Boebert and Greene Totally Own Biden During Speech -- LOL

Just expressing my opinion dude. Feel free to disagree and express yours. Do you feel that ripping up a speech is same level as trolling a guy while he is talking about his dead son?
I feel that the country is super polarized and it has come to who can offend the other party more. The problem is you don't see the big picture. The Left has been pressing on anyone and everyone who supported Trump or dared to disagree with them for five years and people have had it. You saw it in VA. People are tired of being called stupid, racist, uneducated, unfeeling, accepting 30 genders, the hypocrisy of condemning Jan 6th but not the BLM riots, the constant BS of calling America systemically racist, defund the police, etc.

They will gladly have someone like Boebert troll the Democrats as it helps them unleash their anger that they may not be able to do so overtly in real life.

I know this post will fall on deaf ears but hopefully you understand a little bit.

Call us what you want; we have the upper hand.

Just wait until the mid terms. That will change. The Democrat filth will be kicked out of power in the House and Senate and that dimwit Potaothead will be an ineffective lame duck. Probably even get impeached.
Yes it was rude and it was all that he said. She should not have done it, and it was far worse than what the ditz from Colorado did. Nobody should be excusing what Pelosi did
Repubs follow Progs. Hundreds of these courageous Repub women are needed in the congress and more.
Only by the vacuous, brain-dead idiot democrats whom your CBS poll questioned, you clueless dummfuch.

You keep right on thinking America is behind Joe Biddum!
It appears that you don't like the President and his State of the Union address has you in a snit.


Meanwhile, it's pretty obvious that Putin is missing his Trump:

I feel that the country is super polarized and it has come to who can offend the other party more. The problem is you don't see the big picture. The Left has been pressing on anyone and everyone who supported Trump or dared to disagree with them for five years and people have had it. You saw it in VA. People are tired of being called stupid, racist, uneducated, unfeeling, accepting 30 genders, the hypocrisy of condemning Jan 6th but not the BLM riots, the constant BS of calling America systemically racist, defund the police, etc.

They will gladly have someone like Boebert troll the Democrats as it helps them unleash their anger that they may not be able to do so overtly in real life.

I know this post will fall on deaf ears but hopefully you understand a little bit.

I don’t see how boeberts helps the situation. I don’t see it as unleashing anger. I see it propelling the problems that are ripping our country apart. Good leaders IMO lead by example. They don’t use poor behavior from one side to justify poor behavior of their own. That’s a lesson we were supposed to learn in grade school.

But using your logic Nancy was justified to rip Trumps speech, is that correct? You see that as a righteous act that simply helped Dems unleash anger caused by Trump?
See Slade3200 its bullshit like this that polarizes us. Don't say shit here that you would not say in real life. Pretty simple. Mac1958 is a typical leftist coward.
Hearing a member of Congress troll our president during a talk about his dead son is horrible, I don’t care how you want you try and justify it. To see all these people jump to defend that action is insane and cult like. I agree with what Mac said. What exactly do you take issue with?
Hearing a member of Congress troll our president during a talk about his dead son is horrible
For one thing, Biden brought up Bo AFTER the comment! Second, that useless fuck brings up his dead family every time he opens his mouth and the nation is sick of it being used constantly over and over year after year for political gain by the brain-dead.

Guess what, dickweed, Joe isn't the first or only person to ever lose family. Pathetic he uses his dead son to try to run from his horrible record as a president.
I don’t see how boeberts helps the situation. I don’t see it as unleashing anger. I see it propelling the problems that are ripping our country apart. Good leaders IMO lead by example. They don’t use poor behavior from one side to justify poor behavior of their own. That’s a lesson we were supposed to learn in grade school.

But using your logic Nancy was justified to rip Trumps speech, is that correct? You see that as a righteous act that simply helped Dems unleash anger caused by Trump?
Nancy ripping up the speech was part of the straws that were building up during the Trump presidency. One broke the camel's back and now lunatics on the other side are firing back. Guess my post did fall on deaf ears. As expected. Mentally ill people don't comprehend logic and reasoning.
Hearing a member of Congress troll our president during a talk about his dead son is horrible, I don’t care how you want you try and justify it. To see all these people jump to defend that action is insane and cult like. I agree with what Mac said. What exactly do you take issue with?
I am not justifying it. I did not watch that part of the speech anyway, I was watching the Celtics game. My point is that you cannot cry over decorum when you have shit on it for the past five years.
Nothing compares to the disrespect and betrayal to the office then Nancy P ripping up the SOTU on natonal television. I could careless what some folks, might of said off screen and unheard.
Desperate diversion noted.

Returning to current relevancies,

Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 4.54.01 PM.png
Dear Applicants:
Your try-outs for the Biden Cheerleading Squad have been given careful consideration.
Unfortunately, shrill, divisive ululations are not what we are looking for at this time.
Please continue to hone your performances, aspire to a modicum of decorum and
relevancy, and we'll be sure to call you when you better reflect the patriotic sentiment
and respect for civil discourse that Americans prefer.
Thank you for having participated.
Please accept the complimentary pom poms as a memento of your participation.
Emily Litella
Pep Coordinator
For one thing, Biden brought up Bo AFTER the comment! Second, that useless fuck brings up his dead family every time he opens his mouth and the nation is sick of it being used constantly over and over year after year for political gain by the brain-dead.

Guess what, dickweed, Joe isn't the first or only person to ever lose family. Pathetic he uses his dead son to try to run from his horrible record as a president.
You don’t speak for the nation. Get over yourself. I don’t care how often he brings it up. You don’t yell out trolling remarks while he is talking to the nation about fallen soldiers. Period. That’s basic common sense
Nancy ripping up the speech was part of the straws that were building up during the Trump presidency. One broke the camel's back and now lunatics on the other side are firing back. Guess my post did fall on deaf ears. As expected. Mentally ill people don't comprehend logic and reasoning.
See you are condemning Nancy for her act and using that as an excuse for Boebert so you can defend her actions as justified. I’m hearing everything you are saying. I just see that you are cherry picking and ignoring the big picture. Your logic would justify Nancy’s actions. Correct?
See you are condemning Nancy for her act and using that as an excuse for Boebert so you can defend her actions as justified. I’m hearing everything you are saying. I just see that you are cherry picking and ignoring the big picture. Your logic would justify Nancy’s actions. Correct?
It is pathetic whataboutism, not logic. Don't waste your time.

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