Boehner threatens to shut out Senate bills if filibuster rules changed

The only cs here is the cs gas coming off your keyboard, luddly, as you pound of inanity after inanity. Not a first for you, however, as the newly crowned Village Idiot of USMB since the predecessor to your de-steamed title got banned. <giggle>

As usual, the nutter rw's can't dispute the content so they fall back on their boring little insults.

Boehner is less than useless. He's a drunk who spends more time on the golf course than he does at work. He and his R cohorts have a nice little racket going. They screw YOU and YOU pay them.

How many times has the sitting President been golfing? And not a word of disdain from you. GO FIGURE.

Perhaps as many times as Eisenhower. And I have vast admiration for President Eisenhower.
That chicken shit drunk is the worst speaker in our history. He doesn't give a crap about the American people he supposedly works for. All he cares about is his childish grudge match with the president.

The GObP/pubpots, will go right on obstructing and filibustering jobs bills and any other bills that could help us out of this recession.

We need to start docking their pay for not doing their jobs. The Rs don't even bother to show up. They're out on the golf course and only come back for photo ops.


So let me get this straight. If Boehner says a senate bill is dead on arrival that is a bad thing, but when Reid says a house bill is dead on arrival that's perfectly acceptable.

Do I have that right?

It's just weird how a warped liberal mind thinks, isn't it?
You have the post of the day for this thread...well done
That chicken shit drunk is the worst speaker in our history. He doesn't give a crap about the American people he supposedly works for. All he cares about is his childish grudge match with the president.

The GObP/pubpots, will go right on obstructing and filibustering jobs bills and any other bills that could help us out of this recession.

We need to start docking their pay for not doing their jobs. The Rs don't even bother to show up. They're out on the golf course and only come back for photo ops.

The only cs here is the cs gas coming off your keyboard, luddly, as you pound of inanity after inanity. Not a first for you, however, as the newly crowned Village Idiot of USMB since the predecessor to your de-steamed title got banned. <giggle>

Boehner is less than useless. He's......who spends more time on the golf course than he does at work.
Sounds familar.
Last edited:
by Audrey Hudson
House Speaker John Boehner escalated a battle in the Senate this week to make rules more favorable to the Democrats in charge by issuing a threat to block all future bills passed under the new filibuster procedures.

“Any bill that reaches a Republican-led House based on Senate Democrats’ heavy-handed power play would be dead on arrival,” said Boehner, Ohio Republican.

Maybe the GOP Speaker is getting some juevos! Read the whole piece @ Boehner threatens to shut out Senate bills if filibuster rules changed - Conservative News


Boehner's a phony and only concerned about remaining speaker. Any reasonable and responsible leader would put the bill up for a vote, allowing all taxpayers a tax cut.

President Obama is urging Congress to extend tax breaks for the middle class, saying it's "unacceptable for some Republicans in Congress to hold middle class tax cuts hostage simply because they refuse to let tax rates go up on the wealthiest Americans."

With the clock ticking toward the so-called "fiscal cliff," Obama asked lawmakers in his weekly address to "begin by doing what we all agree on" and extend the middle class tax cuts set to expire at the end of the year.

Obama Accuses House GOP of Holding Middle Class Tax Cuts 'Hostage' - Yahoo! News

And I bet you've already forgotten Obama, coming out of nowhere and putting into the Fiscal Cliff deal, a demand for $50 billion in "stimulus spending" (what part of "in debt" doesn't this retard get?) and the right to raise the debt ceiling whenever and however high he wants without Congressional approval.
I would hazzard a guess that republicans would be open to tax increases if the president was serious about actual spending cuts. But, the rhetoric from Obama saying we should raise taxes on the rich now and worry about spending cuts next year is very disengenuous on his behalf.
Hey, I'm ready to pay higher middle class taxes as long as spending cuts come along with it. Our nation is in trouble, we need to get serious and not just some fairy tale rhetoric.
I would hazzard a guess that republicans would be open to tax increases if the president was serious about actual spending cuts. But, the rhetoric from Obama saying we should raise taxes on the rich and worry about spending cuts next year is very disengenuous on his behalf.
Hey, I'm ready to pay higher middle class taxes as long as spending cuts come along with it. Our nation is in trouble, we need to get serious and not just some fairy tale rhetoric.

I'm all for higher taxes as long as they were reasonable.
Any spending cuts have to guaranteed, serious and sizable, and strike defense and entitlements.
by Audrey Hudson

Maybe the GOP Speaker is getting some juevos! Read the whole piece @ Boehner threatens to shut out Senate bills if filibuster rules changed - Conservative News


Boehner's a phony and only concerned about remaining speaker. Any reasonable and responsible leader would put the bill up for a vote, allowing all taxpayers a tax cut.

President Obama is urging Congress to extend tax breaks for the middle class, saying it's "unacceptable for some Republicans in Congress to hold middle class tax cuts hostage simply because they refuse to let tax rates go up on the wealthiest Americans."

