Bob Dole Trashes GOP, Says They Need A Sign That Reads "Closed For Repairs"

Listen to Bob Dole or listen to the losers on our far right, who are like moles avoiding the light.
Bob Olde is one of those losers, to go along with Juan McQuisling and Mittens.

G'head and let the losers tell you how to win, loser.
Listen to Bob Dole or listen to the losers on our far right, who are like moles avoiding the light.
Bob Olde is one of those losers, to go along with Juan McQuisling and Mittens.

G'head and let the losers tell you how to win, loser.

You are a libertarian, the flip side to a communist, so, yes, you are the losing side.
Once again, you haven't the first idea of what you're blabbering about.

But that you throw in with losers for a blueprint on how to win is instructive. :lol:
Which party holds the majority of governorships and state houses?

Republicans hold 30 out of 50 Governorships, 29 House/Assembly and the same for State houses (29). That's really not a margin to get cocky about, especially when the agenda the Tea Baggers espouse isn't all that popular with the American people.
Thank you. Yes, the GOP is making gains in every election on the statewide level. The current gross scandalous abuse coming out of Washington is not limited to Washington. It is symptomatic of the disdain that Democrats have for the public. This will lead to a backlash, with Dems hounded out of office. Heck, we might just make Marriage=One Man+One Woman the law in every state constitution.

5 out of the last 6, Rabbi, 5 out of the last 6. Ideas popular locally are not popular nationally or globally. If the GOP keeps wasting time on partisan witch hunts like they did with Clinton, they aren't going to keep their seats in the House and Senate for long, Gerrymandering or no.
Bob Olde is one of those losers, to go along with Juan McQuisling and Mittens.

G'head and let the losers tell you how to win, loser.

You are a libertarian, the flip side to a communist, so, yes, you are the losing side.
Once again, you haven't the first idea of what you're blabbering about.

But that you throw in with losers for a blueprint on how to win is instructive. :lol:

Once again, you are the least able on this Board to defend your philosophy.

You simply don't have what it takes.
Actually there’s a lot of sanity in the GOP, it’s just cowering in the corner fearful of being primaried.


Dole comes from a time when "cooperation" was not confused with "capitulation".
Republicans weren't afraid to work with Democrats (and vice versa) because they understood that the other party was not the "enemy".

Like hell....The GOP has been capitulating since at least Eisenhower.....It was the only way they could get tee times and invited to the cocktail circuit.

actually it goes back a little bit further than that..., BUT ! not only have the GOP capitulated, the entire conservative group have allowed the democRATS/liberals to slowly take our freedoms and liberties away.., e.g., "WE JUST WANT YOU TO STOP SMOKING ON AIRPLANES" look where the smokers are today.., a hated group of people who are doing something LEGAL.., so far !! (i am a FORMER smoker, but still defend their right to smoke !!!!!!)

then let's take a look at "GUN CONTROL" back in the "good old days", cir.1950, a 12 y.o. child could walk into the local general store and buy a .22 rifle and the ammo needed to pop a few squirrels for supper or the hen house raider, today a 12 y.o. don't even know what a "cap gun" is and being able to buy a .22 rifle and ammo.., ha ! forget it he would be sent to juvenile detention and psychoanalyzed for the rest of his life !!

oooooh ! one last thing on gun control, the Negotiable Rights Association has compromised our second amendment rights away so much that we have over 25,000 anti gun laws on the books. the NRA is reason we are not allowed to buy a full automatic weapon without jumping thru hoops and paying an exorbitant price..., e.g., $25,000.00 for a legal M-16 where as back in 1976AD our countries bicentennial an M-16 cost $1,600.00........., thank you NRA.., you fucking assholes.

ooooooh.., one other last thing, the NRA was responsible for the machine gun act of 1934...,

NRA Supported the National Firearms Act of 1934

In fact, they've supported gun rights infringements "since...1871."
I don't fully know what Dole meant, but I'm ready to get rid of some Rhino's myself.

Put in some who will stick to their guns in the battles with the Dems. In the Gov't shutdowns, and OH MY GOD SEQUESTER I'd have shut it down.

We've done it before, and the SKY DIDN'T FALL DEMS? Like Obama running around the country YELLING THEY ARE SHUTTING YOU DOWN AMERICA.


Right. Becaus eit worked so well for the GOP in the 90's. Just ask Gingrich.

Gingrich did shut down the Gov't several times with Clinton. They stopped Hillary Care. And got Welfare reform and cuts in Gov't. They forced Clinton in on alot of this stuff with the Shutdowns. Then when it worked the Dems and Clinton took credit for it.

I just love it when people re-write history. Clinton ran on welfare reform as one of his prime issues. It was something the far right despises, compromising, that got things done.
With today's GOP, having a dysfunctional government with absolutely no compromise because party is more important than country is the preferred methodology. Nothing gets done.
Right. Becaus eit worked so well for the GOP in the 90's. Just ask Gingrich.

Gingrich did shut down the Gov't several times with Clinton. They stopped Hillary Care. And got Welfare reform and cuts in Gov't. They forced Clinton in on alot of this stuff with the Shutdowns. Then when it worked the Dems and Clinton took credit for it.

