Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

I am a bit tired of hearing that,

Can you give me a list of all the times in history that presidents have made speeches to the full Congress that where not the SOTU? Are you aware that in 8 years in office Bush only addressed Congress once outside of the SOTU speech, and that was in order after 9/11? This will make the second time Obama has done so, and I am pretty sure this will not be a 9/11 speech.

Holy crap.

You talking about Bush and history making?


Are you often the guy that points to a molehill and a mountain and say they are equal?

Look..what Boehner did..and what the Republicans have done were some pretty severe breaches in decorum. They've done this with just about every Democratic President in my lifetime..but this one is ridiculous.

And Boehner is pretty much a flimflam man..but at this point..he's the best you got.

Right now you have a party populated with Elmer Gantry types. It ain't pretty.

Are you even talking in English? Where did I say Bush made history? What I said was that Bush only addressed Congress one time in 8 years outside of the SOTU format. FYI, Clinton only did it once during his 8 years also, so I am pretty sure Bush did not make any history when he did it.

My problem here is that some idiots, you included, seem to think that Congress is obliged to let Obama talk to them whenever he decides to score political points. Believe it or not, that is simply not true. The simple truth is that there are procedures that both sides have to follow in order to keep this kind of shit behind the scenes and out of sight of gullible idiots who think that this is going to hurt the country.

FYI, the White House made any statement which indicated that they had an agreement with Boehner before they asked for the joint session. Protocol, which you are apparently fond of in this case, is that the White House and Congress iron the details out in private before the formal request is made. The reason for that is based on the theory that the three branches of government are equal, something I am sure you are solidly behind when a Republican is president.

FYI, I do not own the Republican party. Do not blame me for anything it, or its membership, does. I just like irritating idiots who think that one party, or the other, is always right. At the moment that attitude is mostly coming from idiots on the left side, such as you, who support the Democrats. That, by the way, makes you responsible for Carson's comments.
LOL, I see the whining from the left continues. So HE is NOW READY to come up with a jobs plan. And he deliberately picks a date where some of the members wouldn't be able to attend. But it is THEY (the Republicans) who is suppose TO CHANGE all they had planned for the KING OBAMA.

can you friggen believe this crap. Like one damn day is going to MAKE some big difference anyway.

Obama is NOT A DICTATOR. Congress doesn't COME RUNNING at HIS REQUEST, they are not his SLAVES, though I think he believe they are.

This backfired BIG TIME on the Democrats, just another nail in their so called, coffin.

way to go..:clap2:

Steph is now whining. :lol:

Jokey is doing what he does best...

The T is now whining. :lol: NGSamson has it right about Perry, and you know it. He is a cosmetic hard right reactionary, not the real thing. I prefer Romney, will vote Perry if necessary, but I don't think either is going to do that for which the Tea Partiers slaver.
The T is now whining. :lol: NGSamson has it right about Perry, and you know it. He is a cosmetic hard right reactionary, not the real thing. I prefer Romney, will vote Perry if necessary, but I don't think either is going to do that for which the Tea Partiers slaver.

You will vote for the re-election of President Obama as everyone knows full well.
The T is now whining. :lol: NGSamson has it right about Perry, and you know it. He is a cosmetic hard right reactionary, not the real thing. I prefer Romney, will vote Perry if necessary, but I don't think either is going to do that for which the Tea Partiers slaver.

You will vote for the re-election of President Obama as everyone knows full well.
As a matter of course he will. There is nothing Conservative much less Republican of him (albiet Fakey migh qualify as a Repubican poseur we know he is).
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This is another example of hubris from the administration. He has the audacity to anounce a speech before a joint session of Congress without following through with the protocols needed to arrange a joint session or bothering to even ask Congress.

Not only that, but he purposely schedules in during the next Republican debate. Is he really so scared of the Republicans that he has to try to preempt their debate? If he has a "jobs" plan he wants to present to the nation. Why wait till next week? Why not just give it from the Oval office tonight? Or are American Jobs just not that important to him that he thinks he can play political games?

I'm glad Boehner said no. This man is so disrespectful to the Congress and the people. This President needs to learn humility before the Lord decides to humble him and us with him.
The T is now whining. :lol: NGSamson has it right about Perry, and you know it. He is a cosmetic hard right reactionary, not the real thing. I prefer Romney, will vote Perry if necessary, but I don't think either is going to do that for which the Tea Partiers slaver.

You will vote for the re-election of President Obama as everyone knows full well.

