Bodycam shows white cop fatally shooting fleeing black dude

No, you didn't take the time to read the damn article, only watch the video. You admitted to using search on the article for 911, didn't find, when it clearly stated there was a call, whether they labeled it as 911 or not is irrelevant. You got caught with your pants down and tried to blame someone else. How childish.
Thanks but I'll take the word of the police chief instead of your 'opinion'.
You obviously have serious mental issues about anyone 'in authority'. Blame that on your gym teacher.

The simple fact is there's nothing in the story about any 911 call. Either you got that from somewhere else you're not telling us about, or you made it up.

Guess where that puts you on the credibility scale. :eusa_hand:

Once again, going by the article we have the word of a single statement from a person very much in a position to lie about it. And that's all we have. You have more than that, bring it forward. Otherwise you're making shit up.

So you think the cops are lying about the 911 call?

You do know...911 calls are recorded and time stamped. And have caller ID. So lying would be incredibly easy to prove if there isnt a 911 call record...and a victim who called.

OH WAIT.....the cops had an undercover officer call 911 and make a false accusation against this black male and then they drugged him and planted a gun on him...all so they could shoot him.

Surely you are this dumb right? The 911 call is absolutely so easy to verify. Even the media isnt questioning it because they know its impossible to lie about recieving a 911 call.

No I don't think the police are lying about a 911 call -- I think YOU are.
I did a word search on your link and the OP article. There's nothing in either about any "911 call".

So WHERE are you getting the existence of this "911 call"?

Thanks but I'll take the word of the police chief instead of your 'opinion'.
You obviously have serious mental issues about anyone 'in authority'. Blame that on your gym teacher.

The simple fact is there's nothing in the story about any 911 call. Either you got that from somewhere else you're not telling us about, or you made it up.

Guess where that puts you on the credibility scale. :eusa_hand:

Once again, going by the article we have the word of a single statement from a person very much in a position to lie about it. And that's all we have. You have more than that, bring it forward. Otherwise you're making shit up.

So you think the cops are lying about the 911 call?

You do know...911 calls are recorded and time stamped. And have caller ID. So lying would be incredibly easy to prove if there isnt a 911 call record...and a victim who called.

OH WAIT.....the cops had an undercover officer call 911 and make a false accusation against this black male and then they drugged him and planted a gun on him...all so they could shoot him.

Surely you are this dumb right? The 911 call is absolutely so easy to verify. Even the media isnt questioning it because they know its impossible to lie about recieving a 911 call.

No I don't think the police are lying about a 911 call -- I think YOU are.
I did a word search on your link and the OP article. There's nothing in either about any "911 call".

So WHERE are you getting the existence of this "911 call"?

Hey didnt look very hard.

Tulsa news released the 911 recordings already.
Muskogee Police Shooting 911 tape 2

And you didn't post that before.
As I already said, you were either referring to something you weren't posting or making it up. In this case -- both.

I don't fuel on ass-umptions. If you do, that's your problem.
What I did was I asked him where he got that idea. And he had no answer.

Again, like the other guy -- learn to read.
It doesn't even matter if he was facing the officer or not, he was clearly a danger to anyone. That white car's driver was just a few feet away from the thug drawing his weapon. Is the cop supposed to let the thug possibly shoot some bystander?

Why would anyone expect him to do that? What did the car do?

Any runner with a gun like that should be shot.

Gun control freak.

Why do you think a maniac on the run with a gun is going to adhere to logic? You can't sit here and Monday Morning quarterback what he logically would had done. The guy could of been batshit crazy and was willing to kill, why else would he run from a cop and draw his weapon? The cop saw his gun, he really had no choice but to shoot the man in that situation.

You are really stretching on this one.

No, I agree. I already said that. I watched it in slo-mo; the cop fires while the kid's trying to pick the gun up. That's fine -- that's what he should be doing. There's no issue with him doing that as far as I know. I noted earlier that's what he should have been doing and got jumped on for saying it.

The problem comes up after that, when the kid does pick up the object and resumes running directly away. That's when the officer shoots him at his back three times -- and tries to shoot twice more after he's already hit and downed.

And as laid out before, from what we know the entire chase itself was something that need not have happened. This guy tried to do it alone. That gave the kid a motive to break as well as a direction to run.

In fact it appeared on close inspection that the last shot Officer McMillin fired was the kill shot. It was also his last bullet. Now what if that shot misses? The kid gets away and there's no backup to corral him, because McMillin couldn't wait and had to do it all himself, in a situation that, when he arrived, was calm and didn't look to require an immediate confrontation.

