Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

Is that code talk for uppity black folk? :lol:

You on the the LEFT can call it whatever the hell you like. but WE THE PEOPLE are sick of it.
Obama was playing a GAME with this, HE LOST. He didn't HELP his cause either because THE PEOPLE saw through his thuggery.

You appear to suggest that people on the left are not among “the people” even though they clearly constitute 50% of the population.
Frankly I saw no one but the republicans playing games; clearly the vast majority of “the people” would agree that the economy is a vital issue at this time. The president wanted to address the people about the economy and republicans turned it into a political power play, therefore they are the ones playing games. I don’t see how any reasonable, non-biased individual could see it any other way.
Furthermore I don’t think the white house “lost” anything, what they did was avoid a huge fiasco over a minor issue that would have distracted from the real problems at hand and make everyone in Washington look foolish.

According to all the stats I could find online between 33 and 39% of registered voters are democrats. Considering you have blue dog democrats that try to remain in the center I fail to see how those on the left make up 50% of Americans especially considering your party doesnt even comprise 50% of the population.
You sir, I believe are full of shit, and love to see your own long winded posts.
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You appear to suggest that people on the left are not among “the people” even though they clearly constitute 50% of the population.
Frankly I saw no one but the republicans playing games; clearly the vast majority of “the people” would agree that the economy is a vital issue at this time. The president wanted to address the people about the economy and republicans turned it into a political power play, therefore they are the ones playing games. I don’t see how any reasonable, non-biased individual could see it any other way.
Furthermore I don’t think the white house “lost” anything, what they did was avoid a huge fiasco over a minor issue that would have distracted from the real problems at hand and make everyone in Washington look foolish.

The economy was the reason he was elected, it's been 2.5 years and now he wants to talk about it? I think one more day won't hurt....

And how is it that we keep hearing about all the jobs that are being "saved and created" yet unemployment is still in the shitter? Sorry but I hope the American people aren't going to buy it again.....

Well, I think it would be likely that he wants to talk about more recent events, like the standard and poor’s credit downgrade, or the historically unprecedented behavior of the stock market two to three weeks ago when it had, what I would almost term, a market quake. Or perhaps he wants to talk about recent events on the east coast and what effect they might have on the market. Whatever it is the president wants to talk about (I doubt he wants to share muffin recipes or chat about the price of tea in china), I should think the congress can reasonably rearrange its business to accommodate.
As for the jobs market being “in the shitter”, indeed it is, perhaps that’s what he wants to talk about.


You should quit now, your making yourself look really stupid. That is THE STATED PURPOSE for this speech. Not perhaps, not maybe, not possibly but THE STATED REASON.
I agree with Ollie, we've heard the same thing over and over and over and over. He has nothing new to add.............It's Bush's fault, I inherited, I, I, I, me, me, me, I, I, I, me, me, me.

I'm watching the speech Thursday to see how many times he says I and/or me. :lol:

How about the Obama 'I' drinking game! Every time Obama says 'I' or 'me', you drink a shot.

'I' will be drunk by the third sentence :rofl:
I agree with Ollie, we've heard the same thing over and over and over and over. He has nothing new to add.............It's Bush's fault, I inherited, I, I, I, me, me, me, I, I, I, me, me, me.

I'm watching the speech Thursday to see how many times he says I and/or me. :lol:

How about the Obama 'I' drinking game! Every time Obama says 'I' or 'me', you drink a shot.

'I' will be drunk by the third sentence :rofl:

I prefer not to die from alcohol poisening this week :lol: :lol:
So, please explain how I CAN'T be President?

Not that I would ever want to be...But, I would love to hear your explanation.

I'll tell ya' one thing. I'm far more economically literate than our current Ineptness In Chief. And I damn sure would have wanted to know who exactly those Rebels were before going into Libya.....But then, Libya wasn't our fight to begin with, so, I would have never gone in, regardless.

Because Iraq and Afghanistan were your fights, right?

And you know exactly what you're getting with regard to the type of regimes that will be in place from Bush's wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan when you guys pull out, right?
Afghanistan, absolutely is our fight......We had been working with quite a few Iraqi's for years in the event we ever went in there....We had an idea who we could trust....We also had boots on the ground to secure their major weapons.

Libya is a fuckin' joke. We went in there not knowing who those people are, and now we're finding out that it's a lot more Al-qaeda types then we thought, too include in the top echelon.There are no boots on the ground to secure the WMD's. And it's a hell of a lot of WMD's. And now we have intelligence officials raising concerns that Al qaeda may try to seize control of those weapons......We may have just handed the Jihadi's their own damn country with rich oil reserves and weaponry to both finanace and execute their Fatwa on the US......Pure stupidity.

Basically. we had no business going into Libya. It wasn't our fight, and the excuse used is that it was a humanitarian mission. What a fuckin' crock of shit. Syria was already unloading on their citizens, and Obama sat on his ass, and continues to sit on his ass as they continue to unload on their citizens.....He obviously chooses his 'humanitarian missions" based on political needs.

Iraq wasn't your fight either. No way, no how. And you have no idea what sort of regime will be in place - it could be secular it might not be.

And can you please explain to this ignorant hick how if Afghanistan is your fight (they had Bin Laden is supposed to be responsible for an act of terrorism - 9-11); why Libya (vis-a-vis Lockerbie bombing) is not?

Hee hee hee.

The pussy, josefk, cannot "ignore" del!


Don't quote me on that. Josey might be subjected to my words, otherwise.


Uhm. It's sorta like this. He can't see what I'm saying. And when I say "he," I am referring to josefk, the pussy, because when he's in over his head, he runs and hides.

Anyway, he has me on ignore so he can't see my commentary about what a putz, a pussy and a yutz he is.

But if you QUOTE me, well, then, by golly, josey the pussy k CAN see my words.

And that would be bad.

Very very bad.

The speaker has the power to stop him. He does control when the house gathers after all. This could get ugly.

You forgot to mention POLITELY--for our community organizer President--most intellectual President ever-- that somehow he- FORGOT that he is an ADULT - and not 3 years old?
There's also nobody more unoriginal than Liability on this board.

Another true story.

This from a pussy like Farticle who hasn't had a shred of originality yet.

In his life.

Farty is a pussy and he knows it which is why I got under his unduly thin skin by noting what a dipshit loser and pussy he has consistently been.

Hey Farticle, tell the nice people how you proved you are a pussy, you pussy!


So, you REFUSE to tell 'em, eh?


That's what we expect from a complete faggoty pussy like you.
There's also nobody more unoriginal than Liability on this board.

Another true story.

This from a pussy like Farticle who hasn't had a shred of originality yet.

In his life.

Farty is a pussy and he knows it which is why I got under his unduly thin skin by noting what a dipshit loser and pussy he has consistently been.

Hey Farticle, tell the nice people how you proved you are a pussy, you pussy!


So, you REFUSE to tell 'em, eh?


That's what we expect from a complete faggoty pussy like you.

^----- See what I mean?

I call him a pussy and all he can muster is "No you!"

I point out his unoriginality and all he can muster is "No you!"

It's truly comical.
Liability is truly a joke.

This guy spammed my inbox and when I returned the spam the pussy put me on ignore.
There's also nobody more unoriginal than Liability on this board.

Another true story.

This from a pussy like Farticle who hasn't had a shred of originality yet.

In his life.

Farty is a pussy and he knows it which is why I got under his unduly thin skin by noting what a dipshit loser and pussy he has consistently been.

Hey Farticle, tell the nice people how you proved you are a pussy, you pussy!


So, you REFUSE to tell 'em, eh?


That's what we expect from a complete faggoty pussy like you.

Super :lame2:

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