Boehner and Ryan step out of the crazy house.

All I see in America are the cries for the rich to pay more to the poor.

I recommend the great equalizer the GST all of a sudden out of the woodwork, no one wants to pay any tax.

Just make the rich pay.

Well what that says to me is you liberals are the new masters. Your slaves are anyone who is successful who has to pay for those that don't work and contribute to society.

I call that.slave labour. Assholes sitting around on the dole with their hands out all screaming for more wanting more from the poor bastards in the field of business trying to support these idiots who won't hit the field of hard work.

New masters are the bottom feeders. The slaves are those who work hard to feed them.

It's not that the rich pay more to the poor but that the rich pay more period

They have been on a tax gravy train for thirty years

Do equal now.

Do a GST what we call a goods and services tax.

Make everyone equal and pay into your government who hands out the gravy. But make the pain equal.

You can have all the yap yap all you want out of Detroit folks for example who've never paid a tax in their life blaming everything on the rich and oh woe is me shit

You make everyone pay. Watch your world stop and give people a chance to say "I'm giving the government whatttttttttttt?

The GST or VAT makes everyone realize that the government works only because YOU pay them.

And they are not the godfather handing it back to you.

YOU whether you are on a rez or inner city or a suburb or middle class or high up you get to hold the reins back.

High or low. Equal say.

Never forget I started out a huge liberal. Tempered with serious conservatism but never forgetting the honest man in the middle.

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90% of what's happened since Reagan until today is the result of wealthy people using their wealth to deconstruct the New Deal. should be happy with the results if you don't think income disparity is a problem.

Talk about a disconnect from Reality.

Although one thing is true the far left has dismantled the ability to take of the infrastructure piece by piece over the last 60+ years.

I suggest it's more about Reagan's tying both parties to pushing neoliberal econ agendas that's created growth (though oddly Carter first upped rates and cut cap gains taxes and gets no credit) but neither party really having any policy to see workers wages rise at the same rate as capital's profits.

nevertheless, it is interesting to see conservatives who will compromise to get 51% of their aganda kicking the govt shutdown crowd to the curb.

Just like the far left who kicked the last of the moderates out over Obamacare, out their party?

The law that most people did not want and still do not want?

Carter was also responsible this:

On October 1, 1979, Carter announced before a television audience the existence of the Rapid Deployment Forces (RDF), a mobile fighting force capable of responding to worldwide trouble spots, without drawing on forces committed to NATO.

Rapid deployment force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also during the Carter presidency we openly saw the hijacking of the Democratic party by the far left.
Why is the answer for everything....
More spending?....

Couldn't possibly be because we have a wonderful interstate highway system that is falling down around our ears for lack of maintenance. Or that we, the nation that invented the internet, rank way down there when it comes to our internet system. Or that even little South Korea graduates more engineers than we do.

But single note players like you simply haven't the comprehension to discern the differance between investment and costs.

Regarding the infrastructure, we've had taxes specifically targeted for infrastructure that has been raided by our politicians.

Do we or do we not spend more money on education than any other country in the world? :eusa_whistle:

There is something in the system that isn't working and it's NOT the lack of money going to it. Most people with critical thinking abilities know what the answer is, but the libs are in denial because of their ideology.

So, we as Americans have invested in America, but the politicians have spent the money foolishly. Americans aren't getting their monies worth from people who we elect.

This isn't rocket science, but it does take a person to put country over ideology.

The far left's answer to any problem is throw more money at it, they have been doing that for 60+ years.
today's rich aint the rich of your pappy's day. Just like today's Repub party aint your father's Repub party. They had intellectual integrity up to a certain point then realized that the only way they could keep a coalition together w/ any chance of winning nat'l elections was to toss red meat to SOCONs. Their decline started on.....oh..... 1964. Then continued on w/ a Repub ploy called "The Southern Strategy". Google it if you don't know what that strategy is. I'll give you a hint: its based on fear :tomato:
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...

Wrong. If you want to remain a first world country, you keep the size of government to a minimum. No spending at all is better than the "right spending." Government interference in the economy also has to be kept to a minimum.

What "third world shithole" did the Republicans invest in?

Where do you get the bullshit that first world countries have small governments?

