Bombshell study concludes there is no evidence for anthropogenic climate change...

You say "fudge and twist", I'd wager they'd say they removed the noise in the data and the anomalous outliers.
I understand completely. They don't support your analysis so it must be fraud. (Kind of like Trump saying the only way he could lose was through fraud.) Am I stupid to post or you even more stupid to respond?

Do you want to have that discussion ... or are you too pussy? ...

We start with albedo ... do you know what albedo is? ... do you know why the published average value for this is 0.3 (-0.2,+0.1)? ... The Wikipedia article explains why this is of critical importance to Earth's surface temperature ...

Next we can discuss the numeral "4" ...
Go back ... stupid ... and read your own words again ... you made the claim that link contained the mathematics of the greenhouse effect ... something I am intimately familiar with ... and I agree the link contains the data this mathematics produces, if we fudge and twist some of the factors involved ...
Please explalin the fraudulent mathematical fudging and twisting to which you claim NASA and NOAA have admitted. I'd also like to see a link to this "admission"
Please explalin the fraudulent mathematical fudging and twisting to which you claim NASA and NOAA have admitted. I'd also like to see a link to this "admission"

Have you gone through the arithmetic and confirmed all the values NASA and NOAA give on that page? ... something I've done dozens of times over these past few years ... it's important you know what values they're using in the mathematical equations ... and how they come up with these values they do use ...

Start with albedo ... or do we need to go over the Solar Constant first? ... and please use the kinetic energy definition of temperature ... the simple fourth-root relationship occurs in both statements of Thermodynamics ...
Have you gone through the arithmetic and confirmed all the values NASA and NOAA give on that page? ... something I've done dozens of times over these past few years ... it's important you know what values they're using in the mathematical equations ... and how they come up with these values they do use ...

Start with albedo ... or do we need to go over the Solar Constant first? ... and please use the kinetic energy definition of temperature ... the simple fourth-root relationship occurs in both statements of Thermodynamics ...
Is there some reason you don't actually want to explain what you claim to have found in their process descriptions? Cause it sure looks as if you think you can baffle me with some bullshit. I'm certain we both know that you haven't found diddly squat wrong with their data handling. If you had, you wouldn't be babbling like that. If you got it, prove it. I'll do my best to keep up.
Do you want to have that discussion ... or are you too pussy? ...

We start with albedo ... do you know what albedo is? ... do you know why the published average value for this is 0.3 (-0.2,+0.1)? ... The Wikipedia article explains why this is of critical importance to Earth's surface temperature ...

Next we can discuss the numeral "4" ...
I'm with you so far but don't consider that a commitment. On the other hand I loved watching Sesame Street with my kids.
Is there some reason you don't actually want to explain what you claim to have found in their process descriptions? Cause it sure looks as if you think you can baffle me with some bullshit. I'm certain we both know that you haven't found diddly squat wrong with their data handling. If you had, you wouldn't be babbling like that. If you got it, prove it. I'll do my best to keep up.

Can you be baffled by high school algebra? ... then I can't help you ... ask a friend if Stefan-Boltzmann Law can be expressed as:

T = (( S ( 1 - a )) / 4o )^0.25 [where S = solar constant, a = albedo, o = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (usu. lower case sigma)] ...

Yeah, it's that last term that cuts your throat ... fourth-root function ... sorry, high school algebra ... lying sack of shit ...


My exact words were "fudging and twisting" ... the published value of albedo is 0.3 ... or 0.35 to 0.25 ... we're not sure but somewhere in there ... it's a very very very difficult thing to measure ... running this error margin through the equation gives a 10ºC spread on Earth's surface ... global warming is a single degree? ...
Can you be baffled by high school algebra? ... then I can't help you ... ask a friend if Stefan-Boltzmann Law can be expressed as:

T = (( S ( 1 - a )) / 4o )^0.25 [where S = solar constant, a = albedo, o = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (usu. lower case sigma)] ...

Yeah, it's that last term that cuts your throat ... fourth-root function ... sorry, high school algebra ... lying sack of shit ...


My exact words were "fudging and twisting" ... the published value of albedo is 0.3 ... or 0.35 to 0.25 ... we're not sure but somewhere in there ... it's a very very very difficult thing to measure ... running this error margin through the equation gives a 10ºC spread on Earth's surface ... global warming is a single degree? ...
Golly, its a strain but I will do my very best to keep up - you haven't lost me yet. So, is that it? You don't think they took proper account of their error margins on albedo? One thing to think about is that albedo is not a constant, it has obvious seasonal variation and is affected by loss of ice cover and, according to the study below, changes in SST and the PDO. The study below found albedo decreasing and doing so at an accelerating pace. This tells me that it would not be treated as a constant by any calculation, simulation or GCM covering more than a month, say, which renders your objection a bit irrelevant.

Do you have any other fudging and twisting? You said this was a scam but I think you've got a long ways to go before that's a viable charge.
Do you? ...

TA: What's the albedo of the North Pole today? ...
Yes, I do.

Every time I read a peer reviewed study or from the Assessment Reports and I think about the sort of stuff that deniers post here, I just have to shake my head. For you to think SB would scare me off makes me think - no, it make me quite certain - that it scares you.
Yes, I do.

Every time I read a peer reviewed study or from the Assessment Reports and I think about the sort of stuff that deniers post here, I just have to shake my head. For you to think SB would scare me off makes me think - no, it make me quite certain - that it scares you.

Then fine, your choice ...

You denied SB in another thread ... I stated temperature is proportioinal to the fourth-root of irradiance ... and you claimed it wasn't you claim SB doesn't scare you ...

Fucking LIAR ...
Then fine, your choice ...

You denied SB in another thread ... I stated temperature is proportioinal to the fourth-root of irradiance ... and you claimed it wasn't you claim SB doesn't scare you ...

Fucking LIAR ...
I have never denied SB.
Yes, I do.

Every time I read a peer reviewed study or from the Assessment Reports and I think about the sort of stuff that deniers post here, I just have to shake my head. For you to think SB would scare me off makes me think - no, it make me quite certain - that it scares you.
A true word salad right there
Exactly wrong. Arguing that we're in an interglacial period has nothing to do with anything. Sea levels are rising or they are not. Why has nothing to do with anything.
That's ridiculous. Of course the planet being in an interglacial period is relevant. Especially since we are 2C cooler than the previous interglacial period with 120 ppm more atmospheric CO2 than the previous interglacial period which literally proves there is no correlation between CO2 and temperature.
Exactly wrong. The goal should not be to encourage more fossil fuel use but less. The more the rich nations use of a finite resource the more expensive that resource will become. We can afford to pay more, others are not so fortunate. The smarter alternative is increased efficiency, nuclear, and renewable alternatives.
I disagree.

Plenty of species have gone extinct as climates change, I don't want to be among them. Any change in the global climate will create winners and losers. The Sahara was much lusher in previous times. If that happens now will the people who live there share their new found wealth with the farmers in Bangladesh?

My argument is hardly emotional and I don't pretend to be any better than anyone else. I only see a looming disaster that others, like yourself, don't see. Only one of us is right.
Of course your argument is emotional. You are obsessing over weather. The sky is not falling. And you will discover that for yourself soon enough.
That's ridiculous. Of course the planet being in an interglacial period is relevant. Especially since we are 2C cooler than the previous interglacial period with 120 ppm more atmospheric CO2 than the previous interglacial period which literally proves there is no correlation between CO2 and temperature.
Given that AGW has overwhelmed the prior cooling, he is correct. Your prediction that it will soon be getting cooler is unsupportable nonsense.

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