Boebert and Greene Totally Own Biden During Speech -- LOL

RACIST....if that were Tlaib and Omar, no chance you post that. Hypocrite.
Just wait until the mid terms. That will change. The Democrat filth will be kicked out of power in the House and Senate and that dimwit Potaothead will be an ineffective lame duck. Probably even get impeached.
You might be right. Unless efforts, over the last year to make voting difficult, simply creates an irresistible challenge. It wouldn't be the first plan that ever backfired.
$3000 child tax credits
Millions of dollars in student loan debt cancelled
Economic Stimulus given to millions due to COVID crisis
Not trying to snatch away healthcare from millions of people..
Not trying to cut Social Security benefits for millions of people..

Yea, Democrats have really been mean to Americans.....
$3000 for each kid To people who didn't pay like criminals and illegals $3000 just pushing out kids that they don't take care of. Now druggies are having more kids for mo money....

Its not taxpayers or the government responsibility to cancel debt--those who took out the debt should pay off their debt instead of being dead beats. Again catering to the lowest denominators.

Economic stimulus used to funnel money around making corporations richer as they raised their prices to get this stimulus money and other money directly sent into dem puppet masters accounts. Now we are trillions more in debt---and with out of control inflation and interestes going up so taxpayers who pay their bills are screwed.

Government involvement in the health insurance scam has led to lower quality of care and higher prices for those that pay bills---Druggies get free drugs though...again catering to the lowlives but hey BIFF loves them freeshit so we all know that he doesn't pay but he uses.

"Lauren Boebert provoked anger as she heckled Joe Biden as he talked about the death of his son Beau during his State of the Union address. The Colorado congresswoman was booed as she interrupted the president as he talked about the flag-draped coffins of fallen service members, to blame him for the deaths of 13 troops in Afghanistan. “You put them in there, 13 of them,” she could be heard yelling -- The ISIS-K terrorist attack at Hamid Karzai International Airport last August that killed 13 US service members as Biden ended the US occupancy of Afghanistan after 20 years.

It was not the only example of poor behaviour by Ms Boebert, who along with Marjorie Taylor Greene turned her back on Mr Biden’s cabinet as they entered for the address. The pair also chanted “Build the wall” after Mr Biden promised to “secure the border and fix the immigration system.”

LOL...Boebert and Greene totally trolled Biden and it was awesome..that is what true leadership and standing up for Conservative values is all about. Biden killed 13 soldiers and probably hoped to have killed more by ending that war in the way he did.....before he took over, there were literally no soldiers killed in combat the previous 4 isn't Biden being charged for the murder of these service members?? I applaud Boebert for speaking truth to power and demanding Biden be held accountable.

And Marjorie had a strong showing, after getting into some hot water over Neo-Nazis and white nationalists... she expertly pivoted back to what excites her base the most -- when are we gonna crack down on these wetbacks?? Trying to start that"build the wall" chant totally triggered the libs....and it was arguably the most brilliant display of statesmenship in possibly 50 or 60 years...only thing coming close to this was when some fake republican named Joe Walsh told that darkie "You Lie!" -- he instantly became a hero in the GOP -- then he squandered it all away by not being loyal in worship of Trump....what a dumb ass...But now Boebert is the rockstar and she will never betray Trump....because that is betraying America.
That's as nonsensical as saying Biden's speech was offensive to millions who didn't agree with what he was saying. It's not about Americans' feelings. It's about the decorum of the event.
Desperate diversion noted. Returning to current relevancies,
Dear Applicants:
Your try-outs for the Biden Cheerleading Squad have been given careful consideration.
Unfortunately, shrill, divisive ululations are not what we are looking for at this time.
Please continue to hone your performances, aspire to a modicum of decorum and
relevancy, and we'll be sure to call you when you better reflect the patriotic sentiment
and respect for civil discourse that Americans prefer.
Thank you for having participated.
Please accept the complimentary pom poms as a memento of your participation.
Emily Litella
Pep Coordinator
Really nothing compares To Nancy ripping up a speech?! First of all nice deflection and whataboutism… second, Trolling and interrupting a guy while he is talking about his dead son really has no parallel. But you keep thinking that the rip was the end all be all. Idiot
yeah nothing…not in modern history anyway

your defense of her acts, highlights this entire thread is faux outrage
That's as nonsensical as saying Biden's speech was offensive to millions who didn't agree with what he was saying. It's not about Americans' feelings. It's about the decorum of the event.
i agree and her breach of decorum was what we are talking about…your defense of it, highlights this thread is entirely faux outrage

The same taxpayers that funded those special tax credits just your cult leader......

Exactly, like I said..

A tax cut that was so unpopular with the majority of Americans that he had to lie and claim he was passing a special taxcut just for middle class folks.....if the first taxcut was so "popular" why did he feel the need to lie about his imaginary tax cut??

"The Obama administration estimated in 2014 that closing the controversial loophole would save more than $600 million over a decade."

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