Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

Yeah, the defense called for discovery. Pretty common. Yaaawn

And Mullers guys told him that it was to top secret at which point the judge called bull shit and eat them down. It’s awesome that to get heart burn thinking about it.
:lol: yeah ok dude

Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.

Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.

Months later than what?

The memo was sent in August and Manafort was indicted in October. :cuckoo:
And Mullers guys told him that it was to top secret at which point the judge called bull shit and eat them down. It’s awesome that to get heart burn thinking about it.
:lol: yeah ok dude

Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.

Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.
Sure, but you've never taken the next logical step then to understand that the investigation is about potential criminality and not collusion.
dude, I've never been at collusion. I've been at, tell me what you're investigating. that's it. what is it they are investigating. don't insult me, tell what the investigation about?

I just did. Potential criminality.
potential criminality of what? the sky is blue?

Enough with the circle jerk. You know that hasn't been released.
that isn't how our constitution works, you know this right? so you're saying you have no idea what is being investigated? The people have a right to know what a sitting president is being targeted with. We elected him and that is coup type behavior. I know you don't understand that, but the judge will let us all know shortly eh?

You have no idea about the details of any criminal investigation being conducted in America by any agency, dope.

You have a right to hear all the details when it's over.
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
Well Duh, being under investigation is not a good thing the invstegator is not the investigated's freind, thank you Captain Obvious!
In 100% of cases, someone knows what is being investigated. Why don't we know? Starsky stated we don't know. I don't know, do you? Why can't the person being investigated? According to Trump it is collusion. Well congress cleared that. They are the only body that can take the president out. Mueller can't. The congress supersedes Mueller per the design of our constitution.

In what world do you imagine that investigators share the details of their investigation with the subject of that investigation? :cuckoo:
:lol: yeah ok dude

Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.

Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.

Common sense left your life the day you voted for Donald — a serial cheater and liar with no morals.
Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.

Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.

Common sense left your life the day you voted for Donald — a serial cheater and liar with no morals.

Yes, you are triggered. You will be triggered again after Trumps second term. All your hopes of a trump impeachment are circling the drain. And you hate that.
he won't tell you, instead he'll call you a goof for not knowing it. Yet collusion has been the subject for 13 months. so now it isn't. but we're now supposed to know they changed their minds and redirected to peter pan's neverland. and fk us for not knowing what the left is calling it today. amazing shit I tell ya.
Collusion has never been the subject, dope.
If you're confused, it's your own fault.
dude, you're confused, I get it. everyday five to ten times a day a media outlet has stated that is the issue, even Congress put out a letter saying so. Not sure where the hell your head has been, other than your ass to make such a statement.

You're confused as usual. You said yourself collusion isn't a crime. Great, it's not.
The FBI and special counsels don't investigate non-crimes. Sooo....therefore the subject cannot be collusion then. Can it?
Dumbasses like you have been saying it's about collusion for 16 months now.

In general discussion, dope. As a single term to reference the many relationships the Trump team had with Russians.

Like I said, if you don't understand the many nuances of the investigation itself and the reporting on it, then you either haven't been paying attention or are simply too dense to get it.Trump is probably the single biggest user of the word collusion. No doubt to further confuse his minions.
Huh? You said you don’t have any idea what is under investigation! So how do you get here?
:lol: yeah ok dude

Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.

Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.

Since you bring it up, ever notice that it’s only liberal men getting outed for beating and raping the women? Left accuses the right of hating women, yet it’s rich white democrat men who rape and beat them. Odd.
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
Well Duh, being under investigation is not a good thing the invstegator is not the investigated's freind, thank you Captain Obvious!
In 100% of cases, someone knows what is being investigated. Why don't we know? Starsky stated we don't know. I don't know, do you? Why can't the person being investigated? According to Trump it is collusion. Well congress cleared that. They are the only body that can take the president out. Mueller can't. The congress supersedes Mueller per the design of our constitution.

In what world do you imagine that investigators share the details of their investigation with the subject of that investigation? :cuckoo:
When they contact anyone
Yup. So then speculate on Mullers big plan. Even if all go’s well for Muller (It ain’t) what is muller going to get trump for and how will he sell it to judges that are becoming hostile to him? Muller is getting sat down.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.

Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.

Common sense left your life the day you voted for Donald — a serial cheater and liar with no morals.
this coming from someone who calls others piss guzzlers cause they don't like who they like.

when we have a world wide vote and vote in YOUR preferences as the ones correct for us all, please let me know. til then, others are free to disagree with you, as you are with them w/o the need to insult and make them feel less than human.

triggered? not really. just tired of angry people who seem to think the world is as angry as they are.
However, all the charges against Manifort concern actions from ove ten years ago, so they had nothing to do with Russian meddling in the election and were therefor out of bounds for the special counsel.

The AG determines what is out of bounds, dope. Not you, any judge or rw pundit has any say in the matter.
No, actually a judge makes that deterimination, dumbass.
Since when does the DOJ need to seek the approval of the courts to investigate someone or something? Since never.
The Attorney General determines the scope of their own investigations.
Since always. The DoJ can't get subpoenas or indictments or court dates without the approval of the court, and if it is established that Mueller opened the Manifort investigation the DoJ had formerly closed for lack of evidence just to pressure Manifort to give up some dirt on Trump, that is a fourth amendment violation and ethics charges can be brought against him. In fact, Manifort can sue to make the govenment pay all his legal expenses arising from this case.

The DOJ needs no permission to investigate people. Indicments come from federal prosecutors. Not judges.
Not true. The fourth amendment protects Americans from prosecutors who open investigations to harass people or to extort information from them, as is the case with Mueller's case against Manifort.
Breaking for Fox Rush GOP dupes... There is no conspiracy protecting or going after anyone. 25 years of BS, no indictments or anything near. Icaramba how dumb can you get?

Did you graduate from a high school in the Western world. Just curious. :p
No evidence and no indictments, just a joke except for you silly twit dupes of the new BS GOP.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.

Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.

Common sense left your life the day you voted for Donald — a serial cheater and liar with no morals.
this coming from someone who calls others piss guzzlers cause they don't like who they like.

when we have a world wide vote and vote in YOUR preferences as the ones correct for us all, please let me know. til then, others are free to disagree with you, as you are with them w/o the need to insult and make them feel less than human.

triggered? not really. just tired of angry people who seem to think the world is as angry as they are.
I'd say violent, those who lost the last presidential election. beyond control to serve a phrase.
...meanwhile, desperate Mueller rejects Trump's offer to answer questions in writing.

That was more than generous by President Trump considering Mueller is off the reservation, has no crime he's investigating, has no evidence of a crime, and is in despewrate need to ask Trump questions face-to-face in order to entrap him...

If Mueller doesn't really want ANSWERS to his questions, which he just signaled by rejecting the offer, then F* him!

Saying 'no thanks' to the offered answers shows it isn't about the questions and answers at all but is about getting Trump in a room and tripping him up / entrapping him. That's Mueller's only hope now......and Trump should squash it by saying... "Then no interview / no answers."

Mueller rejects Trump request to answer questions in writing
Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.

Common sense left your life the day you voted for Donald — a serial cheater and liar with no morals.
this coming from someone who calls others piss guzzlers cause they don't like who they like.

when we have a world wide vote and vote in YOUR preferences as the ones correct for us all, please let me know. til then, others are free to disagree with you, as you are with them w/o the need to insult and make them feel less than human.

triggered? not really. just tired of angry people who seem to think the world is as angry as they are.
I'd say violent, those who lost the last presidential election. beyond control to serve a phrase.
they're certainly at war, huh?


so late 60s. all over again.
First, it’s ‘goes’

Second, judges aren’t being hostile toward Meuller; they’re doing their job. One judge wants to see proof that Meuller is within the scope of the investigation (which is easy to prove with Rosenstein’s mandate); and the other judge sided with defense on a discovery motion (which is pretty common).

Meuller isn’t going anywhere unless Trump has him fired. If he does that, he may as well resign.

Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.

Common sense left your life the day you voted for Donald — a serial cheater and liar with no morals.
this coming from someone who calls others piss guzzlers cause they don't like who they like.

when we have a world wide vote and vote in YOUR preferences as the ones correct for us all, please let me know. til then, others are free to disagree with you, as you are with them w/o the need to insult and make them feel less than human.

triggered? not really. just tired of angry people who seem to think the world is as angry as they are.
So we whistle past the graveyard while the vile human being trump lies for 2+ more years?
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.

