Boehner and Ryan step out of the crazy house.

Blah Blah Blah...partisan blather...blah blah
Answer the question - IS THIS EVEN A DECENT BILL???
You won't answer this because either you are so blind by partisanship that you have no idea what it is specifically - or you just want to celebrate it because you think your side looks better than the other by it passing.

You can go "blah blah blah" all you want and it still doesn't change the facts I posted.

Why the fuck do we need some 7% of the population owning 1/2 the wealth in this country?

Is that a "DECENT" thing?

It's gotten SO bad that even the Pope is talking about it.

Is this a "DECENT" bill? Well it's better then what's been going on..that's for sure.

Why the fuck do we need the top 7% seeing a RECORD 28% earnings increase in the past few years - while the rest of us received -5%????
Why the fuck are we still throwing out $85 bn a month in tax revenue to prop up the system that keeps these folks raking it in and hurting us?
But you see - to answer these questions realistically requires you to step away from "it is all their fault" mantra and realize your "side" is equally corrupt and just paying lip service to all of us while continuing the oligarchical governance while padding their pockets.
Fuck it Sallow. You are one of the lost sheep. You are exactly the kind of person that keeps any hope of ACTUAL change from happening by consistently towing the party line like a good little soldier.
They laugh at you.

Yeah boyo..

Go on and shoot up a mall with your AR15.

Wolverines! Dude.

Sorry if I color within the lines..

I'll stick with voting for folks I think represent me and writing them when I think they screw up. That and giving to charity.
The thing is, Boehner knows that he's got a good thing going with ACA difficulties, and the last thing he needs is the GOP reminding everyone they are douchebags by shutting down the government again.

That ship has basically sailed.

You watch, there's a good chance that they'll be walking back the Cruz bull and trying to own the law. I'm thinking it will start with some Republican saying "Well it was our idea in the first place.." and then chime in "We are glad that Obama saw things our way.."

:lol: That was a joke right?...You made it funny:lol: Even Boehner wouldn't do something that stupid..Joe is actually right on this one.
You can go "blah blah blah" all you want and it still doesn't change the facts I posted.

Why the fuck do we need some 7% of the population owning 1/2 the wealth in this country?

Is that a "DECENT" thing?

It's gotten SO bad that even the Pope is talking about it.

Is this a "DECENT" bill? Well it's better then what's been going on..that's for sure.

Why the fuck do we need the top 7% seeing a RECORD 28% earnings increase in the past few years - while the rest of us received -5%????
Why the fuck are we still throwing out $85 bn a month in tax revenue to prop up the system that keeps these folks raking it in and hurting us?
But you see - to answer these questions realistically requires you to step away from "it is all their fault" mantra and realize your "side" is equally corrupt and just paying lip service to all of us while continuing the oligarchical governance while padding their pockets.
Fuck it Sallow. You are one of the lost sheep. You are exactly the kind of person that keeps any hope of ACTUAL change from happening by consistently towing the party line like a good little soldier.
They laugh at you.
Because they are better than you are.

And that in a nutshell?

Sums up conservatism.

Well no.

You folks voted in a bunch of radicals that think that the Federal government should be dismantled and we should devolve into Balkanized states that have their own little Theocratic Lords that squelch the vote and harden the monied caste.

Our "MAJOR" economic issues are self inflicted. Corporate personhood has allowed these corporate citizens to not pay taxes, not raise wages, layoff Americans in favor of hiring low paid labor in other countries and craft legislation favorable to maintaining their wealth. And no, none of you folks want to deal with that at all..quite the want to throw these guys military contracts.

People are SLOWLY waking up to this. :eusa_shifty:

Blah Blah Blah...partisan blather...blah blah
Answer the question - IS THIS EVEN A DECENT BILL???
You won't answer this because either you are so blind by partisanship that you have no idea what it is specifically - or you just want to celebrate it because you think your side looks better than the other by it passing.

You can go "blah blah blah" all you want and it still doesn't change the facts I posted.

Why the fuck do we need some 7% of the population owning 1/2 the wealth in this country?

Is that a "DECENT" thing?

It's gotten SO bad that even the Pope is talking about it.

