Bob Dole Trashes GOP, Says They Need A Sign That Reads "Closed For Repairs"

Republicans are now in the habit of editing their views, and they've been in it for 10 years. The Bush White House suppressed dissent; talk-radio stars functioned as enforcers; the angrier parts of the base, on the Internet, attempted to silence critical thinkers. Orthodoxy was everything, or orthodoxy as some defined it. This isn't loyalty, it's lockstep. It has harmed the party's creativity, its ability to think, when now more than ever it has to.

This isn't loyalty, it's lockstep. It has harmed the party's creativity, its ability to think, when now more than ever it has to. Enough.

Noonan: Republicans Need to Talk
Who's interested in what Peggy Noonan has to say? SHe disgraced herself with a series of adulations on the newly elected Obama.
I must say that as a far left liberal, all this in-fighting in the GOP over whether to go crazy right or moderate is sure fun to watch.

"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."

Should be the motto of the Democrat Party.
Actually there’s a lot of sanity in the GOP, it’s just cowering in the corner fearful of being primaried.


Dole comes from a time when "cooperation" was not confused with "capitulation".
Republicans weren't afraid to work with Democrats (and vice versa) because they understood that the other party was not the "enemy".

Like hell....The GOP has been capitulating since at least Eisenhower.....It was the only way they could get tee times and invited to the cocktail circuit.

In a way, I actually don't disagree with you.

Over the last few decades, the Right has allowed the Left to slowly and incrementally make the federal bureaucracy more influential and authoritarian. We sure as hell didn't get here overnight. The Left has been very patient, taking little victories along the way, and now we've passed the tipping point.

The hardcore righties have somehow convinced themselves that they can just run in like a bull in a china shop and grab it all back overnight, and that's just impossible. It's too late. The votes are simply not there nationally. If you want to decrease the size, scope, depth and cost of government, it can only be done incrementally, like the Left did it. Slowly. Through both legislation and the culture.

Personally, I don't think we can get there from here, but that's just me.

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The same Bob Dole the Left smeared as being old and out of touch? That Bob Dole?
How come whenever some forgotten no one in the GOP criticizes the party the Left is all over him. But when prominent Democrats criticize their party they're smeared as traitors?

Ha, when has a democrat every vilified their party? Lemmings run together.
Republicans are now in the habit of editing their views, and they've been in it for 10 years. The Bush White House suppressed dissent; talk-radio stars functioned as enforcers; the angrier parts of the base, on the Internet, attempted to silence critical thinkers. Orthodoxy was everything, or orthodoxy as some defined it. This isn't loyalty, it's lockstep. It has harmed the party's creativity, its ability to think, when now more than ever it has to.

This isn't loyalty, it's lockstep. It has harmed the party's creativity, its ability to think, when now more than ever it has to. Enough.

Noonan: Republicans Need to Talk
Total crap.

There were lots of people speaking out against Chimpola's runaway spending, bureaucratic bloat and bailout mania....That the bulk of them were cheerleaders for the warmongering doesn't change the fact.

Looks to me like ol' Peggy is talking about herself, more so than anyone else.

Dole comes from a time when "cooperation" was not confused with "capitulation".
Republicans weren't afraid to work with Democrats (and vice versa) because they understood that the other party was not the "enemy".

Like hell....The GOP has been capitulating since at least Eisenhower.....It was the only way they could get tee times and invited to the cocktail circuit.

In a way, I actually don't disagree with you.

Over the last few decades, the Right has allowed the Left to slowly and incrementally make the federal bureaucracy more influential and authoritarian. We sure as hell didn't get here overnight. The Left has been very patient, taking little victories along the way, and now we've passed the tipping point.

The hardcore righties have somehow convinced themselves that they can just run in like a bull in a china shop and grab it all back overnight, and that's just impossible. It's too late. The votes are simply not there nationally. If you want to decrease the size, scope, depth and cost of government, it can only be done incrementally, like the Left did it. Slowly. Through both legislation and the culture.

