BOOM. Investigation of 100-Ballot Sample in Arizona Finds 3% of the Ballots Were Deemed Fraudulent in Favor of Joe Biden – Larger Audit Granted

AZ was called way too early, by Fox no less. They want Biden in so bad. Wonder why? National lockdown.

If anyone here is not familiar with Gateway Pundit it is a little right-leaning for me, but you get breaking news unlike fake media. Just sayin'.

Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while voters were still standing in line.

Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number votes projected by Fox News.

The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.


“The audit found: one Trump vote arbitrarily excluded. Another Trump vote struck and then fraudulently added to Biden. Total fraud averaging 3%. Biden margin of fraud less than .05%. Thus if 3% fraud rate remains on larger sample Trump easily wins Arizona,” Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said.
Source: The Gateway Pundit.
I pointed out that Trump did collude with Russia. Something the US Senate agrees with me on (the Republican controlled Senate to be precise)
Thats not true
Yes it is.

Trump did not collude with russia

your whole claim hinges on manafort having connections with russia but in no way implicate trump in any conspiracy
I pointed out that Trump did collude with Russia. Something the US Senate agrees with me on (the Republican controlled Senate to be precise)
Thats not true
Yes it is.

Trump did not collude with russia

your whole claim hinges on manafort having connections with russia but in no way implicate trump in any conspiracy

You didn't read a word of the link, right?
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.

Nope. Biden won. Get over it.
Wow, so the actual results don't even matter to you? Just the results you want. How sad.

That can't really be a surprise to you.
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.

Nope. Biden won. Get over it.
Wow, so the actual results don't even matter to you? Just the results you want. How sad.

That can't really be a surprise to you.
The actual result is Biden kicked your blob's ass. 332-206
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.

Nope. Biden won. Get over it.
Wow, so the actual results don't even matter to you? Just the results you want. How sad.

Says the man STILL bitching about the results a month after the election was held.

How sad indeed.
I take it you haven't watched any of the state legislation hearings in VA, AZ and MI the past few days.You missed a lot of fraud info.

Until the courts weigh in...all of the bitching and moaning you guys are doing is meaningless.
Oh, it's going to the SCOTUS and we're not bitching and moaning.What is puzzling is no lefty is watching OANN or Newsmax where they are showing the committee hearings. CNN, MSDNC and the other Chicom fake news is burying the real news.

Those are not BubbleCult Approved.
Cult leaders are sort of strict.
That's how they control the Cult.
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.

Nope. Biden won. Get over it.
Wow, so the actual results don't even matter to you? Just the results you want. How sad.

That can't really be a surprise to you.
The actual result is Biden kicked your blob's ass. 332-206
We'll see. I'm still 80% confident Trump keeps the White House.
AZ was called way too early, by Fox no less. They want Biden in so bad. Wonder why? National lockdown.

If anyone here is not familiar with Gateway Pundit it is a little right-leaning for me, but you get breaking news unlike fake media. Just sayin'.

Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while voters were still standing in line.

Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number votes projected by Fox News.

The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.


“The audit found: one Trump vote arbitrarily excluded. Another Trump vote struck and then fraudulently added to Biden. Total fraud averaging 3%. Biden margin of fraud less than .05%. Thus if 3% fraud rate remains on larger sample Trump easily wins Arizona,” Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said.
Can you idiots manage to post a source that isn’t rightwing garbage like the Gatewaypundit?

Did you happen to hear CNN's meeting where they explained that the Democrat Media was not going to allow any real info into your bubble?
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.

Nope. Biden won. Get over it.
Wow, so the actual results don't even matter to you? Just the results you want. How sad.

Says the man STILL bitching about the results a month after the election was held.

How sad indeed.
I take it you haven't watched any of the state legislation hearings in VA, AZ and MI the past few days.You missed a lot of fraud info.

Yup all 0% of it!!
You are another poor soul not to watch history being made. You only believe the lies of the Commie News Network.

Strange you would call FOX news that
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
You should cry to for out lost republic

but all you care about is winning

Are you calling for audits in any states that T-Rump won?

If not..fuck off.
Biden free to challenge. How does it become Trump's burden? That doesn't even make sense.


The response is to the shrill and clearly facetious cries of "Its not about Trump--it's about our elections!!!!" you guys are making. If you're swearing the entire election apparatus is faulty, you should be calling for every state to have audits, hearings, etc... Somehow...between you guys clutching your pearls and promising to shoot're not doing that.

So again, fuck off.
Who has made claims of cheating where Trump won? You make no sense. Then again with the utter lack of integrity you show that no surprise.

Did you not understand the previous post? Your lack of ability to read English is no surprise.
Your illogical silliness doesn't justify your stupid demands.

Your hilarious argument that your concern is merely about elections and not trying to re-install your blob makes me chuckle.
Go ahead and show anyone in history that's done what you demand. I'll wait. Otherwise you are just a fucking moron.
Do your own research.

"You should cry to for out lost republic"
So you got nothing. Figures, what loser you are.

I pointed out whose crying about the election. You're just a whiny little bitch. Enjoy the next 4 years loser.

So, does that mean that for the past 4 years you’ve been a “whinny little bitch?”
Not at all....

When I talked about the 2016 election, I pointed out that Trump did collude with Russia. Something the US Senate agrees with me on (the Republican controlled Senate to be precise)
And I mentioned that HRC got more votes than your blob. Which is also a fact.

Wrong, and we are not a direct democracy...

Nothing I posted was remotely incorrect.
Nothing you posted was directly correct.
I pointed out that Trump did collude with Russia. Something the US Senate agrees with me on (the Republican controlled Senate to be precise)
Thats not true
Yes it is.

Trump did not collude with russia

your whole claim hinges on manafort having connections with russia but in no way implicate trump in any conspiracy
Tramp Jr and Kushner met directly with Russian operatives in Tramp tower

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