it be our great countries, or a state in our great countries union, is definite conduct unbecoming of an "OFFICER".

She's full o' shit!

Yet this was a professional Military Officer? One has to wonder......
What else do you expect from that moonbat?

The courage of my convictions. The courage to know the difference between right and wrong. The courage to be willing to "say no" to Americans torturing others.

A courage you lack, quite obviously. A courage you wish to malign.
You're a fucking moonbat, that's why you get maligned.

Have you figured out how to start that plane yet, MOONBAT?

Yeah, that's what I thought!

You malign me because you don't have the courage of real convictions. You just go with whatever the right wing talkies tell you to go. You haven't had an original thought or opinion for so long you don't know what "original" means. Your brain has turned so much into mush that all you can do is spout foul language and pretend military terminology which is wrong half the time.

Sad to be you. I'm guessing you are very much alone.
Easy. Because it was not torture.


this is the supreme law of OUR land:

Article 1 of the Convention defines torture as:

Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

– Convention Against Torture, Article 1.1

Actions which fall short of torture may still constitute cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment under Article 16.

Ban on torture and cruel and degrading treatment Article 2 of the convention prohibits torture, and requires parties to take effective measures to prevent it in any territory under its jurisdiction. This prohibition is absolute and non-derogable. "No exceptional circumstances whatsoever"[5] may be invoked to justify torture, including war, threat of war, internal political instability, public emergency, terrorist acts, violent crime, or any form of armed conflict.[6] Torture cannot be justified as a means to protect public safety or prevent emergencies

What is torture is subjective. Reading your idiotic posts can be considered toture.

The CIA had medical people there who would not let waterboarding occur if it did create severe pain either physical or mental, no matter how critical the intelligence was.

Isn't that hysterical? :lol::lol::lol:
Oh that's just too damn funny. Is sarge Ollie still bound by UCMJ?

He can tell that commander to go fuck himself if he so pleases. ANYTIME he so pleases!

And you think that being officers affords you some special treatment in civilian life?



Every military member knows that it's the NCO's who run the show. Without us, you officers would be in a world of hurt. If only I had ten bucks for everytime I watched a Sr. NCO, politely yet firmly dress down a young louie or captain for being an incompetent MORON!

The thing is...I don't believe either you nor Ollie were ever NCO's. You do not have the intelligence nor the honor to be one. Simple as that. Oh sure, you probably huff and puff and play soldier now and again on the Internet. But the Real Deal? Seriously? You are fooling no one.

I would be proud of both of them to represent my country :salute:

Your country, I'm sure.

But the United States military has a higher standard.
Oh that's just too damn funny. Is sarge Ollie still bound by UCMJ?

He can tell that commander to go fuck himself if he so pleases. ANYTIME he so pleases!

And you think that being officers affords you some special treatment in civilian life?



Every military member knows that it's the NCO's who run the show. Without us, you officers would be in a world of hurt. If only I had ten bucks for everytime I watched a Sr. NCO, politely yet firmly dress down a young louie or captain for being an incompetent MORON!

The thing is...I don't believe either you nor Ollie were ever NCO's. You do not have the intelligence nor the honor to be one. Simple as that. Oh sure, you probably huff and puff and play soldier now and again on the Internet. But the Real Deal? Seriously? You are fooling no one.
Oh, aren't you the funny one,

Fact is, lil' MAN, I'll put my left chest momentos up against yours any day.

Your tax paying dollars are going to pay for my lifetime care.
Doesn't that just piss you off?

I'm sure it does, washout!

Figured out how to start that plane yet?

Guess you didn't figure that one out while fantasizing you were Tom Cruise in TOP GUN.

You're a tool Bulldykea, nothing more!

BTW, Sarge Ollie wasn't a "CHIEF". You should know that. But then, we all know why you wouldn't know such a thing.


Sure, you fall off a wall during basic because you forgot to hang on and pissed your pants at the height, the military IS liable for your care because you landed on your head.

The nice thing is...the government and your taxes is paying my retirement and my family's care (Tricare) and even if you "were" retired NCO *snicker, my retirement pay is almost TWICE what yours would be.

As for Tom Cruise...I was at Miramar when they were filming Top Gun...he about comes up to my ear and the little pissant was one of the biggest pains that base had to deal with....someone right up your alley, I suspect. A little spoiled pissant playing soldier.
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The thing is...I don't believe either you nor Ollie were ever NCO's. You do not have the intelligence nor the honor to be one. Simple as that. Oh sure, you probably huff and puff and play soldier now and again on the Internet. But the Real Deal? Seriously? You are fooling no one.
Oh, aren't you the funny one,

Fact is, lil' MAN, I'll put my left chest momentos up against yours any day.

