BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

Anyway, screw all this bickering.

A victory is a victory, and this is so sweet. I've watched too many candidates that are just like Rand take a beating by the establishment and get screwed over in the end.

Hey Kev, how good does this feel???? :D

It feels great. This is the liberty movement's primary race, and a convincing victory like this lets us know everything we've been doing has been worth it. It's been a great year for us so far, though. We've got Rand winning his primary, BJ Lawson winning his primary, I'm hoping Adam Kokesh can win his in New Mexico, and I think John Dennis can win the primary in San Diego. Peter Schiff I think is a lost cause at this point.
Oh wow, Lawson won too??? I just got home from a busy day and I haven't checked on all the races yet.

Schiff won't win because he's too well known for having such an extremely negative opinion on the economy. People don't respond well to that, which might have ironically been one of Ron's bigger flaws as well.

sometimes the truth hurts too much.
So you are winning people over to your point of view and you are mad about it?

Seriously, that seems a bit absurd. I thought you wanted to convince people that your way was correct.
I don't believe for one second that people like her have been "won over".

She's happy about nothing more than a victory for the "R".

I guess it's the luxury that comes with having such a far left liberal sitting in the oval office, and a liberal stranglehold in congress.

LOL, you got one thing right, nothing you or any commie Progressive sold could ever win me over.
so you can leave me off your list.:lol:

I'm ecstatic about probably the best rightie in any race winning an election today, but I'm a commie progressive? :lol:

That's why you're a dumb redneck.
I don't believe for one second that people like her have been "won over".

She's happy about nothing more than a victory for the "R".

I guess it's the luxury that comes with having such a far left liberal sitting in the oval office, and a liberal stranglehold in congress.

LOL, you got one thing right, nothing you or any commie Progressive sold could ever win me over.
so you can leave me off your list.:lol:

I'm ecstatic about probably the best rightie in any race winning an election today, but I'm a commie progressive? :lol:

That's why you're a dumb redneck.

and you are a typical Ron Paul supporter. all nasty and childish.
I like a lot of Ron Pauls ideas, but there were too many that I didn't like so that was a reason I wouldn't support him, but don't let the facts get in your way of all the name calling.
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Anyway, screw all this bickering.

A victory is a victory, and this is so sweet. I've watched too many candidates that are just like Rand take a beating by the establishment and get screwed over in the end.

Hey Kev, how good does this feel???? :D

It feels great. This is the liberty movement's primary race, and a convincing victory like this lets us know everything we've been doing has been worth it. It's been a great year for us so far, though. We've got Rand winning his primary, BJ Lawson winning his primary, I'm hoping Adam Kokesh can win his in New Mexico, and I think John Dennis can win the primary in San Diego. Peter Schiff I think is a lost cause at this point.
Oh wow, Lawson won too??? I just got home from a busy day and I haven't checked on all the races yet.

Schiff won't win because he's too well known for having such an extremely negative opinion on the economy. People don't respond well to that, which might have ironically been one of Ron's bigger flaws as well.

sometimes the truth hurts too much.

Lawson won a few weeks ago.

Well I think that would have worked to his benefit this election cycle, honestly. His accurately predicting the recession would make him look very good. I think he simply ran a poor campaign. He waited too long to start actively campaigning and much of the liberty movement lost interest. Since that's essentially his donation base I think he screwed himself by not getting into the game much much sooner than he did.
Anyway, screw all this bickering.

A victory is a victory, and this is so sweet. I've watched too many candidates that are just like Rand take a beating by the establishment and get screwed over in the end.

Hey Kev, how good does this feel???? :D
Good for you, Pauli...I've no idea if this guy is a good politician but a needle in the eye of a Republican is always a good thing.
The Tea Party momentum is exceeding even my own expectations.

It appears PA-12 is looking good as well...
We need more like Rand Paul that cares about this country to become senators. To hell with the transie globalist democrats and Republicans. They suck! To hell with the amnesty loving democrats and republicans that went to destroy the life blood of the greatest nation in human history for a buck. To hell with them.
We need more like Rand Paul that cares about this country to become senators. To hell with the transie globalist democrats and Republicans. They suck! To hell with the amnesty loving democrats and republicans that went to destroy the life blood of the greatest nation in human history for a buck. To hell with them.