Name one

Just need to look at the tax rates and the debt of those other "first world countries".
Big government has helped them? Is that what you want me to believe?
today's rich aint the rich of your pappy's day. Just like today's Repub party aint your father's Repub party. They had intellectual integrity up to a certain point then realized that the only way they could keep a coalition together w/ any chance of winning nat'l elections was to toss red meat to SOCONs. Their decline started on.....oh..... 1964. Then continued on w/ a Repub ploy called "The Southern Strategy". Google it if you don't know what that strategy is. I'll give you a hint: its based on fear :tomato:

Your democrat party has been steady through the years, right? :lol:
You guys nominated JFK in 1960, and you would throw him out of your party today. :eusa_whistle:

So go pound sand, dot.
get angry much? truth hurts :(

Repubs offer nothing unless their backs are against the wall or they offer something so outlandish it has no chance of going anywhere. Hows that working out for you status quo drones? :eusa_whistle: :eusa_eh:

BTW- I've never been a registed anything as I reside in the old Dominion where party affiliation is not mandatory. I'm a Progressive Independent. :afro:
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today's rich aint the rich of your pappy's day. Just like today's Repub party aint your father's Repub party. They had intellectual integrity up to a certain point then realized that the only way they could keep a coalition together w/ any chance of winning nat'l elections was to toss red meat to SOCONs. Their decline started on.....oh..... 1964. Then continued on w/ a Repub ploy called "The Southern Strategy". Google it if you don't know what that strategy is. I'll give you a hint: its based on fear :tomato:

Your democrat party has been steady through the years, right? :lol:
You guys nominated JFK in 1960, and you would throw him out of your party today. :eusa_whistle:

So go pound sand, dot.

Truth out JFK would have had to cross the aisle.
get angry much? truth hurts :(

Repubs offer nothing unless their backs are against the wall or they offer something so outlandish it has no chance of going anywhere. Hows that working out for you status quo drones? :eusa_whistle: :eusa_eh:

So now we find out why far left is so angry all the time.
I answered your question

Debt does not matter.....until a Democrat is in office

You mean the other way around, don't you? Dims like you were constantly screaming about the deficit when Bush was in office. Now you're all strangely quiet.

That's basically because the deficit's been going down and there have actually down payments down to bring the debt down as well.

Not like you'd notice or anything. :eusa_shifty:

right from over a trillion to 700 billion. BFD, the national debt is increasing every day.

when will the deficit get to zero? what will the dems do to get to a balanced budget? why did you support obama raising the debt ceiling last year?

what is the dem/lib plan for paying off the debt?

currently we are paying only the interest,nothing on the principal
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If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...
Ah, the antiquated "investing" canard.

Problem is that politicians don't invest for monetary returns, but political ones.

As far as those goofballs Boehner and Ryan are concerned, they cut this deal so they could get their coveted military spending out from under the thumb of the sequester.

It's really no more complicated than that.
You mean the other way around, don't you? Dims like you were constantly screaming about the deficit when Bush was in office. Now you're all strangely quiet.

That's basically because the deficit's been going down and there have actually down payments down to bring the debt down as well.

Not like you'd notice or anything. :eusa_shifty:

right from over a trillion to 700 billion. BFD, the national debt is increasing every day.

when will the deficit get to zero? what will the dems do to get to a balanced budget? why did you support obama raising the debt ceiling last year?

what is the dem/lib plan for paying off the debt?

currently we are paying only the interest,nothing on the principal
Have their lackeys at the Fed try to inflate their way out of the debt. What do you think that pumping $85 billion a month into the stock market is for?|

Forget that it, like all of their other central planner pipe dreams, has never ever worked before.
Talk about a disconnect from Reality.

Although one thing is true the far left has dismantled the ability to take of the infrastructure piece by piece over the last 60+ years.

I suggest it's more about Reagan's tying both parties to pushing neoliberal econ agendas that's created growth (though oddly Carter first upped rates and cut cap gains taxes and gets no credit) but neither party really having any policy to see workers wages rise at the same rate as capital's profits.

nevertheless, it is interesting to see conservatives who will compromise to get 51% of their aganda kicking the govt shutdown crowd to the curb.

Just like the far left who kicked the last of the moderates out over Obamacare, out their party?

The law that most people did not want and still do not want?

Carter was also responsible this:

On October 1, 1979, Carter announced before a television audience the existence of the Rapid Deployment Forces (RDF), a mobile fighting force capable of responding to worldwide trouble spots, without drawing on forces committed to NATO.

Rapid deployment force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also during the Carter presidency we openly saw the hijacking of the Democratic party by the far left.

That's loony tunes.
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...
Ah, the antiquated "investing" canard.