With the clock ticking toward the so-called "fiscal cliff," Obama asked lawmakers in his weekly address to "begin by doing what we all agree on" and extend the middle class tax cuts set to expire at the end of the year.

Obama Accuses House GOP of Holding Middle Class Tax Cuts 'Hostage' - Yahoo! News

You mean like how Reid put all those budget bills up for a vote..... Ohh wait he threw them in the trash. That of course is different right?

Of course it's different. Reid dumps bills which have amendments unrelated to the issue at hand. If we are to move on the Senate and the House need to get rid of unrelated attachments and poison pill amendments/riders.
Any spending cuts have to guaranteed, serious and sizable, and strike defense and entitlements.

Cuts need to be responsible! What are the consequences to cutting; will it simply transfer costs to state or local governments already in fiscal trouble? Will they cause layoffs and higher unemployment or dangerous situations (i.e. deffering repairs of power, water or other parts of the infrastructure)?
I would hazzard a guess that republicans would be open to tax increases if the president was serious about actual spending cuts. But, the rhetoric from Obama saying we should raise taxes on the rich now and worry about spending cuts next year is very disengenuous on his behalf.
Hey, I'm ready to pay higher middle class taxes as long as spending cuts come along with it. Our nation is in trouble, we need to get serious and not just some fairy tale rhetoric.
Republicans are not pleased when Obama makes an offer to get their cooperation then immediately reneges.

It's a kind of political back-stabbing associated with hugely corrupt governments in which confidence becomes so low, people start taking matters into their own hands.

Americans can't abide liars. Obama's days in office may be numbered if impeachment proceedings go forward. Also, there have been enough instances of wide-spread voter fraud that the entire election may have to be revisited.

Liars and omeurta cheaters in this nation need a spanking they will never forget.
Democrats are still confused. They think that republican representatives are elected by democrats. That's why they delude themselves into thinking that Boehner or any other republican can be voted out of office and punished by democrats.

Elections have consequences.
by Audrey Hudson
House Speaker John Boehner escalated a battle in the Senate this week to make rules more favorable to the Democrats in charge by issuing a threat to block all future bills passed under the new filibuster procedures.

“Any bill that reaches a Republican-led House based on Senate Democrats’ heavy-handed power play would be dead on arrival,” said Boehner, Ohio Republican.

Maybe the GOP Speaker is getting some juevos! Read the whole piece @ Boehner threatens to shut out Senate bills if filibuster rules changed - Conservative News


That’s a great idea if republicans want to see the Senate in democratic hands come 2017, and a third Obama term.
Democrats can't stand it that not only was obama reelected, so was Boehner.

I like it when Boner is reelected. It shows how republicans will allow a drunken bum to be house speaker just like they elected and reelected a drunken bum to be president in 2000 and 2004.
That chicken shit drunk is the worst speaker in our history. He doesn't give a crap about the American people he supposedly works for. All he cares about is his childish grudge match with the president.

The GObP/pubpots, will go right on obstructing and filibustering jobs bills and any other bills that could help us out of this recession.

We need to start docking their pay for not doing their jobs. The Rs don't even bother to show up. They're out on the golf course and only come back for photo ops.


So let me get this straight. If Boehner says a senate bill is dead on arrival that is a bad thing, but when Reid says a house bill is dead on arrival that's perfectly acceptable.

Do I have that right?

It's just the mirror image of the belief you guys hold.
I would hazzard a guess that republicans would be open to tax increases if the president was serious about actual spending cuts. But, the rhetoric from Obama saying we should raise taxes on the rich now and worry about spending cuts next year is very disengenuous on his behalf.
Hey, I'm ready to pay higher middle class taxes as long as spending cuts come along with it. Our nation is in trouble, we need to get serious and not just some fairy tale rhetoric.

Why should the President agree to more spending cuts now when almost two trillion dollars worth have already passed? It's hard to say Obama is unwilling to sign spending cuts when he's already signed more spending cuts that Republicans have demanded into law than total amount of additional revenues being asked for.
Democrats can't stand it that not only was obama reelected, so was Boehner.

Most Americans didn't want Boehner as Speaker, since, you know, more people voted for Democratic candidates for the House.
Democrats always want to try to change the rules when they can't get their way.

That's pretty laughable.
1. Changing the filibuster requirements at the start of a session is completely inside the rules.
2. Your party was calling for throwing out the Senate rules and adopting even more radical filibuster reform mid-session within the past decade (see: nuclear option).
Bills do not go from the senate to the house for approval. It's the other way around. So where did this garbage come from?

The budget is different. The House proposes a budget. The Senate proposes a budget. The president proposes a budget. Then they reconcile the three into one approved budget. So far, since obama was crowned, the senate has never proposed a budget, the senate has unanimously never approved an obama budget, and the house budget never was allowed to come to the floor.

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