Bombshell study concludes there is no evidence for anthropogenic climate change...

Models aren’t evidence, they are predictions.

That's a cartoon view.

And so far, zip predictions have come true. If you think differently, post one. But, models aren’t evidence

Does NASA count as "legitimate" in your world?

Funny, because Biden just opened a very large number of leases to the oil companies. Yet the oil companies opted not to act on them.

It's almost like they're afraid Biden will change the rules suddenly and destroy their investments.
Couldn't read the article? Sorry. I can only provide you the information, I can't read and understand for you.
Didn’t back the claim. You think it does, which part? If you can’t provide you failed
Funny, because Biden just opened a very large number of leases to the oil companies. Yet the oil companies opted not to act on them.

Link? Show me where/when Biden did that, I don't believe it.

It's interesting to see Biden and his administration complaining about the oil companies not ramping up production, while all the time since day 1 of that administration they have pretty much done what they can to restrict the oil/gas production process from beginning to end. Biden himself has clearly said that he intends to end the fossil fuel industry. Now - as an oil company CEO or board member, are you going to invest large amounts of money to increase future production years down the road if you know the federal gov't intends to shit you down? It ain't like you can turn a switch and start pumping millions of gallons of oil/gas at a moment's notice. And what do you do with the excess oil/gas once the emergency dies back and the prices drop and the POTUS is after your ass? Does that make financial sense to you?
Link? Show me where/when Biden did that, I don't believe it.

It's interesting to see Biden and his administration complaining about the oil companies not ramping up production, while all the time since day 1 of that administration they have pretty much done what they can to restrict the oil/gas production process from beginning to end. Biden himself has clearly said that he intends to end the fossil fuel industry. Now - as an oil company CEO or board member, are you going to invest large amounts of money to increase future production years down the road if you know the federal gov't intends to shit you down? It ain't like you can turn a switch and start pumping millions of gallons of oil/gas at a moment's notice. And what do you do with the excess oil/gas once the emergency dies back and the prices drop and the POTUS is after your ass? Does that make financial sense to you?
There's PLENTY of drillable wells without any new leases.
The Oil Cos are still freaked out since the 2015 crash from $100 down to $30 for oil and NEGATIVE for NG.
Saudis put them out of Biz.
There was no storage and flaming had legal limits.
Now there is a shortage of workers as well.
There's PLENTY of drillable wells without any new leases.

Is that so? How many would that be? And how would you know whether those wells are viable? Is the infrastructure and manpower in place? Show me a current link that confirms your statements please.

Saudis put them out of Biz.

I don't think so, the pandemic out them out of biz when demand dropped precipitously.

There was no storage and flaming had legal limits.

Storage is kinda of important to oil executives. What do you mean?

Now there is a shortage of workers as well.

True dat. Hard to drill for more oil/gas if you ain't got the manpower, no?
The study only talks about the man-made contribution to global warming, it doesn't say anywhere that GW doesn't exist. I don't see how it changes my original statement: I'm not sure why it matters. If the sea level rises because of natural or manmade reasons, the sea level still rises and that would spell disaster for many.
Again, if it isn’t man-made than our efforts to deal with it are unlikely to do anything about it. If humankind’s emissions of CO2 into our atmosphere isn’t the thing causing global climate “warming,” then it doesn’t constitute a basis to radically alter our industry etc.

If it is caused by natural forces, then what we need to consider is whether we have any way to address those causes. It might be possible. But we’re unlikely to find a good remedy if we’re looking at the wrong cause.
Again, if it isn’t man-made than our efforts to deal with it are unlikely to do anything about it.
Floods are caused by nature but we put a lot of effort into dealing with them. The cause doesn't matter, only the effect.

If humankind’s emissions of CO2 into our atmosphere isn’t the thing causing global climate “warming,” then it doesn’t constitute a basis to radically alter our industry etc.
Even if it is natural CO2 causing most of the problem, I'd think limiting our emissions now would be easier and cheaper than leaving the problem to our children.

If it is caused by natural forces, then what we need to consider is whether we have any way to address those causes. It might be possible. But we’re unlikely to find a good remedy if we’re looking at the wrong cause.
Tornados are natural and we know their cause. It is much easier to deal with the aftermath than try and prevent them. Doesn't mean we don't plan on them happening.

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