Common sense left your life the day you voted for Donald — a serial cheater and liar with no morals.
this coming from someone who calls others piss guzzlers cause they don't like who they like.

when we have a world wide vote and vote in YOUR preferences as the ones correct for us all, please let me know. til then, others are free to disagree with you, as you are with them w/o the need to insult and make them feel less than human.

triggered? not really. just tired of angry people who seem to think the world is as angry as they are.
I'd say violent, those who lost the last presidential election. beyond control to serve a phrase.
they're certainly at war, huh?


so late 60s. all over again.
they are not for a democratic republic. cause they can't handle the outcome of an election. sad humans to say the least.
Oh, the mandate they got months later, and will have as soon as ol’Rod offers a new mandate. The public is against Muller, Judges are against Muller, and as always happens with Muller, his case will be taken apart in court and tossed out, just like all of Mullers other cases. Look for this to happen by the 2020 election just before Trumps second term. Trumpkins really should thank Muller. He is trumps best campaign tool.
Yeah, right. Mueller was picked to head the investigation because he has a terrible track record. *Rolls eyes* I’m sure you’ve got proof of that.

You should come up for air before you drown in the Trump piss you’re guzzling
and i guess you got same type of proof of trump piss guzzling?

i didn't think so.

you're just an angry dude, dude. common sense left your life about the time the stockings went on i imagine.

Common sense left your life the day you voted for Donald — a serial cheater and liar with no morals.
this coming from someone who calls others piss guzzlers cause they don't like who they like.

when we have a world wide vote and vote in YOUR preferences as the ones correct for us all, please let me know. til then, others are free to disagree with you, as you are with them w/o the need to insult and make them feel less than human.

triggered? not really. just tired of angry people who seem to think the world is as angry as they are.
So we whistle past the graveyard while the vile human being trump lies for 2+ more years?
more triggered display
The AG determines what is out of bounds, dope. Not you, any judge or rw pundit has any say in the matter.
No, actually a judge makes that deterimination, dumbass.
Since when does the DOJ need to seek the approval of the courts to investigate someone or something? Since never.
The Attorney General determines the scope of their own investigations.
Since always. The DoJ can't get subpoenas or indictments or court dates without the approval of the court, and if it is established that Mueller opened the Manifort investigation the DoJ had formerly closed for lack of evidence just to pressure Manifort to give up some dirt on Trump, that is a fourth amendment violation and ethics charges can be brought against him. In fact, Manifort can sue to make the govenment pay all his legal expenses arising from this case.

The DOJ needs no permission to investigate people. Indicments come from federal prosecutors. Not judges.
Not true. The fourth amendment protects Americans from prosecutors who open investigations to harass people or to extort information from them, as is the case with Mueller's case against Manifort.

The investigation began because of Russian election interference and Trump's people are a part of that because of their many contacts with Russians during the campaign.

Lying about the nature of the investigation doesn't help your case.
No, actually a judge makes that deterimination, dumbass.
Since when does the DOJ need to seek the approval of the courts to investigate someone or something? Since never.
The Attorney General determines the scope of their own investigations.
Since always. The DoJ can't get subpoenas or indictments or court dates without the approval of the court, and if it is established that Mueller opened the Manifort investigation the DoJ had formerly closed for lack of evidence just to pressure Manifort to give up some dirt on Trump, that is a fourth amendment violation and ethics charges can be brought against him. In fact, Manifort can sue to make the govenment pay all his legal expenses arising from this case.

The DOJ needs no permission to investigate people. Indicments come from federal prosecutors. Not judges.
Not true. The fourth amendment protects Americans from prosecutors who open investigations to harass people or to extort information from them, as is the case with Mueller's case against Manifort.

The investigation began because of Russian election interference and Trump's people are a part of that because of their many contacts with Russians during the campaign.

Lying about the nature of the investigation doesn't help your case.

The investigation is because the Progs refuse to accept the will of the people and wish to punish us for not supporting them.

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