Boehner: President Obama Should Lead, Not Cast Blame

Boehner: President Obama Should Lead, Not Cast Blame

Boehner’s an idiot, not that that comes as any surprise.

The president is leading, in fact doing more than is required of a CE.

Boehner is supposed to be leading the House, and taking the lead concerning taxes and expenses, as mandated by the Constitution.

Instead Boehner whines about the president, or gives up on his own proposals without a fight, and gives de facto veto authority to a radical minority of rightist nitwits adhering blindly to lame TPM dogma.

It’s insane – the House is completely dysfunctional under republican control.
We can't put this all on Harry Reid though. Nor can it be put all on Boehner or McConnell or Obama.

It's a collective failure at leadership.

While in the larger picture it can be seen as a collective failure when things go wrong, and the more wrong the more so, the mobs need something to focus on. It is already breaking bad for the republicans. I would sure hate to be one come January 1st.

Well I just can't bring myself to cast the GOP as the lone pantomime villain in this. The Democrats have been just as recalcitrant. Obama has blown himself up to appear to be tough and unmoving, but he's been conceding little by little every day. The man just doesn't stand his ground, even if he ends up being wrong on the issue. For that, he also shares some of the blame.

Shucks....the Republican party has enjoyed having a Black man they can light in on every chance they've had. That could be why 90% of Blacks voted for the president....ya' think?
it's not the president's job to lead the house... it's boehners.

and if he can't herd his tetrads, the president sure can't.
While in the larger picture it can be seen as a collective failure when things go wrong, and the more wrong the more so, the mobs need something to focus on. It is already breaking bad for the republicans. I would sure hate to be one come January 1st.

Well I just can't bring myself to cast the GOP as the lone pantomime villain in this. The Democrats have been just as recalcitrant. Obama has blown himself up to appear to be tough and unmoving, but he's been conceding little by little every day. The man just doesn't stand his ground, even if he ends up being wrong on the issue. For that, he also shares some of the blame.

Shucks....the Republican party has enjoyed having a Black man they can light in on every chance they've had. That could be why 90% of Blacks voted for the president....ya' think?

I think you're a racist fuck!
it's not the president's job to lead the house... it's boehners.

and if he can't herd his tetrads, the president sure can't.

Oh well.

I'm glad I'm not dependant on 99 weeks of Welfare.

no. but you'll be paying a lot of taxes because of the teatards. and the stock market is going to take a dive if they aren't mature and sane enough to govern.

but whatever rocks you guys.
Boehner: President Obama Should Lead, Not Cast Blame

Boehner’s an idiot, not that that comes as any surprise.

The president is leading, in fact doing more than is required of a CE.

Boehner is supposed to be leading the House, and taking the lead concerning taxes and expenses, as mandated by the Constitution.

Instead Boehner whines about the president, or gives up on his own proposals without a fight, and gives de facto veto authority to a radical minority of rightist nitwits adhering blindly to lame TPM dogma.

It’s insane – the House is completely dysfunctional under republican control.

Why don't you and the other genius here tell us all how he is supposed to make those in the Tea Party do what he wants. They report to their constituents...who elected them.

Should Boehner take them outside and kick their asses?

A lot of mouthing off here but not one person has a clue just how is he supposed to do it.

Enlighten us instead of bitching.

No different than asking can Obama make Boehner do what he wants?

What are you going to do...threaten to kick them out of the House...we'd all love to hear it.
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We can't put this all on Harry Reid though. Nor can it be put all on Boehner or McConnell or Obama.

It's a collective failure at leadership.

While in the larger picture it can be seen as a collective failure when things go wrong, and the more wrong the more so, the mobs need something to focus on. It is already breaking bad for the republicans. I would sure hate to be one come January 1st.

Well I just can't bring myself to cast the GOP as the lone pantomime villain in this. The Democrats have been just as recalcitrant. Obama has blown himself up to appear to be tough and unmoving, but he's been conceding little by little every day. The man just doesn't stand his ground, even if he ends up being wrong on the issue. For that, he also shares some of the blame.

If the House had thrown a budget out tonight. No matter what it said. Even if it just said, "Sorry, we screwed up." that would be one thing. The fact they are throwing up their hands and walking out the door just doesn't sit well with me. Call me a purist.
While in the larger picture it can be seen as a collective failure when things go wrong, and the more wrong the more so, the mobs need something to focus on. It is already breaking bad for the republicans. I would sure hate to be one come January 1st.

