BOMBSHELL: Blasey-Ford's HS Yearbooks Brag of Drunken Promiscuity, '54 Sex Partners Before College'

“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.

Mods - Please move this POS thread to Rubber Room or Conspiracy Theories. It has NO business in any legit forum. It is made up crap that originally appeared in a blog entitled "Cult of the First Amendment". Thank you

Right-wing fever swamps are now smearing Christine Blasey Ford over her high school yearbooks
Because the left is getting their collective asses kick with facts you cant handle it... Fuck off left tard...

You consider the OP to be "facts"?
Then fuck off right-tard
Lol, you think Ford's story is fact?
If you would lie about consensual sex, under oath. Then you would lie about sexual assualt. Kavanaugh has had a reputable reputation, then you have Ford with no proof, trying to stop him from being a judge at the last minute is bullshit. She keeps stalling and the part where she wants him to testify first. What is she hiding?

You would also take a beta blocker before a lie detector test.
From the posts of your's I've seen I find it highly unlikely you have anything to do with law enforcement or the criminal justice system. Do you really think that school staff would ok it to be put in a school year book that a girl is a slut?

1. I worked for a major metro are unified police force as a Sergeant.. Now retired.. So your pontifications are total bull shit.

2. The year books were scrubbed as the letter was being sent and recovered from the servers this week. The school staff were indeed supportive of their behaviors. And they should face criminal liability.

Lewdog, you can go fuck yourself. I look at verifiable facts not your feelings. I don't give a shot about your feelings.
Sorry, Billy, I don't believe those year book pages floating around are genuine, and if you were as objective about this as you are trying to sound, you wouldn't believe they were real, either.
Get a copy of the 1982 Scribe from a local library in Maryland, and check those supposed pages.
It's bullshit.
The servers were subpoenaed.. they are now evidence.. The FBI is retrieving them today. Good luck with this..
The FBI IS investigating, then? When did that happen?
I wish to God you people would listen to real news once in awhile. This is like Alice in Wonderland.
Retrieval of the servers is the FBI's purview.. They will also be able to determine if the yearbooks were tampered with.. they will know within a day..
Give me a link on that, because when I googled it, I came up with nothing.
The blue dress wasn't from a rape case. :rolleyes:
But it proves that Clinton would lie, under oath about him raping women. I mean he did about a blow job.

It proved he was a liar. It's pretty big leap from lying to rape. I said at the time and still now that if a President is caught lying under oath they should be removed from office, but I'm not going to make up shit that didn't happen. Clinton didn't rape Lewinsky.
He used his position to take advantage of her. Which is not a crime, but how you all a sudden stick up for a woman who say's Kavanaugh sexually abused her. To how you treated the women who accused Bill of doing worse. Proves you really don't care. Oh and you don't think a guy who lies under oath about a consensual blow job. Wouldn't lie about raping a woman?

There is a HUGE difference between consensual sex and sexual assault. The fact someone has to tell you this is sad.
If you would lie about consensual sex, under oath. Then you would lie about sexual assualt. Kavanaugh has had a reputable reputation, then you have Ford with no proof, trying to stop him from being a judge at the last minute is bullshit. She keeps stalling and the part where she wants him to testify first. What is she hiding?

Ok so you believe Trump is lying about Russian collusion then right?
snopes is bull shit and we all know it....
Give me an example of what you find so inaccurate.

EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind

Bite That...……..
I read the first paragraph, and it seems this Angry Patriot is a foreign language speaker, based on the grammatical errors.
The premise that the owner/editor is biased is an old one with you folks that doesn't fly. I don't always agree with their final determination on whether something is true or false, but they will point you to the FACTS that led to their conclusions. It is the FACTS that I look at.

Bull Shit, you libtards wouldn't know the facts if they bit you in the ass....
I'm still waiting for an example of what Snopes has said that is bullshit.

Wait no more.... -
snopes is bull shit and we all know it....
Give me an example of what you find so inaccurate.

EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind

Bite That...……..
I read the first paragraph, and it seems this Angry Patriot is a foreign language speaker, based on the grammatical errors.
The premise that the owner/editor is biased is an old one with you folks that doesn't fly. I don't always agree with their final determination on whether something is true or false, but they will point you to the FACTS that led to their conclusions. It is the FACTS that I look at.

Bull Shit, you libtards wouldn't know the facts if they bit you in the ass....
I'm still waiting for an example of what Snopes has said that is bullshit.

What about her four "witnesses?"
I find it incredible that this is the best plan the Dems could come up with to derail Trump's SCOTUS nominee.
A woman who admits having sex with over 50 guys while she was a teenager, but is upset over the one guy who didn't screw her.
Yea, that'll work. :21:

Demoquacks are not known for being overly bright
As someone who has investigated these crimes many times there are glaring discrepancies in her story. Every victim I have interviewed could tell me, with great precision, who they were with, what day it was, what year it was, who's home they were at, and many other details important details. Ford can not, which tells me she is making up the story.

Her therapist and her contemporaneous notes show that Ford can not tell who was there, when it occurred, where it occurred, or even what year it occurred in,but yet she could say it was Kavanaugh. Very odd that corroborating evidence is nonexistent and evidence required to do an investigation is not forthcoming. Even when she linked others to the event, when questioned under oath, they had no recollection of an event of this type ever occurring. All four have now given under oath statements that this never occurred.

Then we get into her background and her social media where she claims to get "black out drunk" and has claimed 56 consensual and different sexual encounters while in this voluntary and intoxicated state. She bragged about these conquests.

When you look at Kavanaugh's background he has hundreds of people who state they have never seen or experienced any such behavior from him. Even female school mates and friends from the age of 16 discount any form of predatory behavior.

Ford has shown herself as untrustworthy and questionable in her behaviors. She is not credible as a witness and even her therapist, who used "repressed memory therapy" which is not admissible in court, admits she changes her story every time.

Sorry folks but I do not feel for this woman as she is demonstrating that she is at best, unreliable in her memory and quite possibly intentionally deceptive. Her witnesses discount everything she has touted as truth. Kavanugh has impeccable memory and he has character witlessness who cast significant doubt on Fords accusations.

I wouldn't be able to get a DA to even look at her case due to the behaviors and history explained above...

From the posts of your's I've seen I find it highly unlikely you have anything to do with law enforcement or the criminal justice system. Do you really think that school staff would ok it to be put in a school year book that a girl is a slut?

1. I worked for a major metro are unified police force as a Sergeant.. Now retired.. So your pontifications are total bull shit.

2. The year books were scrubbed as the letter was being sent and recovered from the servers this week. The school staff were indeed supportive of their behaviors. And they should face criminal liability.

Lewdog, you can go fuck yourself. I look at verifiable facts not your feelings. I don't give a shot about your feelings.
Sorry, Billy, I don't believe those year book pages floating around are genuine, and if you were as objective about this as you are trying to sound, you wouldn't believe they were real, either.
Get a copy of the 1982 Scribe from a local library in Maryland, and check those supposed pages.
It's bullshit.

OldLady adds under her breath... I hope so I hope so I hope so I hope so...
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

You are scary as hell then...………

Get a flucking clue...……...
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.
I guess biological evidence (semen on a dress) is not evidence?

I wonder why Monica didn't have the dress dry-cleaned, oh to have it for evidence, which is why she was a plant and he took the bait.
Are you still making excuses for Clinton taking advantage of a young woman? lol
Snopes must have disproven some of Alex Jones' horseshit, I gather. Facts are facts, regardless of what fantasy land you choose to live in.
So a woman who has absolutley no proof, instead the proof is against her allegations. So you say her story is a fact? Maybe you should've got a black chick to say he tried to rape her. At least you would have the race card to play also. Lol, you people are something else.
You will not find anywhere that I think her story is a fact. But I disapprove of what is going on here.
You disapprove of the rule of law?