Is this a "DECENT" bill? Well it's better then what's been going on..that's for sure.

Why are you a hater? hating wealthy people gonna make your life any better? Most people haft to work very hard to make it to where they are, who are you to tell them how much money they are allowed to make? :eusa_eh:
When are Boehner, McConnell and company going to show the TeaTards the door? How long will they allow their party to be dragged through the mud by petty TeaTard temper tantrums? do not always get your way
Yes.......Sometimes you have to give a little to get a little

shutdown a sequestration are not the way to do business
You can go "blah blah blah" all you want and it still doesn't change the facts I posted.

Why the fuck do we need some 7% of the population owning 1/2 the wealth in this country?

Is that a "DECENT" thing?

It's gotten SO bad that even the Pope is talking about it.

Is this a "DECENT" bill? Well it's better then what's been going on..that's for sure.

Why the fuck do we need the top 7% seeing a RECORD 28% earnings increase in the past few years - while the rest of us received -5%????
Why the fuck are we still throwing out $85 bn a month in tax revenue to prop up the system that keeps these folks raking it in and hurting us?
But you see - to answer these questions realistically requires you to step away from "it is all their fault" mantra and realize your "side" is equally corrupt and just paying lip service to all of us while continuing the oligarchical governance while padding their pockets.
Fuck it Sallow. You are one of the lost sheep. You are exactly the kind of person that keeps any hope of ACTUAL change from happening by consistently towing the party line like a good little soldier.
They laugh at you.

Yeah boyo..

Go on and shoot up a mall with your AR15.

Wolverines! Dude.

Sorry if I color within the lines..

I'll stick with voting for folks I think represent me and writing them when I think they screw up. That and giving to charity.

You think they represent YOU??????
YOU -----> :bowdown:
THEM -------> :party:
The thing is, Boehner knows that he's got a good thing going with ACA difficulties, and the last thing he needs is the GOP reminding everyone they are douchebags by shutting down the government again.

That ship has basically sailed.

You watch, there's a good chance that they'll be walking back the Cruz bull and trying to own the law. I'm thinking it will start with some Republican saying "Well it was our idea in the first place.." and then chime in "We are glad that Obama saw things our way.."

:lol: That was a joke right?...You made it funny:lol: Even Boehner wouldn't do something that stupid..Joe is actually right on this one.'s not like a conservative would rail against Medicare when out of office, but once in, expand it..

Or wait..

They did that..

Reagan and George W. Bush.

:lmao: You can't make this stuff up!
That ship has basically sailed.

You watch, there's a good chance that they'll be walking back the Cruz bull and trying to own the law. I'm thinking it will start with some Republican saying "Well it was our idea in the first place.." and then chime in "We are glad that Obama saw things our way.."

:lol: That was a joke right?...You made it funny:lol: Even Boehner wouldn't do something that stupid..Joe is actually right on this one.'s not like a conservative would rail against Medicare when out of office, but once in, expand it..

Or wait..

They did that..

Reagan and George W. Bush.

:lmao: You can't make this stuff up!

Obamacare is not medicare bro. And even though you might like it to be, Obamacare is unworkable, and our country is broke:eusa_eh:
Just a little reminder for the whiners who have wasted their lives complaining about the successful.


If you put half the effort into being successful as you do in trying to rob your betters, you'd be one of them.
Just a little reminder for the whiners who have wasted their lives complaining about the successful.

If you put half the effort into being successful as you do in trying to rob your betters, you'd be one of them.

You prove you know nothing.
You have no idea who I am - none. A small handful of folks here do know who I am, and what I do for a living. I am going to bet $10k I am not only more successful than you - but chances are I pay more in taxes than you make.
It isn't about "whining" about the is about the erosion of the American dream. I am as pro-business as anyone in this country - which means I am against corporatism; at least what corporatism has evolved into.
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Lovely, now that you on the left love these two so much, you can vote for them come the next election

Liberals/lefties/Democrats don't live in the crazy house, it's the twilight zone
:lol: That was a joke right?...You made it funny:lol: Even Boehner wouldn't do something that stupid..Joe is actually right on this one.'s not like a conservative would rail against Medicare when out of office, but once in, expand it..

