Boehner pulls a Boner...........And lies to America!!!!!!


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Aug 27, 2010
LMAO!! Boner offers up the GOP band aid, but it won't stop the bleeding. Face it folks, the GOP is a dead horse in water. These guys are blowing smoke up the voters ass, and just look at the crew of them around USMB. Boner is speaking loud and clear, he doesn't have the answers, he has no idea what should be cut, or a clue on the taxes. What Plan?? But he sure has a golden tan & a bottle of snake oil!!!! :lol:

“I don’t have all of the solutions, but I believe if we work with the American people, the American people will want to work with us to come to grips with these challenges that face our country,” said Rep. John Boehner, the House minority leader, as he formally introduced the proposal Thursday at a lumberyard in Virginia.

Boehner said the unspecified budget cuts in the plan — a rollback of some federal spending to 2008 levels and budget caps — would save $1 trillion over the next 10 years. He acknowledged, though, that the reductions are only the “first steps” to a balanced federal budget, which is now swimming in red ink.

“It wouldn’t come close to balancing the budget,” said Josh Gordon, policy director at the Concord Coalition, a nonpartisan deficit reduction group.:clap2:

“This is the most fiscally irresponsible document ever offered by the GOP,” blogger and columnist Andrew Sullivan wrote Thursday. “It is an act of vandalism against the fiscal balance of the U.S. … It is the opposite of responsible conservatism:eusa_pray:

Read more: GOP ‘Pledge to America’ infuriates some conservatives -
LMAO!! Boner offers up the GOP band aid, but it won't stop the bleeding. Face it folks, the GOP is a dead horse in water. These guys are blowing smoke up the voters ass, and just look at the crew of them around USMB. Boner is speaking loud and clear, he doesn't have the answers, he has no idea what should be cut, or a clue on the taxes. What Plan?? But he sure has a golden tan & a bottle of snake oil!!!! :lol:

“I don’t have all of the solutions, but I believe if we work with the American people, the American people will want to work with us to come to grips with these challenges that face our country,” said Rep. John Boehner, the House minority leader, as he formally introduced the proposal Thursday at a lumberyard in Virginia.

Boehner said the unspecified budget cuts in the plan — a rollback of some federal spending to 2008 levels and budget caps — would save $1 trillion over the next 10 years. He acknowledged, though, that the reductions are only the “first steps” to a balanced federal budget, which is now swimming in red ink.

“It wouldn’t come close to balancing the budget,” said Josh Gordon, policy director at the Concord Coalition, a nonpartisan deficit reduction group.:clap2:

“This is the most fiscally irresponsible document ever offered by the GOP,” blogger and columnist Andrew Sullivan wrote Thursday. “It is an act of vandalism against the fiscal balance of the U.S. … It is the opposite of responsible conservatism:eusa_pray:

Read more: GOP ‘Pledge to America’ infuriates some conservatives -

That they might take the House is ridiculous. The Democrats and Indes had better open their eyes and get out the vote. They never did have a workable solution other than going back to Reaganomics.

Did they ever unveil any plan last Wednesday? They always say they will and come up with blank pages in a book that they simply wave around.

Worst thing about Rs taking the House? John Boehner will be Speaker.
While I find the GOP's economic "solutions" laughable, I certainly wouldn't go so far as to suggest that the GOP is "dead in the water".

They know perfectly well how to appeal to the conceits and fears of their clueless partisans and on the fence independents.

And given that Obama has alienated much of his former support, and given that unemployment is still high, I fully expect the GOP to win many seats in the HoR and Senate, too.

I'm not happy about that, but there it is.
People are unpleased with the progress the dems have made but have even less respect for the republicans.

I think the seats lost wont be as many as some fear.
a trillion over TEN YEARS? I really can't believe the Republicans produced a document bragging about saving 100B per year.

Not 1oo billion, the Democrats are spending over a trillion a year in deficit. If the Republicans cut down to where they SAVE 100 billion a year then we are talking of a 1trillion 100 billion saving every year.
a trillion over TEN YEARS? I really can't believe the Republicans produced a document bragging about saving 100B per year.

