Bobby Jindal: I’m Holding Firm Against Gay Marriage

What does government marriage have to do with religious marriage? Do you consider government to be the determiner if you are "married" or not in the eyes of God?

>Marriage< is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

What about answering the question? Does government marriage = marriage? I say absolutely not, a huge reason I don't care that much about gay government marriage any more than other marriage other than I object to doing it by judicial crimes rather than through the legislature. I don't think government should be involved in "marriage" at all, there should be no such thing
What does government marriage have to do with religious marriage? Do you consider government to be the determiner if you are "married" or not in the eyes of God?

>Marriage< is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Where you discuss a joining of something other than one man and one woman, you're discussing something other than Marriage.

That you need to use the word Marriage to describe something that is not marriage, informs the observer that the goal is nothing short of the destruction of Marriage.

Now you may or may not be aware that you're succumbing to that nefarious and destructive reasoning, but that has little bearing on the fact that you are engaged in such, nonetheless.

If I used the word "Car" to describe the device that keeps my food cold... would that in ANY WAY alter the reality that your car is not your refrigerator?

What it would do, is alter our means to effectively discuss cars and refrigerators... which would probably not be good for those who build and use cars and refrigerators, or those who use language to convey the ideas.

Kaz, you're tired of the argument and you're conceding it to idiots.

Now look at your government... and understand that the troupe of fools that are presently governing the United States, were given their jobs by generations of people before you who grew tired of the argument and conceded to the idiots.

You're being lulled into accepting that something that is not marriage is... and even if that were as insignificant an issue as cars and refrigerators THAT would be bad enough, but we're talking about the nucleus of civilization.

You presently feel that it's no big deal, but you're wrong and because of the critical nature of the issue, you're horribly wrong.
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I don't understand why people are so scared of two males or females getting married, unless you're a religious nut or homophobic bigot.

You mean like the Islamists? Scared? scared of what? I notice there aren't too many "gay marriages" within ISIS, are there? Looks like your disagreement is with them, right?

Looks like you and ISIS have a lot in common!
Gay marriage is gunna cause a lot of heart attacks for these old curmudgeons.

Get all your eating sticks of deep fried butter out of your system, slugs.
ha! The government could put warning labels on gay marriage. "not healthy" or something. I'm sure Firefox would go along with that.

But then Firefox would insist that the government must "dictate" that no gay marriage is allowed.
I don't understand why people are so scared of two males or females getting married, unless you're a religious nut or homophobic bigot.

You mean like the Islamists? Scared? scared of what? I notice there aren't too many "gay marriages" within ISIS, are there? Looks like your disagreement is with them, right?

Looks like you and ISIS have a lot in common!

Isn't it wonderful, how Americans (Conservatives) are, according to the Left to be 'the same' as ISIS... yet the Left is fighting Americans, and joined in every other respect WITH ISIS.

To date, not a single human being who had previously exemplified American Principle has joined with ISIS... or Al Qaeda, or any other facet of the Leftist/Islamic cult... Yet welfare recipients, Democrats and Leftists of every stripe from Minnesota, Wisconsin, NY, Massachusetts, California, Oregon and Washington are joining up to fight with ISIS.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up.
Gay marriage is gunna cause a lot of heart attacks for these old curmudgeons.

Get all your eating sticks of deep fried butter out of your system, slugs.
ha! The government could put warning labels on gay marriage. "not healthy" or something. I'm sure Firefox would go along with that.

But then Firefox would insist that the government must "dictate" that no gay marriage is allowed.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Gay marriage is gunna cause a lot of heart attacks for these old curmudgeons.

Get all your eating sticks of deep fried butter out of your system, slugs.
ha! The government could put warning labels on gay marriage. "not healthy" or something. I'm sure Firefox would go along with that.

But then Firefox would insist that the government must "dictate" that no gay marriage is allowed.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Not in the Bible,
What does government marriage have to do with religious marriage? Do you consider government to be the determiner if you are "married" or not in the eyes of God?

