Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

You on the the LEFT can call it whatever the hell you like. but WE THE PEOPLE are sick of it.
Obama was playing a GAME with this, HE LOST. He didn't HELP his cause either because THE PEOPLE saw through his thuggery.


Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.

Is the president more important than the congress, or the judiciary? Sorry, but no... he is not. Three separate but equal branches.. check and balances... ect. You flunked basic government in school, didn't you. All that glitter sniffing, huh.

Basic government? There's a class called basic government?

And I'm the one sniffing glue? :lol:
You on the the LEFT can call it whatever the hell you like. but WE THE PEOPLE are sick of it.
Obama was playing a GAME with this, HE LOST. He didn't HELP his cause either because THE PEOPLE saw through his thuggery.


Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.

He is A PRESIDENT, not some God and he damn sure is NOT OUR DICTATOR.
That he would even think to play this game when PEOPLE are friggen HURTING, Shows his TRUE Character. and also shows just HOW LITTLE he actually give a shit.

When exactly has President Obama evoked "executive priviledge"?

Like Bush.

Bush Claims Executive Privilege on Subpoenas
Bush claims executive privilege in Valerie Plame Wilson case | Countdown to Crawford | Los Angeles Times
Bush's executive privilege claims most expansive since Watergate - Dems - New York Daily News
Bush v. Congress: The Looming Battle Over Executive Privilege - New York Times

How about signing statements?
How about secret spying on American Citizens?
How about torture of American Citizens?
How about denying Habeas Corpus to an American Citizen?

When you know what the fuck you are talking about..get back to me.

Because Republicans are the ones that govern like fucking dictators when they get into office.
Is that code talk for uppity black folk? :lol:

Once again, it is the liberal that brings race into the discussion. What a set of balls you have to accuse ME of being racist. "partisan dick-drip" fits you, as well.

I didn't call you racist..or maybe I did..not sure.

And "arrogant child"?

Where the fuck does that come from?

President Obama's been anything but arrogant. He's been accomodating Republicans since he got into office. Heck..he throws parties for them..uses all their ideas..

If he were a green lizard..he'd be handing them a toasted English muffin.

[ame=]English Muffins - GEICO Gecko Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

Is it not arrogant for him to assume that the job plan he has been promising for 2 and a half years is so important that the GOP should postpone a planned event on a week's notice?
Forgive me if I reserve judgment of his speech's importance until it is summarized next Friday morning in some article I find on Drudge. I will not be watching. I've wasted enough of my life listening for even a basic understanding of what needs to be done to create jobs. I'll be watching re-runs of I Love Lucy and fully expect to hear something entirely more relevant to job creation.
Is that code talk for uppity black folk? :lol:

You on the the LEFT can call it whatever the hell you like. but WE THE PEOPLE are sick of it.
Obama was playing a GAME with this, HE LOST. He didn't HELP his cause either because THE PEOPLE saw through his thuggery.


Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.
It is time that he realize that he is the President, not First Secretary of the Communist Party. He controls only 1/3 of government and is a guest of Congress when he speaks to a joint session.
Obama was bitch slapped by Boehner. If his date selection was innocent, as his prevaricating mouthpieces insist, then he should have stuck to his guns. Instead he backed down. He looks usual.

No, actually, he wasn't "bitch slapped". If anything, if this plays out right, which I think it will, it will be used to illustrate exactly what President Obama should have done in the first place, spot lighted the fact that the Republicans aren't interested in governing. They actually hate the government we have. And they are doing their very best to make it dysfunctional to prove that government doesn't work.

Along with so many other historic things this congress is pulling, like record low legislation, refusing to do anything to increase revenues to pay debt, a record on brinksmenship with the debt ceiling, calling the President a "liar" in the halls of congress, etc, they are showing that they are petulant, vulgar, arrogant, and obstructionist. This has never happened before, that a speaker denied a president a chance to speak before congress.

And it fits in nicely to that story..:lol:

Good going boys! :clap2:

dgb ghkzxoe ....hsut1239thnvcb dsgvqw2op ldsgvpaqopbe.....right? :rolleyes:

Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.

He is A PRESIDENT, not some God and he damn sure is NOT OUR DICTATOR.
That he would even think to play this game when PEOPLE are friggen HURTING, Shows his TRUE Character. and also shows just HOW LITTLE he actually give a shit.

When exactly has President Obama evoked "executive priviledge"?

Like Bush.

