Bob Barr At CPAC: 'How Would You Like To Be Waterboarded?'

True...but, character is character. I cannot see someone who made it thru the military to retirement HIDING from any discussion. Character will out, as they say.

it is, however, just an internet message board. If the discussion is not rewarding or fulfilling in any meaningful way, why engage in it? Life is too short (at my point along the curve anyhow) to spent even a moment doing something un enjoyable.

Ah poor bodecea, still crying after attacking my integrity and getting ignored for it. Sorry about that, but life is a bitch and this old Sergeant has little patience with stupidity these days. And you still want to attack me and my service you go right ahead, I only see it if someone else re-posts it and most who see it, see nothing but WHINE.

See? Exhibit B or C or D (I lost track)
Ah...but where is the proof that waterboarding saves lives?

It's really all about revenge and torture for torture's sake.

Wheres the proof that waterboarding didn't save lives???

As for revenge?? Naa. Thats a dish best served cold.

How about finding out about another 9-11 or worse?? Works for me.

Your logic isn't.

So...since, as you say, there is NO PROOF that waterboarding doesn't work...let's just use it on any suspect for any crime. After all, there's NO PROOF it doesn't work. And it makes YOU feel so gosh darn good also.

I'm sure KSM's interrogators could tell you how well it works and how much info they got from the dirtbag. Far from useless info.

My logic says that if waterboarding will get the info to prevent another 9-11, save American lives and kill the dirtbags then I'm all for it.

Your logic still seems to equate Terrorism with criminal activity. You have apparantly gone back to the pre-9-11 mindset. Thats where we differ big time.

If you want to call waterboarding torture, then feel free. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one. Mine just differs from yours.
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Wheres the proof that waterboarding didn't save lives???

As for revenge?? Naa. Thats a dish best served cold.

How about finding out about another 9-11 or worse?? Works for me.

Your logic isn't.

So...since, as you say, there is NO PROOF that waterboarding doesn't work...let's just use it on any suspect for any crime. After all, there's NO PROOF it doesn't work. And it makes YOU feel so gosh darn good also.

I'm sure KSM's interrogators could tell you how well it works and how much info they got from the dirtbag. Far from useless info.

My logic says that if waterboarding will get the info to prevent another 9-11, save American lives and kill the dirtbags then I'm all for it.

Your logic still seems to equate Terrorism with criminal activity. You have apparantly gone back to the pre-9-11 mindset. Thats where we differ big time.

If you want to call waterboarding torture, then feel free. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one. Mine just differs from yours.

If Terrorism is NOT criminal activity, then it is military activity. Do you want those we have captured treated as POWs with NO trial at all?

And the law as shown by Maineman pretty clearly defines waterboarding as torture. We tried and convicted Japanese officers for doing that very thing after WWII.
Bob Barr At CPAC: 'How Would You Like To Be Waterboarded?'
"There is nothing magical about a military tribunal," Barr said, as boos from the audience began cascading around him. "They don't have, necessarily, better lawyers than in a civilian sector. I think I have a lot more faith in our U.S. attorneys who are non political, than my colleagues on the other side of this debate do. We can try them. We should try them. That is precisely... what our law provides for. And if next time we are faced with a situation we say: 'Oh, you know, we want to have them go to the military. Let them torture them for a while. It's not enhanced interrogation techniques. Waterboarding is torture. How would you like to be waterboarded? Try that!"

Needless to say, Barr was alone with his sentiments. Following him on the dais was Viet Dinh, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center and one of the authors of the USA Patriot Act.


My thought is that Barr never had someone sitting in front of him who had information that would save the lives of people he loved or the lives of other innocent people. Believe me if their was someone in front of me that had info that would save the life of your children, my children or somebody elses mom or uncle, wife or husband. That person will talk. One way or the other.
Bob Barr At CPAC: 'How Would You Like To Be Waterboarded?'
"There is nothing magical about a military tribunal," Barr said, as boos from the audience began cascading around him. "They don't have, necessarily, better lawyers than in a civilian sector. I think I have a lot more faith in our U.S. attorneys who are non political, than my colleagues on the other side of this debate do. We can try them. We should try them. That is precisely... what our law provides for. And if next time we are faced with a situation we say: 'Oh, you know, we want to have them go to the military. Let them torture them for a while. It's not enhanced interrogation techniques. Waterboarding is torture. How would you like to be waterboarded? Try that!"

Needless to say, Barr was alone with his sentiments. Following him on the dais was Viet Dinh, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center and one of the authors of the USA Patriot Act.


My thought is that Barr never had someone sitting in front of him who had information that would save the lives of people he loved or the lives of other innocent people. Believe me if their was someone in front of me that had info that would save the life of your children, my children or somebody elses mom or uncle, wife or husband. That person will talk. One way or the other.

