Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

And just Saturday yet ANOTHER judge rebukes Mullers bull shit.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court
Yeah, the defense called for discovery. Pretty common. Yaaawn

And Mullers guys told him that it was to top secret at which point the judge called bull shit and eat them down. It’s awesome that to get heart burn thinking about it.
:lol: yeah ok dude

Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
dude, I've always known collusion isn't a crime. tell that to Mueller.

Sure, but you've never taken the next logical step then to understand that the investigation is about potential criminality and not collusion.
What the fuck is "potential criminality?" Either laws were broken or they weren't. In the latter case, there's no excuse for the witch hunt.
Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
Dumbasses like you have been saying it's about collusion for 16 months now.
then pray tell - what *exactly* are they looking for?
Any and all collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, including any illegal receipt of material support. They are also looking for evidence of obstruction of justice on the part of Trump.

Welcome back from your coma. This information appeared in the news one year ago.
You've been told 10,000 times that collusion isn't a crime, moron, and it has already been established that Trump had the authority fo fire Comey for any reason he liked.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court
Yeah, the defense called for discovery. Pretty common. Yaaawn

And Mullers guys told him that it was to top secret at which point the judge called bull shit and eat them down. It’s awesome that to get heart burn thinking about it.
:lol: yeah ok dude

Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
ok lets hear your evidence...

we can't your honor. it's top secret. but trust us, it's bad...

i can't imagine the left would let trump say something like that and get away with it.
It's not a hysterical defense. Fucking bite me. It's an accurate observation.
Calling it "Stasi" is not accurate. It is hyperbolic and hysterical and makes you look ridiculous. Then, to call this absurd opinion "fact" makes you seem doubly absurd.

Oh give me a break. This predawn raid by armed FBI who picked the lock, entered and even patted down Mrs Manafort while she was still in bed was designed to inflict maximum trauma on the family.

Shock and awe despite Manafort's full cooperation with the Senate and House and Mueller's investigation.

This was flexing at its max. Go argue with Blumenthal. He recognized how over the top this was. Mueller's a power tripping son of a bitch.

"Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), a member of the Judiciary Committee and a former U.S. attorney, called the search “a significant and even stunning development,” noting that such raids are generally reserved for “the most serious criminal investigations dealing with uncooperative or untrusted potential targets.”

Yeah. Stasi tactics. You are the one that is the fool.

FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home

FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife during pre-dawn raid in intimidation effort

FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife during pre-dawn raid in intimidation effort
Oh give me a break. This predawn raid by armed FBI who picked the lock, entered and even patted down Mrs Manafort while she was still in bed was designed to inflict maximum trauma on the family.

Shock and awe despite Manafort's full cooperation with the Senate and House and Mueller's investigation.

This was flexing at its max. Go argue with Blumenthal. He recognized how over the top this was. Mueller's a power tripping son of a bitch.

"Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), a member of the Judiciary Committee and a former U.S. attorney, called the search “a significant and even stunning development,” noting that such raids are generally reserved for “the most serious criminal investigations dealing with uncooperative or untrusted potential targets.”

Yeah. Stasi tactics. You are the one that is the fool.

FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home

FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife during pre-dawn raid in intimidation effort

FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife during pre-dawn raid in intimidation effort

Fort Fun is a moronic hack. Ends justify means for that one.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
dude, I've always known collusion isn't a crime. tell that to Mueller.

Sure, but you've never taken the next logical step then to understand that the investigation is about potential criminality and not collusion.
What the fuck is "potential criminality?" Either laws were broken or they weren't. In the latter case, there's no excuse for the witch hunt.
24 CFR specifically states that a CRIME must be present BEFORE a special counsel is seated... Again.. Where is this magical crime for which Mueller was seated?

Pony up Mr Rosenstine... what was the crime for which you seated Mueller? Make it public!
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there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court
Yeah, the defense called for discovery. Pretty common. Yaaawn

And Mullers guys told him that it was to top secret at which point the judge called bull shit and eat them down. It’s awesome that to get heart burn thinking about it.
:lol: yeah ok dude

Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
ok lets hear your evidence...

we can't your honor. it's top secret. but trust us, it's bad...

i can't imagine the left would let trump say something like that and get away with it.

Why couldn’t he just say “ I’m innocent, but the proof is to top secret to show the jury.” ?
Did anyone get a chance to read the court transcript of the Mueller/Rosenstine thugs vs the judge? As the judge said, it was "entertaining." And he indicated he could have pwnd them more, but held back. I notice Mueller's "pit bull" and partner in corruption and railroading innocent people, Andrew Weissmann did not say anything. Obviously afraid to get embarrassed like his associates. :p

For those interested: Mueller vs Manafort May 4, 2018

Wayback Machine
Did anyone get a chance to read the court transcript of the Mueller/Rosenstine thugs vs the judge? As the judge said, it was "entertaining." And he indicated he could have pwnd them more, but held back. I notice Mueller's "pit bull" and partner in corruption and railroading innocent people, Andrew Weissmann did not say anything. Obviously afraid to get embarrassed like his associates. :p

For those interested: Mueller vs Manafort May 4, 2018

Wayback Machine

Transcript was amazing. I swear I'd pay good money if they put this trial on Pay per view. :)

Judge Ellis hosting "Hell in the Cell". The "Royal Rumble" with New Jack Ellis bringing the furniture to the SC.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
Dumbasses like you have been saying it's about collusion for 16 months now.
Jailhouse Punkass Lawyers like you were yelling Benghazi for 4 years. 0 indictments.:113:
Federal Judge issues warrant for a case of Cohen being a middle man for Russian money laundering scheme. Let's not forget this fact. :abgg2q.jpg:
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court
Yeah, the defense called for discovery. Pretty common. Yaaawn

And Mullers guys told him that it was to top secret at which point the judge called bull shit and eat them down. It’s awesome that to get heart burn thinking about it.
:lol: yeah ok dude

Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.
Breaking for Fox Rush GOP dupes... There is no conspiracy protecting or going after anyone. 25 years of BS, no indictments or anything near. Icaramba how dumb can you get?
Breaking for Fox Rush GOP dupes... There is no conspiracy protecting or going after anyone. 25 years of BS, no indictments or anything near. Icaramba how dumb can you get?

Did you graduate from a high school in the Western world. Just curious. :p
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court
Yeah, the defense called for discovery. Pretty common. Yaaawn

And Mullers guys told him that it was to top secret at which point the judge called bull shit and eat them down. It’s awesome that to get heart burn thinking about it.
:lol: yeah ok dude

Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.

Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.

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