Bombshell: Collusion Between Defendant Papadopoulos And Russia

What does Obama have to do with Weiner?
You’re out of your mind!

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Does this have anything to do with Papadopoulos or are you an idiot?

It has to do with wasting time and tax payer money, pal.
You’re worried about wasting tax payers money as trump plays golf 3 days a week on our dime and the secret service has already run out of money for the year following all
the T children around the globe.

Obama took a vacation and MTV awards like every other weekend... Trump is doing work with meetings at the country club. Lighten up since you're leader got drunk all the time.
They give out MTV awards every other weekend?
Who knew?
And then you top it off with a lie.
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On or about April 26, 2016, defendant PAPADOPOULOS met the Professor for breakfast at a London hotel. During this meeting, the Professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS that he had just returned from a trip to Moscow where he had met with high level Russian government officials. The Professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS that on that trip he (the Professor) learned that the Russians had obtained "dirt" on then-candidate Clinton. The Professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS, as defendant PAPADOPOULOS later described to the FBI, that "They [the Russians] have dirt on her"; "the Russians had emails of Clinton"; "they have thousands of emails."

Following that conversation, defendant PAPADOPOULOS continued to correspond with Campaign officials, and continued to communicate with the Professor and the Russian MFA Connection, in an effort to arrange a meeting between the Campaign and the Russian government.

Guess who Papadopoulos's superior was at this time.

Gosh you're fucking stupid. Papadapaman was trying to get the trump team to meet with his peeps, the trump team declined, thus there is no collusion you fucking moron. He plead guilty to lying to the fbi for doing something that was LEGAL. His crime was lying to the fbi and he will pay for that. My gosh you people are moronic.
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What does Obama have to do with Weiner?
You’re out of your mind!

Please ask for more pics...
Does this have anything to do with Papadopoulos or are you an idiot?

It has to do with wasting time and tax payer money, pal.
You’re worried about wasting tax payers money as trump plays golf 3 days a week on our dime and the secret service has already run out of money for the year following all
the T children around the globe.

Two words: Michelle Obama.

She spent more than any other First Lady on her stupid vacations. At least Trump owns the golf courses. he's accomplished more on the golf course in one year than Obama did in 8 in the White House.

See that's the thing with DNC nuts. That short term memory thinks the people are stupid. They think Obama didn't party it up with Harvey Weinstein. It just proves president Trump's point each day right now.
Wait, wait, and Comrade knew nothing about his meetings with the "Professor" and other Russian agents?

Can we get the big Orange Liar to deny that under oath? That would make Bill Clinton's lies look like a child's fib. Move over Richard Milhouse, HERE COMES THE COMRADE!

What does Obama have to do with Weiner?
You’re out of your mind!

Please ask for more pics...
What does that prove?
Weiner was a Congressman. Why shouldn’t Obama talk to him?
You’re as dumb as a rock.

One Obama associate down, more to come.

See the real bombshell is Crooked H and her cronies/DNC. This Manafort tax evasion. And Papopular who didn't really work with Trump. Is getting way overblown MSM crap being spewed.
Lmao. Yeah the real bombshell is Hillary.
Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

CNBC and Politifact? Are you so stupid that you don't even know you're being lied to?

View attachment 157518

Please ask for more pics...
Does this have anything to do with Papadopoulos or are you an idiot?

It has to do with wasting time and tax payer money, pal.
You’re worried about wasting tax payers money as trump plays golf 3 days a week on our dime and the secret service has already run out of money for the year following all
the T children around the globe.

Obama took a vacation and MTV awards like every other weekend... Trump is doing work with meetings at the country club. Lighten up since you're leader got drunk all the time.
They give out MTV awards every other weekend?
Who knew?
And then you top it off with a lie.
Trump golfs most weekends, not every other...
View attachment 157518

Please ask for more pics...
Does this have anything to do with Papadopoulos or are you an idiot?

It has to do with wasting time and tax payer money, pal.
You’re worried about wasting tax payers money as trump plays golf 3 days a week on our dime and the secret service has already run out of money for the year following all
the T children around the globe.

Obama took a vacation and MTV awards like every other weekend... Trump is doing work with meetings at the country club. Lighten up since you're leader got drunk all the time.
They give out MTV awards every other weekend?
Who knew?
And then you top it off with a lie.

Didn't you know Harvey Weinstein was paying for the Obama's?
Poppo was arrested back in July and he’s been leaned on since that time.

No telling what kind of singing he and others did about Trump.
Poppo was arrested back in July and he’s been leaned on since that time.

No telling what kind of singing he and others did about Trump.

The PodestaClintonPodesta insanity gets stronger; The convicted, and indicted have one thing in common, all are hard core Pubbies that worked for TRUMP.
Trump made Poppo a member of his foreign advisory team last summer so Huckabee Sanders lies again today when she said he had nothing to do with the campaign. Lies lies and more lies..
Poppo was arrested back in July and he’s been leaned on since that time.

No telling what kind of singing he and others did about Trump.

The PodestaClintonPodesta insanity gets stronger; The convicted, and indicted have one thing in common, all are hard core Pubbies that worked for TRUMP.

"LOCK HER UP" won't get the Comrade off this time.

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