But, you are not sworn to uphold the laws of the United States, are you?
My thought is that Barr never had someone sitting in front of him who had information that would save the lives of people he loved or the lives of other innocent people. Believe me if their was someone in front of me that had info that would save the life of your children, my children or somebody elses mom or uncle, wife or husband. That person will talk. One way or the other.

would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?
My thought is that Barr never had someone sitting in front of him who had information that would save the lives of people he loved or the lives of other innocent people. Believe me if their was someone in front of me that had info that would save the life of your children, my children or somebody elses mom or uncle, wife or husband. That person will talk. One way or the other.

would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?

No, I believe that only holds to Islamic people! :cuckoo::lol:..
My thought is that Barr never had someone sitting in front of him who had information that would save the lives of people he loved or the lives of other innocent people. Believe me if their was someone in front of me that had info that would save the life of your children, my children or somebody elses mom or uncle, wife or husband. That person will talk. One way or the other.

would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?
I wouldn't waterboard 'em. I'd actually TORTURE the motherfucker!
My thought is that Barr never had someone sitting in front of him who had information that would save the lives of people he loved or the lives of other innocent people. Believe me if their was someone in front of me that had info that would save the life of your children, my children or somebody elses mom or uncle, wife or husband. That person will talk. One way or the other.

would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?
I wouldn't waterboard 'em. I'd actually TORTURE the motherfucker!

Of course you would...because you are unacquainted with the oath we in the military take to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
My thought is that Barr never had someone sitting in front of him who had information that would save the lives of people he loved or the lives of other innocent people. Believe me if their was someone in front of me that had info that would save the life of your children, my children or somebody elses mom or uncle, wife or husband. That person will talk. One way or the other.

would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?

No, I believe that only holds to Islamic people! :cuckoo::lol:..

I cannot speak for everyone. If Mcveigh was caught and had information that could stop the OKC bombing. My family members or yours. I would do the same to him. You are "cuckoo" if you would not.
would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?

No, I believe that only holds to Islamic people! :cuckoo::lol:..

I cannot speak for everyone. If Mcveigh was caught and had information that could stop the OKC bombing. My family members or yours. I would do the same to him. You are "cuckoo" if you would not.

And what if someone who has the same sentiments you do thought (erroneously) that YOU had evidence to save their family. Would you be ok with them not believing your pleas of innocence and torturing you?
would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?

No, I believe that only holds to Islamic people! :cuckoo::lol:..

I cannot speak for everyone. If Mcveigh was caught and had information that could stop the OKC bombing. My family members or yours. I would do the same to him. You are "cuckoo" if you would not.

And...If they could have cought Roeder (Whome MUDERED an Abortion provider)..You would have supported them torturing him to try to get Information out of him? I do not support torture in ANY case. Especially not against these guys who are TRAINED to resist it and give fualty info to interrogators.
would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?
I wouldn't waterboard 'em. I'd actually TORTURE the motherfucker!

Of course you would...because you are unacquainted with the oath we in the military take to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
So tell me, where is the evidence that our TROOPS were SUPPOSEDLY torturing people.:eusa_whistle:

Show me the irrefutable evidence that our TROOPS were involved in TORTURE!

Did our TROOPS waterboard KSM?

Waterboarding isn't torture, but we'll use it as an example for the argument at hand.

Oh, and for your information, since you obviously don't know this, and we ALL know why. I'm no longer bound by UCMJ. That's military law for your information. I can torture who ever I please, and if prosecuted, that would fall under CIVILIAN LAW!

Christ, exposing you is just too damn easy!

Seriously, you're a tool!
I wouldn't waterboard 'em. I'd actually TORTURE the motherfucker!

Of course you would...because you are unacquainted with the oath we in the military take to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
So tell me, where is the evidence that our TROOPS were SUPPOSEDLY torturing people.:eusa_whistle:

Show me the irrefutable evidence that our TROOPS were involved in TORTURE!

Did our TROOPS waterboard KSM?

Waterboarding isn't torture, but we'll use it as an example for the argument at hand.

Oh, and for your information, since you obviously don't know this, and we ALL know why. I'm no longer bound by UCMJ. That's military law for your information. I can torture who ever I please, and if prosecuted, that would fall under CIVILIAN LAW!

Christ, exposing you is just too damn easy!

Seriously, you're a tool!

Abu Ghraib....:eusa_whistle: I believe there Pictures.