That's stupid. And that's why I say he came in with a bad plan and set up a situation that didn't need to happen.
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That makes no sense. Why would a cop "just passing by" immediately head for a specific person?
On the other hand if the phone call "means nothing" then why did the other poster feel a need to fabricate it?

Doesn't work either way dood.

Thank you for admitting someone called 911.
Glad thats cleared up...even though it didnt mean shit in the first place.

I have never contended "nobody called 911". I said that the poster didn't have a source for it and made it up. Which he then admitted.

Learn to read.

Uh the cop was there,I would say it's pretty safe to assume someone called them.

-- and you just made the same ass-umption he did.

Running the same play over and over and expecting different results... :cuckoo:

Only a dumbass thinks the cops weren't called.
Why you feel the need to question that is beyond me. Utterly pointless...unlike the top of your head.

This is why the arrogant SOB is on ignore.
Let's suppose that the officer did stand down and this thug got away. How would you react if this lucky thug then shot his girlfriend as he had already threatened?
Would you blame his actions on the trauma of his being chased by the cop?
LEO are sworn to apprehend violent criminals. They cannot "stand down" and do their job at the same time.

The thug in this case had a gun in his hand and represented a threat to humankind whether he was running away from or toward the officer sworn to shield the general society from such vermin as the subject of this sentence.
I was asking the guy who said the cop should have shot at the gun., but I do agree with you.
It doesn't even matter if he was facing the officer or not, he was clearly a danger to anyone. That white car's driver was just a few feet away from the thug drawing his weapon. Is the cop supposed to let the thug possibly shoot some bystander?

Why would anyone expect him to do that? What did the car do?

Any runner with a gun like that should be shot.

Gun control freak.

Why do you think a maniac on the run with a gun is going to adhere to logic? You can't sit here and Monday Morning quarterback what he logically would had done. The guy could of been batshit crazy and was willing to kill, why else would he run from a cop and draw his weapon? The cop saw his gun, he really had no choice but to shoot the man in that situation.

You are really stretching on this one.

No, I agree. I already said that. I watched it in slo-mo; the cop fires while the kid's trying to pick the gun up. That's fine -- that's what he should be doing. There's no issue with him doing that as far as I know. I noted earlier that's what he should have been doing and got jumped on for saying it.

The problem comes up after that, when the kid does pick up the object and resumes running directly away. That's when the officer shoots him at his back three times -- and tries to shoot twice more after he's already hit and downed.

And as laid out before, from what we know the entire chase itself was something that need not have happened. This guy tried to do it alone. That gave the kid a motive to break as well as a direction to run.

In fact it appeared on close inspection that the last shot Officer McMillin fired was the kill shot. It was also his last bullet. Now what if that shot misses? The kid gets away and there's no backup to corral him, because McMillin couldn't wait and had to do it all himself, in a situation that, when he arrived, was calm and didn't look to require an immediate confrontation.

That's stupid. And that's why I say he came in with a bad plan and set up a situation that didn't need to happen.

Your idea of police work is so comical. It shows you have literally NEVER done anything stressful or dangerous in your life.
It doesn't even matter if he was facing the officer or not, he was clearly a danger to anyone. That white car's driver was just a few feet away from the thug drawing his weapon. Is the cop supposed to let the thug possibly shoot some bystander?

Why would anyone expect him to do that? What did the car do?

Any runner with a gun like that should be shot.

Gun control freak.

Why do you think a maniac on the run with a gun is going to adhere to logic? You can't sit here and Monday Morning quarterback what he logically would had done. The guy could of been batshit crazy and was willing to kill, why else would he run from a cop and draw his weapon? The cop saw his gun, he really had no choice but to shoot the man in that situation.

You are really stretching on this one.

No, I agree. I already said that. I watched it in slo-mo; the cop fires while the kid's trying to pick the gun up. That's fine -- that's what he should be doing. There's no issue with him doing that as far as I know. I noted earlier that's what he should have been doing and got jumped on for saying it.

The problem comes up after that, when the kid does pick up the object and resumes running directly away. That's when the officer shoots him at his back three times -- and tries to shoot twice more after he's already hit and downed.

And as laid out before, from what we know the entire chase itself was something that need not have happened. This guy tried to do it alone. That gave the kid a motive to break as well as a direction to run.