Your head is still swiss cheese, I see. :lol:
The T is now whining. :lol: NGSamson has it right about Perry, and you know it. He is a cosmetic hard right reactionary, not the real thing. I prefer Romney, will vote Perry if necessary, but I don't think either is going to do that for which the Tea Partiers slaver.

You will vote for the re-election of President Obama as everyone knows full well.

Your head is still swiss cheese, I see. :lol:

You are still acting under the delusion that anybody buys your transparently fraudulent cover story I see. :cuckoo:
See what I mean.

Liability is a pussy.

"No you!"

Liability is unoriginal.

"No you!"

Lilability spammed my inbox

"No you!"

What's funny is that when Liability bit off more than he could chew when he spammed my inbox and realized that he couldn't get the last word in he put me on ignore.

Such a pussy.

No. Wat's funny is how you cling to lies when you get outed as the dishonest pussy you are.

Now stop your whining. Take a Midol and try real hard to man up sufficiently to be honest in your life some day.

Good little feller.

Sorry I stepped on your failed effort to have the last word which you say I am the only one who wants.

Oh nozies. I just turned another of your stupid comments around on you.

That oughta be good for another dozen of your sissified posts. :lol:

Right on cue :lol:

Go ahead and get your last word in, pussy. Last post from me. I've had my fun with the chew toy and have work to do.

Ok. Capital idea.

Here's the last word, then.

You remain a complete fail!

Chew on that, pussy.

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

Any person with half a brain would understand, you failed.

are you really this much of a hack?

Convenient that you forget Pres. Nixon who RESIGNED to avoid the CERTAINTY of getting impeached.

A very good point. No Republican has ever been impeached, NOT because Democrats were too "respectful" to try, but because Republicans either 1) are not in a position to BE impeached, or 2) have enough respect for the United States not to put them through that sort of spectacle. Not only did Nixon resign instead, but he was also told to resign by his own party's leaders, or else.

Only a Democrat would be more interested in his own power and legacy than in not embarrassing his country.

Holy shit.

Nixon was about to call out the National Guard. He was a sociopath. Fortunately he had cooler heads around him that convinced him the best way to go was to resign. And he wasn't getting impeached over nothing..he broke the law and in a very major way.

There was also enough stuff on both Ronald "Mr Fucking Treason" Reagan and George "Committed a War Crime" Bush to send them packing. I wish Democrats had a bit more spine when it comes to enforcing the law and our leaders..but they don't.

Obama is excellent at this sort of stuff. I hope everyone who is campaigning in the 2012 takes him as lightly as most of you do.

He's excellent at making himself look weak, indecisive, and feckless? Ok.

[ame=]Muhammad Ali Famous Interview After Defeating Foreman - YouTube[/ame]

Rope a dope. :eusa_shhh:

the only dope he's roped is you. spare me the bullshit about how he wanted to get started *ASAP*.

he's had almost 3 years; if he had a clue, he would have acted on it by now.

rope a dope :rofl:

see ya, george, good luck with the grille
Convenient that you forget Pres. Nixon who RESIGNED to avoid the CERTAINTY of getting impeached.

A very good point. No Republican has ever been impeached, NOT because Democrats were too "respectful" to try, but because Republicans either 1) are not in a position to BE impeached, or 2) have enough respect for the United States not to put them through that sort of spectacle. Not only did Nixon resign instead, but he was also told to resign by his own party's leaders, or else.

Only a Democrat would be more interested in his own power and legacy than in not embarrassing his country.

Holy shit.

Nixon was about to call out the National Guard. He was a sociopath. Fortunately he had cooler heads around him that convinced him the best way to go was to resign. And he wasn't getting impeached over nothing..he broke the law and in a very major way.

There was also enough stuff on both Ronald "Mr Fucking Treason" Reagan and George "Committed a War Crime" Bush to send them packing. I wish Democrats had a bit more spine when it comes to enforcing the law and our leaders..but they don't.
Holy shit! Abe Lincoln was considering sending African Americans to Liberia after the Civil War before cooler heads got hold of him in the form of Frederick Douglass and others...

Signigfigance here? Comparison. One story is true. One is utter horsehockey.
out of mild curiosity, why did you not ask about the spelling of "loose"?

That appeared to be just a typo.

But the misspelling of "America" is consistent and thus appears to be by design.

Yup, broke me rading glasses, dont got me bi focals anymore, why? Why not.

At least i dont hate this country like those that speel wright.


Oh good. I was HOPING that there might be a hint of a rational explanation for it.

And hope is good.

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