Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

There's also nobody more unoriginal than Liability on this board.

Another true story.

This from a pussy like Farticle who hasn't had a shred of originality yet.

In his life.

Farty is a pussy and he knows it which is why I got under his unduly thin skin by noting what a dipshit loser and pussy he has consistently been.

Hey Farticle, tell the nice people how you proved you are a pussy, you pussy!


So, you REFUSE to tell 'em, eh?


That's what we expect from a complete faggoty pussy like you.

^----- See what I mean?

I call him a pussy and all he can muster is "No you!"

I point out his unoriginality and all he can muster is "No you!"

It's truly comical.

No no.

Unlike you, Farticle, I did it with a bit of style and panache.

You, by contrast, haven't altered your limp little "style" since you were deemed the failure of third grade taunting -- in junior high school.

You couldn't handle it then, and obviously you still can't.

Hurry back with something new and fresh.

There's also nobody more unoriginal than Liability on this board.

Another true story.

This from a pussy like Farticle who hasn't had a shred of originality yet.

In his life.

Farty is a pussy and he knows it which is why I got under his unduly thin skin by noting what a dipshit loser and pussy he has consistently been.

Hey Farticle, tell the nice people how you proved you are a pussy, you pussy!


So, you REFUSE to tell 'em, eh?


That's what we expect from a complete faggoty pussy like you.

Super :lame2:

Yes Chump. Your opinion STILL matters to me.

Liability is truly a joke.

This guy spammed my inbox and when I returned the spam the pussy put me on ignore.

Another unoriginal lie.

The reality (and I'm sure you've done it to others, so the truth will be recognized over your plodding lies, pussy) is that you did the spamming.

I will grant you THIS much credit, however. You DID manage to do it via a clever bit of programming. But doing it on autopilot only underscores your unoriginality.

And you do remain a massive pussy as well as fundamentally dishonest, Farticle!

Another true story! :thup:
Liability is truly a joke.

This guy spammed my inbox and when I returned the spam the pussy put me on ignore.

Another unoriginal lie.

The reality (and I'm sure you've done it to others, so the truth will be recognized over your plodding lies, pussy) is that you did the spamming.

I will grant you THIS much credit, however. You DID manage to do it via a clever bit of programming. But doing it on autopilot only underscores your unoriginality.

And you do remain a massive pussy as well as fundamentally dishonest, Farticle!

Another true story! :thup:

See what I mean.

Liability is a pussy.

"No you!"

Liability is unoriginal.

"No you!"

Lilability spammed my inbox

"No you!"

What's funny is that when Liability bit off more than he could chew when he spammed my inbox and realized that he couldn't get the last word in he put me on ignore.

Such a pussy.
Liability is truly a joke.

This guy spammed my inbox and when I returned the spam the pussy put me on ignore.

Another unoriginal lie.

The reality (and I'm sure you've done it to others, so the truth will be recognized over your plodding lies, pussy) is that you did the spamming.

I will grant you THIS much credit, however. You DID manage to do it via a clever bit of programming. But doing it on autopilot only underscores your unoriginality.

And you do remain a massive pussy as well as fundamentally dishonest, Farticle!

Another true story! :thup:

See what I mean.

Liability is a pussy.

"No you!"

Liability is unoriginal.

"No you!"

Lilability spammed my inbox

"No you!"

What's funny is that when Liability bit off more than he could chew when he spammed my inbox and realized that he couldn't get the last word in he put me on ignore.

Such a pussy.

No. Wat's funny is how you cling to lies when you get outed as the dishonest pussy you are.

Now stop your whining. Take a Midol and try real hard to man up sufficiently to be honest in your life some day.

Good little feller.

Sorry I stepped on your failed effort to have the last word which you say I am the only one who wants.

Oh nozies. I just turned another of your stupid comments around on you.

That oughta be good for another dozen of your sissified posts. :lol:
Another unoriginal lie.

The reality (and I'm sure you've done it to others, so the truth will be recognized over your plodding lies, pussy) is that you did the spamming.

I will grant you THIS much credit, however. You DID manage to do it via a clever bit of programming. But doing it on autopilot only underscores your unoriginality.

