Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
collusion then. got it. what I said. collusion isn't a crime. to get a warrant you need a crime. to get a SC you have to have a crime. why don't you fks know this? Now you've said collusion isn't a crime, which we already knew and why for 13 months we've said so. Now you're there. a little slow, but you got there. And now the judge will tell Mueller.

Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?

By all means, please tell us.
Oh, you can't because the public doesn't know yet. Like you said though, it was required so we know it exists.
isn't that the reason for the SC? Collusion?

^So dumb.

You don't have a clue.
enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

isn't that the reason for the SC? Collusion?

^So dumb.

You don't have a clue.
enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
so far it's been about whatever the left has needed it to be until they find something - anything - where they can go THERE! THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!!

it's an open ended investigation that seems to be dead in the water so they're reaching to see if they can find anything they can to make it stick. and the nature of the relationship WAS about collusion only they didn't find it so now they reach outward and the *reach* is what the judges (3 of them, what are you legal credentials again?) are crying foul to.
The judge cannot "find" that in any way.
Rosenstein decides how broad the investigation will be. Not the judge.

Mueller did exactly what he was authorized to do.

Prosecutors: Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort

"The May 17, 2017 [appointment] order was worded categorically in order to permit its release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals," Rosenstein wrote in the Aug. 2, 2017 memo. "The following allegations were within the scope of the Investigation at the time of your appointment and are within the scope of the Order: ... Allegations that Paul Manafort: Committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States, in violation of United States law. Committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych."
Your contention that Rod Rosenstein has the power to order an investigation into any American for any reason he chooses, even if there is no evidence a crime has been committed, is truly bizarre and certainly unAmerican. No one in the US government has the kind of unfettered power you want to give to Rosenstein and no one should. However, Mueller exceeded the authority given to him by Rosenstein's letter to go after Manifort. The letter allows him to pursue crimes he uncovers in pursuit of his search for Russian involvement in the election, but the Manifort indictment is based on an old investigation in which Justice Department had closed years ago because of insufficient evidence and was outside Mueller's purview.

Your contention that Rod Rosenstein has the power to order an investigation into any American for any reason he chooses, even if there is no evidence a crime has been committed, is truly bizarre and certainly unAmerican.

That was never my contention, liar.

Mueller exceeded nothing, fool.

Prosecutors: Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort

"The May 17, 2017 [appointment] order was worded categorically in order to permit its release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals," Rosenstein wrote in the Aug. 2, 2017 memo. "The following allegations were within the scope of the Investigation at the time of your appointment and are within the scope of the Order: ... Allegations that Paul Manafort: Committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States, in violation of United States law. Committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych."
However, all the charges against Manifort concern actions from ove ten years ago, so they had nothing to do with Russian meddling in the election and were therefor out of bounds for the special counsel.

The AG determines what is out of bounds, dope. Not you, any judge or rw pundit has any say in the matter.
No, actually a judge makes that deterimination, dumbass.
Since when does the DOJ need to seek the approval of the courts to investigate someone or something? Since never.
The Attorney General determines the scope of their own investigations.
And just Saturday yet ANOTHER judge rebukes Mullers bull shit.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
Your contention that Rod Rosenstein has the power to order an investigation into any American for any reason he chooses, even if there is no evidence a crime has been committed, is truly bizarre and certainly unAmerican. No one in the US government has the kind of unfettered power you want to give to Rosenstein and no one should. However, Mueller exceeded the authority given to him by Rosenstein's letter to go after Manifort. The letter allows him to pursue crimes he uncovers in pursuit of his search for Russian involvement in the election, but the Manifort indictment is based on an old investigation in which Justice Department had closed years ago because of insufficient evidence and was outside Mueller's purview.

Your contention that Rod Rosenstein has the power to order an investigation into any American for any reason he chooses, even if there is no evidence a crime has been committed, is truly bizarre and certainly unAmerican.

That was never my contention, liar.

Mueller exceeded nothing, fool.

Prosecutors: Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort

"The May 17, 2017 [appointment] order was worded categorically in order to permit its release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals," Rosenstein wrote in the Aug. 2, 2017 memo. "The following allegations were within the scope of the Investigation at the time of your appointment and are within the scope of the Order: ... Allegations that Paul Manafort: Committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States, in violation of United States law. Committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych."
However, all the charges against Manifort concern actions from ove ten years ago, so they had nothing to do with Russian meddling in the election and were therefor out of bounds for the special counsel.