Rand is working to reform and revitalize the Republican Party from within, and unlike his father, has the tactical abilities to help do so. Rand attracts both Democrat and Republican conservatives, and as such, is yet another example of significant victory for conservatism in 2010...
Anyway, screw all this bickering.

A victory is a victory, and this is so sweet. I've watched too many candidates that are just like Rand take a beating by the establishment and get screwed over in the end.

Hey Kev, how good does this feel???? :D
Good for you, Pauli...I've no idea if this guy is a good politician but a needle in the eye of a Republican is always a good thing.
Google him. Besides leaning right, I bet you'll like what you see.

He's a good human being above all else.
A very substantial margin of victory for the Tea Party candidate.

Paul will now quickly mend fences with the Republican Party machine, but will, by the significance of his victory, be in the driver's seat when dictating terms.

And so the conservative tide heading into November 2010 grows...


LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Rand Paul defeated Republican establishment favorite Trey Grayson in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, a closely watched race that was a key test of the tea party movement's strength.

Paul, the son of former presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, on Tuesday gave the tea party its first victory in a statewide election — one that could embolden the fledgling political movement in other states. With 31 percent of precincts reporting, Paul was leading with 65,702 votes, or 59 percent, to Grayson's 40,767 votes or 37 percent.

Paul wins Ky. Sen. primary in test of tea party | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle

Tea party? He's a Libertarian, he'll drive those neocons nuts.

Neocons are NOT conservatives, they are RINO's- kinda like our phony conservative Jake Starkey - fake- false-non-genuine- naugahyde.

RINO's and Liberals are on the way out. Real Conservatives and Libertarians are on the way in.
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All the neocons cheering for Rand's victory? Oh, that's hilarious. :lol:
Good luck to Mr Paul....the spotlight is now upon you

Bowling Green, Kentucky (CNN) - A win by Rand Paul in Kentucky's Republican Senate primary on Tuesday, a likely prospect according to most polling, would give the Tea Party movement its biggest triumph of the 2010 election season.

But it will also be a win for Democrats who would prefer to run against Paul - a libertarian-leaning ophthalmologist and son of former presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul of Texas - instead of the other leading GOP contender and establishment favorite, Secretary of State Trey Grayson.

Democrats are confident that Paul's uncompromising small-government views - he would like to shutter the departments of Education and Agriculture, for example - will alienate moderate voters in a general election contest against the eventual Democratic nominee, either Lt. Gov. Dan Mongiardo or Attorney General Jack Conway. Their primary is considered too close to call as the race enters its final hours.

OK, a couple of things here:

1. It was a Republican Primary won by a far-right libertarian type. That's the first battle, not the war.

2. I failed to notice the "Tea Party" label at the top of his ticket. Seems like a Libertarian running as a Republican to me. Does the "Tea Party" have any actual candidates? Is the "Tea Party" a party?
OK, a couple of things here:

1. It was a Republican Primary won by a far-right libertarian type. That's the first battle, not the war.

2. I failed to notice the "Tea Party" label at the top of his ticket. Seems like a Libertarian running as a Republican to me. Does the "Tea Party" have any actual candidates? Is the "Tea Party" a party?
Did Palin endorse him? That would be a huge buzz kill.
OK, a couple of things here:

1. It was a Republican Primary won by a far-right libertarian type. That's the first battle, not the war.

2. I failed to notice the "Tea Party" label at the top of his ticket. Seems like a Libertarian running as a Republican to me. Does the "Tea Party" have any actual candidates? Is the "Tea Party" a party?
Did Palin endorse him? That would be a huge buzz kill.

Yes, she did. I wasn't overly thrilled about it myself, but it certainly didn't hurt politically.
Rand Paul's victory speech - and yes, it's pretty damn good, and he once again embraces the Tea Party Movement... Live
OK, a couple of things here:

1. It was a Republican Primary won by a far-right libertarian type. That's the first battle, not the war.

2. I failed to notice the "Tea Party" label at the top of his ticket. Seems like a Libertarian running as a Republican to me. Does the "Tea Party" have any actual candidates? Is the "Tea Party" a party?
Did Palin endorse him? That would be a huge buzz kill.

She did, which will play well with the righties, but probably not with the rest of the populace.

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