And you do remain a massive pussy as well as fundamentally dishonest, Farticle!

Another true story! :thup:

See what I mean.

Liability is a pussy.

"No you!"

Liability is unoriginal.

"No you!"

Lilability spammed my inbox

"No you!"

What's funny is that when Liability bit off more than he could chew when he spammed my inbox and realized that he couldn't get the last word in he put me on ignore.

Such a pussy.

No. Wat's funny is how you cling to lies when you get outed as the dishonest pussy you are.

Now stop your whining. Take a Midol and try real hard to man up sufficiently to be honest in your life some day.

Good little feller.

Sorry I stepped on your failed effort to have the last word which you say I am the only one who wants.

Oh nozies. I just turned another of your stupid comments around on you.

That oughta be good for another dozen of your sissified posts. :lol:

Right on cue :lol:

Go ahead and get your last word in, pussy. Last post from me. I've had my fun with the chew toy and have work to do.
Respect is earned not given, Obama has done absolutely nothing to earn the respect of anyone. Maybe a little for pulling the trigger on the gun that Bush aimed at Bin Lauden, but that's it. Kennedy and Clinton were respected Presidents, Kennedy was a conservative Democrat, not even close to being termed a progressive or liberal. Clinton had a good job's record and did balance the budget. People of both parties had respect for these two Democrat Presidents, Clinton blew that respect with Monica Lewinski and the blow job in the oval office, but he had it up until then.

Neither were "respected'...are you mad? Conservatives called Kennedy a commie beholden to the Pope and Clinton was impeached.

No Republican in the history of this nation has ever been impeached.

And respect? That should be "will of the people".

Convenient that you forget Pres. Nixon who RESIGNED to avoid the CERTAINTY of getting impeached.

A very good point. No Republican has ever been impeached, NOT because Democrats were too "respectful" to try, but because Republicans either 1) are not in a position to BE impeached, or 2) have enough respect for the United States not to put them through that sort of spectacle. Not only did Nixon resign instead, but he was also told to resign by his own party's leaders, or else.

Only a Democrat would be more interested in his own power and legacy than in not embarrassing his country.
No, I think it'll make Obama look bad for scheduling his speech on the same day as a GOP debate. Both sides claim the debate has nothing to do with it. Yeah, right. I think the Speaker comes out of this in good shape either way.

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

Any person with half a brain would understand, you failed.
There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

Any person with half a brain would understand, you failed.

Oh, he was bitchslapped? Classy leaders you have there, home skillet.
Because Iraq and Afghanistan were your fights, right?

And you know exactly what you're getting with regard to the type of regimes that will be in place from Bush's wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan when you guys pull out, right?
Afghanistan, absolutely is our fight......We had been working with quite a few Iraqi's for years in the event we ever went in there....We had an idea who we could trust....We also had boots on the ground to secure their major weapons.

Libya is a fuckin' joke. We went in there not knowing who those people are, and now we're finding out that it's a lot more Al-qaeda types then we thought, too include in the top echelon.There are no boots on the ground to secure the WMD's. And it's a hell of a lot of WMD's. And now we have intelligence officials raising concerns that Al qaeda may try to seize control of those weapons......We may have just handed the Jihadi's their own damn country with rich oil reserves and weaponry to both finanace and execute their Fatwa on the US......Pure stupidity.

Basically. we had no business going into Libya. It wasn't our fight, and the excuse used is that it was a humanitarian mission. What a fuckin' crock of shit. Syria was already unloading on their citizens, and Obama sat on his ass, and continues to sit on his ass as they continue to unload on their citizens.....He obviously chooses his 'humanitarian missions" based on political needs.

Iraq wasn't your fight either. No way, no how. And you have no idea what sort of regime will be in place - it could be secular it might not be.

And can you please explain to this ignorant hick how if Afghanistan is your fight (they had Bin Laden is supposed to be responsible for an act of terrorism - 9-11); why Libya (vis-a-vis Lockerbie bombing) is not?

I could make a guess it will be a racist one, since they are rounding up all blacks in the country and throwing them in jail.