The AG determines what is out of bounds, dope. Not you, any judge or rw pundit has any say in the matter.
No, actually a judge makes that deterimination, dumbass.
Since when does the DOJ need to seek the approval of the courts to investigate someone or something? Since never.
The Attorney General determines the scope of their own investigations.
Want a wire tap. They need the courts.

Want to seize information. They need the courts.

Want a trial. Where's the evidence.

Want a trial. What is the crime.

They have to go through the courts to raid your house if they think you stole a Snickers Bar.
If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
collusion then. got it. what I said. collusion isn't a crime. to get a warrant you need a crime. to get a SC you have to have a crime. why don't you fks know this? Now you've said collusion isn't a crime, which we already knew and why for 13 months we've said so. Now you're there. a little slow, but you got there. And now the judge will tell Mueller.

Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
And just Saturday yet ANOTHER judge rebukes Mullers bull shit.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!

Na, it’s the one judge demanding to know the scope of Mullers investigation. As for your little hero’s case that got judged on on Saturday, people showed up to answer to the charges. Muller counted in this not happening. Why is this a good thing? Muller and his team have to produce all their evidance. Why is this bad ? Because every single case of Mullers that has come under any scrutiny, it typically falls apart.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
collusion then. got it. what I said. collusion isn't a crime. to get a warrant you need a crime. to get a SC you have to have a crime. why don't you fks know this? Now you've said collusion isn't a crime, which we already knew and why for 13 months we've said so. Now you're there. a little slow, but you got there. And now the judge will tell Mueller.

Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?

By all means, please tell us.
Oh, you can't because the public doesn't know yet. Like you said though, it was required so we know it exists.
and what the judge asked them to provide in the Manafort case. two weeks baby and we'll finally know. cause the media has been saying it was collusion and starsky states it isn't, but there is and he knows it even though now he agrees he doesn't and insulted me cause I didn't know. well, I tell you, you can't make up the wizardry of the left. that is for sure. hly fk.
And just Saturday yet ANOTHER judge rebukes Mullers bull shit.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court
And just Saturday yet ANOTHER judge rebukes Mullers bull shit.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court

Think of this, what if a DA was going after a black NFL guy in this manner? The streets would burn and be looted and the case would get tossed on its first day. This ain’t he end of Muller, but it should slow his roll some.
^So dumb.

You don't have a clue.
enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

^So dumb.

You don't have a clue.
enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
so far it's been about whatever the left has needed it to be until they find something - anything - where they can go THERE! THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!!

it's an open ended investigation that seems to be dead in the water so they're reaching to see if they can find anything they can to make it stick. and the nature of the relationship WAS about collusion only they didn't find it so now they reach outward and the *reach* is what the judges (3 of them, what are you legal credentials again?) are crying foul to.

"The left" has had nothing to do with this investigation.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
collusion then. got it. what I said. collusion isn't a crime. to get a warrant you need a crime. to get a SC you have to have a crime. why don't you fks know this? Now you've said collusion isn't a crime, which we already knew and why for 13 months we've said so. Now you're there. a little slow, but you got there. And now the judge will tell Mueller.

Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
so far it's been about whatever the left has needed it to be until they find something - anything - where they can go THERE! THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!!

it's an open ended investigation that seems to be dead in the water so they're reaching to see if they can find anything they can to make it stick. and the nature of the relationship WAS about collusion only they didn't find it so now they reach outward and the *reach* is what the judges (3 of them, what are you legal credentials again?) are crying foul to.

"The left" has had nothing to do with this investigation.
sure they have. the Warrants all came from them. ooops.
enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
so far it's been about whatever the left has needed it to be until they find something - anything - where they can go THERE! THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!!

it's an open ended investigation that seems to be dead in the water so they're reaching to see if they can find anything they can to make it stick. and the nature of the relationship WAS about collusion only they didn't find it so now they reach outward and the *reach* is what the judges (3 of them, what are you legal credentials again?) are crying foul to.

"The left" has had nothing to do with this investigation.
And just Saturday yet ANOTHER judge rebukes Mullers bull shit.
The judge denied a request to delay the arraignment of two businesses tied to Russian interference on the 2016 election.....

