Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

Rep. Boner rushed to hospital for emergency surgery to remove a size 12 1/2 shoe from his ass.
There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

Any person with half a brain would understand, you failed.
And those of us with a whole brain see that you failed.
The boy king got bitch slapped yet again, by NBC and the NFL. Now his epic speech is scheduled for 7 PM Thursday. Apparently, he's not ready for prime time.

Aretha Franklin Opening For Obama In Detroit For Labor Day

Then that makes is all worth while. Seriously, what the hell does that have to do with the thread?
Can you give me the time she'll appear and for how long so I can set the DVR to turn off before the unimportant shit starts?
Lemme help you out there Ernie S.

[ame=]Blues Brothers - Think (Aretha Franklin) - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is excellent at this sort of stuff. I hope everyone who is campaigning in the 2012 takes him as lightly as most of you do.

He's excellent at making himself look weak, indecisive, and feckless? Ok.
Obama is excellent at this sort of stuff. I hope everyone who is campaigning in the 2012 takes him as lightly as most of you do.

He's excellent at making himself look weak, indecisive, and feckless? Ok.

[ame=]Muhammad Ali Famous Interview After Defeating Foreman - YouTube[/ame]

Rope a dope. :eusa_shhh:
I guess we are to assume Obama is so OUT OF TOUCH with things he doesn't even know when his handlers schedule a speech of his. Then he gets caught AGAIN being out of the loop. Doesn't that just give you the warm and fuzzies knowing he is in control of our safety?
Get back to me when the House GOP has done even one fucking thing to improve the jobs situation. They refuse to even talk about a measly increase in revenue. They keep sending right-wing dream legislation to the Senate and then get faux-outraged when (surprise!) the Senate won't simply pass the legislation no questions asked. Where are the jobs, speaker Boehner?

The GOP has always said "let the private secotr create the jobs"..they NEVER said that they were going to take action and make the jobs appear...Only Obama and the democrats made that claim.

But please explain to me how the private secotr can create jobs with the President continually implementing regulations that increase the operating costs of companies?

Regulations are not stifling job growth. That is right-wing make believe. Show me an unbiased source who will back up that claim. You can't.

Would "President" Obama work for you as a source?

In an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal . . . President Barack Obama announced he would sign an executive order requiring federal agencies to review regulations on their books and "remove outdated regulations that stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive."

"We're also getting rid of absurd and unnecessary paperwork requirements that waste time and money. We're looking at the system as a whole to make sure we avoid excessive, inconsistent and redundant regulation. And finally, today I am directing federal agencies to do more to account for—and reduce—the burdens regulations may place on small businesses. Small firms drive growth and create most new jobs in this country. We need to make sure nothing stands in their way."

Obama signs executive order to cut regulations that stifle job creation |
This thread still alive?

NFL will win that night hands down. :lol:
Sallow do you have anything of substance to offer. Your kiddie cartoons and make believe crap is pointless and is wearing thin.
Sallow do you have anything of substance to offer. Your kiddie cartoons and make believe crap is pointless and is wearing thin.
Yeah, he used to post credible stuff......Seems like many Obababots are reduced to abject stupidity, seeing as though they can't possibly defend their beloved Ineptness In Chief.

Sad really!:(
That is not a hard reality. It is not reality at all.

It is the mere expression of your rather ignorant opinion.

The actual reality is that it was absurdly high levels of constant spending that got us into the mess and it is cutting spending -- and cutting spending ALONE -- which has any chance of getting us OUT of this mess.

Everyone with a brain understands this, but you goobers on the Democrat side of the equation are afraid of your masters on the hard hard left.

:lol::lol::lol: I guess the majority of economists who say that revenue increases and spending cuts are needed have no brain. I guess the bipartisan deficit panel who recommended the same thing (spending cuts and revenue increases) have no brains. :cuckoo:

(A) Understand that reasonable folk don't take YOUR word for it that this comes from a "majority" of economists.

(B) what they understand and what they SAY are not necessarily the same thing, silly lad.

