Bombing in Downtown Nashville

Paranoia may destroy ya!

Paranoia as in listening to Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc etc on the internet and social media..... Just listen to what the right wing dupess on this message board are saying
Some speculation is that Warner bought into the 5G conspiracy.

It was reported that he played "Downtown" by Petula Clark before the blast went off.

Back on topic:
Remains are being claimed Warners.
The Feds need to do a voice analysis of the lady's voice warning if it was not computer based and compare it to
Betty Christine Lane the person who ended up with his property In 2019. Also compare it to
Michelle Louis Swing
(formerly of L.A. and Illinois )who first received the property in 2019 before signing it over to Lane.
Swing says she had no knowledge of the property being left to her, so she'd be claiming not the one signing it over to BETTY Lane. If Swing is telling the truth, It sounds like Betty who's used her mother's name in alias, might have been using Swings name in Identity thief with or without Warner's knowledge. Warner might have used Swings identity just for the transaction to hide the connection to the end recipient for her sake knowing he had a suicide plan pre covid. (Thus covid is not the blame for the depressed act).
His father worked for a division of At&t and that is what is being reviewed as motive.
But this property swap still can make it as I noted possibly before, there's still the slightest 10% chance the recipient of the home "if" involved in identity games could have set this up to steal the property and make it seem a natural although sad transition due to a premeditated suicide plan. He could have been dead in the RV before the blast for all we know until that is determined, including making sure Warner was seen recently-his mother on the same block and neighbors should be able to do an estimated last seen and answer questions about this Betty Lane property recipient.
Doesn’t smell right to me either... People have done worse for less and interesting how all the loose ends are tied up by him conveniently dying at the scene...Today with The technology available people do not have to drive these cars to their destination nor do they have to sit there waiting for it to blow up..... I wonder if there would be enough left of him to make a proper identification anyways..

How would you get the RV where it was? Teleportation?
Don’t be rediculous the technology is available countries such as Israel are patrolling their borders with autonomous unmanned armoured vehicles and they are using the same technology for speedboats and you have heard of the use of drones in the sky haven’t you.... Just because it is not on the roads yet doesn’t mean it is not in use in some forms And the tech is not available.....Cruise control in cars is a form of it but could be upgraded esp if someone uses computers and is knowledgeable in their use .. Not saying this was done only that it is a possibility that should and could be ruled out if itisfoundthatthe guy did indeed actually drive said vehicle to said place...

Israel is a country. This is a redneck from a small town in TN! This guy apparently was not able to afford any of that technology.

It has been determined that he died in the blast. Have a nice day!
According to the papers his body “was incinerated in the blast“ but heh they did find his DNA there.?? So the case is closed... Okay ...As I stated before the technology is available to move a vehicle autonomously I gave you examples.. Just because he was a “ poor redneck from Hicksville doesn’t mean he did not have the know how” or that someone else didn’t and you have a nice day too..