Well I just can't bring myself to cast the GOP as the lone pantomime villain in this. The Democrats have been just as recalcitrant. Obama has blown himself up to appear to be tough and unmoving, but he's been conceding little by little every day. The man just doesn't stand his ground, even if he ends up being wrong on the issue. For that, he also shares some of the blame.

He's doing a much better job this time around. :cool:

That remains to be seen.

If he caves and gives away all his leverage by the end of the night, his "doing a much better job" won't mean shit.
Anytime one of you libshit Einsteins have an answer to post #187...feel free to inform us on what Boehner should do. Come on...lots of criticism but no solution.
Boehner: President Obama Should Lead, Not Cast Blame

Boehner’s an idiot, not that that comes as any surprise.

The president is leading, in fact doing more than is required of a CE.

Boehner is supposed to be leading the House, and taking the lead concerning taxes and expenses, as mandated by the Constitution.

Instead Boehner whines about the president, or gives up on his own proposals without a fight, and gives de facto veto authority to a radical minority of rightist nitwits adhering blindly to lame TPM dogma.

It’s insane – the House is completely dysfunctional under republican control.

Which proves a point.

You can't have people that hate government...involved in running it.

Just doesn't work.
Anytime one of you libshit Einsteins have an answer to post #187...feel free to inform us on what Boehner should do. Come on...lots of criticism but no solution.

You know, in all honesty maybe Boehner gets out of this. Your post has a lot of validity to it.
Anytime one of you libshit Einsteins have an answer to post #187...feel free to inform us on what Boehner should do. Come on...lots of criticism but no solution.

You know, in all honesty maybe Boehner gets out of this. Your post has a lot of validity to it.

I don't know if you truly mean that or not but I do. I read what a certain few here say with their Teatard remarks and Boehner is a let's hear what they would do since Boehner is such the failure.

Here's the problem:

Why the Fiscal Cliff Proves Congress Is Dysfunctional - ABC News

We are where we are so what's the solution? Tell us all what Boehner should do?

And this is NOT a defense of Boehner just a challenge to the whiners. We have one person who slings terms like rightwingnuts and Teatards around but hasn't a clue what to do but say... Boehner should if Boehner wants to find himself in this position.

The same big mouths slide back under the carpet when you ask them what's he supposed to do? I don't know but I'm not claiming to be the expert here, either.
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You can't have people that hate government...involved in running it.

Just doesn't work.

Damn important point.

As someone who isn't terribly fond of government either, it seems critical to me, then, that those politicians who just love government need to have both checks & balances and structural restraints, lest they decide that we work for the government, and not the other way 'round.

I'd guess some are already there.

Anytime one of you libshit Einsteins have an answer to post #187...feel free to inform us on what Boehner should do. Come on...lots of criticism but no solution.

You know, in all honesty maybe Boehner gets out of this. Your post has a lot of validity to it.

I don't know if you truly mean that or not but I do. I read what a certain few here say with their Teatard remarks and Boehner is a let's hear what they would do since Boehner is such the failure.

Here's the problem:

Why the Fiscal Cliff Proves Congress Is Dysfunctional - ABC News

We are where we are so what's the solution? Tell us all what Boehner should do?

And this is NOT a defense of Boehner just a challenge to the whiners.

The same big mouth slide back under the carpet when you ask them what's he supposed to do? I don't know but I'm not claiming to be the expert here.

No, I am serious. If you have bad apples and you put a press on the bunch you end up with bad apple sauce. Identifying bad apples would be the smart thing to do. I am not really a chicken little but something different has to be done and giving Boehner more support might be just what we need. I really don't know but I am willing to listen.
I actually don't want to hear what Boehner has to say tonight. I want to hear what Cantor has to say.
You know, in all honesty maybe Boehner gets out of this. Your post has a lot of validity to it.

I don't know if you truly mean that or not but I do. I read what a certain few here say with their Teatard remarks and Boehner is a let's hear what they would do since Boehner is such the failure.

Here's the problem:

Why the Fiscal Cliff Proves Congress Is Dysfunctional - ABC News

We are where we are so what's the solution? Tell us all what Boehner should do?

