Bombshell from Congressman Ratcliffe:The texts between Strzok and Page referenced a "secret society"

FBI 'Secret Society' Met Day After Election...

Page and Strzok Referenced FBI 'Secret Society' that Met the Day After the Election

"There is serious talk on Capitol Hill about the appointment of a second special counsel amid several new bombshell revelations swirling around the Trump/Russia probe. First, there are the allegations of shocking and substantial government surveillance abuses under President Obama outlined in the FISA abuse memo. Secondly, the FBI lost five months of key text messages between the anti-Trump/pro-Clinton FBI officials Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. And now there's talk of a "secret society" of officials within the FBI that apparently met the day after the election of Donald J. Trump to plot against the president-elect.

The thousands of texts @TGowdySC and I reviewed today revealed manifest bias among top FBI officials against @realDonaldTrump. The texts between Strzok and Page referenced a "secret society."
— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe)
January 23, 2018 "

"Rep. Ratcliffe said that former FBI director James Comey needs to come back to Capitol Hill to testify again under oath on the question of when the decision to exonerate former secretary of State Hillary Clinton was made. The latest batch of text messages between Strzok and Page suggests that Comey was coordinating with Attorney General Lynch on the decision well ahead of his July 5 press conference.

"It's really clear to me that the decision was made in May of 2016 -- two months before the press conference," Gowdy said. "Of course Loretta Lynch knew he wasn't going to be charged. Everyone except the public knew that she was not going to be charged."

"You have this 'insurance policy' in the Spring of 2016 and then the day after the election ... there's a text exchange between these two FBI agents -- these two (supposed to be objective, fact-centric) FBI agents saying, 'perhaps this is the first meeting of the secret society,'" Gowdy explained. "So of course I'm gonna want to know what 'secret society' are you talking about -- because you're supposed to be investigating objectively the person who just won the Electoral College."

The Obama administration will be forever known as the most criminal in US history, but we are only finding out NOW as evidence is exposed that Obama created his own little 'Secret Society' that met the day after the election to conspire and commit treason...and the evidence is being exposed proving Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Hillary, and even Obama himself were involved.

Page and Strzok Referenced FBI 'Secret Society' that Met the Day After the Election

When it is fully exposed, they should all be PERP-WALKED and sent to GITMO as enemies to this nation, not sent to some minimum security 'country club'.

And liberals say there isn't a deep state..:cuckoo:
Damn right it does. And, when the FISA memo is released, all hell will break loose.
It seems ludicrous to me as the CIA cant even manage to let their workers know on time who is essential and who wasn't for the government shut down, roflmao. (They finally said that everyone was essential, lol)

But the evidence is still there.

Page and Strzok Referenced FBI 'Secret Society' that Met the Day After the Election

There is serious talk on Capitol Hill about the appointment of a second special counsel amid several new bombshell revelations swirling around the Trump/Russia probe. First, there are the allegations of shocking and substantial government surveillance abuses under President Obama outlined in the FISA abuse memo.

Secondly, the FBI lost five months of key text messages between the anti-Trump/pro-Clinton FBI officials Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. And now there's talk of a "secret society" of officials within the FBI that apparently met the day after the election of Donald J. Trump to plot against the president-elect.​

BREAKING: Thousands of New Strzok-Page Text Messages Reference 'SECRET SOCIETY' Within DOJ and FBI WORKING AGAINST TRUMP (VIDEO)

According to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, 50,000 text messages were exchanged between Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. These 50,000 text messages do not include the ‘missing’ texts.
Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said after reviewing the new text messages he believes there may have been a “secret society” of folks within the DOJ and FBI working against Trump....

“We will leave no stone unturned to confirm with certainty why these text messages are not now available to be produced and will use every technology available to determine whether the missing messages are recoverable from another source,” Sessions said in a statement provided to Fox News. “If we are successful, we will update the congressional committees immediately.”

“After reviewing the voluminous records on the FBI’s servers, which included over 50,000 texts, the Inspector General discovered the FBI’s system failed to retain text messages for approximately 5 months between December 14, 2017 to May 17, 2017,” Sessions said....

Rep. Ratcliffe also tweeted about the new text messages he reviewed Monday along with Trey Gowdy.