Or wait..

They did that..

Reagan and George W. Bush.

:lmao: You can't make this stuff up!

Obamacare is not medicare bro. And even though you might like it to be, Obamacare is unworkable, and our country is broke:eusa_eh:

:lmao: The wealthiest nation on earth, broke..

Ladies and Gentlemen, try the chicken liver. He's here all week! And how about the beautiful Catskill Mountains!

Malez Tov!'s not like a conservative would rail against Medicare when out of office, but once in, expand it..

Or wait..

They did that..

Reagan and George W. Bush.

:lmao: You can't make this stuff up!

Obamacare is not medicare bro. And even though you might like it to be, Obamacare is unworkable, and our country is broke:eusa_eh:

:lmao: The wealthiest nation on earth, broke..

Ladies and Gentlemen, try the chicken liver. He's here all week! And how about the beautiful Catskill Mountains!

Malez Tov!

wow, now you are telling the people in country they might not be broke, so they should just cough up their money for your pet programs...and sit down and shut up
you people have some nerve...this NATION isn't rich UNLESS the people in it have the money
we have been sitting at over 7% UNEMPLOYMENT for six years under Obama, yet you think we should rejoice paying for OScamCare
I hope to gawd the people have woken up in this country
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If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Did Henry Ford and Alexander Bell and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get govt funding to develop and invent?

Govt "investing" rarely has good results, can you spell Solyndra?'s not like a conservative would rail against Medicare when out of office, but once in, expand it..

Or wait..

They did that..

Reagan and George W. Bush.

:lmao: You can't make this stuff up!

Obamacare is not medicare bro. And even though you might like it to be, Obamacare is unworkable, and our country is broke:eusa_eh:

:lmao: The wealthiest nation on earth, broke..

Ladies and Gentlemen, try the chicken liver. He's here all week! And how about the beautiful Catskill Mountains!

Malez Tov!

17 trillion in debt, will probably be over 20 trillion when barry leaves office.

you never answered my question: how much debt is too much? When should the govt stop spending more than it takes in?

give us a number: is it 20T, 50T, 100T ? how much, sallow?
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Did Henry Ford and Alexander Bell and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get govt funding to develop and invent?

Govt "investing" rarely has good results, can you spell Solyndra?

No you see why we are all going broke in this country

just sick
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Did Henry Ford and Alexander Bell and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get govt funding to develop and invent?

Govt "investing" rarely has good results, can you spell Solyndra?

No you see why we are all going broke in this country

just sick

liberalism is a mental disease. It blocks rational logical thinking. We see that every day on this message board.
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Did Henry Ford and Alexander Bell and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get govt funding to develop and invent?

Govt "investing" rarely has good results, can you spell Solyndra?

Henry Ford would not have sold many cars without a Government investment in roads

Alexander Graham Bell would have a nice little toy without government support of a communications infrastructure
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Did Henry Ford and Alexander Bell and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get govt funding to develop and invent?

Govt "investing" rarely has good results, can you spell Solyndra?

Henry Ford would not have sold many cars without a Government investment in roads

Alexander Graham Bell would have a nice little toy without government support of a communications infrastructure

when Henry Ford was selling cars most roads were built with private or local funding.

since Sallow always runs when I ask how much debt is too much, maybe you can tell us--------what is the limit that the govt should go into debt? give us a number, its 17T currently and growing every minute. How much is too much?
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Did Henry Ford and Alexander Bell and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get govt funding to develop and invent?

Govt "investing" rarely has good results, can you spell Solyndra?

Don't know about where(the four men above) they got their start up money. Have to look it up.

There is no doubt that all four had government contracts at various points in time. Which was a good thing to have if you were talking to bankers about borrowing money.

Money which probably was created in a Federal Reserve bank. Which has the full faith and credit of the government behind it.

SO did they get government funding? Only kinda. If they borrowed the money.

But I think it strange that all four of those men you mentioned would certainly fall in the plutocrat class, but they were/are not plutocrats. Matter of fact they all had or have more of a populist bent.

Something of which todays repubs know nothing about.

Yet you chose them for your example.


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