Bolton: Putin didn't invade because "Trump was doing his work for him"

I've been saying it since day one. Bolton confirms I'm right.

Business Insider

Ex-Trump national security advisor John Bolton says 'Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him,' so he chose not to invade Ukraine​

Oma Seddiq
Wed, March 9, 2022, 5:10 PM

  • Former national security advisor John Bolton said "Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him."
  • Trump considered withdrawing the US from NATO while he was president.
  • Bolton said it's one of the reasons that Putin did not invade Ukraine during Trump's time in office.
John Bolton, who served as President Donald Trump's national security advisor, on Wednesday said that Russian President Vladimir Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was in office because "Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him."
Bolton pointed to Trump's outspoken criticism of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the military and diplomatic alliance established in the wake of World War II.
"I think one of the reasons that Putin did not move during Trump's term in office was he saw the president's hostility of NATO. It was widely reported in American media," Bolton said during an interview with SiriusXM's Julie Mason. "And to Putin's mind, it's a binary proposition: a weaker NATO is a stronger Russia."

You see, this is why Bolton will never be as wise as he presents himself. Even being so close to Trump, he was unable to decipher talk from action. He is comfortable with being able to sneakily get details from the usual politicians, passing himself off as some sage, but Trump played Game Theory with his business acumen, he didn't play politics.

One big worry Putin would have, and you can be sure he has spies close to the W.H in any administration just as the U.S have them in the Kremlin; he couldn't rely on information from these sources. He was in effect, in the dark. He might be sharper than Trump in the Shadow Game but Trump knows how to sell and deceive in an unconventional way. Trump might say one thing on Monday and then Tuesday, without warning, do something different.

For instance. Trump criticized NATO, however, he then forced others to pay their fair share and Trump pushed American-made weapons and jets they could buy with their new investment.

He called out China, hit them with tariffs and then negotiated a trade agreement. Ditto for Canada.

Trump warned Kim of consequences that including lighting up his nation and then met with him as if they were old pals, just weeks from threatening to decimate him if he doesn't settle down. Trump didn't give up a damned thing and was never going to.

So guys like Bolton are beside themselves that the Establishment politician and his administration hat he supported was unable to prevent war, while Trump, regardless of the opinion some had of him was able to do so.

In short, Bolton is ashamed. So are the Vindmans and Hills of the world, among many. So are the Grahams, Romneys, Cheneys and Crenshaws, CNN, MSNBC and their Talking Heads. They may have varying degrees of guilt and the concern for being wrong so many times in their lives, but they feel some shame regardless.

Yes, they were all wrong. Maybe Putin invades even if Trump were president, but, I bet he would think much longer and harder. You can also be sure that Ukraine would have been armed to the teeth and the proxy war would have been in the U.S favour.

I'm not going to blame this attack on Biden, but I will say that Putin has only invaded other nations since the 1990s when a Dem was president. He understands their administrations much better.
I've been saying it since day one. Bolton confirms I'm right.

Business Insider

Ex-Trump national security advisor John Bolton says 'Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him,' so he chose not to invade Ukraine​

Oma Seddiq
Wed, March 9, 2022, 5:10 PM

  • Former national security advisor John Bolton said "Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him."
  • Trump considered withdrawing the US from NATO while he was president.
  • Bolton said it's one of the reasons that Putin did not invade Ukraine during Trump's time in office.
John Bolton, who served as President Donald Trump's national security advisor, on Wednesday said that Russian President Vladimir Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was in office because "Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him."
Bolton pointed to Trump's outspoken criticism of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the military and diplomatic alliance established in the wake of World War II.
"I think one of the reasons that Putin did not move during Trump's term in office was he saw the president's hostility of NATO. It was widely reported in American media," Bolton said during an interview with SiriusXM's Julie Mason. "And to Putin's mind, it's a binary proposition: a weaker NATO is a stronger Russia."

Lol. What does Obama have on Bolton?
What a crazy thread. Democrats upset that Russia didn't invade the Ukraine under Trump. WTF? So they are for the Ukraine invasion? Really?
I've been saying it since day one. Bolton confirms I'm right.