Personally, I don't think we can get there from here, but that's just me.

What do you propose we should have done to incrementally free the slaves at the end of the Civil War?....All that freedom at once can be quite a jolt to the system!

Sometimes the baby does need to get thrown out with the bathwater....Especially when it's Rosemary's baby.
OK, so Dole got a shot of cool aid instead of his normal dose of lithium. Dole didn't make it when he ran because HE had no ideas. HE didn't inspire and like Obama he doesn't know how. Nixon and Reagan would win hands down becaue they inspire becaue they have ideas. The only thing the Republicans are doing wrong is they keep nominating closet liberals for president. Reagan would unite the base like Dole, McCain and Romney could never do.

The Republicans are doing what they need do to stop the liberal agenda, hats off to them. It isn't time to stop there is never a time to stop defending freedom.
Let's review the beliefs of your average GOP member:

1. Clinton is to blame for 9/11.
2. Tax cuts bring in more revenue.
3. Lax gun laws reduce gun violence.
4. Govt spending cannot create jobs unless its Defense Dept spending.
5. The Bush Presidency was going well until the new Democratic Congress ruined everything.
6. Making the sick and elderly pay for their own medical care would make them better off.
7. We attacked their neighbors and destroyed their economy with sanctions, but Iran is the aggressive one.
8. Women who are raped cannot get pregnant.
9. Obama is not American or Christian.
10. Bush did nothing wrong, made no mistakes, the 2006 & 2008 elections were media biased-fueled liberal voter cheat-a-thons.

These are just a few of the bonker opinions that one may hear from your average GOP rank & file member. They are filled with crazy people.
Enjoy it. Because it represents something absent from the Democratic Party: real debate. Once there is an accomodation and settlement reached the GOP will tear the Dems limb from limb in every election. The Dems are reduced to sheep, repeating the same talking points and tired policy objectives that have failed for 100 years.

Oh please. There hasn't been debate since the Teabaggers arrived on scene. Their idea of debate is "just say no". Well, to quote Monty Python, that's a contradiction not an argument.

As to talking points and failed objectives...that sounds like classic projection. Which party has won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections? Do you honestly believe that was because your party wasn't far right enough?

Which party holds the majority of governorships and state houses?

Republicans hold 30 out of 50 Governorships, 29 House/Assembly and the same for State houses (29). That's really not a margin to get cocky about, especially when the agenda the Tea Baggers espouse isn't all that popular with the American people.
And let's review the democrat advancements to society:

1. A drone program that has us more hated in the ME the when Bush was in office and resulted in the ordering of and death of an innocent 16 year old.
2. 6 Trillion in debt to keep the unemployment rate hovering at 8 percent for 6 long years.
3. Oh yeah, everything is and was and ever will be George W. Bush's fault.
4. Division in the country not seen since the civil war.
5. Wire tapping of journalists.
6. Four dead at Benghazi.
7. The IRS being used, like NEVER before, as a political tool.
8. A surge in Afghanistan that has eclipsed the death tool in 8 years of Bush in four. A war where Obama admits his failure.
9. Some good has come out the liberalism, now they can tap their buddies ass without fear of being kicked out of the service, as if they would be there in the first place.
10. Abortion continues with it eugenics goal still intact.
11. Solundrya and others.
12. Gasoline prices that have doubled.
13. Food prices going out the roof.
14. Massive increase in food stamp use.
15. Massive increase in those on disability.

Please everyone add to this list of major democrat achievements.
Oh please. There hasn't been debate since the Teabaggers arrived on scene. Their idea of debate is "just say no". Well, to quote Monty Python, that's a contradiction not an argument.

As to talking points and failed objectives...that sounds like classic projection. Which party has won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections? Do you honestly believe that was because your party wasn't far right enough?

Which party holds the majority of governorships and state houses?