Your tax paying dollars are going to pay for my lifetime care.

Doesn't that just piss you off?

I'm sure it does, washout!

Figured out how to start that plane yet?

Guess you didn't figure that one out while fantasizing you were Tom Cruise in TOP GUN.

You're a tool Bulldykea, nothing more!

BTW, Sarge Ollie wasn't a "CHIEF". You should know that. But then, we all know why you wouldn't know such a thing.


Yawn. I don't have to prove anything to someone I have on ignore. Simply not really even worth my time to bother to respond. So here's a public thank you to Jester for handling this small problem. And doing it so well.

See, we don't need a crystal ball to know that poser pissants stick together. :lol:
BTW, Sarge Ollie wasn't a "CHIEF". You should know that. But then, we all know why you wouldn't know such a thing.


I will admit that I assumed he was an E7 from the Army, however, depending on his age, he very well could have been a shipfitter chief: SFC (E7)
Easy. Because it was not torture.


this is the supreme law of OUR land:

Article 1 of the Convention defines torture as:

Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

– Convention Against Torture, Article 1.1

Actions which fall short of torture may still constitute cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment under Article 16.

Ban on torture and cruel and degrading treatment Article 2 of the convention prohibits torture, and requires parties to take effective measures to prevent it in any territory under its jurisdiction. This prohibition is absolute and non-derogable. "No exceptional circumstances whatsoever"[5] may be invoked to justify torture, including war, threat of war, internal political instability, public emergency, terrorist acts, violent crime, or any form of armed conflict.[6] Torture cannot be justified as a means to protect public safety or prevent emergencies

What is torture is subjective. Reading your idiotic posts can be considered toture.

The CIA had medical people there who would not let waterboarding occur if it did create severe pain either physical or mental, no matter how critical the intelligence was.

that is really funny. Do you expect me to believe that, if some CIA doctor had the temerity to suggest that a high value terrorist target might consider being waterboarded as a servere mental suffering, the interrogators would have NOT used that technique on him? Better yet, do you actually expect our enemies of today OR every or any enemy of the future to believe that?:lol:
BTW, Sarge Ollie wasn't a "CHIEF". You should know that. But then, we all know why you wouldn't know such a thing.


I will admit that I assumed he was an E7 from the Army, however, depending on his age, he very well could have been a shipfitter chief: SFC (E7)

I believe the chevrons in my signature kind of give it away.

plus we've already determined that you don't have the reasoning power to make it to E7 in the Sea Services ;)
Oh, aren't you the funny one,

Fact is, lil' MAN, I'll put my left chest momentos up against yours any day.

Your tax paying dollars are going to pay for my lifetime care.

Doesn't that just piss you off?

I'm sure it does, washout!

Figured out how to start that plane yet?

Guess you didn't figure that one out while fantasizing you were Tom Cruise in TOP GUN.

You're a tool Bulldykea, nothing more!

BTW, Sarge Ollie wasn't a "CHIEF". You should know that. But then, we all know why you wouldn't know such a thing.


Yawn. I don't have to prove anything to someone I have on ignore. Simply not really even worth my time to bother to respond. So here's a public thank you to Jester for handling this small problem. And doing it so well.

See, we don't need a crystal ball to know that poser pissants stick together. :lol:
Fact is, I have very lil' doubt you served. I also have no doubt that you served below deck, and you suffer from "officer envy", to the point you try and represent yourself as such

Your disgusting comments about NCO's speaks volumes. NO OFFICER I SERVED WITH would ever make such statements. Nor would they expect special treatment in civilian life the way you think officers are owed this "great respect."

Your shit stinks just like everybody else, and you egg fart just like like the rest of us, BULLDYKEA!

Deal with it!... You ain't shit!
I will admit that I assumed he was an E7 from the Army, however, depending on his age, he very well could have been a shipfitter chief: SFC (E7)

I believe the chevrons in my signature kind of give it away.

plus we've already determined that you don't have the reasoning power to make it to E7 in the Sea Services ;)
Sea services?

You mean the services performed by men who spend months on end at sea without a female in sight?....Yeah buddy, whole lotta grab ass goin' on aboard the USS LOVE BOAT!

Yeah, I can just imagine the services being performed by you on your bosun's mate, and vice versa!


Oh by the way, those bell bottoms and faggy hats are quite a fashion statement!, as are your "ditto" blue jeans and gay white shoes!:razz:

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I will admit that I assumed he was an E7 from the Army, however, depending on his age, he very well could have been a shipfitter chief: SFC (E7)

I believe the chevrons in my signature kind of give it away.

plus we've already determined that you don't have the reasoning power to make it to E7 in the Sea Services ;)

Nor the Intestinal Fortitude.