Like facing your accuser? Like innocent until PROVEN guilty?
I disapprove of slamming the victim. This is not a criminal case, so those points do not apply.

Did you say this when CROOKED hillary was sliming all those women?
If you look up what Hillary actually said, it is nothing compared to what you animals are up to. You should all be ashamed, and if your wives saw this shit they'd bust you over the head, I'm sure.
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

You are scary as hell then...………

Get a flucking clue...……...
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.
I guess biological evidence (semen on a dress) is not evidence?

I wonder why Monica didn't have the dress dry-cleaned, oh to have it for evidence, which is why she was a plant and he took the bait.
So they knew they could send in a 22 year old, and she could manipulate a grown man? Wow, i guess that's how China got our missle technology secrets. Thanks for admitting Clinton was a weak man.
Demoquacks are not known for being overly bright
As someone who has investigated these crimes many times there are glaring discrepancies in her story. Every victim I have interviewed could tell me, with great precision, who they were with, what day it was, what year it was, who's home they were at, and many other details important details. Ford can not, which tells me she is making up the story.

Her therapist and her contemporaneous notes show that Ford can not tell who was there, when it occurred, where it occurred, or even what year it occurred in,but yet she could say it was Kavanaugh. Very odd that corroborating evidence is nonexistent and evidence required to do an investigation is not forthcoming. Even when she linked others to the event, when questioned under oath, they had no recollection of an event of this type ever occurring. All four have now given under oath statements that this never occurred.

Then we get into her background and her social media where she claims to get "black out drunk" and has claimed 56 consensual and different sexual encounters while in this voluntary and intoxicated state. She bragged about these conquests.

When you look at Kavanaugh's background he has hundreds of people who state they have never seen or experienced any such behavior from him. Even female school mates and friends from the age of 16 discount any form of predatory behavior.

Ford has shown herself as untrustworthy and questionable in her behaviors. She is not credible as a witness and even her therapist, who used "repressed memory therapy" which is not admissible in court, admits she changes her story every time.

Sorry folks but I do not feel for this woman as she is demonstrating that she is at best, unreliable in her memory and quite possibly intentionally deceptive. Her witnesses discount everything she has touted as truth. Kavanugh has impeccable memory and he has character witlessness who cast significant doubt on Fords accusations.

I wouldn't be able to get a DA to even look at her case due to the behaviors and history explained above...

From the posts of your's I've seen I find it highly unlikely you have anything to do with law enforcement or the criminal justice system. Do you really think that school staff would ok it to be put in a school year book that a girl is a slut?

1. I worked for a major metro are unified police force as a Sergeant.. Now retired.. So your pontifications are total bull shit.

2. The year books were scrubbed as the letter was being sent and recovered from the servers this week. The school staff were indeed supportive of their behaviors. And they should face criminal liability.

Lewdog, you can go fuck yourself. I look at verifiable facts not your feelings. I don't give a shot about your feelings.
Sorry, Billy, I don't believe those year book pages floating around are genuine, and if you were as objective about this as you are trying to sound, you wouldn't believe they were real, either.
Get a copy of the 1982 Scribe from a local library in Maryland, and check those supposed pages.
It's bullshit.

OldLady adds under her breath... I hope so I hope so I hope so I hope so...
I know so I know so I know so
1. I worked for a major metro are unified police force as a Sergeant.. Now retired.. So your pontifications are total bull shit.

2. The year books were scrubbed as the letter was being sent and recovered from the servers this week. The school staff were indeed supportive of their behaviors. And they should face criminal liability.