And this is NOT a defense of Boehner just a challenge to the whiners.

The same big mouth slide back under the carpet when you ask them what's he supposed to do? I don't know but I'm not claiming to be the expert here.

No, I am serious. If you have bad apples and you put a press on the bunch you end up with bad apple sauce. Identifying bad apples would be the smart thing to do. I am not really a chicken little but something different has to be done and giving Boehner more support might be just what we need. I really don't know but I am willing to listen.

Right and those bad apples were elected by OUR fellow Americans...which still takes us back to square one...what's he supposed to do.

I don't mean to aim this at you specifically but there are 1 or 2 here who know how to troll through drop a few "Teatard" remarks and prance out as if they actually said anything of value.

All you ever get out of one person in particular is to call people rightwingnuts as a solution. So I'll play devil's advocate...what do we do?
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I don't know if you truly mean that or not but I do. I read what a certain few here say with their Teatard remarks and Boehner is a let's hear what they would do since Boehner is such the failure.

Here's the problem:

Why the Fiscal Cliff Proves Congress Is Dysfunctional - ABC News

We are where we are so what's the solution? Tell us all what Boehner should do?

And this is NOT a defense of Boehner just a challenge to the whiners.

The same big mouth slide back under the carpet when you ask them what's he supposed to do? I don't know but I'm not claiming to be the expert here.

No, I am serious. If you have bad apples and you put a press on the bunch you end up with bad apple sauce. Identifying bad apples would be the smart thing to do. I am not really a chicken little but something different has to be done and giving Boehner more support might be just what we need. I really don't know but I am willing to listen.

Right and those bad apples were elected by OUR fellow Americans...which still takes us back to square one...what's he supposed to do.

I don't mean to aim this at you specifically but there are 1 or 2 here who know how to troll through drop a few "Teatard" remarks and prance out as if they actually said anything of value.

All you ever get out of one person in particular is to call people rightwingnuts as a solution. So I'll play devil's advocate...what do we do?

I would like to see this whole thing out from behind closed doors for one. Is there any rules that say we can't be told, blow by blow, what is going on in there?
No, I am serious. If you have bad apples and you put a press on the bunch you end up with bad apple sauce. Identifying bad apples would be the smart thing to do. I am not really a chicken little but something different has to be done and giving Boehner more support might be just what we need. I really don't know but I am willing to listen.

Right and those bad apples were elected by OUR fellow Americans...which still takes us back to square one...what's he supposed to do.

I don't mean to aim this at you specifically but there are 1 or 2 here who know how to troll through drop a few "Teatard" remarks and prance out as if they actually said anything of value.

All you ever get out of one person in particular is to call people rightwingnuts as a solution. So I'll play devil's advocate...what do we do?

I would like to see this whole thing out from behind closed doors for one. Is there any rules that say we can't be told, blow by blow, what is going on in there?

This is why you can't trust any politician. I really don't think there are restrictions but more of the fact that it likely gets ugly behind closed doors if that's possible and it's all about image.

They don't want to be seen at their very worst nor do they really want anyone hearing the deals they make to get the results they want.
Right and those bad apples were elected by OUR fellow Americans...which still takes us back to square one...what's he supposed to do.

I don't mean to aim this at you specifically but there are 1 or 2 here who know how to troll through drop a few "Teatard" remarks and prance out as if they actually said anything of value.

All you ever get out of one person in particular is to call people rightwingnuts as a solution. So I'll play devil's advocate...what do we do?

I would like to see this whole thing out from behind closed doors for one. Is there any rules that say we can't be told, blow by blow, what is going on in there?

This is why you can't trust any politician. I really don't think there are restrictions but more of the fact that it likely gets ugly behind closed doors if that's possible and it's all about image.

They don't want to be seen at their very worst nor do they really want anyone hearing the deals they make to get the results they want.

Yeah, I understand the desire to avoid the ugliness of compromise but at the moment we have radio silence. What I would like is Boehner to do is step in front of a mike, or lots of them, and tell it like it is. If he made the decision that stopped the process let him own up. If, on the other hand, there were other people who were unreasonable drop the hammer, so to speak, on them and drop it hard. He is alone in the woods as it is. What has he got to lose?

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