Boehner holds the trump card right now

The American Citizens judged President Obama to be the man for the job of President. Now he can propose legislation to bring this nation back to economic stability.
Democrats don't even know what that means. They think it means "Free Obama Phone" and "EBT Cards". The vast majority have no idea how that gets paid for.

The idea that Obama and the Democrats will "propose legislation" that will "bring this nation back to economic stability" is laughable at best. You forget that Democrats haven't submitted a budget for 3 years?

What exactly are you guys celebrating? The Country and the Economy continuing to flounder?
He has no reason not to play hardball right now because his leverage will never be higher.

'( - The U.S. Treasury quietly warned at the end of a statement issued last Wednesday that it expects the federal government to hit its legal debt limit before the end of this year--which means before the new Congress is seated--and that "extraordinary measures" will be needed before then to keep the government fully funded into the early part of 2013.'

Treasury Quietly Warns: 'Expect Debt Limit to Be Reached Near End of 2012' |

Still trying to dive the country into the ground, eh? If the Reps don't get their act together, I see a House reversal in '14 and a big win for Hillary in '16. Americans won't keep putting up with fools that don't realize that we're not going to get out of the deficit mess on cuts alone.

That's her story and she's sticking to it. It hasn't sunk in yet for some of these guys that Democrats won the WH, Senate and will be appointing a judge or two soon. Boehner the crybaby had better start working across the aisle or he'll be the one gone.
The American Citizens judged President Obama to be the man for the job of President. Now he can propose legislation to bring this nation back to economic stability, but the Congress has to pass that legislation. If Boehner and the rest continue to simply say no to whatever is proposed, they will suffer for that come 2014.

Remember Mitch McConnel's statement concerning getting President Obama out of office being more important than the economic well being of the citizens of this nation? Well, continue that attitude, and the GOP will suffer a catastrophic defeat in 2014 and probably 2016 as well.

Governor Christie showed the nation how partisanship should be thrust aside when citizens are in need. He will benefit greatly from that, if the GOP doesn't go completely berserk and force him onto the sidelines.

The American Citizen has judged the Republican led House of Representative to be the one to write such legislation. But Obama has to sign such legislation.

I am guessing you now have no interest in what the American Citizen wants.

That's what happens when you let the top 10% control 90% of the wealth, and then insist they don't have to pay their fair share.

It has nothing to do with anyone's wealth, retard.

It is a measure of sovereign debt brought on by deficit spending.

Again, when you actually give me a list of what you want to cut instead of taxing the rich their fair share... I'll take you seriously.

I mean, yeah, okay, you want to cut Big Bird. That's about .001% of the budget, that's going to help.

Fact is, if you guys want to increase defense spending, and keep Social Security and Medicare where they are at, you have to find that money somewhere...

You don't even know how sovereign debt is accrued.


Go fuck yourself.
Want that debt ceiling raised, Mr. Prezdint?

Come to daddy!

[ame=]CSPAN Sep 29 08 Boehner on TARP Bill - YouTube[/ame]

Boehner holds the "trump" card? Think we can send him to Hawaii to do some research and keep him out of trouble? :lmao:
He has no reason not to play hardball right now because his leverage will never be higher.

'( - The U.S. Treasury quietly warned at the end of a statement issued last Wednesday that it expects the federal government to hit its legal debt limit before the end of this year--which means before the new Congress is seated--and that "extraordinary measures" will be needed before then to keep the government fully funded into the early part of 2013.'

Treasury Quietly Warns: 'Expect Debt Limit to Be Reached Near End of 2012' |

For the last 8 presidents, 2/3rds of jobs have come under Democratic administrations. The debt has spiraled out of control under Republicans. Remember, Mitt wanted to spend two trillion more on our military.

Obama's first year in office, the yearly debt was over 1.4 trillion. Republicans gave him that. This year, it's slightly over 1 trillion, cut by nearly a third.

When are you guys going to start dealing in "facts".

The debt is 16t right now, 10 when O took office. It will reach 20t or more in four years...if the dollar is worth anything at that point.
He has no reason not to play hardball right now because his leverage will never be higher.

'( - The U.S. Treasury quietly warned at the end of a statement issued last Wednesday that it expects the federal government to hit its legal debt limit before the end of this year--which means before the new Congress is seated--and that "extraordinary measures" will be needed before then to keep the government fully funded into the early part of 2013.'

Treasury Quietly Warns: 'Expect Debt Limit to Be Reached Near End of 2012' |

Still trying to dive the country into the ground, eh? If the Reps don't get their act together, I see a House reversal in '14 and a big win for Hillary in '16. Americans won't keep putting up with fools that don't realize that we're not going to get out of the deficit mess on cuts alone.

Obama needs to publicaly offer up a compromise to save the country. Draw a line in the sand and make it clear who is not willing to step over it
Don't be a bigger ass than usual. Obama racked up $6 trillion in one term, and the CBO projects it to reach $20 billion in total debt before he is put down.

** Bush Tax Cuts

** Interest on war debt

** Unfunded medicare bill (under W.)

Fucking ignorant twits like you need to STFU and let the rest of us fix the country.

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