Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

Out of idle curiosity: why do you misspell "America?"

out of mild curiosity, why did you not ask about the spelling of "loose"?

That appeared to be just a typo.

But the misspelling of "America" is consistent and thus appears to be by design.

you are right. but the lose/loose "typo" is something i loath almost as much as loath/loathe

i should probably losen up. but i am loathe to do that. yes, sic 3x.
I just read every page on this thread.

I have come to the conclusion that we are fucked as a nation.

I personally rather hear what the Prez has to say however, I understand there is some excitement about the GOP debate but do we really have to turn this into a Parisian debacle?

I sit here quite disappointed in the majority of the posts I read, on both ends. We have a lack of critical thinking going on here, for sure.

I believe the point, drooler, is that the nation shouldn't HAVE to choose between hearing Obama's droning, long-winded batch of nothing much and seeing a debate between future contenders for the same office.

Wow, nice response. The guy gives a well-reasoned opinion and you come back with insults and partisan jabs.

No, dumbass, he didn't "give a well-reasoned opinion". He gave a half-assed opinion that you just happened to like, and so you think that means I should respect it.

Too bad for you that your imprimatur makes me MORE likely to view him and his opinions with contempt, rather than less.

And frankly, if you are so thin-skinned and emotionally unstable that you cannot see past the fact that someone didn't pat you on the back and tell you how special you are the way your public school teachers did to actually catch the entire meaning of the entire post, then you have no business trying to discuss politics on the Internet with adults.

May I suggest a nice Justin Bieber blog?
out of mild curiosity, why did you not ask about the spelling of "loose"?

That appeared to be just a typo.

But the misspelling of "America" is consistent and thus appears to be by design.

you are right. but the lose/loose "typo" is something i loath almost as much as loath/loathe

i should probably losen up. but i am loathe to do that. yes, sic 3x.
You're like many. Some choose to ignore and take the path of substance. Is what it is. :)
There's nothing radical about conservatism.

It's like claiming apple-pie is an exotic dish.

It depends on what one means by radical, while the doctrine of conservatives may seem to be, by definition conservative, the reality is conservatives often propose radical ideas (such as radical deregulation of business’s) or use radical means to push their agenda (such as Timothy McVeigh).

Yes, I vote the Mc'Veigh platform.

Pluleeeeze. Spare me.

I can tell you haven't studied that kook's history much. He was more Liberatarian, leaning towards Atheism.

He was not a conservative. He was too anti-government to be called conservative.

You know as well as I do how simple-minded and bigoted (yes, I know that's almost redundant) liberals are. They can only handle thoughts that come at them in cliches and stereotypes. Thus, any white man who knows how to handle a gun MUST be a conservative.
That appeared to be just a typo.

But the misspelling of "America" is consistent and thus appears to be by design.

you are right. but the lose/loose "typo" is something i loath almost as much as loath/loathe

i should probably losen up. but i am loathe to do that. yes, sic 3x.
You're like many. Some choose to ignore and take the path of substance. Is what it is. :)

yeah, ignoring and seeking the path of substance is one of the reasons why 90 posters are on my ignore list.
Obama show this brand of ideology during a Democrat debat no less. He was asked if it was discovered that raising taxes on the rich never increased revenue would he still do it. He said yes? They made fun of him, but the point was that regardless of the outcome his goal was raising taxes even if it didn't bring the desired results.

And what did GOP presidential hopefuls say at the last debate? When asked if they would accept 10 to 1 spending cuts to tax increases, every single one of them said they wouldn't. And what does that tell us? It tells us that the GOP is so blinded by this anti-tax ideology that they'd be willing to walk away from the deal of the century. I still believe that in reality, none of them would scoff at that deal, but they said it nonetheless.

Yes, being unwilling to admit that the ideas YOU like are brilliant is "blinded by ideology", rather than simply disagreeing with you and sticking to what THEY think is right.

Or are you telling me that there are no proposals that conservatives make or would make that YOU are not 100%, never-even-consider-it opposed to?


Selling your soul is not "the deal of the century", no matter HOW many pieces of gold you get in return.
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I changed it butt conforming sucks. This is what being PC must feel like.


I lost the manual. IF somebody can translate that into English, I'd be interested in figuring out what boyCoTttHedAy just sAid.

he edited his post with "aMerica" and "looses".

he made a dumb mistake in the reasons for editing, though.

it hurt him mightily, because he is a great non-conformist without a cause.
Obama was bitch slapped by Boehner. If his date selection was innocent, as his prevaricating mouthpieces insist, then he should have stuck to his guns. Instead he backed down. He looks usual.

