Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

collusion then. got it. what I said. collusion isn't a crime. to get a warrant you need a crime. to get a SC you have to have a crime. why don't you fks know this? Now you've said collusion isn't a crime, which we already knew and why for 13 months we've said so. Now you're there. a little slow, but you got there. And now the judge will tell Mueller.

Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
That was never my contention, liar.

Mueller exceeded nothing, fool.

Prosecutors: Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort

"The May 17, 2017 [appointment] order was worded categorically in order to permit its release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals," Rosenstein wrote in the Aug. 2, 2017 memo. "The following allegations were within the scope of the Investigation at the time of your appointment and are within the scope of the Order: ... Allegations that Paul Manafort: Committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States, in violation of United States law. Committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych."
However, all the charges against Manifort concern actions from ove ten years ago, so they had nothing to do with Russian meddling in the election and were therefor out of bounds for the special counsel.

The AG determines what is out of bounds, dope. Not you, any judge or rw pundit has any say in the matter.
No, actually a judge makes that deterimination, dumbass.
Since when does the DOJ need to seek the approval of the courts to investigate someone or something? Since never.
The Attorney General determines the scope of their own investigations.
Want a wire tap. They need the courts.

Want to seize information. They need the courts.

Want a trial. Where's the evidence.

Want a trial. What is the crime.

They have to go through the courts to raid your house if they think you stole a Snickers Bar.

Sure, a warrant. Just not permission to investigate the subject in the first place which is of course what we are talking about.
Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
dude, I've always known collusion isn't a crime. tell that to Mueller.
Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
dude, I've always known collusion isn't a crime. tell that to Mueller.

Sure, but you've never taken the next logical step then to understand that the investigation is about potential criminality and not collusion.
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
dude, I've always known collusion isn't a crime. tell that to Mueller.

Sure, but you've never taken the next logical step then to understand that the investigation is about potential criminality and not collusion.
dude, I've never been at collusion. I've been at, tell me what you're investigating. that's it. what is it they are investigating. don't insult me, tell what the investigation about?
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
dude, I've always known collusion isn't a crime. tell that to Mueller.

Sure, but you've never taken the next logical step then to understand that the investigation is about potential criminality and not collusion.
dude, I've never been at collusion. I've been at, tell me what you're investigating. that's it. what is it they are investigating. don't insult me, tell what the investigation about?

I just did. Potential criminality.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
dude, I've always known collusion isn't a crime. tell that to Mueller.

Sure, but you've never taken the next logical step then to understand that the investigation is about potential criminality and not collusion.
dude, I've never been at collusion. I've been at, tell me what you're investigating. that's it. what is it they are investigating. don't insult me, tell what the investigation about?

I just did. Potential criminality.
potential criminality of what? the sky is blue?
You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
dude, I've always known collusion isn't a crime. tell that to Mueller.

Sure, but you've never taken the next logical step then to understand that the investigation is about potential criminality and not collusion.
dude, I've never been at collusion. I've been at, tell me what you're investigating. that's it. what is it they are investigating. don't insult me, tell what the investigation about?

I just did. Potential criminality.
potential criminality of what? the sky is blue?

Enough with the circle jerk. You know that hasn't been released.
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
dude, I've always known collusion isn't a crime. tell that to Mueller.

Sure, but you've never taken the next logical step then to understand that the investigation is about potential criminality and not collusion.
then pray tell - what *exactly* are they looking for? please stop with the "if he did something wrong and we know he did" crap.

be specific and "proving he worked with the russians" is also bullshit but likely all you've got.
Your contention that Rod Rosenstein has the power to order an investigation into any American for any reason he chooses, even if there is no evidence a crime has been committed, is truly bizarre and certainly unAmerican. No one in the US government has the kind of unfettered power you want to give to Rosenstein and no one should. However, Mueller exceeded the authority given to him by Rosenstein's letter to go after Manifort. The letter allows him to pursue crimes he uncovers in pursuit of his search for Russian involvement in the election, but the Manifort indictment is based on an old investigation in which Justice Department had closed years ago because of insufficient evidence and was outside Mueller's purview.

Your contention that Rod Rosenstein has the power to order an investigation into any American for any reason he chooses, even if there is no evidence a crime has been committed, is truly bizarre and certainly unAmerican.

That was never my contention, liar.

Mueller exceeded nothing, fool.

Prosecutors: Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort

"The May 17, 2017 [appointment] order was worded categorically in order to permit its release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals," Rosenstein wrote in the Aug. 2, 2017 memo. "The following allegations were within the scope of the Investigation at the time of your appointment and are within the scope of the Order: ... Allegations that Paul Manafort: Committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States, in violation of United States law. Committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych."
However, all the charges against Manifort concern actions from ove ten years ago, so they had nothing to do with Russian meddling in the election and were therefor out of bounds for the special counsel.