I was an officer in the military so I am well versed in technology. All of that shit you gave as examples is expensive as hell. Now, prove he used some of that other than the photos of him driving the vehicle and parking it where it blew up. You are a conspiracy theorist and the typical characteristic of one of those morons is the inability to deal with facts.
Are there pictures of him on route driving the RV to that area and not someone else to assure the storyline is correct, because someone said nobody else was seen exiting the RV, but the exit is on the opposite side of the famous camera view thus obstructed, unless there were other cameras on the other side and not just speculation and talk.
Shimon never said there was no driver, his argument is not to leave out all possibilities and to look at all angles which an investigator is supposed to do least they leave out an angle needed to determine the truth.
The reason why proving him the driver is important is to assure his dead body wasn't predead & used as a decoy in an attempt to throw off investigators of another ulterior motive then suicide, that would require a different path in investigating like the discrepancy on his property transfer in 2019 shows fraud involved.
A couple times its mentioned that he liked camping with his dogs in December. Where are the dogs? Is that what the shots were? He brought them with him and euthanized them so they wouldn't experience the explosion? There's no mention of the FBI removing dogs from his home.
The dogs probably went to a neighbor.
They probably came with the houses lol. What to be more irrelevant?
What's so funny about that? Dog hater.
The dogs are fine ding bad. He had a thing about 5G and AT&t because he listened to the same conspiracy crap that you do. He gave the chick from California to houses so I suspect the dogs came along. Brilliant political garbage you parrot.
I'm not parroting anything. And you know the dogs are fine, how?
There is conjecture that the RV used in the bombing does not match the one parked at his home ... .. Seems one RV had two stripes while this one had one...
It was his RV. Neighbors recognized it from the video released by LE; he'd had it sitting in his yard for years. And it is no longer in his yard and his tissue bit was retrieved from the scene. He was in it when it exploded. Of course it was his RV.
It was no longer his yard, there is some identity issues with the transfer of the property since 2019.
There's also a discrepancy on the RV match, who is saying it's been validated by vin number when saying registration matches? Lastly the tissue, who is saying it was a live body, is it assumption?
It's important to assure he was indeed comitting suicide and not a victim used as a cover to an ulterior motive having to do with that weird property discrepancy. Which means knowing more about the female voice tip is important as well.
If it was a female and not a computer digital voice then that person did nothing to get the person help nor stop his suicide and if they knew they were getting his property, that furthers the issue, because they knowingly benefited from remaining complacent. These are important issues that are allowed to sneak through by way of settling with answers that don't actually tell us the full story and prevent future emulations.
The Warner guy that they say did it was a loner, according to many reports. I have heard nothing about any witness that says this guy had visitors to his house, so I tend to go with the most likely version, which is that he was alone, did it all by himself, had no gun and fired no shots, and blew himself up for whatever reason. Now, if the investigators find reason to believe there was in fact someone else involved, then that's another thing but I see no reason to make it any more convoluted at this time.
A couple times its mentioned that he liked camping with his dogs in December. Where are the dogs? Is that what the shots were? He brought them with him and euthanized them so they wouldn't experience the explosion? There's no mention of the FBI removing dogs from his home.
The dogs probably went to a neighbor.
They probably came with the houses lol. What to be more irrelevant?
What's so funny about that? Dog hater.
The dogs are fine ding bad. He had a thing about 5G and AT&t because he listened to the same conspiracy crap that you do. He gave the chick from California to houses so I suspect the dogs came along. Brilliant political garbage you parrot.
Yeah that whole dog thing was pretty far out there.
Why would anyone who loved their animals bring them along and then shoot them. I wouldnt do it to mine. My oldest dog just died and I had a hard time with just dealing with it.
Because he was a lonely guy, he was on the outs with his family, so who's he got left to love but his dogs? He didn't want them to suffer without him, so he took them with him. Is a gunshot better than an explosion? I dunno. But maybe he thought so. Or maybe not. It was just a guess, and it sure isn't any crazier than the other theories I'm hearing on here.

Let's remember, this guy took out the ATT communications center over a 5g CT. So saying it wouldn't be "normal" to suicide your dogs with you doesn't really apply. I'd be pleased as punch if anyone in the investigation mentions rehoming the dogs. Let me know if you come across that.

And sorry about your dog. Really.
Update: finding more info from neighbors we can conclude he did this in a blaze of glory suicide act, so we can cross off the many possible scenerios like being used as a miss direction to another crime. However, TN has a Good Samaritan law, which could be used against those who knew his issues and did nothing to get him help or stop the event by reporting it more then 15 minutes ahead of time. If they can not use the Good Samaritan law, then they might be able to use the property swap fraud as a prosecution tool, if Warner wasn't the one using the innocent California woman's idenity then Police must ask who transfered in her name Warner's property to Betsy back in 2019.
A couple times its mentioned that he liked camping with his dogs in December. Where are the dogs? Is that what the shots were? He brought them with him and euthanized them so they wouldn't experience the explosion? There's no mention of the FBI removing dogs from his home.
The dogs probably went to a neighbor.
They probably came with the houses lol. What to be more irrelevant?
What's so funny about that? Dog hater.
The dogs are fine ding bad. He had a thing about 5G and AT&t because he listened to the same conspiracy crap that you do. He gave the chick from California to houses so I suspect the dogs came along. Brilliant political garbage you parrot.
I'm not parroting anything. And you know the dogs are fine, how?
The dogs are fine or real journalists and law enforcement would mention it..... If you are GOP base you parrot a load of crap.
A couple times its mentioned that he liked camping with his dogs in December. Where are the dogs? Is that what the shots were? He brought them with him and euthanized them so they wouldn't experience the explosion? There's no mention of the FBI removing dogs from his home.
The dogs probably went to a neighbor.
They probably came with the houses lol. What to be more irrelevant?
What's so funny about that? Dog hater.
The dogs are fine ding bad. He had a thing about 5G and AT&t because he listened to the same conspiracy crap that you do. He gave the chick from California to houses so I suspect the dogs came along. Brilliant
"Downtown" is such a great song. I just loved it when I was a kid in the 60's, but Warner ruined it, and I'm afraid the song will never be the same now. :(

Lots of sarcasm in the lyrics of the song based on what Warner did.