“The thousands of texts @TGowdySC and I reviewed today revealed manifest bias among top FBI officials against @realDonaldTrump. The texts between Strzok and Page referenced a “secret society.”” Ratcliffe tweeted.

Is it possible that references to this secret society in more detail is part of the reason why the dog ate the FBIs text message storage?

Yeah it's called the NWO ,Obama and Clintons, oh and Bush is in there too. Since it is getting out more and more into the open and more people are realizing how true the bs is MSM has to make sure they get an article out on it because they need to gian an audience.

They will put their bs spin on it. Only ppl awake knew where to go for the real information , funny how those sources are the very sources the sheep claim as fake lmao. Just as they wanted.
The last time that Democrats had a 'secret society' (that we know about) they were wearing sheets and burning crosses. I guess they have moved up from intimidating, oppressing, and murdering blacks to attempting to topple the US govt.



We now have evidence that the Obama administration, to include the FBI and DOJ, formed a 'secret society' whose intent was to overthrow the newly elected President.

Strzok referred to the
'secret society' that met the day after the election while McCabe stated they did not think Trump would win the election but that if he did they had an 'INSURANCE POLICY'.
Despite how crocodile tears and whining about fake Russian-Trump collusion to interfere in an election, during his 8 years evidence shows Obama did more interfering in other countries elections / governments than the Russians did.

He helped overthrow the pro-American allied President in Egypt and helped terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

He helped Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 American on 9/11/01, murder and replace the leader of Libya, Mommar Gadaffi - who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, dragging the US into an Un-Constitutional, un-approved war to do so.

He dragged the US into another Un-Constitutional / non-Congress authorized war in Syria in an attempt to help ISIS overthrow Syrian leader, al-Assad. (Seeing as how the Russians were never going to let that happen, Barry's attempt equated to the 'Schumer Shutdown' - wasted time and effort demonstrating he stood with illegals / terrorists and getting nothing accomplished..except more American deaths).

He used American tax payer dollars in an attempt to overthrow pro-American Israel leader Netanyahu.

And NOW the evidence has come out that Barry and his criminal treasonous administration engaged in Conspiracy, sedition, and treason in an attempt to undermine / overthrow a newly elected an attempt to put their protected Felon in the WH.

Barry's anti-colonialist father, communist tutor Frank Marshall Davis, Socialist educator Saul Alenski, terrorist buddy Bill Ayers, and racist hate-spewing anti-American pastor mentor Jeremiah Wright must be so proud...
I thought all the Jews that live in the Tidewater part of VA ran the Deep State.
Ain't that what Alex Jones said last week?
It is always the Jooooooooooos that do the conspiracy thingies according to the usual nitwits who are actually carrying water for the Oligarchs whether they know that or not.
I dunno. This is nothing new. Have you guys ever heard of the Trilateral commission? Formed by Rockefeller in the 70s this is supposedly a Secret Society of industry and political titans that pull the strings of the world. It has a tinfoil hat flavor but it's interesting reading.
Trilateral Commission: World Shadow Government
The Trilateral Commission does not run the FBI, CIA NSA and other intell community organizations.

It is a globolony outfit that was created in the shock from the development of the H-Bomb.
Wow the government abusing its power, breaking its own laws to undermine a presidential candidate and lawfully elected president hold on let me see if I can't fake surprise...nope.

What amazes me is that they thought they could actually pull it off.

These people are too incompetent to wipe their own asses without an instructionmanual, much less pull off a coup on one of the brightest PResidents we have ever elected.


That ought to trigger the flakes, lol.
Trey Gowdy on Strzok-Page FBI Texts: 'Today We Saw a Text About Not Keeping Texts' (VIDEO)

Gowdy said the explanation for the missing text messages may be fishier than the official explanation, saying he saw Strzok and Page discuss getting rid of texts in a printout of the messages he and other members of Congress received last week.

“Lay aside this glaring five-month gap in text that the world’s premier agency somehow missed” the bias of these agents, Gowdy began. “What Johnny and I saw today was a text about not keeping texts. We saw more manifest bias against President Trump all the way through the election into transition.”

