Boehner to sue Obama

Lmao when's he going to sue Dubya. The toad is simply pandering for votes.

^ Rabid doesn't even realize that W is not the President.
Welsher doesn't realize that Boneless gave Dubya a free pass and currently looks like the biggest hypocrite in office.

Rabid calls me Welsher even though it knows I didn't welsh, because lying is first and second and only nature to Rabid Ravi. True fact.

And it then claims that Speaker Boehner gave W a "pass" even though for much of W's time in Office, it was Pelousy who was the scumbag Speaker of the House. Rabid Ravi is plumbing the depths of dumb. And she won't be satisfied with hitting bottom. Break out the drills.

Public Service Announcement for all the really pathetic slow-witted dim-bulb liberals:

George W. Bush is not only NOT the incumbent President of the United States of America, but he has not BEEN President for roughly 5 and a half YEARS now.

The more you know.
Boehner plans to file suit against Obama over alleged abuse of executive power | Fox News

Crybaby Boehner can't accomplish a thing in the House but plans to sue Obama for trying to do his job

The speaker alleged that the president not only has ignored the law but "brags about it," decrying what he described as "arrogance and incompetence."

Boehner had been weighing such a lawsuit in recent days, over concerns that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority with executive actions. Republicans have voiced frustration with Obama's second-term "pen and phone" strategy of pursuing policy changes without Congress -- particularly environmental rules via the Environmental Protection Agency. Republicans also complained about numerous unilateral changes to the implementation of ObamaCare.

Boehner is an ineffectual twit, but if, AS the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE in his official capacity, he files suit against the President of the United States, at least Boehner will finally be doing SOMETHING right, leftwhiner.

And if you agree with me, you will at long last be right for once.

I guess you have to celebrate when the Do Nothing Speaker does anything
Boehner plans to file suit against Obama over alleged abuse of executive power | Fox News

Crybaby Boehner can't accomplish a thing in the House but plans to sue Obama for trying to do his job

The speaker alleged that the president not only has ignored the law but "brags about it," decrying what he described as "arrogance and incompetence."

Boehner had been weighing such a lawsuit in recent days, over concerns that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority with executive actions. Republicans have voiced frustration with Obama's second-term "pen and phone" strategy of pursuing policy changes without Congress -- particularly environmental rules via the Environmental Protection Agency. Republicans also complained about numerous unilateral changes to the implementation of ObamaCare.

Boehner is an ineffectual twit, but if, AS the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE in his official capacity, he files suit against the President of the United States, at least Boehner will finally be doing SOMETHING right, leftwhiner.

And if you agree with me, you will at long last be right for once.

I guess you have to celebrate when the Do Nothing Speaker does anything

Besides guzzle liquor & mean?
Good for Boehner. At least he's doing more than whining. Providing he carries through with the threat, of course.

And of course, it won't go anywhere. But that's not the point. Boehner needs credibility with his deranged base. It's all about convincing them that's he's going after the muslim usurper.

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