"When you're alone, and life is making you lonely
You can always go
Downtown <===== Describes Warner's life

When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know

Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty
How can you lose?

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown, no finer place for sure
Downtown everything's waiting for you

Downtown, downtown

Don't hang around and let your problems surround you
There are movie shows

Maybe you know some little places to go to
Where they never close

Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova
You'll be dancing with him too before the night is over
Happy again

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, where all the lights are bright
Downtown, waiting for you tonight
Downtown, you're gonna be alright now

Downtown, downtown

And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
Guide them along

So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown, don't wait a minute more

Downtown, everything's waiting for you

Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown
Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown
garbage you parrot.
I'm not parroting anything. And you know the dogs are fine, how?
The dogs are fine or real journalists and law enforcement would mention it..... If you are GOP base you parrot a load of crap.
The Warner guy that they say did it was a loner, according to many reports. I have heard nothing about any witness that says this guy had visitors to his house, so I tend to go with the most likely version, which is that he was alone, did it all by himself, had no gun and fired no shots, and blew himself up for whatever reason. Now, if the investigators find reason to believe there was in fact someone else involved, then that's another thing but I see no reason to make it any more convoluted at this time.
A couple times its mentioned that he liked camping with his dogs in December. Where are the dogs? Is that what the shots were? He brought them with him and euthanized them so they wouldn't experience the explosion? There's no mention of the FBI removing dogs from his home.
The dogs probably went to a neighbor.
They probably came with the houses lol. What to be more irrelevant?
What's so funny about that? Dog hater.
The dogs are fine ding bad. He had a thing about 5G and AT&t because he listened to the same conspiracy crap that you do. He gave the chick from California to houses so I suspect the dogs came along. Brilliant
"Downtown" is such a great song. I just loved it when I was a kid in the 60's, but Warner ruined it, and I'm afraid the song will never be the same now. :(

Lots of sarcasm in the lyrics of the song based on what Warner did.

"When you're alone, and life is making you lonely
You can always go
Downtown <===== Describes Warner's life

When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know

Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty
How can you lose?

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown, no finer place for sure
Downtown everything's waiting for you

Downtown, downtown

Don't hang around and let your problems surround you
There are movie shows

Maybe you know some little places to go to
Where they never close

Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova
You'll be dancing with him too before the night is over
Happy again

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, where all the lights are bright
Downtown, waiting for you tonight
Downtown, you're gonna be alright now

Downtown, downtown

And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
Guide them along

So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown, don't wait a minute more

Downtown, everything's waiting for you

Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown
Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown
garbage you parrot.
I'm not parroting anything. And you know the dogs are fine, how?
The dogs are fine or real journalists and law enforcement would mention it..... If you are GOP base you parrot a load of crap.
and if you are a liberal, you simply keep repeating bullshit.
"When you're alone, and life is making you lonely
You can always go
Downtown"<===== Describes Warner's life

Unless there is more evidence that turns up, this may be the conclusion and we will not know if there was any other motivation.

A major Tennessee newspaper article is no longer available but it still turns up in the Google search results..
The article says the Georgia Georgia Dominion machines were moved to ATT in Nashville for forensics.

Another article says a missile took out AT&T.

A video sure looks like the explosion didnt originate with the RV

Hmmmm, where would the missile come from ??? Early reports said it was outgoing not incoming, so it could have been something being ejected after the initial explosion took place, and quickly there after the smoke came a bubbling up from the blast after effects.
"Downtown" is such a great song. I just loved it when I was a kid in the 60's, but Warner ruined it, and I'm afraid the song will never be the same now. :(

Lots of sarcasm in the lyrics of the song based on what Warner did.

"When you're alone, and life is making you lonely
You can always go
Downtown <===== Describes Warner's life

When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know

Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty
How can you lose?

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown, no finer place for sure
Downtown everything's waiting for you

Downtown, downtown

Don't hang around and let your problems surround you
There are movie shows

Maybe you know some little places to go to
Where they never close

Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova
You'll be dancing with him too before the night is over
Happy again

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, where all the lights are bright
Downtown, waiting for you tonight
Downtown, you're gonna be alright now

Downtown, downtown

And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
Guide them along

So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown, don't wait a minute more

Downtown, everything's waiting for you

Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown
Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown
Explains his age as well, and/or the period lived in or that he was lost in maybe ??
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"When you're alone, and life is making you lonely
You can always go
Downtown"<===== Describes Warner's life

Unless there is more evidence that turns up, this may be the conclusion and we will not know if there was any other motivation.

Awwwweeee come on mannnnn.... You mean we ain't gonna have some kind of juicy Epstein plot to ponder here ???? Daggummit all.

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