Lewdog, you can go fuck yourself. I look at verifiable facts not your feelings. I don't give a shot about your feelings.
Sorry, Billy, I don't believe those year book pages floating around are genuine, and if you were as objective about this as you are trying to sound, you wouldn't believe they were real, either.
Get a copy of the 1982 Scribe from a local library in Maryland, and check those supposed pages.
It's bullshit.
The servers were subpoenaed.. they are now evidence.. The FBI is retrieving them today. Good luck with this..
The FBI IS investigating, then? When did that happen?
I wish to God you people would listen to real news once in awhile. This is like Alice in Wonderland.
Retrieval of the servers is the FBI's purview.. They will also be able to determine if the yearbooks were tampered with.. they will know within a day..
Give me a link on that, because when I googled it, I came up with nothing.
The Subpoena was issued late last night and given to the FBI. It was served early this AM. My sources are credible.
You are scary as hell then...………

Get a flucking clue...……...
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.
I guess biological evidence (semen on a dress) is not evidence?

I wonder why Monica didn't have the dress dry-cleaned, oh to have it for evidence, which is why she was a plant and he took the bait.
So they knew they could send in a 22 year old, and she could manipulate a grown man? Wow, i guess that's how China got our missle technology secrets. Thanks for admitting Clinton was a weak man.

Yep. And no he did not sell missile tech to China.
Mods - Please move this POS thread to Rubber Room or Conspiracy Theories. It has NO business in any legit forum. Thank you

We should have the FBI investigate Ford, she the only major player they haven't reported.
That would have happened if they had agreed to an investigation, wouldn't it?
What would they investigate? She doesn't know where or when it happened and all of her witnesses say it didn't happen.
If you would lie about consensual sex, under oath. Then you would lie about sexual assualt. Kavanaugh has had a reputable reputation, then you have Ford with no proof, trying to stop him from being a judge at the last minute is bullshit. She keeps stalling and the part where she wants him to testify first. What is she hiding?

You would also take a beta blocker before a lie detector test.

This medication blocks involuntary muscle movements and slows them which invalidates all results of a polygraph.
So a woman who has absolutley no proof, instead the proof is against her allegations. So you say her story is a fact? Maybe you should've got a black chick to say he tried to rape her. At least you would have the race card to play also. Lol, you people are something else.
You will not find anywhere that I think her story is a fact. But I disapprove of what is going on here.
You disapprove of the rule of law?

Like facing your accuser? Like innocent until PROVEN guilty?
I disapprove of slamming the victim. This is not a criminal case, so those points do not apply.

Did you say this when CROOKED hillary was sliming all those women?
If you look up what Hillary actually said, it is nothing compared to what you animals are up to. You should all be ashamed, and if your wives saw this shit they'd bust you over the head, I'm sure.
Yeah their campaign manager said drag a dollar bill through a trailer park and you get Paula Jones. The women who accused Clinton, their lives were ruined by liberals. So don't tell me you really care about Ford, she is a political pawn in your world.
You will not find anywhere that I think her story is a fact. But I disapprove of what is going on here.
You disapprove of the rule of law?

Like facing your accuser? Like innocent until PROVEN guilty?
I disapprove of slamming the victim. This is not a criminal case, so those points do not apply.
SO your OK with criminal defamation as long as a woman does it for your agenda...?

This woman needs to be grilled on her lack of memory...
What if she believes she is telling the truth? I agree with you that an experienced investigator should question her. Witnesses having difficulty remembering details are fairly common place, aren't they? Maybe that would be helpful. However, the Republicans have refused to have the FBI reopen their background check and do the investigation. That makes no sense to me.
Witnesses having difficulty remembering details are fairly common place, aren't they?

No, they don't..

Have you ever been in a car accident? When the bodies endorphins dump you go into what is called slow motion reality (fight or flight). In this state your senses are hyper active and you remember everything with great detail.

Ford is just the exact opposite, she can not remember anything. In those I have interviewed the date, time, place, faces, clothing, words spoken, smells, etc are remembered with clarity and those remain constant in every story. Ford cant even get the year of occurrence down below a three year span...
Read this.
The Neuroscience of Memory: Implications for the Courtroom

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