In fact it appeared on close inspection that the last shot Officer McMillin fired was the kill shot. It was also his last bullet. Now what if that shot misses? The kid gets away and there's no backup to corral him, because McMillin couldn't wait and had to do it all himself, in a situation that, when he arrived, was calm and didn't look to require an immediate confrontation.

That's stupid. And that's why I say he came in with a bad plan and set up a situation that didn't need to happen.

Your idea of police work is so comical. It shows you have literally NEVER done anything stressful or dangerous in your life.

Thank you for admitting someone called 911.
Glad thats cleared up...even though it didnt mean shit in the first place.

I have never contended "nobody called 911". I said that the poster didn't have a source for it and made it up. Which he then admitted.

Learn to read.

Uh the cop was there,I would say it's pretty safe to assume someone called them.

-- and you just made the same ass-umption he did.

Running the same play over and over and expecting different results... :cuckoo:

Only a dumbass thinks the cops weren't called.
Why you feel the need to question that is beyond me. Utterly pointless...unlike the top of your head.

This is why the arrogant SOB is on ignore.

To give an idea how stupid you gotta be for me to put you on ignore....?
Rderp hasn't made the list yet...although his brand of stupid is entertaining.
Pogo's? Not so much.
Black dude had a gun.

Oklahoma police release video of cop fatally shooting armed, fleeing man (Graphic video)

A clean shoot and job well done. The guy disregarded the cop's instructions, ran and then stopped, turned on the cop and went for his gun. That cop should be back on the street in a month. Anyone who posts otherwise is just spewing their personal hate for cops. Case closed.
How many of the five shots struck the fleeing subject?

We can only go by the target's reaction -- it's all the info we have for now.
Watching it in slo-mo, the target doesn't react or change his movements in reaction to any shooting until the last bullet. The first two are fired while he's facing the ground fumbling to pick up the object. They do not seem to hit or affect the target's movements. The next three shots are fired at his back after he has resumed running directly away. On shot 5 he drops, though it's not clear exactly where he's hit.

As he goes down Officer McMillin continues to pull his trigger twice more, getting only clicks as his ammunition was already spent with shot 5.

--- which means, at that moment, with people clamoring to his side and a target down but not yet firmly established as disabled, McMillin is effectively unarmed and has no weapon except his voice and its power of suggestion. And he's also alone. Which is one of the reasons I surmise it was stupid to initiate the confrontation with no help around.

So it appears shot 5 hit the target. If any previous shots hit, they did not do so effectively enough to affect his retreat. 5 was the only one that produced a visible reaction.
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Black dude had a gun.

Oklahoma police release video of cop fatally shooting armed, fleeing man (Graphic video)

A clean shoot and job well done. The guy disregarded the cop's instructions, ran and then stopped, turned on the cop and went for his gun. That cop should be back on the street in a month. Anyone who posts otherwise is just spewing their personal hate for cops. Case closed.


No, he didn't "turn on the cop and go for his gun"; he ran away and got shot in the back. Go argue with the video.
what is your point, pogo. An armed man ran----refused the
directives of a cop so the cop shot him
what is your point, pogo. An armed man ran----refused the
directives of a cop so the cop shot him

What's my point? Accuracy. A myth refused the directives of the Truth. So I shot it.

Looks to me like Sayit didn't even bother to watch the video. Just wanted to see his name on the internets.
what is your point, pogo. An armed man ran----refused the
directives of a cop so the cop shot him

What's my point? Accuracy.

accuracy??? you have decided that the event was not
described with absolute accuracy to detail?

The question was asked, "how many shots struck the fleeing subject"? I answered with detail and accuracy. Sayit answered with bullshit. So I shot the bullshit.
what is your point, pogo. An armed man ran----refused the
directives of a cop so the cop shot him

What's my point? Accuracy.

accuracy??? you have decided that the event was not
described with absolute accuracy to detail?

The question was asked, "how many shots struck the fleeing subject"? I answered with detail and accuracy. Sayit answered with bullshit. So I shot the bullshit.

oh-----I got confused----I thought the issue was whether or not the cop should have shot the guy
If he believes the kid is picking up a gun -- and it's entirely reasonable to presume he is -- why doesn't he shoot at the gun or the kid's hand to keep it out of his control?

Because this isn't Hollywood. And apparently you have absolutely no experience with a handgun, shooting at a suspect while running. I'm honestly surprised he hit the guy at all.

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