Republicans hold 30 out of 50 Governorships, 29 House/Assembly and the same for State houses (29). That's really not a margin to get cocky about, especially when the agenda the Tea Baggers espouse isn't all that popular with the American people.
Thank you. Yes, the GOP is making gains in every election on the statewide level. The current gross scandalous abuse coming out of Washington is not limited to Washington. It is symptomatic of the disdain that Democrats have for the public. This will lead to a backlash, with Dems hounded out of office. Heck, we might just make Marriage=One Man+One Woman the law in every state constitution.
Yeah I saw this on CBS.
Really interesting how they did not include what he said about Democrats, only what he said about Republicans.
No bias here....move along.
Oh please. There hasn't been debate since the Teabaggers arrived on scene. Their idea of debate is "just say no". Well, to quote Monty Python, that's a contradiction not an argument.

As to talking points and failed objectives...that sounds like classic projection. Which party has won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections? Do you honestly believe that was because your party wasn't far right enough?

Which party holds the majority of governorships and state houses?

Republicans hold 30 out of 50 Governorships, 29 House/Assembly and the same for State houses (29). That's really not a margin to get cocky about, especially when the agenda the Tea Baggers espouse isn't all that popular with the American people.

Ha. you folks brag about Obama wining by 3 percent with less then 60 percent. Yeah Obama won the election but in reality democrats are losing the country. It is only going to get worse for democrats.
Ha. you folks brag about Obama wining by 3 percent with less then 60 percent. Yeah Obama won the election but in reality democrats are losing the country. It is only going to get worse for democrats.

Do you have any empirical evidence that the "Democrats are losing the country"?

The same Bob Dole the Left smeared as being old and out of touch? That Bob Dole?
How come whenever some forgotten no one in the GOP criticizes the party the Left is all over him. But when prominent Democrats criticize their party they're smeared as traitors?

my theory is that democRATS have a one way mind, which makes it impossible to see in both directions.., ALSO.., they just might get hit by the bus where so many of their peers have been thrown under. :up:
Ha. you folks brag about Obama wining by 3 percent with less then 60 percent. Yeah Obama won the election but in reality democrats are losing the country. It is only going to get worse for democrats.

Do you have any empirical evidence that the "Democrats are losing the country"?


The GOP controls more and more governorships and state houses with every election.
Listen to Bob Dole or listen to the losers on our far right, who are like moles avoiding the light.
And let's review the democrat advancements to society:

1. A drone program that has us more hated in the ME the when Bush was in office and resulted in the ordering of and death of an innocent 16 year old.
2. 6 Trillion in debt to keep the unemployment rate hovering at 8 percent for 6 long years.
3. Oh yeah, everything is and was and ever will be George W. Bush's fault.
4. Division in the country not seen since the civil war.
5. Wire tapping of journalists.
6. Four dead at Benghazi.
7. The IRS being used, like NEVER before, as a political tool.
8. A surge in Afghanistan that has eclipsed the death tool in 8 years of Bush in four. A war where Obama admits his failure.
9. Some good has come out the liberalism, now they can tap their buddies ass without fear of being kicked out of the service, as if they would be there in the first place.
10. Abortion continues with it eugenics goal still intact.
11. Solundrya and others.
12. Gasoline prices that have doubled.
13. Food prices going out the roof.
14. Massive increase in food stamp use.
15. Massive increase in those on disability.

Please everyone add to this list of major democrat achievements.

What a pathetic pity party you just threw there. Why did Obama easily win, twice? Why? I'll tell you why. Because the Presidency of George W. Bush was one of the worst ever, and the suffering from his failed policies will take a long time to alleviate.

Not appearing with Bush during their campaigns was the right tactic for Romney & McCain to take. It just didn't work. Not enough people have forgotten how incompotent corrupt and hamhanded the GOP years of unified rule was, and the GOP has only itself to blame for it.

A GOP comeback is possible. Moderating policies, liberalizing others, and taking a less aggressive foreign policy, these will all help the GOP in the future.

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