Boom! Final Rasmussen poll, generic ballot: Republicans take the lead by one percent!

Let’s make this poll the most accurate by getting to the polls
Well at least you know the political alignment of those ask which is not indicative of the rest of the nation...
GOP 46%, Democrats 45%.
I am extremely excited, because the blue wave turned out to be a myth according to the best pollster out there.
This reminds me of the rabbit versus the turtle tale. Republicans are the turtle which began slowly but came in first.
Generic Congressional Ballot - Rasmussen Reports®

Seriously! Have you learned nothing about the reliability of polls. Besides, that poll is a national poll and doesn’t predict individual state races. You’re falling into the same tar pit the Libs jumped into before Hellary got kicked in the balls.
GOP 46%, Democrats 45%.
I am extremely excited, because the blue wave turned out to be a myth according to the best pollster out there.
This reminds me of the rabbit versus the turtle tale. Republicans are the turtle which began slowly but came in first.
Generic Congressional Ballot - Rasmussen Reports®
When ever the elections get close, the polls always start to reflect the TRUTH about the results or we end up with the 2016 election where Hillary was supposed to win by a landslide, then doesn't happen and the pollsters lose face for a decade.

Hillary Clinton would now beat Donald Trump by a landslide, poll says
According to Real Clear Politics, Republicans are gonna get their asses beat.

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