Boehner and Ryan step out of the crazy house.

Henry Ford VOLUNTARILY paid his workers more than any other car company. Was told that it would ruin his company. He told the critics they were wrong.

Henry was correct. You sure you want to use Henry for your examples?

He would not support the bull shit done by the Repub or Dem party. He would not protect the ultra wealthy like you want done.
Remember two years ago when Boehner said he got 99% of what he wanted? Well, if Boehner and Ryan are so excited about this deal, I'm very suspicious of it. No taxes for the rich, no unemployment for the jobless, and $23 billion in cuts from entitlements. Sounds to me like that dumb dem **** is caving into another con fuck. My bet is the Senate will add so many amendments it won't go through the house.
Did Henry Ford and Alexander Bell and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get govt funding to develop and invent?

Govt "investing" rarely has good results, can you spell Solyndra?

Henry Ford would not have sold many cars without a Government investment in roads

Alexander Graham Bell would have a nice little toy without government support of a communications infrastructure

when Henry Ford was selling cars most roads were built with private or local funding.

since Sallow always runs when I ask how much debt is too much, maybe you can tell us--------what is the limit that the govt should go into debt? give us a number, its 17T currently and growing every minute. How much is too much?

Yea, ok. You think those roads were free? That there were not toll taxes to be paid for using the roads.

Or were the builders socialists and wanted everyone to have roads? LMAO.
Remember two years ago when Boehner said he got 99% of what he wanted? Well, if Boehner and Ryan are so excited about this deal, I'm very suspicious of it. No taxes for the rich, no unemployment for the jobless, and $23 billion in cuts from entitlements. Sounds to me like that dumb dem **** is caving into another con fuck. My bet is the Senate will add so many amendments it won't go through the house.

It is just more of the same. All we have to do is just look 10 years down the road and see those deficits drop? See it? No? Me neither. But it sounds so good when presented against the idea of shutting down the government. At least they won't do that to us again for a while.

Kabuki theater at its finest.

It's what a plutocrat does best. Pretend.
Did Henry Ford and Alexander Bell and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get govt funding to develop and invent?

Govt "investing" rarely has good results, can you spell Solyndra?

Henry Ford would not have sold many cars without a Government investment in roads

Alexander Graham Bell would have a nice little toy without government support of a communications infrastructure

when Henry Ford was selling cars most roads were built with private or local funding.

since Sallow always runs when I ask how much debt is too much, maybe you can tell us--------what is the limit that the govt should go into debt? give us a number, its 17T currently and growing every minute. How much is too much?

How did that work out? Cars were for the wealthy so were the roads. You used a road, you paid a toll. Once government got involved, road infrastructure made the automobile possible

Debt? All I know about debt is that when Republicans are in control, debt does not matter

Didn't Reagan teach you anything?
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Did Henry Ford and Alexander Bell and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get govt funding to develop and invent?

Govt "investing" rarely has good results, can you spell Solyndra?

Don't know about where(the four men above) they got their start up money. Have to look it up.

There is no doubt that all four had government contracts at various points in time. Which was a good thing to have if you were talking to bankers about borrowing money.

Money which probably was created in a Federal Reserve bank. Which has the full faith and credit of the government behind it.

SO did they get government funding? Only kinda. If they borrowed the money.

But I think it strange that all four of those men you mentioned would certainly fall in the plutocrat class, but they were/are not plutocrats. Matter of fact they all had or have more of a populist bent.

Something of which todays repubs know nothing about.

Yet you chose them for your example.


quite simple, because they made their own successes without government handouts. I was simply refuting Matt's claim that govt "investment" is the only way new things are invented or improved.
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Remember two years ago when Boehner said he got 99% of what he wanted? Well, if Boehner and Ryan are so excited about this deal, I'm very suspicious of it. No taxes for the rich, no unemployment for the jobless, and $23 billion in cuts from entitlements. Sounds to me like that dumb dem **** is caving into another con fuck. My bet is the Senate will add so many amendments it won't go through the house.

so, you only whine is they didn't give out more our monies for the unemployed under their RULE which has been over 7% for Six years, raise taxes even more..
lovely, typical left wing thinking

give give give give free money from us working Taxpayers and Raise more taxes on the people in this country
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Henry Ford would not have sold many cars without a Government investment in roads

Alexander Graham Bell would have a nice little toy without government support of a communications infrastructure

when Henry Ford was selling cars most roads were built with private or local funding.

since Sallow always runs when I ask how much debt is too much, maybe you can tell us--------what is the limit that the govt should go into debt? give us a number, its 17T currently and growing every minute. How much is too much?

Yea, ok. You think those roads were free? That there were not toll taxes to be paid for using the roads.

Or were the builders socialists and wanted everyone to have roads? LMAO.

would you rather pay a toll for the roads you actually use, or pay taxes to pay for eveyone else's roads? which do you think would cost you more?