Business Insider

Ex-Trump national security advisor John Bolton says 'Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him,' so he chose not to invade Ukraine​

Sure. Of course. :rolleyes:
Just as good as having Ukraine in Putin's icy hands...."having Trump do a lot of work for him".

What a desperate MF'er you are.
Bolton is a butt-hurt clown but you are even worse because you are foolishly desperate and will
repeat anything from a person you detest and wouldn't stop to pee on otherwise.
Go drink some more Fool Aid. You seem thirsty for embarrassing yourself.
Sure. Of course. :rolleyes:
Just as good as having Ukraine in Putin's icy hands...."having Trump do a lot of work for him".

What a desperate MF'er you are.
Bolton is a butt-hurt clown but you are even worse because you are foolishly desperate and will
repeat anything from a person you detest and wouldn't stop to pee on otherwise.
Go drink some more Fool Aid. You seem thirsty for embarrassing yourself.
I'd say Bolton is rude, outspoken and comes on too strong... he sucks all the oxygen out of the room . He's brash but I don't think he's a liar.
What color is the sky in your world?
Blah...blah...babble nonsense...hope to distract...lie about trump....babble...babble something the sky, insult anyone who puts up facts, and hope no one notices the shit you communists and socialists put out about Trump and the rest of the world.

I am not sorry that you don't like facts, but you do need to grow the fuck up and stop trying to manipulate adults. It isn't working and it has got to be rather embarrassing for you and your fellow travelers.
Trump was of course absolutely correct. If NATO countries were not going to pay their NATO obligations we would withdraw. Trump was right. The countries grumbled about mean tweets but paid. That's why there is a NATO today.

No. Trump wanted every NATO country to pay 4% of GDP. Even the United States isn't contributing 4%. Needless to say, literally no one including the US is paying 4% right now. Trump is and will always be the moron of all morons, and so are all the ppl who believe him.
What a crazy thread. Democrats upset that Russia didn't invade the Ukraine under Trump. WTF? So they are for the Ukraine invasion? Really?

Calling it "THE" Ukraine relegates it to a region of Russia
It's no surprise that Putin has been looking to divide and weaken NATO for years. When Trump said he wanted to leave NATO because it was "obsolete," this was music to Putin's ears because without the US, NATO would likely collapse in short order. Trump even threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine. All of this played into Putin's hands. What do you think all of Trump's secret backroom deals with Putin was about? Obviously Putin was paying Trump.

Calling it "THE" Ukraine relegates it to a region of Russia
Didn't realize that would send you in a tizzy. Now that we all know how much this irritates you, I'll start calling it "THE" Ukraine. Thanks for the info on "THE" Ukraine. :icon_lol:
Didn't realize that would send you in a tizzy. Now that we all know how much this irritates you, I'll start calling it "THE" Ukraine. Thanks for the info on "THE" Ukraine. :icon_lol:
Hey if your intention is to support Putin ...have at it.

He needs useful idiots
It's no surprise that Putin has been looking to divide and weaken NATO for years. When Trump said he wanted to leave NATO because it was "obsolete," this was music to Putin's ears because without the US, NATO would likely collapse in short order. Trump even threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine. All of this played into Putin's hands. What do you think all of Trump's secret backroom deals with Putin was about? Obviously Putin was paying Trump.
Put in paid Trump to arm Ukraine? That's an odd one.
It always cracks me up how the hyper partisans on both sides will embrace someone they used to despise when they provide them with anything to reenforce there confirmation bias.
Blah...blah...babble nonsense...hope to distract...lie about trump....babble...babble something the sky, insult anyone who puts up facts, and hope no one notices the shit you communists and socialists put out about Trump and the rest of the world.

I am not sorry that you don't like facts, but you do need to grow the fuck up and stop trying to manipulate adults. It isn't working and it has got to be rather embarrassing for you and your fellow travelers.
You still demanding cheap gasoline?

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