“It’s a strange coincidence,” Ratcliffe said. “It’s possible these these messages that were missing, perhaps it is a strange coincidence.”​
Yeah, a 'coincidence' thousands of Hillary subpoenaed server docs just going 'missing'....
These Strzok attacks are lame:
  1. His text messages show he was critical of lots of politicians.
  2. Lots of sane people think Trump is a terrible candidate.
  3. No evidence his "bias" affected his work.
  4. Before anyone knew of his "bias", Mueller removed him the investigation.
These Strzok attacks are lame:
  1. His text messages show he was critical of lots of politicians.
  2. Lots of sane people think Trump is a terrible candidate.
  3. No evidence his "bias" affected his work.
  4. Before anyone knew of his "bias", Mueller removed him the investigation.
1. His text Messages show he was an Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Leftist Extremist - Mueller knew this which is exactly why Mueller had to fire him to try to salvage his Witch Hunt that was already filled with Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary donors, lawyers, and extremists.

His text show Lynch knew Hillary would never be charged before the investigation was over - she called the Hillary investigation an 'issue' instead of the multiple FBI investigations into crimes evidence shows she did commit, signaling to Comey there was no way in hell Obama and his DOJ, who had protected other Democrats from going to jail, would allow Hillary to go to jail. Comey did the same thing - writing her exoneration before the investigation was over. His texts are evidence that THE FIX WAS IN.

His texts prove that the Obama administration - to include his FBI and DOJ - created a 'secret society' whose goal was to treasonously overthrow the newly elected President. FBI Deputy Director McCabe stated they did not expect Trump to win but if he did they had an 'Insurance Policy' to remedy his win.

2. Lots of people think Trump is a terrible PRESIDENT, most are seditious, traitorous, sore-loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven Democrats / snowflakes. Lots of people don't like Trump, but the vast majority of them did not break laws, commit sedition, and commit treason in an attempt to overthrow the President as evidence now clearly shows the Obama administration tried to do.

3. OPINION...and WRONG at that. A Secret Society with an 'Insurance Policy' that was put into action days after the election, consisting - in part - of Mueller (proven criminal) forming a 'super Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary' Counsel and a criminal FBI agent who obstructed justice by ensuring Hillary, Abedin, and Mills did not go to jail, an FBI agent that protected Mills and Abedin from charges of Lying to the FBI - the same charges he had filed against Flynn....Yeah no impact from bias there.

4. Thank you for admitting Mueller HID Strzok's criminal bias from the American people, only revealing it when he was absolutely FORCED to do so. Strzok was not even the 1st one Mueller HAD to eject...because if he did not and it became known he ran the risk of having it all shut down. Strzok's exposed bias - and the fact that he protected Hillary's aides from the same charges he had levied against Flynn is reportedly probably going to get the charges against Flynn dropped / dismissed. Booting these 2 from the investigation does not make Strzok's criminal actions protecting Hillary, Abedin, and Mills go away...does NOT make the exposure of McCabe's professed 'Insurance Policy' against Trump go away...does NOT make the revelation of Obama's / the FBI's / the DOJ's 'Secret Society' go away

Nothing the Democrats can produce can make the evidence against Democrats go away

Sessions Orders Investigation Of Missing Strzok-Page Texts

'The Justice Department will investigate the FBI’s failure to produce text messages traded between two senior investigators leading the Russia probe who harbored deep antipathy for President Donald Trump.

Previous texts had shown the two investigators, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, regularly expressed strong anti-Trump bias, prompting allegations that the probe was driven by political considerations. Several congressional committees requested a complete log of Strzok-Page communications during the period they participated in the Russia investigation. The FBI failed to comply with that order, however, claiming an internal archive system
failed to retain text messages the pair traded between Dec. 14, 2016 and May 17, 2017.

“I have spoken to the inspector general and a review is already underway to ascertain what occurred and to determine if these records can be recovered in any other way,” the attorney general said in a statement. “If any wrongdoing were to be found to have caused this gap, appropriate legal disciplinary action measures will be taken.”







...put them all UNDER OATH, and make the questioning PUBLIC, not behind closed doors!
I dunno. This is nothing new. Have you guys ever heard of the Trilateral commission? Formed by Rockefeller in the 70s this is supposedly a Secret Society of industry and political titans that pull the strings of the world. It has a tinfoil hat flavor but it's interesting reading.
Trilateral Commission: World Shadow Government
The Trilateral Commission does not run the FBI, CIA NSA and other intell community organizations.

It is a globolony outfit that was created in the shock from the development of the H-Bomb.

LOL I had to look up "globolony". :D

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