Boehner and Ryan step out of the crazy house.

If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Wrong. If you want to remain a first world country, you keep the size of government to a minimum. No spending at all is better than the "right spending." Government interference in the economy also has to be kept to a minimum.

What "third world shithole" did the Republicans invest in?
You prove you know nothing.
You have no idea who I am - none. A small handful of folks here do know who I am, and what I do for a living. I am going to bet $10k I am not only more successful than you - but chances are I pay more in taxes than you make.
It isn't about "whining" about the is about the erosion of the American dream. I am as pro-business as anyone in this country - which means I am against corporatism; at least what corporatism has evolved into.
I doubt it. In either case, they are still your betters. They don't whine about how unfair life is. They went out and took it by the balls and succeeded.

So, whine Me some more about how the income gap is harming people.

90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

What part of the new deal has been "deconstructed?"

We're all dying to know.
Yea, ok. You think those roads were free? That there were not toll taxes to be paid for using the roads.

Or were the builders socialists and wanted everyone to have roads? LMAO.

would you rather pay a toll for the roads you actually use, or pay taxes to pay for eveyone else's roads? which do you think would cost you more?

But thats not really the point. The interstate highway system was built with federal and state funding, and thats a good thing.

you lefties always want to mix infrastructure with inventions and innovations. Ford, Bell, Gates and Jobs got rich by their own initiative and entrepreneurship, not govt handouts.

To proclaim that Ford made his millions without any help from th taxpayers is bull. Cars were a nice toy for the rich without a government investment in public infrastructure.
And no, they didn't build that

Horseshit. There were numerous private roads before government got into the business of building them. Furthermore, do you imagine they didn't have roads during the horse and buggy era? Have you ever looked at a picture of New York before cars became common? They theory that cars wouldn't have been possible is pure socialist moonshine.
90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

Now I'm busy on the weekend, but I'd love a debate on how no one in America except for the top tier gets away with paying taxes.

And your bottom feeders still bitch that the 50% who actually pay taxes, don't pay enough.

It's unreal to me.

Your lower classes are now the slave masters demanding that those more fortunate work for them.

The world is upside down.

The better off are now the slaves to the masses who now expect and demand monies off those who work.

Odd perception of reality

Not at all.

Do the GST.

It makes every one equal in taxation.
90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

Now I'm busy on the weekend, but I'd love a debate on how no one in America except for the top tier gets away with paying taxes.

And your bottom feeders still bitch that the 50% who actually pay taxes, don't pay enough.

It's unreal to me.

Your lower classes are now the slave masters demanding that those more fortunate work for them.

The world is upside down.

The better off are now the slaves to the masses who now expect and demand monies off those who work.

Odd perception of reality

Says the far left Obama drone...
You prove you know nothing.
You have no idea who I am - none. A small handful of folks here do know who I am, and what I do for a living. I am going to bet $10k I am not only more successful than you - but chances are I pay more in taxes than you make.
It isn't about "whining" about the is about the erosion of the American dream. I am as pro-business as anyone in this country - which means I am against corporatism; at least what corporatism has evolved into.
I doubt it. In either case, they are still your betters. They don't whine about how unfair life is. They went out and took it by the balls and succeeded.

So, whine Me some more about how the income gap is harming people.

90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

Talk about a disconnect from Reality.

Although one thing is true the far left has dismantled the ability to take of the infrastructure piece by piece over the last 60+ years.
All I see in America are the cries for the rich to pay more to the poor.

I recommend the great equalizer the GST all of a sudden out of the woodwork, no one wants to pay any tax.

Just make the rich pay.

Well what that says to me is you liberals are the new masters. Your slaves are anyone who is successful who has to pay for those that don't work and contribute to society.

I call that.slave labour. Assholes sitting around on the dole with their hands out all screaming for more wanting more from the poor bastards in the field of business trying to support these idiots who won't hit the field of hard work.

New masters are the bottom feeders. The slaves are those who work hard to feed them.
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

As a Republican, i'm all for infrastucture spending. The problem is making sure the money actually goes to repairing the infrastructure and not into the pockets of Union hacks or other political toadies.
How did that work out? Cars were for the wealthy so were the roads. You used a road, you paid a toll. Once government got involved, road infrastructure made the automobile possible

Debt? All I know about debt is that when Republicans are in control, debt does not matter

Didn't Reagan teach you anything?

I asked you how much debt is too much. are you going to answer or are you going to run away like Sallow always does?

I answered your question

Debt does not matter.....until a Democrat is in office

You mean the other way around, don't you? Dims like you were constantly screaming about the deficit when Bush was in office. Now you're all strangely quiet.
I doubt it. In either case, they are still your betters. They don't whine about how unfair life is. They went out and took it by the balls and succeeded.

So, whine Me some more about how the income gap is harming people.

90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

Now I'm busy on the weekend, but I'd love a debate on how no one in America except for the top tier gets away with paying taxes.

And your bottom feeders still bitch that the 50% who actually pay taxes, don't pay enough.

It's unreal to me.

Your lower classes are now the slave masters demanding that those more fortunate work for them.

The world is upside down.

The better off are now the slaves to the masses who now expect and demand monies off those who work.


Seems that you applied your recipe for pineapple upside down cake to your view of life.

I asked you how much debt is too much. are you going to answer or are you going to run away like Sallow always does?

I answered your question

Debt does not matter.....until a Democrat is in office

You mean the other way around, don't you? Dims like you were constantly screaming about the deficit when Bush was in office. Now you're all strangely quiet.