The AG determines what is out of bounds, dope. Not you, any judge or rw pundit has any say in the matter.
No, actually a judge makes that deterimination, dumbass.
Since when does the DOJ need to seek the approval of the courts to investigate someone or something? Since never.
The Attorney General determines the scope of their own investigations.
Since always. The DoJ can't get subpoenas or indictments or court dates without the approval of the court, and if it is established that Mueller opened the Manifort investigation the DoJ had formerly closed for lack of evidence just to pressure Manifort to give up some dirt on Trump, that is a fourth amendment violation and ethics charges can be brought against him. In fact, Manifort can sue to make the govenment pay all his legal expenses arising from this case.
And just Saturday yet ANOTHER judge rebukes Mullers bull shit.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court
Yeah, the defense called for discovery. Pretty common. Yaaawn
It's not a hysterical defense. Fucking bite me. It's an accurate observation.
Calling it "Stasi" is not accurate. It is hyperbolic and hysterical and makes you look ridiculous. Then, to call this absurd opinion "fact" makes you seem doubly absurd.
then pray tell - what *exactly* are they looking for?
Any and all collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, including any illegal receipt of material support. They are also looking for evidence of obstruction of justice on the part of Trump.

Welcome back from your coma. This information appeared in the news one year ago.
And just Saturday yet ANOTHER judge rebukes Mullers bull shit.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court
Yeah, the defense called for discovery. Pretty common. Yaaawn

And Mullers guys told him that it was to top secret at which point the judge called bull shit and eat them down. It’s awesome that to get heart burn thinking about it.
And just Saturday yet ANOTHER judge rebukes Mullers bull shit.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court
Yeah, the defense called for discovery. Pretty common. Yaaawn

And Mullers guys told him that it was to top secret at which point the judge called bull shit and eat them down. It’s awesome that to get heart burn thinking about it.
:lol: yeah ok dude
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

Manafort is getting get out of jail free.
Cohen is getting off.
Flynn looks like he's going to walk.
Obstruction is weak even Hillary knows it won't work.
Mueller is 0-4.

Damn, after being bitch slapped twice by two different courts his career maker case is looking like a sinking ship thats about to take its captain with it.
You know what wishful thinking is?

Are you talking about collusion? :D

How long this investigation is going, fifteen months?

It all smacks of a typical Trump plan and drive them insane over months with a latter-day version of the Chinese water torture. A long slow push of minimal moves to achieve the maximum outcome.

The net result is that instead of the investigation delegitimizing Trump, it’s the investigation itself which has been deligitimised. Mueller has spent a year on a political goose chase and has come up with precisely nothing, especially within the given mandate. The result we have so far is a sign of how successful Trump’s strategy of dealing with the whole situation has been that he’s now begun to openly taunt Mueller and the investigation on social media, calling it a witch hunt. Mueller is desperate, and looking for some way out. The recent FBI raid he ordered on Trump’s attorney was a unique and brutal violation of any notion of client attorney privilege whether you were a special counsel or not.

To quote Newt Gingrich’s reaction to it: “Setting up a precedent that a prosecutor is allowed to dig into your life until finding a crime is a threat to the rule of law and a threat to every American.”

It was Mueller’s one last gasp attempt to get out of his dilemma by provoking Trump to fire him, which Trump won’t oblige him by doing, since he’s now got him exactly where he always planned to have him.

Not everyone is taking the leftist bait.


^ That judge is as retarded as the trumpers who post here.
Obviously if Rosenstein has set boundaries, it then cannot be " unfettered power" by any measure.

It's Rosenstein power that is unfettered, dunce.
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

Manafort is getting get out of jail free.
Cohen is getting off.
Flynn looks like he's going to walk.
Obstruction is weak even Hillary knows it won't work.
Mueller is 0-4.

Damn, after being bitch slapped twice by two different courts his career maker case is looking like a sinking ship thats about to take its captain with it.
You know what wishful thinking is?

Are you talking about collusion? :D

How long this investigation is going, fifteen months?

It all smacks of a typical Trump plan and drive them insane over months with a latter-day version of the Chinese water torture. A long slow push of minimal moves to achieve the maximum outcome.

The net result is that instead of the investigation delegitimizing Trump, it’s the investigation itself which has been deligitimised. Mueller has spent a year on a political goose chase and has come up with precisely nothing, especially within the given mandate. The result we have so far is a sign of how successful Trump’s strategy of dealing with the whole situation has been that he’s now begun to openly taunt Mueller and the investigation on social media, calling it a witch hunt. Mueller is desperate, and looking for some way out. The recent FBI raid he ordered on Trump’s attorney was a unique and brutal violation of any notion of client attorney privilege whether you were a special counsel or not.

To quote Newt Gingrich’s reaction to it: “Setting up a precedent that a prosecutor is allowed to dig into your life until finding a crime is a threat to the rule of law and a threat to every American.”

It was Mueller’s one last gasp attempt to get out of his dilemma by provoking Trump to fire him, which Trump won’t oblige him by doing, since he’s now got him exactly where he always planned to have him.

Not everyone is taking the leftist bait.


^ That judge is as retarded as the trumpers who post here.
Obviously if Rosenstein has set boundaries, it then cannot be " unfettered power" by any measure.
I can't wait to read your posts after the SC throws the case in the toilet asshole!
Mueller KNOWS if he tries to sopena Trump there's a little thing called 'discovery'. The LAST thing Mueller wants is for all his bullshit corruption along with Comey/McCabe/Page/Struck/Struck's FISA court buddy judge/Clapper/Brennan/etc etc to be made public record.
Make no mistake these seditious traitors WILL be brought to justice!
The Clinton's aren't getting much sleep lately and neither is Obama.


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