I am still waiting for the CBC to accuse them of being racist, how long do you think I will have to wait?
You think it would hurt the speaker even though Obama has already waited a month to make his plan public?

No, I think it'll make Obama look bad for scheduling his speech on the same day as a GOP debate. Both sides claim the debate has nothing to do with it. Yeah, right. I think the Speaker comes out of this in good shape either way.

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

I am a bit tired of hearing that,

Can you give me a list of all the times in history that presidents have made speeches to the full Congress that where not the SOTU? Are you aware that in 8 years in office Bush only addressed Congress once outside of the SOTU speech, and that was in order after 9/11? This will make the second time Obama has done so, and I am pretty sure this will not be a 9/11 speech.
No, I think it'll make Obama look bad for scheduling his speech on the same day as a GOP debate. Both sides claim the debate has nothing to do with it. Yeah, right. I think the Speaker comes out of this in good shape either way.

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

I am a bit tired of hearing that,

Can you give me a list of all the times in history that presidents have made speeches to the full Congress that where not the SOTU? Are you aware that in 8 years in office Bush only addressed Congress once outside of the SOTU speech, and that was in order after 9/11? This will make the second time Obama has done so, and I am pretty sure this will not be a 9/11 speech.

Holy crap.

You talking about Bush and history making?


Are you often the guy that points to a molehill and a mountain and say they are equal?

Look..what Boehner did..and what the Republicans have done were some pretty severe breaches in decorum. They've done this with just about every Democratic President in my lifetime..but this one is ridiculous.

And Boehner is pretty much a flimflam man..but at this point..he's the best you got.

Right now you have a party populated with Elmer Gantry types. It ain't pretty.
Neither were "respected'...are you mad? Conservatives called Kennedy a commie beholden to the Pope and Clinton was impeached.

No Republican in the history of this nation has ever been impeached.

And respect? That should be "will of the people".

Convenient that you forget Pres. Nixon who RESIGNED to avoid the CERTAINTY of getting impeached.

A very good point. No Republican has ever been impeached, NOT because Democrats were too "respectful" to try, but because Republicans either 1) are not in a position to BE impeached, or 2) have enough respect for the United States not to put them through that sort of spectacle. Not only did Nixon resign instead, but he was also told to resign by his own party's leaders, or else.

Only a Democrat would be more interested in his own power and legacy than in not embarrassing his country.

Holy shit.

Nixon was about to call out the National Guard. He was a sociopath. Fortunately he had cooler heads around him that convinced him the best way to go was to resign. And he wasn't getting impeached over nothing..he broke the law and in a very major way.

There was also enough stuff on both Ronald "Mr Fucking Treason" Reagan and George "Committed a War Crime" Bush to send them packing. I wish Democrats had a bit more spine when it comes to enforcing the law and our leaders..but they don't.
Neither were "respected'...are you mad? Conservatives called Kennedy a commie beholden to the Pope and Clinton was impeached.

No Republican in the history of this nation has ever been impeached.

And respect? That should be "will of the people".

Convenient that you forget Pres. Nixon who RESIGNED to avoid the CERTAINTY of getting impeached.

A very good point. No Republican has ever been impeached, NOT because Democrats were too "respectful" to try, but because Republicans either 1) are not in a position to BE impeached, or 2) have enough respect for the United States not to put them through that sort of spectacle. Not only did Nixon resign instead, but he was also told to resign by his own party's leaders, or else.

Only a Democrat would be more interested in his own power and legacy than in not embarrassing his country.

So Nixon resigned because he loved America so much?
Convenient that you forget Pres. Nixon who RESIGNED to avoid the CERTAINTY of getting impeached.

A very good point. No Republican has ever been impeached, NOT because Democrats were too "respectful" to try, but because Republicans either 1) are not in a position to BE impeached, or 2) have enough respect for the United States not to put them through that sort of spectacle. Not only did Nixon resign instead, but he was also told to resign by his own party's leaders, or else.

Only a Democrat would be more interested in his own power and legacy than in not embarrassing his country.

So Nixon resigned because he loved America so much?

Nixon was a bonafide nutcase.

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