But thats not really the point. The interstate highway system was built with federal and state funding, and thats a good thing.

you lefties always want to mix infrastructure with inventions and innovations. Ford, Bell, Gates and Jobs got rich by their own initiative and entrepreneurship, not govt handouts.
Henry Ford would not have sold many cars without a Government investment in roads

Alexander Graham Bell would have a nice little toy without government support of a communications infrastructure

when Henry Ford was selling cars most roads were built with private or local funding.

since Sallow always runs when I ask how much debt is too much, maybe you can tell us--------what is the limit that the govt should go into debt? give us a number, its 17T currently and growing every minute. How much is too much?

How did that work out? Cars were for the wealthy so were the roads. You used a road, you paid a toll. Once government got involved, road infrastructure made the automobile possible

Debt? All I know about debt is that when Republicans are in control, debt does not matter

Didn't Reagan teach you anything?

I asked you how much debt is too much. are you going to answer or are you going to run away like Sallow always does?
Well for a while anyways..

How Outside Conservative Groups Pushed John Boehner Over The Edge

After several right-wing outside groups slammed the bipartisan budget deal negotiated by House Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senate Budget Chair Patty Murray (D-WA) — in some cases before the deal was even announced — Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) hit his breaking point. “When you criticize something and you have no idea what you’re criticizing, you’ve lost your credibility,” he told reporters Thursday, noting that it “comes to a point where some people step over a line.” But Boehner’s frustration has no doubt been building up over this three years as Speaker, as groups like Heritage Action, FreedomWorks, and the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF) have stymied his attempts to pass even conservative-friendly legislation.
How Outside Conservative Groups Pushed John Boehner Over The Edge | ThinkProgress
Tipping point?

We'll have to see. :eusa_shifty:
The armchair coaches from both polarized sides screams at the same time to House Speaker John Boehner. He's just trying to keep the nation together as long as he can. :(
Obamacare is not medicare bro. And even though you might like it to be, Obamacare is unworkable, and our country is broke:eusa_eh:

:lmao: The wealthiest nation on earth, broke..

Ladies and Gentlemen, try the chicken liver. He's here all week! And how about the beautiful Catskill Mountains!

Malez Tov!

17 trillion in debt, will probably be over 20 trillion when barry leaves office.

you never answered my question: how much debt is too much? When should the govt stop spending more than it takes in?

give us a number: is it 20T, 50T, 100T ? how much, sallow?

Hey..I'm with ya.

The government should not be spending more than it takes in.

And it generally spends more than it takes in when Republicans are in office.

They cut taxes for their patrons and give fat contracts to their patrons and themselves.

Personally I'm for a progressive Tax where if you are grabbing the most profit and you are a greedy get a nice big tax bill from Uncle Sam.

I'd like to see sensible defense spending. I mean..we are not going to be warding off an Alien attack anytime soon.

And I'd like to feed, provide health care and shelter for all Americans. There's no reason in the world not too. There's also no reason in the world we have 7% of Americans hoarding half of America's wealth.
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when Henry Ford was selling cars most roads were built with private or local funding.

since Sallow always runs when I ask how much debt is too much, maybe you can tell us--------what is the limit that the govt should go into debt? give us a number, its 17T currently and growing every minute. How much is too much?

How did that work out? Cars were for the wealthy so were the roads. You used a road, you paid a toll. Once government got involved, road infrastructure made the automobile possible

Debt? All I know about debt is that when Republicans are in control, debt does not matter

Didn't Reagan teach you anything?

I asked you how much debt is too much. are you going to answer or are you going to run away like Sallow always does?

Gee man..I always answer your question.

Problem don't like the answers.
when Henry Ford was selling cars most roads were built with private or local funding.

since Sallow always runs when I ask how much debt is too much, maybe you can tell us--------what is the limit that the govt should go into debt? give us a number, its 17T currently and growing every minute. How much is too much?

Yea, ok. You think those roads were free? That there were not toll taxes to be paid for using the roads.

Or were the builders socialists and wanted everyone to have roads? LMAO.

would you rather pay a toll for the roads you actually use, or pay taxes to pay for eveyone else's roads? which do you think would cost you more?

But thats not really the point. The interstate highway system was built with federal and state funding, and thats a good thing.

you lefties always want to mix infrastructure with inventions and innovations. Ford, Bell, Gates and Jobs got rich by their own initiative and entrepreneurship, not govt handouts.

There is nothing in the world stopping inventors. But if the current invention doesn't get built here or the inventions don't need tens of thousands of jobs filled (like Henry'c car company or Bell Labs needing EVERYTHING for a phone system made), then government infrastructure spending is ONE way to cause thousands to become employed.

That interstate highway you like? You know who inspired it? Hitlers Germany. Ike was so impressed with the high way system and its ability to move troops and goods in Germany, that he KNEW we would have to have one. Especially with the Cold War in full swing.

So there you go, government infrastructure spending for defense purposes creating thousands of jobs now and then, and even YOU like it.

Fucking amazing.
when Henry Ford was selling cars most roads were built with private or local funding.

since Sallow always runs when I ask how much debt is too much, maybe you can tell us--------what is the limit that the govt should go into debt? give us a number, its 17T currently and growing every minute. How much is too much?

