BOMBSHELL: Blasey-Ford's HS Yearbooks Brag of Drunken Promiscuity, '54 Sex Partners Before College'

“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.

Its going to be interesting what the FBI finds on their servers...
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.
I guess biological evidence (semen on a dress) is not evidence?

I wonder why Monica didn't have the dress dry-cleaned, oh to have it for evidence, which is why she was a plant and he took the bait.
So they knew they could send in a 22 year old, and she could manipulate a grown man? Wow, i guess that's how China got our missle technology secrets. Thanks for admitting Clinton was a weak man.

Yep. And no he did not sell missile tech to China.
Okie dokie.
You disapprove of the rule of law?

Like facing your accuser? Like innocent until PROVEN guilty?
I disapprove of slamming the victim. This is not a criminal case, so those points do not apply.
SO your OK with criminal defamation as long as a woman does it for your agenda...?

This woman needs to be grilled on her lack of memory...
What if she believes she is telling the truth? I agree with you that an experienced investigator should question her. Witnesses having difficulty remembering details are fairly common place, aren't they? Maybe that would be helpful. However, the Republicans have refused to have the FBI reopen their background check and do the investigation. That makes no sense to me.
Witnesses having difficulty remembering details are fairly common place, aren't they?

No, they don't..

Have you ever been in a car accident? When the bodies endorphins dump you go into what is called slow motion reality (fight or flight). In this state your senses are hyper active and you remember everything with great detail.

Ford is just the exact opposite, she can not remember anything. In those I have interviewed the date, time, place, faces, clothing, words spoken, smells, etc are remembered with clarity and those remain constant in every story. Ford cant even get the year of occurrence down below a three year span...
Read this.
The Neuroscience of Memory: Implications for the Courtroom
Ive taken extensive courses in human anatomy and physiology along with investigative process... I know what I'm doing and have had years of experience with court room testimony.
It proved bill clinton was a liar.

The scum bag did this in the White House with a girl that was barely legal.

You libtards are all full of Shit....

Being a liar and a rapist are two different things. I hope you know that.

Lewinsky was 22. That's not barely legal.
Bill was president of the united states, he should've known better

He should have known better, but the act wasn't illegal nor rape.
Your right, but when he knowingly lied about the blow job. After the rape allegations, i mean you are accused of rape, and you decide your gonna lie about a consensual blow job. Shows you would definetly lie about raping a woman.

I guarantee every single person on this forum has lied at some point in their life. There is still a HUGE jump from lying about cheating on your wife to lying about rape.

Trump has been caught lying about having sex with Stormy Daniels, not to mention the thousands of other lies he's told. So following your standard that means he's also lying about Russian collusion right?
Lying under oath is a little bit different, don't you think?
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.
I guess biological evidence (semen on a dress) is not evidence?

I wonder why Monica didn't have the dress dry-cleaned, oh to have it for evidence, which is why she was a plant and he took the bait.
So they knew they could send in a 22 year old, and she could manipulate a grown man? Wow, i guess that's how China got our missle technology secrets. Thanks for admitting Clinton was a weak man.

Yep. And no he did not sell missile tech to China.
Yes he did, or just call it campaign contributions.
Being a liar and a rapist are two different things. I hope you know that.

Lewinsky was 22. That's not barely legal.
Bill was president of the united states, he should've known better

He should have known better, but the act wasn't illegal nor rape.
Your right, but when he knowingly lied about the blow job. After the rape allegations, i mean you are accused of rape, and you decide your gonna lie about a consensual blow job. Shows you would definetly lie about raping a woman.

I guarantee every single person on this forum has lied at some point in their life. There is still a HUGE jump from lying about cheating on your wife to lying about rape.

Trump has been caught lying about having sex with Stormy Daniels, not to mention the thousands of other lies he's told. So following your standard that means he's also lying about Russian collusion right?
Lying under oath is a little bit different, don't you think?

Lying is lying. Trump has retold his lies, especially about sleeping with Daniels and not knowing about the payout and NDA. So are you not going to hold him to the same standard as you are Clinton?

Please come out and play.

I just saw a picture of the drunk slut passed out

on a picnic table half naked...…….

I am loving it...………..
You disapprove of the rule of law?

Like facing your accuser? Like innocent until PROVEN guilty?
I disapprove of slamming the victim. This is not a criminal case, so those points do not apply.
SO your OK with criminal defamation as long as a woman does it for your agenda...?

This woman needs to be grilled on her lack of memory...
What if she believes she is telling the truth? I agree with you that an experienced investigator should question her. Witnesses having difficulty remembering details are fairly common place, aren't they? Maybe that would be helpful. However, the Republicans have refused to have the FBI reopen their background check and do the investigation. That makes no sense to me.
Witnesses having difficulty remembering details are fairly common place, aren't they?

No, they don't..

Have you ever been in a car accident? When the bodies endorphins dump you go into what is called slow motion reality (fight or flight). In this state your senses are hyper active and you remember everything with great detail.