(C) if you raise taxes in a piss-poor economy, you are hardly doing something likely to "lift all boats," you twit.

And (D) liberals don't understand that "revenue increase" and "tax increase" are not the same thing.
::Searching in vain for where Sallow explains how this was brilliant on Obama's part, rather than just claiming it was and everyone else is too stupid to get it::

like I said earlier... he's been snorting the glitter again.

whoa...back up a minute...

I, certainly not an Obama lover, see it as brilliant.

On thuirsday he is going to tell the American people that the GOP made it quite clear that their little of dozens...was more important than the job situation in the country.

It was a calculated, brilliant move by the Obama team.

And Boehner fell for it.....hook line and sinker...

And I guarantee you this...right now Boehner is kicking huimself for falling for it.

Oh, I'm sure he's going to tell the American people how this is all the GOP's fault, and how they don't care, because he says that every time he opens his mouth, and I think I've already made clear that I don't expect him to say anything new.

However, the only people in this country who are going to be stupid enough to buy that line are the ones like Sallow who have maybe two brain cells huddling together for warmth in the vast, howling wasteland between their ears and who have their noses so far up Obama's butt that they have to pipe in air through his belly button.

I would imagine that Speaker Boehner has a higher opinion of America's intelligence and memory span. Even I do, and God knows I think a disturbing percentage of the population can't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel.
I understand that John Boehner’s objections stemmed from the fact that security would have less than two hours to examine the premises? One wonders what the house speaker thinks might happen, is he concerned that a member of congress is going to attempt to assonate the president? I know the partisan bickering and proverbial vitriol has reached an all-time high but I hardly think such levels of concern are justified. Indeed one might even be inclined to call it paranoid, unless of course the house speaker has someone in mind he might believe to be of concern (I’m not hedging any bets here, I think its Eric Cantor).:lol:
When I first heard that the president had capitulated and moved the date of his address, I was for a moment disappointed that such an oblivious political powerplay had been allowed to succeed. However, having considered the facts in the matter, I understand the administrations reasoning.
Recently I got involved in a situation where I disagreed with someone else over a relatively small matter. Technically, we both had valid points and neither of us was willing to concede even one small detail, as a result the argument continued to escalate until this tiny insignificant issue had been blown ridiculously out of proportion. Sometimes it’s better to just concede a small issue, than allow it to become the proverbial mountain from a molehill.

You really have no idea what goes into Presidential security each and every day, let alone for when he makes public appearances, do you? The Secret Service is not a handful of mall Rent-A-Cops who just wander into the place an hour ahead of time, peer in a few bathrooms and storage closets, and declare it good. And when the place where the President is going to appear ALSO includes most of the members of one of the OTHER two branches of our federal government, it becomes MORE complicated and detailed, not less.

Nevertheless, while Speaker Boehner almost certainly has a point about needing more lead time for preparation, no one with a teaspoon of brains thinks that was his only, or even his major, reason for refusing the "President".

It amazes me that you were "disappointed that such an obvious political power play was allowed to succeed", but appear to have no concern at all for the initial "obvious political power play" that Boehner's actions FOILED. Apparently, it's okay for the "President" to try a little petty adolescent political one-upsmanship, but it's HEINOUS for anyone to call him on it.

Sit down and shut up, hypocrite. No one but you and the biggest partisan retards on the board are going to buy your bullshit.
LOL, I see the whining from the left continues. So HE is NOW READY to come up with a jobs plan. And he deliberately picks a date where some of the members wouldn't be able to attend. But it is THEY (the Republicans) who is suppose TO CHANGE all they had planned for the KING OBAMA.

can you friggen believe this crap. Like one damn day is going to MAKE some big difference anyway.

Obama is NOT A DICTATOR. Congress doesn't COME RUNNING at HIS REQUEST, they are not his SLAVES, though I think he believe they are.

This backfired BIG TIME on the Democrats, just another nail in their so called, coffin.

way to go..:clap2:

Steph is now whining. :lol:

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