I just love it when people re-write history. Clinton ran on welfare reform as one of his prime issues. It was something the far right despises, compromising, that got things done.
With today's GOP, having a dysfunctional government with absolutely no compromise because party is more important than country is the preferred methodology. Nothing gets done.

welfare reform is something the right despises? that's news to me
and what haven't they compromised on with Obama that is so MAJOR important? Him wanting to SPEND us into dept hell and throw more laws on the legal gun owners who did NOTHING to have them put on them? the people put Republicans in the house in 2010 to STOP Obama...He got his Socialized ObamaCare, grew the government EVEN MORE that we get to PAY FOR..
what more do you people want
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Republicans hold 30 out of 50 Governorships, 29 House/Assembly and the same for State houses (29). That's really not a margin to get cocky about, especially when the agenda the Tea Baggers espouse isn't all that popular with the American people.
Thank you. Yes, the GOP is making gains in every election on the statewide level. The current gross scandalous abuse coming out of Washington is not limited to Washington. It is symptomatic of the disdain that Democrats have for the public. This will lead to a backlash, with Dems hounded out of office. Heck, we might just make Marriage=One Man+One Woman the law in every state constitution.

5 out of the last 6, Rabbi, 5 out of the last 6. Ideas popular locally are not popular nationally or globally. If the GOP keeps wasting time on partisan witch hunts like they did with Clinton, they aren't going to keep their seats in the House and Senate for long, Gerrymandering or no.
5 of the last 6 what? Nice how you cherry pick. The GOP has won 5 of the last 9 presidential elections. The Dems won the last one through fraud and promising gov't cheese to inner city Negroes. "Local" in your parlance means from Florida to North dakota. Hardly convincing arguments.

The current scandals are hardly "partisan witch hunts." They are investigations into the most massive abuse of power since Richard Nixon. You are concerned with abuse of power, right? Or not if your side is the one doing it.
The same Bob Dole the Left smeared as being old and out of touch? That Bob Dole?
How come whenever some forgotten no one in the GOP criticizes the party the Left is all over him. But when prominent Democrats criticize their party they're smeared as traitors?

The republicans are so far right since the tparty hijacked it that even conservatives like bob dole and reagan seem like liberals today. That's why.:eusa_silenced:
Ha. you folks brag about Obama wining by 3 percent with less then 60 percent. Yeah Obama won the election but in reality democrats are losing the country. It is only going to get worse for democrats.

Do you have any empirical evidence that the "Democrats are losing the country"?


The GOP controls more and more governorships and state houses with every election.

That will change in 2014.
Gibberish from the libertarian and reactionary wings of our GOP.

They were informed if they interfered with electing Romney, they would be marginalized and discounted in the party.

That is happening now, they can't stop it, and they are raving.
The same Bob Dole the Left smeared as being old and out of touch? That Bob Dole?
How come whenever some forgotten no one in the GOP criticizes the party the Left is all over him. But when prominent Democrats criticize their party they're smeared as traitors?

The republicans are so far right since the tparty hijacked it that even conservatives like bob dole and reagan seem like liberals today. That's why.:eusa_silenced:

lol, you are such a parrot
were you even born when Bob Dole ran for President?
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The same Bob Dole the Left smeared as being old and out of touch? That Bob Dole?
How come whenever some forgotten no one in the GOP criticizes the party the Left is all over him. But when prominent Democrats criticize their party they're smeared as traitors?

The same can be said about the "conservatives" and the way they flock over "Black conservatives" who make ignorant, inaccurate blanket generalizations about "the Blacks".

That's pretty much the same thing that happened to General Powell and Michael Steele when they didn't tow the "conservative" republican party line.

Didn't "tow the conservative line"?

I think endorsing obozo pretty much crossed the line. I don't know much about Steele, but his "leadership" was about as effective as your moonbat messiah's "transparent" government.

I just have to wonder if you were born that stupid, or are you deliberately this ignorant?

It would take a lot less effort to simply embrace reality you know.

Former RNC chair Michael Steele: At least Republicans won when I was in office

Most of the people who refer to Our President as a "messiah" are at best, a bunch of ignorant dolts and sore losers. Thanks for the laugh! :lol:

Read more: Michael Steele: At least Republicans won when I was in office | The Daily Caller
The same can be said about the "conservatives" and the way they flock over "Black conservatives" who make ignorant, inaccurate blanket generalizations about "the Blacks".

That's pretty much the same thing that happened to General Powell and Michael Steele when they didn't tow the "conservative" republican party line.

Didn't "tow the conservative line"?

I think endorsing obozo pretty much crossed the line. I don't know much about Steele, but his "leadership" was about as effective as your moonbat messiah's "transparent" government.

I just have to wonder if you were born that stupid, or are you deliberately this ignorant?

It would take a lot less effort to simply embrace reality you know.

Former RNC chair Michael Steele: At least Republicans won when I was in office

Most of the people who refer to Our President as a "messiah" are at best, a bunch of ignorant dolts and sore losers. Thanks for the laugh! :lol:

Read more: Michael Steele: At least Republicans won when I was in office | The Daily Caller

well, Messiah is better than some of the names you people called Bush...Shrub is one, chimp is I guess they were ignorant dolts and sore losers too?
well, Messiah is better than some of the names you people called Bush...Shrub is one, chimp is I guess they were ignorant dolts and sore losers too?

So you are describing yourself as a dolt because you call names? Well, that's a start to self enlightenment.
The same Bob Dole the Left smeared as being old and out of touch? That Bob Dole?
How come whenever some forgotten no one in the GOP criticizes the party the Left is all over him. But when prominent Democrats criticize their party they're smeared as traitors?

The republicans are so far right since the tparty hijacked it that even conservatives like bob dole and reagan seem like liberals today. That's why.:eusa_silenced:

lol, you are such a parrot
were you even born when Bob Dole ran for President?


I am going to have to start feeding you crackers if you keep that up.

Yeah I was already borned by then.

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