What E-7 do you know, CDR, that would run and put people on Ignore simply because they don't like what they hear...and then hide behind the apron strings of another poser pissant to take pot shots at that person they've supposedly put on ignore.

Not exactly military material. Maybe "hide behind mommy" material...but not military material.
Yawn. I don't have to prove anything to someone I have on ignore. Simply not really even worth my time to bother to respond. So here's a public thank you to Jester for handling this small problem. And doing it so well.

See, we don't need a crystal ball to know that poser pissants stick together. :lol:
Fact is, I have very lil' doubt you served. I also have no doubt that you served below deck, and you suffer from "officer envy", to the point you try and represent yourself as such

Your disgusting comments about NCO's speaks volumes. NO OFFICER I SERVED WITH would ever make such statements. Nor would they expect special treatment in civilian life the way you think officers are owed this "great respect."

Your shit stinks just like everybody else, and you egg fart just like like the rest of us, BULLDYKEA!

Deal with it!... You ain't shit!

Hmmm...Let's see. Nope. You not believing me makes NO difference in my Retirement Check. It still comes in every month...out of your tax money...and a LOT more than you would ever have gotten if you'd lasted past the first week of boot camp.

:lol::lol::lol: Think I'll go balance my checkbook....:lol::lol::lol:
I believe the chevrons in my signature kind of give it away.

plus we've already determined that you don't have the reasoning power to make it to E7 in the Sea Services ;)

Nor the Intestinal Fortitude.

What E-7 do you know, CDR, that would run and put people on Ignore simply because they don't like what they hear...and then hide behind the apron strings of another poser pissant to take pot shots at that person they've supposedly put on ignore.

Not exactly military material. Maybe "hide behind mommy" material...but not military material.

well... I wouldn't be that hard on the sarge... people change once they leave the rigors of active service.
plus we've already determined that you don't have the reasoning power to make it to E7 in the Sea Services ;)

Nor the Intestinal Fortitude.

What E-7 do you know, CDR, that would run and put people on Ignore simply because they don't like what they hear...and then hide behind the apron strings of another poser pissant to take pot shots at that person they've supposedly put on ignore.

Not exactly military material. Maybe "hide behind mommy" material...but not military material.

well... I wouldn't be that hard on the sarge... people change once they leave the rigors of active service.

True...but, character is character. I cannot see someone who made it thru the military to retirement HIDING from any discussion. Character will out, as they say.
Nor the Intestinal Fortitude.

What E-7 do you know, CDR, that would run and put people on Ignore simply because they don't like what they hear...and then hide behind the apron strings of another poser pissant to take pot shots at that person they've supposedly put on ignore.

Not exactly military material. Maybe "hide behind mommy" material...but not military material.

well... I wouldn't be that hard on the sarge... people change once they leave the rigors of active service.

True...but, character is character. I cannot see someone who made it thru the military to retirement HIDING from any discussion. Character will out, as they say.

it is, however, just an internet message board. If the discussion is not rewarding or fulfilling in any meaningful way, why engage in it? Life is too short (at my point along the curve anyhow) to spent even a moment doing something un enjoyable.
well... I wouldn't be that hard on the sarge... people change once they leave the rigors of active service.

True...but, character is character. I cannot see someone who made it thru the military to retirement HIDING from any discussion. Character will out, as they say.

it is, however, just an internet message board. If the discussion is not rewarding or fulfilling in any meaningful way, why engage in it? Life is too short (at my point along the curve anyhow) to spent even a moment doing something un enjoyable.

Ah poor bodecea, still crying after attacking my integrity and getting ignored for it. Sorry about that, but life is a bitch and this old Sergeant has little patience with stupidity these days. And you still want to attack me and my service you go right ahead, I only see it if someone else re-posts it and most who see it, see nothing but WHINE.
well... I wouldn't be that hard on the sarge... people change once they leave the rigors of active service.

True...but, character is character. I cannot see someone who made it thru the military to retirement HIDING from any discussion. Character will out, as they say.

it is, however, just an internet message board. If the discussion is not rewarding or fulfilling in any meaningful way, why engage in it? Life is too short (at my point along the curve anyhow) to spent even a moment doing something un enjoyable.

I agree with that....but what can we say about the character of a poster who, in essence, says "Oooo! I don't like what you are saying so I will put you on Ignore so I don't have to listen to you...nana nana boo boo!" and then they snipe at the poster they "supposedly" have on Ignore.

Smacks of a little child, not an adult, running from the room screaming with their hands over their ears going "la la la la la...I caaaaan't heeeear yooooou!" then running behind Mommy to shout bad things at the person they "supposedly" can't hear.

Cheap, cowardly....again, points to Character (or lack thereof)

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