Problem is that politicians don't invest for monetary returns, but political ones.

As far as those goofballs Boehner and Ryan are concerned, they cut this deal so they could get their coveted military spending out from under the thumb of the sequester.

It's really no more complicated than that.

true, pork pork and more pork

but military spending does put american blue collar workers to work. Tanks, ships, planes, guns, ammo, boots, uniforms, rations, etc. All built by american workers in America.

Now, you may think that that money should be used for roads and bridges that also create american jobs, thats fine. and thats the debate that congress should be having-------------after they balance the budget.
That's basically because the deficit's been going down and there have actually down payments down to bring the debt down as well.

Not like you'd notice or anything. :eusa_shifty:

right from over a trillion to 700 billion. BFD, the national debt is increasing every day.

when will the deficit get to zero? what will the dems do to get to a balanced budget? why did you support obama raising the debt ceiling last year?

what is the dem/lib plan for paying off the debt?

currently we are paying only the interest,nothing on the principal
Have their lackeys at the Fed try to inflate their way out of the debt. What do you think that pumping $85 billion a month into the stock market is for?|

Forget that it, like all of their other central planner pipe dreams, has never ever worked before.

I get it, but they never will. print money to pay the bills--------yeah right, brilliant.
I suggest it's more about Reagan's tying both parties to pushing neoliberal econ agendas that's created growth (though oddly Carter first upped rates and cut cap gains taxes and gets no credit) but neither party really having any policy to see workers wages rise at the same rate as capital's profits.

nevertheless, it is interesting to see conservatives who will compromise to get 51% of their aganda kicking the govt shutdown crowd to the curb.

Just like the far left who kicked the last of the moderates out over Obamacare, out their party?

The law that most people did not want and still do not want?

Carter was also responsible this:

On October 1, 1979, Carter announced before a television audience the existence of the Rapid Deployment Forces (RDF), a mobile fighting force capable of responding to worldwide trouble spots, without drawing on forces committed to NATO.

Rapid deployment force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also during the Carter presidency we openly saw the hijacking of the Democratic party by the far left.

That's loony tunes.

No it is reality it is loony toons for the far left to deny it,.
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...
Ah, the antiquated "investing" canard.

Problem is that politicians don't invest for monetary returns, but political ones.

As far as those goofballs Boehner and Ryan are concerned, they cut this deal so they could get their coveted military spending out from under the thumb of the sequester.

It's really no more complicated than that.

true, pork pork and more pork

but military spending does put american blue collar workers to work. Tanks, ships, planes, guns, ammo, boots, uniforms, rations, etc. All built by american workers in America.

Now, you may think that that money should be used for roads and bridges that also create american jobs, thats fine. and thats the debate that congress should be having-------------after they balance the budget.

Lots of union jobs in supporting the military, so when the far left claims they want to cut or do away with the military just goes to show that the far left is truly anti-union.
I'm glad this fight has come. And do not think it is with just Republicans.

This is not a matter of policy.

It's a fight for the heart and soul of a party. I welcome this. Let me explain (I'm trying to get up my Christmas decorations :) I really do have a life).

I believe both parties are in this battle with their leadership. Pelosi flushed so many after 2008 She made me hate her forever on her callousness. I hate her for a lot of reasons but she used all those blue dogs and flushed them like one ply toilet paper and didn't care.


R's have them. Look at them. Do I need to name them outside Ryan and Boehner?

Get ready for a fight gentlemen for calling us basically uncouth pigs who just didn't understand your position.

Lord help you.

All I see in America are the cries for the rich to pay more to the poor.

I recommend the great equalizer the GST all of a sudden out of the woodwork, no one wants to pay any tax.

Just make the rich pay.

Well what that says to me is you liberals are the new masters. Your slaves are anyone who is successful who has to pay for those that don't work and contribute to society.

I call that.slave labour. Assholes sitting around on the dole with their hands out all screaming for more wanting more from the poor bastards in the field of business trying to support these idiots who won't hit the field of hard work.

New masters are the bottom feeders. The slaves are those who work hard to feed them.

It's not that the rich pay more to the poor but that the rich pay more period

They have been on a tax gravy train for thirty years

:cuckoo: yeah, that's the ticket. The rich are taxed the lions share of all taxes taken's just not enough for the parasites. :eusa_whistle:

That's because we have an "income" tax. Those with the most "income" pay the most tax
But at the lowest rate in 75 years

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