Bombing a refugee camp vs nuking Nagasaki


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I'm a supporter of Israel, my wife and kids are Jewish I've considered converting 3 times and I've been studying Kabbalah for over a decade now. I realize Israel must take steps to defend itself, but I'm having a hard time processing lobbing missiles into a refugee camp to take out one guy.

Then I considered how the USA used Hiroshima and Nagasaki to test plutonium vs uranium air burst vs surface detonation and wondered if war is just that fucking ugly?
I'm a supporter of Israel, my wife and kids are Jewish I've considered converting 3 times and I've been studying Kabbalah for over a decade now. I realize Israel must take steps to defend itself, but I'm having a hard time processing lobbing missiles into a refugee camp to take out one guy.

Then I considered how the USA used Hiroshima and Nagasaki to test plutonium vs uranium air burst vs surface detonation and wondered if war is just that fucking ugly?
lets not forget what the japs were doing to captured soldiers,,

we gave them a few days to get out of the city,, notlike we just showed up one day and BOOM!!
I'm a supporter of Israel, my wife and kids are Jewish I've considered converting 3 times and I've been studying Kabbalah for over a decade now. I realize Israel must take steps to defend itself, but I'm having a hard time processing lobbing missiles into a refugee camp to take out one guy.

Then I considered how the USA used Hiroshima and Nagasaki to test plutonium vs uranium air burst vs surface detonation and wondered if war is just that fucking ugly?
I appreciate your discomfort

But considering the attacks by Hamas what would you have Israel do?
I'm a supporter of Israel, my wife and kids are Jewish I've considered converting 3 times and I've been studying Kabbalah for over a decade now. I realize Israel must take steps to defend itself, but I'm having a hard time processing lobbing missiles into a refugee camp to take out one guy.

Then I considered how the USA used Hiroshima and Nagasaki to test plutonium vs uranium air burst vs surface detonation and wondered if war is just that fucking ugly?
Oh well....Maybe the next Hamas leader that decides it's a real good idea to hide amongst the "refugees" will be taken out by them....Or not and it will happen again till they change their ways. It's on them.
Firebombing Dresden. (And evidence exists that had such been done to other German cities in rapid order the Reich would have collapsed, ending the war sooner).
I'm a supporter of Israel, my wife and kids are Jewish I've considered converting 3 times and I've been studying Kabbalah for over a decade now. I realize Israel must take steps to defend itself, but I'm having a hard time processing lobbing missiles into a refugee camp to take out one guy.

Then I considered how the USA used Hiroshima and Nagasaki to test plutonium vs uranium air burst vs surface detonation and wondered if war is just that fucking ugly?
Hamas and their sub-human supporters have two options, unconditionally surrender or get blown to bits.

Those Hamas MF'ers brutally murdered women, children, and elderly Israels in a sneak attack. They intentionally targeted defenseless women and children in their homes. Hamas killed them in the most horrific ways possible, after torturing them, on purpose. Then they paraded their headless bodies through Gaza while Gaza cheered.

So you start a war on those terms then prepare to have your entire territory bombed to rubble.
I'm a supporter of Israel, my wife and kids are Jewish I've considered converting 3 times and I've been studying Kabbalah for over a decade now. I realize Israel must take steps to defend itself, but I'm having a hard time processing lobbing missiles into a refugee camp to take out one guy.

Then I considered how the USA used Hiroshima and Nagasaki to test plutonium vs uranium air burst vs surface detonation and wondered if war is just that fucking ugly?
War is the most stupid, indefensible, unconscionable, insane activity humankind has ever devised. But when forced into it, the only way to end it constructively is via overwhelming force that destroys the enemy or brings him to unconditional surrender. And to do that the war cannot be fought PC or with 'woke' sensibilities. It is cruel and horrible and the innocent will die in large numbers.

Any who deliberately target the innocent for injury or death are evil. But understanding that there will be collateral damage when we target the enemy is just part of it. It is tragic. But sometimes necessary and ultimately saves lives.

Tens of thousands were sacrificed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and that was tragic. But that sacrifice almost certainly spared millions of other lives.
I'm a supporter of Israel, my wife and kids are Jewish I've considered converting 3 times and I've been studying Kabbalah for over a decade now. I realize Israel must take steps to defend itself, but I'm having a hard time processing lobbing missiles into a refugee camp to take out one guy.

Then I considered how the USA used Hiroshima and Nagasaki to test plutonium vs uranium air burst vs surface detonation and wondered if war is just that fucking ugly?
I knew men who were gearing up to invade mainland Japan.
Look at what happened on the island of Okinawa to both sides and civilians to get a glimpse of what was in store for them if we hadn’t started nuking Japan.

BTW - prior to the nukes we were firebombing the cities. Not sure why that’s considered more civilized.
Ignoring your blatant lack of logic , then others killing US people as members of the world's biggest terrorist nation is equally valid .

That does sound a happy and thoughtful planet to inhabit .
The world will never be at peace till Jesus returns to rule as King
I appreciate your discomfort

But considering the attacks by Hamas what would you have Israel do?
Seek peace.

You advocate for mass murdering women and children, which is what both sides have done for decades. Are you stupid?

Don’t you know doing the same thing expecting a different result is the definition of insanity?
Seek peace.

You advocate for mass murdering women and children, which is what both sides have done for decades. Are you stupid?

Don’t you know doing the same thing expecting a different result is the definition of insanity?
Someone should have told the Arabs that in 1948 when they could have had peace and a state of their own
Someone should have told the Arabs that in 1948 when they could have had peace and a state of their own
Prior to that the Palestinians were considered to be somewhat less than human by the Arab countries. Then someone came up with the idea they could be used for political means.

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