Bombshell study concludes there is no evidence for anthropogenic climate change...

It didn't keep the planet from transitioning from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet when it was over 400 ppm. It didn't prevent glacial periods from turning into interglacial periods when it was 150 ppm.
So what did?
The US and Europes CO2 emissions have been declining for almost two decades while China and the Rest of the World are increasing by 1 billion tons each and every year. That means every five years they produce a new US equivalent amount of emissions. So in 5 years you can pretend like there's a new USA and 5 years after that another new USA. And so on and so on. Are you getting the picture?

How are you going to mitigate that?
I do what I can do and hope others will eventually do what they can do. Not sure what alternatives there are?
We are in an interglacial period. That's what they do in interglacial periods. Please educate yourself on the planet's climate and not a computer model because they really are stacking the deck in their model. It's almost criminal how much transparency they lack.
So you're saying if I drown in a natural flood event that is OK, it is only man-made events I need to worry about?
I do what I can do and hope others will eventually do what they can do. Not sure what alternatives there are?
You mean besides not actually educating yourself on the subject like I did. There's really no excuse for that. The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 and/or orbital forcing. So how do you know the recent warming trend is due to CO2 and not not the same exact causes that caused every other warming trend prior to the industrial revolution? Because our planet is uniquely configured to produce climate variations because of its landmass and ocean configuration with each pole being at a different temperature threshold for extensive continental glaciation and each pole having a different amount of land that glaciation can spread. The planet's climate is driven by the northern hemisphere because of those two things.
So you're saying if I drown in a natural flood event that is OK, it is only man-made events I need to worry about?
Not at all. I'm saying you saying you see signs of global warming is really you see signs of an interglacial cycle. If you had done any studying at all into this subject you would have discovered that our present interglacial period is 2C below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial periods. So another 2C of warming is within the normal range of an interglacial cycle. Until this planet exceeds the temperatures of previous interglacial periods there is nothing to worry about.
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The Earth's climate is easily looked up. But I bet you consider yourself an expert because you have looked it up
It's not something you can just look up. It's something you have to study. And you haven't done that. But you are foolish enough to come spout theories and models you know nothing about anyway. We'll see how that works out for you.
It's not something you can just look up. It's something you have to study. And you haven't done that. But you are foolish enough to come spout theories and models you know nothing about anyway. We'll see how that works out for you.
did they teach you that in dermatology school?

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