Bush Claims Executive Privilege on Subpoenas
Bush claims executive privilege in Valerie Plame Wilson case | Countdown to Crawford | Los Angeles Times
Bush's executive privilege claims most expansive since Watergate - Dems - New York Daily News
Bush v. Congress: The Looming Battle Over Executive Privilege - New York Times

How about signing statements?
How about secret spying on American Citizens?
How about torture of American Citizens?
How about denying Habeas Corpus to an American Citizen?

When you know what the fuck you are talking about..get back to me.

Because Republicans are the ones that govern like fucking dictators when they get into office.

sorry, you're not going to DERAIL the thread. nice try though
You on the the LEFT can call it whatever the hell you like. but WE THE PEOPLE are sick of it.
Obama was playing a GAME with this, HE LOST. He didn't HELP his cause either because THE PEOPLE saw through his thuggery.


Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.

He is A PRESIDENT, not some God and he damn sure is NOT OUR DICTATOR.
That he would even think to play this game when PEOPLE are friggen HURTING, Shows his TRUE Character. and also shows just HOW LITTLE he actually give a shit.

I'm not hurting. Yesterday I turned down a job at NASA Wallops Island because the pay wasn't enough. Anyone interested in becoming an Aerospace/Aviation Nondestructive Testing Technician, specializing in advanced Ultrasonics and Radiography, can work anytime they want and easily make $150,000 per year. GE, ATK, Boeing, Honeywell, L3, etc can't fill all the positions they have open.

P.S. I too don't give a shit.

Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.

He is A PRESIDENT, not some God and he damn sure is NOT OUR DICTATOR.
That he would even think to play this game when PEOPLE are friggen HURTING, Shows his TRUE Character. and also shows just HOW LITTLE he actually give a shit.

When exactly has President Obama evoked "executive priviledge"?

Like Bush.

Bush Claims Executive Privilege on Subpoenas
Bush claims executive privilege in Valerie Plame Wilson case | Countdown to Crawford | Los Angeles Times
Bush's executive privilege claims most expansive since Watergate - Dems - New York Daily News
Bush v. Congress: The Looming Battle Over Executive Privilege - New York Times

How about signing statements?
How about secret spying on American Citizens?
How about torture of American Citizens?
How about denying Habeas Corpus to an American Citizen?

When you know what the fuck you are talking about..get back to me.

Because Republicans are the ones that govern like fucking dictators when they get into office.

I love you guys, a Republican cannot violate the rights of the worst scum on earth by using water boarding etc. But a Democrat can use a double tap to the head no questions asked..... Please continue.........
He is A PRESIDENT, not some God and he damn sure is NOT OUR DICTATOR.
That he would even think to play this game when PEOPLE are friggen HURTING, Shows his TRUE Character. and also shows just HOW LITTLE he actually give a shit.

When exactly has President Obama evoked "executive priviledge"?

Like Bush.

Bush Claims Executive Privilege on Subpoenas
Bush claims executive privilege in Valerie Plame Wilson case | Countdown to Crawford | Los Angeles Times
Bush's executive privilege claims most expansive since Watergate - Dems - New York Daily News
Bush v. Congress: The Looming Battle Over Executive Privilege - New York Times

How about signing statements?
How about secret spying on American Citizens?
How about torture of American Citizens?
How about denying Habeas Corpus to an American Citizen?

When you know what the fuck you are talking about..get back to me.

Because Republicans are the ones that govern like fucking dictators when they get into office.

I love you guys, a Republican cannot violate the rights of the worst scum on earth by using water boarding etc. But a Democrat can use a double tap to the head no questions asked..... Please continue.........

yes, another example of that floating yardstick that always seems to move in whatever direction the left needs it to, to justify and pardon itself for its hypocrisy, which abysmally fails in any event;)
why did Bone-her ask the day of the speech to be moved?
Why don't you either get informed or better yet stop asking stupid question. It is better to remain silent and be thought stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Geez, what is your problem??? Why can't you answer a simple question instead of being so mean and nasty???

You are the one that needs to learn this.
Oh, big deal!!! He changed the damned date. The GOP are such big babies, I swear.

Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.

He is A PRESIDENT, not some God and he damn sure is NOT OUR DICTATOR.
That he would even think to play this game when PEOPLE are friggen HURTING, Shows his TRUE Character. and also shows just HOW LITTLE he actually give a shit.