Ford is just the exact opposite, she can not remember anything. In those I have interviewed the date, time, place, faces, clothing, words spoken, smells, etc are remembered with clarity and those remain constant in every story. Ford cant even get the year of occurrence down below a three year span...
Read this.
The Neuroscience of Memory: Implications for the Courtroom
In addition, in humans, high levels of the stress hormone cortisol during retrieval (induced either exogenously73 or endogenously74) have been shown to impair the retrieval of personal autobiographical memory retrieval. Importantly, arousal may enhance memory for some aspects of an event and impair memory for other aspects. For example, violence and trauma tend to improve memory for the central gist of an event (e.g. witnessing a homicide), but impair memory of the peripheral details of the event (e.g. the clothing of the perpetrator)41,42.
“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.

Its going to be interesting what the FBI finds on their servers...
Mods - Please move this POS thread to Rubber Room or Conspiracy Theories. It has NO business in any legit forum. It is made up crap that originally appeared in a blog entitled "Cult of the First Amendment". Thank you

Right-wing fever swamps are now smearing Christine Blasey Ford over her high school yearbooks
Because the left is getting their collective asses kick with facts you cant handle it... Fuck off left tard...

You consider the OP to be "facts"?
Then fuck off right-tard
Lol, you think Ford's story is fact?

I believe her right now but have arrived at no conclusive opinion.
Will need to see the testimony Thursday - and it may be private in which case I will still have no conclusive opinion.
Being a complete partisan wackadoodle, you probably believe the made up bullshit in the OP.
Bill was president of the united states, he should've known better

He should have known better, but the act wasn't illegal nor rape.
Your right, but when he knowingly lied about the blow job. After the rape allegations, i mean you are accused of rape, and you decide your gonna lie about a consensual blow job. Shows you would definetly lie about raping a woman.

I guarantee every single person on this forum has lied at some point in their life. There is still a HUGE jump from lying about cheating on your wife to lying about rape.

Trump has been caught lying about having sex with Stormy Daniels, not to mention the thousands of other lies he's told. So following your standard that means he's also lying about Russian collusion right?
Lying under oath is a little bit different, don't you think?

Lying is lying. Trump has retold his lies, especially about sleeping with Daniels and not knowing about the payout and NDA. So are you not going to hold him to the same standard as you are Clinton?
I think Trump is a piece of shit for cheating on his wife, but he isn't lying under oath about it.
Mods - Please move this POS thread to Rubber Room or Conspiracy Theories. It has NO business in any legit forum. It is made up crap that originally appeared in a blog entitled "Cult of the First Amendment". Thank you

Right-wing fever swamps are now smearing Christine Blasey Ford over her high school yearbooks
Because the left is getting their collective asses kick with facts you cant handle it... Fuck off left tard...

You consider the OP to be "facts"?
Then fuck off right-tard
Lol, you think Ford's story is fact?

I believe her right now but have arrived at no conclusive opinion.
Will need to see the testimony Thursday - and it may be private in which case I will still have no conclusive opinion.
Being a complete partisan wackadoodle, you probably believe the made up bullshit in the OP.
I believe US law, which states you have a right to face your accuser and you are innocent until proven guilty.

He should have known better, but the act wasn't illegal nor rape.
Your right, but when he knowingly lied about the blow job. After the rape allegations, i mean you are accused of rape, and you decide your gonna lie about a consensual blow job. Shows you would definetly lie about raping a woman.

I guarantee every single person on this forum has lied at some point in their life. There is still a HUGE jump from lying about cheating on your wife to lying about rape.

Trump has been caught lying about having sex with Stormy Daniels, not to mention the thousands of other lies he's told. So following your standard that means he's also lying about Russian collusion right?
Lying under oath is a little bit different, don't you think?

Lying is lying. Trump has retold his lies, especially about sleeping with Daniels and not knowing about the payout and NDA. So are you not going to hold him to the same standard as you are Clinton?
I think Trump is a piece of shit for cheating on his wife, but he isn't lying under oath about it.

That's why he and Cohen are dropping their lawsuit against Daniels, so that he doesn't get put under oath and have to answer for it.

By your logic Trump is a liar... which means he is lying about Russian collusion.
I disapprove of slamming the victim. This is not a criminal case, so those points do not apply.
SO your OK with criminal defamation as long as a woman does it for your agenda...?

This woman needs to be grilled on her lack of memory...
What if she believes she is telling the truth? I agree with you that an experienced investigator should question her. Witnesses having difficulty remembering details are fairly common place, aren't they? Maybe that would be helpful. However, the Republicans have refused to have the FBI reopen their background check and do the investigation. That makes no sense to me.
Witnesses having difficulty remembering details are fairly common place, aren't they?

No, they don't..

Have you ever been in a car accident? When the bodies endorphins dump you go into what is called slow motion reality (fight or flight). In this state your senses are hyper active and you remember everything with great detail.