No, actually, he wasn't "bitch slapped". If anything, if this plays out right, which I think it will, it will be used to illustrate exactly what President Obama should have done in the first place, spot lighted the fact that the Republicans aren't interested in governing. They actually hate the government we have. And they are doing their very best to make it dysfunctional to prove that government doesn't work.

Along with so many other historic things this congress is pulling, like record low legislation, refusing to do anything to increase revenues to pay debt, a record on brinksmenship with the debt ceiling, calling the President a "liar" in the halls of congress, etc, they are showing that they are petulant, vulgar, arrogant, and obstructionist. This has never happened before, that a speaker denied a president a chance to speak before congress.

And it fits in nicely to that story..:lol:

Good going boys! :clap2:

He was not denied a chance to speak before congress. He was required to chose an alternate date to speak before congress, you lying little dip shit.

And the truth is, EVERY Presidential speech before Congress has some of the same "How about this date? Not so much, how about this one instead?" that goes on in scheduling it, because ALL meetings of important people do. The difference is that it usually goes on behind the scenes in a businesslike fashion, instead of being played out in the media as some sort of cheap, juvenile political stunt.
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No, actually, he wasn't "bitch slapped". If anything, if this plays out right, which I think it will, it will be used to illustrate exactly what President Obama should have done in the first place, spot lighted the fact that the Republicans aren't interested in governing. They actually hate the government we have. And they are doing their very best to make it dysfunctional to prove that government doesn't work.

Along with so many other historic things this congress is pulling, like record low legislation, refusing to do anything to increase revenues to pay debt, a record on brinksmenship with the debt ceiling, calling the President a "liar" in the halls of congress, etc, they are showing that they are petulant, vulgar, arrogant, and obstructionist. This has never happened before, that a speaker denied a president a chance to speak before congress.

And it fits in nicely to that story..:lol:

Good going boys! :clap2:

He was not denied a chance to speak before congress. He was required to chose an alternate date to speak before congress, you lying little dip shit.

And the truth is, EVERY Presidential speech before Congress has some of the same "How about this date? Not so much, how about this one instead?" that goes on in scheduling it, because ALL meetings of important people do. The difference is that it usually goes on behind the scenes in a businesslike fashion, instead of being played out in the media as some sort of cheap, juvenile political stunt.
It was designed precisely to be what you describe. Obama still hasn't shaken his professional shit-disturbing Chicago roots.
No, I think it'll make Obama look bad for scheduling his speech on the same day as a GOP debate. Both sides claim the debate has nothing to do with it. Yeah, right. I think the Speaker comes out of this in good shape either way.

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

And it couldnt wait until wednesday?
He felt the need to make a network change their schedule, an auditorium change their schedule, or some of the congresspeople not be present at his address?

Your bias is showing.

Of course. His Majesty is finally back from his vacation and deigning to address the peons, which means everyone should simply drop whatever they were doing, whatever plans they may have had (however long in the making they were) and gaze raptly at him while he does so. Nothing else is of any priority.

You heard the man: "There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started", which means "You can have a debate any old time: King Obama wants your attention NOW, so get on it!"
No, I think it'll make Obama look bad for scheduling his speech on the same day as a GOP debate. Both sides claim the debate has nothing to do with it. Yeah, right. I think the Speaker comes out of this in good shape either way.

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

And what Boehner did was unprecedented only because all previous Presidents have had the maturity, class, and good manners not to pull such an infantile stunt to make it necessary.

It's sorta sad that this "President" can actually be described as more immature and crass than Bill Clinton.
Just an FYI....

JosefK is not one of those partisan hacks that looks to be right.

We can learn a lot from JosefK.

Treat him with respect. He deserves it.

Just an FYI . . .

Respect whomever you want, but you have no business ordering other people to do so according to your standards of judgement, whatever they might be.

JosefK is a partisan, Obama ass-sniffing dumbass.
There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

And what Boehner did was unprecedented only because all previous Presidents have had the maturity, class, and good manners not to pull such an infantile stunt to make it necessary.

It's sorta sad that this "President" can actually be described as more immature and crass than Bill Clinton.
Is it any wonder Obama is called the Boy King?

He's too damned immature for the Job of POTUS. Never has been he never will be.

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