I'm not hurting. Yesterday I turned down a job at NASA Wallops Island because the pay wasn't enough. Anyone interested in becoming an Aerospace/Aviation Nondestructive Testing Technician, specializing in advanced Ultrasonics and Radiography, can work anytime they want and easily make $150,000 per year. GE, ATK, Boeing, Honeywell, L3, etc can't fill all the positions they have open.

P.S. I too don't give a shit. can pluck someone with Aerospace Aviation NDT experience off of any old turnip truck these days.

Just like you can find plenty of Class-C welders anytime you want.
Last edited:
I'm confident enough to bet my September rent that Obama says nothing about HOW TO CREATE JOBS next week on whatever day he holds his conference.
I'm confident enough to bet my September rent that Obama says nothing about HOW TO CREATE JOBS next week on whatever day he holds his conference.

He will spend plenty of time telling Congress to get busy. He won't tolerate anymore foolishness. He won't stand by and let one party destroy this country just for their political ambitions.
I began a thread about this, and I should have searched harder to make sure a thread wasn't already started.

After weeks of preseason games, teasing the millions of NFL fans all across America, next Thursday when America goes to tune into the first game of the 2011 NFL season, offering a much needed distraction from the dismal economic reality which America finds itself, pitting the New Orleans Saints against the defending Super Bowl Champions the Green Bay Packers at the historic Lambeau Field they will instead be treated to President Obama’s address to Congress announcing his much anticipated supposed jobs plan.

The inevitable question that will be raised is: what the hell has this man been doing for three years?

The Obama administration originally intended to have the president address the nation on Wednesday, which coincidentally coincides with the GOP’s presidential debate, but after John Boehner denied that request, asking the president to delay one day, the administration capitulated out of fear that the country will see through this transparent attempt to marginalize his opponents.

This begs the question: did President Obama just get bamboozled? news: White House working to avoid clash with NFL's opening game
I'm confident enough to bet my September rent that Obama says nothing about HOW TO CREATE JOBS next week on whatever day he holds his conference.

He will spend plenty of time telling Congress to get busy. He won't tolerate anymore foolishness. He won't stand by and let one party destroy this country just for their political ambitions.

Which is why I plan to watch him instead of football so I can prove myself right.

Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.

He is A PRESIDENT, not some God and he damn sure is NOT OUR DICTATOR.
That he would even think to play this game when PEOPLE are friggen HURTING, Shows his TRUE Character. and also shows just HOW LITTLE he actually give a shit.

When exactly has President Obama evoked "executive priviledge"?

Like Bush.

Bush Claims Executive Privilege on Subpoenas
Bush claims executive privilege in Valerie Plame Wilson case | Countdown to Crawford | Los Angeles Times
Bush's executive privilege claims most expansive since Watergate - Dems - New York Daily News
Bush v. Congress: The Looming Battle Over Executive Privilege - New York Times

How about signing statements?
How about secret spying on American Citizens?
How about torture of American Citizens?
How about denying Habeas Corpus to an American Citizen?

When you know what the fuck you are talking about..get back to me.

Because Republicans are the ones that govern like fucking dictators when they get into office.

Exclusive: Senator Feingold Hits Obama Administration Over Extraordinary Rendition Decision | The Plum Line
“I am troubled by reports that the Obama administration has decided to invoke the state secrets privilege in a case brought by five men who claim to have been the victims of extraordinary rendition,” Feingold said in a statement sent to me by his office, in a rare instance of criticism directed at Obama by a Senator in his own party.

Desiree Rogers Won't Testify: White House Claims Executive Privilege in Crashergate Inquiry; Obama Cronies Circle Wagons as Damage Mounts!
Citing separation of powers concerns, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says Desiree Rogers, the White House social secretary, will not give testimony on the Crashergate scandal before a House committee tomorrow.

"Based on separation of powers," Gibbs said, "staff here do not go to testify in front of Congress."

List of Signing Statements
issued by Barack Obama

Here's Obama defending the need for Habeas Corpus 'before' he became President...
Obama on the Need for Habeas Corpus: Distinguishing Between ‘Barack, the Bomb-Thrower’ and ‘Barack, the Guy Running for President’ - ABC News

And here is Obama sticking with a Bush policy denying Habeas Corpus rights...
Obama Administration Adopts Bush Policy on Rendition of Detainees to Bagram | International Justice Network
...once he 'became' President.

Here's the Obama administration in favor of spying on US citizens...
Obama Administration Endorses Continued Spying on Americans

When you know what the fuck you are talking about..get back to me.


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