>Marriage< is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Where you discuss a joining of something other than one man and one woman, you're discussing something other than Marriage.


If there's no such thing as plural marriage, why are there laws in the US against bigamy?

Why do we have laws against something that doesn't exist?

That's like having a law against possessing a unicorn.

Why do you believe in unicorns? Are you mentally retarded?
What does government marriage have to do with religious marriage? Do you consider government to be the determiner if you are "married" or not in the eyes of God?

>Marriage< is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Where you discuss a joining of something other than one man and one woman, you're discussing something other than Marriage.


If there's no such thing as plural marriage, why are there laws in the US against bigamy?

Those laws are there to defend the culture from idiots, not at all unlike yourself, who are incapable of understanding that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

But, in fairness to you... as an imbecile, there is no way you could have known that.
Gay marriage is gunna cause a lot of heart attacks for these old curmudgeons.

Get all your eating sticks of deep fried butter out of your system, slugs.
ha! The government could put warning labels on gay marriage. "not healthy" or something. I'm sure Firefox would go along with that.

But then Firefox would insist that the government must "dictate" that no gay marriage is allowed.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Not in the Bible,

It's literally IS in the bible...

And it's in their describing the nature of the human physiological design. Wherein the male is designed by nature OKA: the Father, to join with the female.

(Reader, once again we see that the key to debating the Ideological Left is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to Speak.)
Judge Feldman's order goes full gay. It "specifically requires the state to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to recognize the marriage rights of couples who married legally in other states. The ruling also orders the state to allow same-sex couples to jointly adopt children, to have both spouses names placed on birth certificates for their children, and to file joint tax returns." Feldman was responding to a lawsuit filed by a same-sex couple (that sex being "dude") who thought it absurd that they couldn't get a marriage license post-SCOTUS decision.

And, because nothing says, "Fuck your ignorant, arrogant fuckhole" like making someone dish out the cash, Feldman ordered that "plaintiffs in each of these consolidated cases are awarded their costs, expenses, and reasonable attorneys' fees."

So just one day after taking a mighty stand for religious extremism against the secular laws of the nation, Jindal was forced to lick his own sore anus today. "This order directs the agencies to comply and all questions about processing benefits should be directed to them," a spokesperson for Jindal said. Jindal's Alamo had been Orleans Parish, the only place where the state controlled the filing of marriage licenses. Every other parish had complied with the Supreme Court. So it went about as well as the Alamo.

The Rude Pundit Judge to Bobby Jindal Don t You Get That This Marriage Debate Is Over :D
Bobby Jindal: I’m Holding Firm Against Gay Marriage

Why he's clinching those butt cheeks tight...
Judge Feldman's order goes full gay. It "specifically requires the state to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to recognize the marriage rights of couples who married legally in other states. The ruling also orders the state to allow same-sex couples to jointly adopt children, to have both spouses names placed on birth certificates for their children, and to file joint tax returns." Feldman was responding to a lawsuit filed by a same-sex couple (that sex being "dude") who thought it absurd that they couldn't get a marriage license post-SCOTUS decision.

And, because nothing says, "Fuck your ignorant, arrogant fuckhole" like making someone dish out the cash, Feldman ordered that "plaintiffs in each of these consolidated cases are awarded their costs, expenses, and reasonable attorneys' fees."

So just one day after taking a mighty stand for religious extremism against the secular laws of the nation, Jindal was forced to lick his own sore anus today. "This order directs the agencies to comply and all questions about processing benefits should be directed to them," a spokesperson for Jindal said. Jindal's Alamo had been Orleans Parish, the only place where the state controlled the filing of marriage licenses. Every other parish had complied with the Supreme Court. So it went about as well as the Alamo.

The Rude Pundit Judge to Bobby Jindal Don t You Get That This Marriage Debate Is Over :D


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