And remember everyone who might have at one time or another "believed" or agreed with Wicked Jester....he "can torture who ever" he pleases. That someone to admire or befriend? Don't think so.
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Of course you would...because you are unacquainted with the oath we in the military take to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
So tell me, where is the evidence that our TROOPS were SUPPOSEDLY torturing people.:eusa_whistle:

Show me the irrefutable evidence that our TROOPS were involved in TORTURE!

Did our TROOPS waterboard KSM?

Waterboarding isn't torture, but we'll use it as an example for the argument at hand.

Oh, and for your information, since you obviously don't know this, and we ALL know why. I'm no longer bound by UCMJ. That's military law for your information. I can torture who ever I please, and if prosecuted, that would fall under CIVILIAN LAW!

Christ, exposing you is just too damn easy!

Seriously, you're a tool!

Abu Ghraib....:eusa_whistle: I believe there Pictures.
And where's the evidence of torture?:eusa_whistle:

What you had was a bunch of National Guard troops in an obviously poorly supervised unit acting like drunken' frat boys. Too include the lil' lesbian freak.

Still, no evidence they tortured anybody. They were moron's, that's about it!

Once again, epic fail from our resident officer envier!::cuckoo:
I wouldn't waterboard 'em. I'd actually TORTURE the motherfucker!

Of course you would...because you are unacquainted with the oath we in the military take to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
So tell me, where is the evidence that our TROOPS were SUPPOSEDLY torturing people.:eusa_whistle:

Show me the irrefutable evidence that our TROOPS were involved in TORTURE!

Did our TROOPS waterboard KSM?

Waterboarding isn't torture, but we'll use it as an example for the argument at hand.

Oh, and for your information, since you obviously don't know this, and we ALL know why. I'm no longer bound by UCMJ. That's military law for your information. I can torture who ever I please, and if prosecuted, that would fall under CIVILIAN LAW!

Christ, exposing you is just too damn easy!

Seriously, you're a tool!

The Army interrogation manual and the UCMJ prohibts torture, period. If any troops torture, they will be court martialed. I don't see a problem here.

Oh, TwistedJoker, you are indeed the tool of those far smarter than you who use you without kissing you. You are without a doubt :cuckoo:.
So tell me, where is the evidence that our TROOPS were SUPPOSEDLY torturing people.:eusa_whistle:

Show me the irrefutable evidence that our TROOPS were involved in TORTURE!

Did our TROOPS waterboard KSM?

Waterboarding isn't torture, but we'll use it as an example for the argument at hand.

Oh, and for your information, since you obviously don't know this, and we ALL know why. I'm no longer bound by UCMJ. That's military law for your information. I can torture who ever I please, and if prosecuted, that would fall under CIVILIAN LAW!

Christ, exposing you is just too damn easy!

Seriously, you're a tool!

Abu Ghraib....:eusa_whistle: I believe there Pictures.
And where's the evidence of torture?:eusa_whistle:

What you had was a bunch of National Guard troops in an obviously poorly supervised unit acting like drunken' frat boys. Too include the lil' lesbian freak.

Still, no evidence they tortured anybody. They were moron's, that's about it!

Once again, epic fail from our resident officer envier!::cuckoo:
Am I actually hearing you state that there was no evidence of torture at Abu Ghraib? :lol::lol::lol:

"I can torture who ever I please" - alleged Military Veteran Wicked Jester 2/23/10
would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?
I wouldn't waterboard 'em. I'd actually TORTURE the motherfucker!

Of course you would...because you are unacquainted with the oath we in the military take to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
This is for you. I fully understand why you wouldn't know the concept of UCMJ, we ALL know why that is. So, this is just to help you to understand, since you OBVIOUSLY don't have a clue. No thanks necessary, BTW:
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I wouldn't waterboard 'em. I'd actually TORTURE the motherfucker!

Of course you would...because you are unacquainted with the oath we in the military take to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
This is for you. I fully understand why you wouldn't know the concept of UCMJ, we ALL know why that is. So, this is just to help you to understand, since you OBVIOUSLY don't have a clue. No thanks necessary, BTW:

You google adequately.

"I can torture who ever I please" - alleged Military Veteran Wicked Jester 2/23/10
My thought is that Barr never had someone sitting in front of him who had information that would save the lives of people he loved or the lives of other innocent people. Believe me if their was someone in front of me that had info that would save the life of your children, my children or somebody elses mom or uncle, wife or husband. That person will talk. One way or the other.

would that sentiment hold if the person sitting in front of you was an American citizen who you believed had information that might save the life of one of your family members?
I wouldn't waterboard 'em. I'd actually TORTURE the motherfucker!

such an attitude would insure that you would never be placed in a position of interrogating anyone, and would further insure that, if you somehow WERE able to take part in any interrogation, that you yourself would be prosecuted for your crime, convicted and quickly turned into some large convict's toothless wife.

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