That's basically because the deficit's been going down and there have actually down payments down to bring the debt down as well.

Not like you'd notice or anything. :eusa_shifty:
I doubt it. In either case, they are still your betters. They don't whine about how unfair life is. They went out and took it by the balls and succeeded.

So, whine Me some more about how the income gap is harming people.

90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

Talk about a disconnect from Reality.

Although one thing is true the far left has dismantled the ability to take of the infrastructure piece by piece over the last 60+ years.

I suggest it's more about Reagan's tying both parties to pushing neoliberal econ agendas that's created growth (though oddly Carter first upped rates and cut cap gains taxes and gets no credit) but neither party really having any policy to see workers wages rise at the same rate as capital's profits.

nevertheless, it is interesting to see conservatives who will compromise to get 51% of their aganda kicking the govt shutdown crowd to the curb.
I doubt it. In either case, they are still your betters. They don't whine about how unfair life is. They went out and took it by the balls and succeeded.

So, whine Me some more about how the income gap is harming people.

90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

What part of the new deal has been "deconstructed?"

We're all dying to know.

Google broke?
If their constituents are happy they will be reelected, no matter how anyone else feels about them.
The Democrats have become the party of spend, spend, spend and tax, tax, tax. Those who are successful, are to be demonized and the fruits of their labor are to be STOLEN at gunpoint and redistributed to those who will not work for it. Everyone is to get into line, do what they are told, believe what they are told to believe and become part of the 'masses.' Individualism is to be demonized and conformity is to be taught and demanded at all levels. The government is there to take care of you from cradle to grave and therefore, any bouts of creativity, dissent, or individual thought is to be squelched at the first sign of it raising its ugly head. The 'collective' has become the central figure in this new world order as the individual and their guaranteed 'rights' have become inconvenient.

The Republicans under Boehner have become... uh, I'm sure there is a difference.

Under this budget, entitlement spending remains the same. Retired veterans, of course, will lose some of their retirement, medical care and of course their commissary benefits. But I mean, if you thought that this government, especially under Barry were concerned about those who fought for this nation, you were sadly mistaken. Obviously, if you thought that the 'establishment' Republicans cared either, then you live a perpetual life in Disneyland.

My Congressman, John Bridenstine, voted AGAINST this budget. It is all that I can ask him to do.
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Wrong. If you want to remain a first world country, you keep the size of government to a minimum. No spending at all is better than the "right spending." Government interference in the economy also has to be kept to a minimum.

What "third world shithole" did the Republicans invest in?

Where do you get the bullshit that first world countries have small governments?

Name one
All I see in America are the cries for the rich to pay more to the poor.

I recommend the great equalizer the GST all of a sudden out of the woodwork, no one wants to pay any tax.

Just make the rich pay.

Well what that says to me is you liberals are the new masters. Your slaves are anyone who is successful who has to pay for those that don't work and contribute to society.

I call that.slave labour. Assholes sitting around on the dole with their hands out all screaming for more wanting more from the poor bastards in the field of business trying to support these idiots who won't hit the field of hard work.

New masters are the bottom feeders. The slaves are those who work hard to feed them.

It's not that the rich pay more to the poor but that the rich pay more period

They have been on a tax gravy train for thirty years
I asked you how much debt is too much. are you going to answer or are you going to run away like Sallow always does?

I answered your question

Debt does not matter.....until a Democrat is in office

You mean the other way around, don't you? Dims like you were constantly screaming about the deficit when Bush was in office. Now you're all strangely quiet.

They are strangely quiet on a lot of issues that they screaming loudly about before 2009.

Can you say Hypocrite?
I wish he'd allow a bill to fund infrastructure, education, science and r@d the way it should be. 300+ votes in the house from both parties is more of the American people.

Cut the wartime funds for the stupid wars.

Why is the answer for everything....
More spending?....

I wish he'd allow a bill to fund infrastructure, education, science and r@d the way it should be.

Couldn't possibly be because we have a wonderful interstate highway system that is falling down around our ears for lack of maintenance. Or that we, the nation that invented the internet, rank way down there when it comes to our internet system. Or that even little South Korea graduates more engineers than we do.

But single note players like you simply haven't the comprehension to discern the differance between investment and costs.

Regarding the infrastructure, we've had taxes specifically targeted for infrastructure that has been raided by our politicians.

Do we or do we not spend more money on education than any other country in the world? :eusa_whistle:

There is something in the system that isn't working and it's NOT the lack of money going to it. Most people with critical thinking abilities know what the answer is, but the libs are in denial because of their ideology.

So, we as Americans have invested in America, but the politicians have spent the money foolishly. Americans aren't getting their monies worth from people who we elect.

This isn't rocket science, but it does take a person to put country over ideology.
All I see in America are the cries for the rich to pay more to the poor.

I recommend the great equalizer the GST all of a sudden out of the woodwork, no one wants to pay any tax.

Just make the rich pay.

Well what that says to me is you liberals are the new masters. Your slaves are anyone who is successful who has to pay for those that don't work and contribute to society.

I call that.slave labour. Assholes sitting around on the dole with their hands out all screaming for more wanting more from the poor bastards in the field of business trying to support these idiots who won't hit the field of hard work.

New masters are the bottom feeders. The slaves are those who work hard to feed them.

It's not that the rich pay more to the poor but that the rich pay more period

They have been on a tax gravy train for thirty years

:cuckoo: yeah, that's the ticket. The rich are taxed the lions share of all taxes taken's just not enough for the parasites. :eusa_whistle:

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