Ford is just the exact opposite, she can not remember anything. In those I have interviewed the date, time, place, faces, clothing, words spoken, smells, etc are remembered with clarity and those remain constant in every story. Ford cant even get the year of occurrence down below a three year span...
Read this.
The Neuroscience of Memory: Implications for the Courtroom
In addition, in humans, high levels of the stress hormone cortisol during retrieval (induced either exogenously73 or endogenously74) have been shown to impair the retrieval of personal autobiographical memory retrieval. Importantly, arousal may enhance memory for some aspects of an event and impair memory for other aspects. For example, violence and trauma tend to improve memory for the central gist of an event (e.g. witnessing a homicide), but impair memory of the peripheral details of the event (e.g. the clothing of the perpetrator)41,42.
And this is why reporting it when it happens is paramount.. Memories degrade with time..... Repression happens over time... HOWEVER, only a very small number of people forget or repress these... Ask anyone with PTSD..
Mods - Please move this POS thread to Rubber Room or Conspiracy Theories. It has NO business in any legit forum. It is made up crap that originally appeared in a blog entitled "Cult of the First Amendment". Thank you

Right-wing fever swamps are now smearing Christine Blasey Ford over her high school yearbooks
Because the left is getting their collective asses kick with facts you cant handle it... Fuck off left tard...

You consider the OP to be "facts"?
Then fuck off right-tard
Lol, you think Ford's story is fact?

I believe her right now but have arrived at no conclusive opinion.
Will need to see the testimony Thursday - and it may be private in which case I will still have no conclusive opinion.
Being a complete partisan wackadoodle, you probably believe the made up bullshit in the OP.
Yes i do. The 4 witnesses she provided said it didn't happen. She waited till the hearings were over to come out. She is postponing her testimony. She can't remember anything about it. She is a leftist activist, which the movement demands abortion on demand with no restrictions. And they will do whatever it takes to keep it. Even it destroys a good man's life. When she is proven to be a liar. I hope she spends alot of time behind bars.
“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.


You really should be ashamed - Cult of the First Amendment: The only contents of which are manufactured bullshit by an anonymous blogger about Dr Ford.
Do you seriously believe that a journalism teacher or ANY faculty member would have allowed such content?
If so, I'm certain you'll enjoy Part 2! :rolleyes:

Ummm, Ya SURE! .. I am absolutely certain that there were this many black kids in a private girls school for rich kids in the early 80s. Oh wait - some of these are BOYS! Dude, these are not photos from Holton Arms OR of Dr Ford (the one on the picnic table? LoL). And she fucked what was it - 57 boys before graduation - That would have been Kavanaugh's entire class. ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THIS SHIT IS AN IDIOT!


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Your right, but when he knowingly lied about the blow job. After the rape allegations, i mean you are accused of rape, and you decide your gonna lie about a consensual blow job. Shows you would definetly lie about raping a woman.

I guarantee every single person on this forum has lied at some point in their life. There is still a HUGE jump from lying about cheating on your wife to lying about rape.

Trump has been caught lying about having sex with Stormy Daniels, not to mention the thousands of other lies he's told. So following your standard that means he's also lying about Russian collusion right?
Lying under oath is a little bit different, don't you think?

Lying is lying. Trump has retold his lies, especially about sleeping with Daniels and not knowing about the payout and NDA. So are you not going to hold him to the same standard as you are Clinton?
I think Trump is a piece of shit for cheating on his wife, but he isn't lying under oath about it.

That's why he and Cohen are dropping their lawsuit against Daniels, so that he doesn't get put under oath and have to answer for it.

By your logic Trump is a liar... which means he is lying about Russian collusion.
There was no collusion, if there was Muller would've showed evidence.
They are investigating and what they are finding isn't helping Dr. Ford out any. Attempting to investigate her accusations as they are, would be the same as trying to investigate why Tarzan doesn't have a beard, and why the Flintstones celebrate Christmas.
I never said that. Could you please point out exactly in this thread where I said that?
“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.


You really should be ashamed - Cult of the First Amendment: The only contents of which are manufactured bullshit by an anonymous blogger about Dr Ford.
Do you seriously believe that a journalism teacher or ANY faculty member would have allowed such content?
If so, I'm certain you'll enjoy Part 2! :rolleyes:
In the eighties, yes. It was a totally different time then. Heck we could smoke ciggarettes then, and do it as a minor.
I guarantee every single person on this forum has lied at some point in their life. There is still a HUGE jump from lying about cheating on your wife to lying about rape.

Trump has been caught lying about having sex with Stormy Daniels, not to mention the thousands of other lies he's told. So following your standard that means he's also lying about Russian collusion right?
Lying under oath is a little bit different, don't you think?

Lying is lying. Trump has retold his lies, especially about sleeping with Daniels and not knowing about the payout and NDA. So are you not going to hold him to the same standard as you are Clinton?
I think Trump is a piece of shit for cheating on his wife, but he isn't lying under oath about it.

That's why he and Cohen are dropping their lawsuit against Daniels, so that he doesn't get put under oath and have to answer for it.

By your logic Trump is a liar... which means he is lying about Russian collusion.
There was no collusion, if there was Muller would've showed evidence.

I knew you wouldn't hold Trump to the same standard. Thanks for confirming that.

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