Not 1oo billion, the Democrats are spending over a trillion a year in deficit. If the Republicans cut down to where they SAVE 100 billion a year then we are talking of a 1trillion 100 billion saving every year.

Good. Since I can find nothing in Boehner's "plan" as to HOW he or the GOP intend to do this, perhaps you can enlighten us?
This is why the GOP needs massive reform, and more change is coming for them. It is good for the Party. Once they become actual Republicans instead of Democrats and DC pigs, we will have a stronger alternative to actually reform government.

If they mention a balanced budget, or only going back to outrageous 2008 levels, it is clear the Party leadership needs to be overhauled, or woken up at the least. I know it is a start, but the overall goal is to trim government down to half of it's spending levels, reduce the deficit before our kids have to pay for it, get a surplus, and reduce taxation for all. Then there is major business ethics reform needed, and a recognition that Wall Street only kicked ass because they screwed millions of Americans out of jobs. The rich need to be asked how much better they think they are compared to their mid level employees, and watch their staggering admissions.

Government, corporate, and globalization reform. A large and perhaps overwhelming project, but not something we can't do with good leadership and focused management.
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a trillion over TEN YEARS? I really can't believe the Republicans produced a document bragging about saving 100B per year.

Not 1oo billion, the Democrats are spending over a trillion a year in deficit. If the Republicans cut down to where they SAVE 100 billion a year then we are talking of a 1trillion 100 billion saving every year.

So we agree that the Republicans bold new plan is to save 100B per year?


So by 2021 the deficit will be 22 Trillion instead of 23 trillion?

That's fantastic!!!!!
a trillion over TEN YEARS? I really can't believe the Republicans produced a document bragging about saving 100B per year.

We can save three times that simply by ending the stupid Republican wars
a trillion over TEN YEARS? I really can't believe the Republicans produced a document bragging about saving 100B per year.

Not 1oo billion, the Democrats are spending over a trillion a year in deficit. If the Republicans cut down to where they SAVE 100 billion a year then we are talking of a 1trillion 100 billion saving every year.

Good. Since I can find nothing in Boehner's "plan" as to HOW he or the GOP intend to do this, perhaps you can enlighten us?

WEEWEEYankee, There is no PERHAPS in this recommendation, you Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd twit....


EX: Obambo claims that he is NOT a LIAR when the congressman CORRECTLY yelled out that Obambo was a LIAR regarding Illegal Immigrants NOT being able to receive the same projected Health Care benefits as the citizens of America.

The bogus move being: passing legislation that on the face of it limits the benefits ONLY to the citizens.....however, knowing full well that the judicial system will EASILY overturn it because EVERY ONE residing in America would be entitled to that medical care.
Unspecified cuts -

aka more GOP deficits.

They don't want the voters to know until after the election!
There's a lot o' THAT, goin' around!!!!!

Apparently, Boehner's ALSO pulled a "GINGRICH"!!!!!!! :eek:

"House Minority Leader John Boehner was asked by a DailyKos blogger Thursday to answer questions about an affair with a lobbyist, an allegation that will reportedly be the focus of an upcoming New York Times expose. Boehner ignored the question outright."

a trillion over TEN YEARS? I really can't believe the Republicans produced a document bragging about saving 100B per year.
OTOH, we have democratics screeching that the wimpy Bush tax cuts, which ended up "costing" less than that over their 10-year phase in period, blew a gaping hole in the federal budget.

Y'all don't get it both ways, perfesser.
a trillion over TEN YEARS? I really can't believe the Republicans produced a document bragging about saving 100B per year.
OTOH, we have democratics screeching that the wimpy Bush tax cuts, which ended up "costing" less than that over their 10-year phase in period, blew a gaping hole in the federal budget.

Y'all don't get it both ways, perfesser.
Wimpy, huh?? :rolleyes:

[ame=]YouTube - Maddow: GOP plan to extend tax cuts for the rich[/ame]



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