Really? That’s all you’ve got? :lol:
ZOMG! That’s it! Pack your bags, Meuller!
there's a bit more to it than that and i suspect you know that but it's time for damage control and keeping the faith/hope alive.

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As "Witch Hunt" Accusations Play Out In Court

Think of this, what if a DA was going after a black NFL guy in this manner? The streets would burn and be looted and the case would get tossed on its first day. This ain’t he end of Muller, but it should slow his roll some.
by now he should know if there's anything to warrant moving forward. if so, go. if not, drop it. but all this secrecy and expanding the original scope does scream WITCH HUNT.
I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
collusion then. got it. what I said. collusion isn't a crime. to get a warrant you need a crime. to get a SC you have to have a crime. why don't you fks know this? Now you've said collusion isn't a crime, which we already knew and why for 13 months we've said so. Now you're there. a little slow, but you got there. And now the judge will tell Mueller.

Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.
enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

enlighten us. what is the clue?

If you need enlightenment on this subject after all this time, then you are truly dopey.
huh? are you saying this was never about collusion between trump and putin? is that really what you're saying? please tell me it is what you wanted to say. Please. we will all then know you are the stupid fk.

I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
so far it's been about whatever the left has needed it to be until they find something - anything - where they can go THERE! THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!!

it's an open ended investigation that seems to be dead in the water so they're reaching to see if they can find anything they can to make it stick. and the nature of the relationship WAS about collusion only they didn't find it so now they reach outward and the *reach* is what the judges (3 of them, what are you legal credentials again?) are crying foul to.

"The left" has had nothing to do with this investigation.
funny - they act as if their life is dependant on it. or their political career depending on where you're looking.
I'm saying you're retarded.

It's about investigating the nature of the relationship that members of the Trump campaign had with Russian officials, possible ties to the election interference and the potential criminality of those ties.

Any other criminality discovered is also subject.

I don't think anyone but rw morons described it simply as collusion.
collusion then. got it. what I said. collusion isn't a crime. to get a warrant you need a crime. to get a SC you have to have a crime. why don't you fks know this? Now you've said collusion isn't a crime, which we already knew and why for 13 months we've said so. Now you're there. a little slow, but you got there. And now the judge will tell Mueller.

Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?

By all means, please tell us.
Oh, you can't because the public doesn't know yet. Like you said though, it was required so we know it exists.
and what the judge asked them to provide in the Manafort case. two weeks baby and we'll finally know. cause the media has been saying it was collusion and starsky states it isn't, but there is and he knows it even though now he agrees he doesn't and insulted me cause I didn't know. well, I tell you, you can't make up the wizardry of the left. that is for sure. hly fk.

Collusion in a general sense in the media, dope. Not as an actual subject of the investigation.

Like I said earlier, if you need enlightenment at this late date, you're either dumb as shit or haven't been paying attention.
collusion then. got it. what I said. collusion isn't a crime. to get a warrant you need a crime. to get a SC you have to have a crime. why don't you fks know this? Now you've said collusion isn't a crime, which we already knew and why for 13 months we've said so. Now you're there. a little slow, but you got there. And now the judge will tell Mueller.

Damn you are stupid.

If it isn't a crime, then they obviously aren't investigating "collusion" then, dope.

Like I said in the prior post. Only you idiots believed that is what it's about.

Please tell us what the crime is that they are investigating that prompted the Special Counsel... And is required by 24 CFR prior to seating it?

By all means, please tell us.
Oh, you can't because the public doesn't know yet. Like you said though, it was required so we know it exists.
and what the judge asked them to provide in the Manafort case. two weeks baby and we'll finally know. cause the media has been saying it was collusion and starsky states it isn't, but there is and he knows it even though now he agrees he doesn't and insulted me cause I didn't know. well, I tell you, you can't make up the wizardry of the left. that is for sure. hly fk.

Collusion in a general sense in the media, dope. Not as an actual subject of the investigation.

Like I said earlier, if you need enlightenment at this late date, you're either dumb as shit or haven't been paying attention.
again, why did the congress release their memo that they found no COLLUSION then? Why? splain lucy? and why did the demolosers complain they did release that memo, if COLLUSION isn't the investigation? seems odd to me to release information on something not pursued. hmmmmmmm me thinks you had too many doughnuts.

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