Yea, ok. You think those roads were free? That there were not toll taxes to be paid for using the roads.

Or were the builders socialists and wanted everyone to have roads? LMAO.

would you rather pay a toll for the roads you actually use, or pay taxes to pay for eveyone else's roads? which do you think would cost you more?

But thats not really the point. The interstate highway system was built with federal and state funding, and thats a good thing.

you lefties always want to mix infrastructure with inventions and innovations. Ford, Bell, Gates and Jobs got rich by their own initiative and entrepreneurship, not govt handouts.

To proclaim that Ford made his millions without any help from th taxpayers is bull. Cars were a nice toy for the rich without a government investment in public infrastructure.
And no, they didn't build that
when Henry Ford was selling cars most roads were built with private or local funding.

since Sallow always runs when I ask how much debt is too much, maybe you can tell us--------what is the limit that the govt should go into debt? give us a number, its 17T currently and growing every minute. How much is too much?

How did that work out? Cars were for the wealthy so were the roads. You used a road, you paid a toll. Once government got involved, road infrastructure made the automobile possible

Debt? All I know about debt is that when Republicans are in control, debt does not matter

Didn't Reagan teach you anything?

I asked you how much debt is too much. are you going to answer or are you going to run away like Sallow always does?

I answered your question

Debt does not matter.....until a Democrat is in office
Just a little reminder for the whiners who have wasted their lives complaining about the successful.

If you put half the effort into being successful as you do in trying to rob your betters, you'd be one of them.

You prove you know nothing.
You have no idea who I am - none. A small handful of folks here do know who I am, and what I do for a living. I am going to bet $10k I am not only more successful than you - but chances are I pay more in taxes than you make.
It isn't about "whining" about the is about the erosion of the American dream. I am as pro-business as anyone in this country - which means I am against corporatism; at least what corporatism has evolved into.
I doubt it. In either case, they are still your betters. They don't whine about how unfair life is. They went out and took it by the balls and succeeded.

So, whine Me some more about how the income gap is harming people.
Yea, ok. You think those roads were free? That there were not toll taxes to be paid for using the roads.

Or were the builders socialists and wanted everyone to have roads? LMAO.

would you rather pay a toll for the roads you actually use, or pay taxes to pay for eveyone else's roads? which do you think would cost you more?

But thats not really the point. The interstate highway system was built with federal and state funding, and thats a good thing.

you lefties always want to mix infrastructure with inventions and innovations. Ford, Bell, Gates and Jobs got rich by their own initiative and entrepreneurship, not govt handouts.

To proclaim that Ford made his millions without any help from th taxpayers is bull. Cars were a nice toy for the rich without a government investment in public infrastructure.
And no, they didn't build that

He also seems to forget about Patents and Corporate charters, both provided by the government. And in the case of Gates and Jobs, they took a product invented in government labs or in colleges with government grants, slapped a title on it and made mega millions...thanks to tax payer funding.

Just a little reminder for the whiners who have wasted their lives complaining about the successful.

If you put half the effort into being successful as you do in trying to rob your betters, you'd be one of them.

You prove you know nothing.
You have no idea who I am - none. A small handful of folks here do know who I am, and what I do for a living. I am going to bet $10k I am not only more successful than you - but chances are I pay more in taxes than you make.
It isn't about "whining" about the is about the erosion of the American dream. I am as pro-business as anyone in this country - which means I am against corporatism; at least what corporatism has evolved into.
I doubt it. In either case, they are still your betters. They don't whine about how unfair life is. They went out and took it by the balls and succeeded.

So, whine Me some more about how the income gap is harming people.

90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.
You prove you know nothing.
You have no idea who I am - none. A small handful of folks here do know who I am, and what I do for a living. I am going to bet $10k I am not only more successful than you - but chances are I pay more in taxes than you make.
It isn't about "whining" about the is about the erosion of the American dream. I am as pro-business as anyone in this country - which means I am against corporatism; at least what corporatism has evolved into.
I doubt it. In either case, they are still your betters. They don't whine about how unfair life is. They went out and took it by the balls and succeeded.

So, whine Me some more about how the income gap is harming people.

90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

Now I'm busy on the weekend, but I'd love a debate on how no one in America except for the top tier gets away with paying taxes.

And your bottom feeders still bitch that the 50% who actually pay taxes, don't pay enough.

It's unreal to me.

Your lower classes are now the slave masters demanding that those more fortunate work for them.

The world is upside down.

The better off are now the slaves to the masses who now expect and demand monies off those who work.
I doubt it. In either case, they are still your betters. They don't whine about how unfair life is. They went out and took it by the balls and succeeded.

So, whine Me some more about how the income gap is harming people.

90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

Now I'm busy on the weekend, but I'd love a debate on how no one in America except for the top tier gets away with paying taxes.

And your bottom feeders still bitch that the 50% who actually pay taxes, don't pay enough.

It's unreal to me.

Your lower classes are now the slave masters demanding that those more fortunate work for them.

The world is upside down.

The better off are now the slaves to the masses who now expect and demand monies off those who work.

Odd perception of reality

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