BOOM! Thanks dems! I truly appreciate it!

R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...

"Nuclear"... sounds scary.

It's constitutional option.
It should sound scary because it is scary that our leaders have come to this. It is so far from how our government is supposed to function it makes me sick. Hyper partisan with one side legislating to the extreme of their ideology while the minority party does nothing but obstruct. How embarrassing. Our government is supposed to represent the people, not just a small fraction. All efforts should be bi partisan with input from all. I wouldn't mind if all of congress got shit canned and we started over with respectable leaders who were willing to work as a team

Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
It was wrong when Harry did it and it's wrong now. I was glad to see him go
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...

"Nuclear"... sounds scary.

It's constitutional option.
It should sound scary because it is scary that our leaders have come to this. It is so far from how our government is supposed to function it makes me sick. Hyper partisan with one side legislating to the extreme of their ideology while the minority party does nothing but obstruct. How embarrassing. Our government is supposed to represent the people, not just a small fraction. All efforts should be bi partisan with input from all. I wouldn't mind if all of congress got shit canned and we started over with respectable leaders who were willing to work as a team

Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
Don't we teach our kids that two wrongs don't make a right? Is there an exception for our leaders with this basic principle?
The circus you're seeing is the democrats trying to thwart Trump from making any progress because they know it'll make them look worse in the end.

It would seem odd in any other context to stop progress then point and say " see he is making no progress".
Ignore liberals completely. The world will make more sense.
The circus you're seeing is the democrats trying to thwart Trump from making any progress because they know it'll make them look worse in the end.

It would seem odd in any other context to stop progress then point and say " see he is making no progress".
Ignore liberals completely. The world will make more sense.
Its a Republican House, Senate and Whitehouse. There's not much the Dem's can do to really stop progress.
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...

"Nuclear"... sounds scary.

It's constitutional option.
It should sound scary because it is scary that our leaders have come to this. It is so far from how our government is supposed to function it makes me sick. Hyper partisan with one side legislating to the extreme of their ideology while the minority party does nothing but obstruct. How embarrassing. Our government is supposed to represent the people, not just a small fraction. All efforts should be bi partisan with input from all. I wouldn't mind if all of congress got shit canned and we started over with respectable leaders who were willing to work as a team

Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
It was wrong when Harry did it and it's wrong now. I was glad to see him go

Harry and Democrats didn't think it was wrong and they all fall in line and did it anyways.
It's time for Democrats to learn the lesson hard way and see how does it look when you know something is wrong but you do it regardless. I would pay to watch that show.
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...

"Nuclear"... sounds scary.

It's constitutional option.
It should sound scary because it is scary that our leaders have come to this. It is so far from how our government is supposed to function it makes me sick. Hyper partisan with one side legislating to the extreme of their ideology while the minority party does nothing but obstruct. How embarrassing. Our government is supposed to represent the people, not just a small fraction. All efforts should be bi partisan with input from all. I wouldn't mind if all of congress got shit canned and we started over with respectable leaders who were willing to work as a team

Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
Don't we teach our kids that two wrongs don't make a right? Is there an exception for our leaders with this basic principle?

We sometimes teach kids that "repeating is mother of knowledge". The only way to find out if Democrats learned the lesson is to wait and see what they're going to do when they get power next time and if they're going to abuse it, again.
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...

"Nuclear"... sounds scary.

It's constitutional option.
It should sound scary because it is scary that our leaders have come to this. It is so far from how our government is supposed to function it makes me sick. Hyper partisan with one side legislating to the extreme of their ideology while the minority party does nothing but obstruct. How embarrassing. Our government is supposed to represent the people, not just a small fraction. All efforts should be bi partisan with input from all. I wouldn't mind if all of congress got shit canned and we started over with respectable leaders who were willing to work as a team

Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
It was wrong when Harry did it and it's wrong now. I was glad to see him go

Harry and Democrats didn't think it was wrong and they all fall in line and did it anyways.
It's time for Democrats to learn the lesson hard way and see how does it look when you know something is wrong but you do it regardless. I would pay to watch that show.
So the rest of us who don't give a damn about D's and R's have to suffer while you partisan hacks play your child games? Grow the fuck up and don't be complacent with bullshit like this. Both sides should be ashamed of themselves.
"Nuclear"... sounds scary.

It's constitutional option.
It should sound scary because it is scary that our leaders have come to this. It is so far from how our government is supposed to function it makes me sick. Hyper partisan with one side legislating to the extreme of their ideology while the minority party does nothing but obstruct. How embarrassing. Our government is supposed to represent the people, not just a small fraction. All efforts should be bi partisan with input from all. I wouldn't mind if all of congress got shit canned and we started over with respectable leaders who were willing to work as a team

Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
It was wrong when Harry did it and it's wrong now. I was glad to see him go

Harry and Democrats didn't think it was wrong and they all fall in line and did it anyways.
It's time for Democrats to learn the lesson hard way and see how does it look when you know something is wrong but you do it regardless. I would pay to watch that show.
So the rest of us who don't give a damn about D's and R's have to suffer while you partisan hacks play your child games? Grow the fuck up and don't be complacent with bullshit like this. Both sides should be ashamed of themselves.

The only child games are played by Democrats.

They knew "nuclear option" was wrong, but they did it.
They knew shoving the CommieCare on Americans was wrong, but they did it.

Now when situation is reversed, they cry that "two wrongs doesn't make it right".

If you punch me, don't expect that I won't punch you back, because I know it's not right. You asked for it. Democrats asked for it and they're getting it, and the only way to end Democrat's punching is to beat the crap out of them with their own game, and once for all, so they never think about punching ever again.
Last edited:
"Nuclear"... sounds scary.

It's constitutional option.
It should sound scary because it is scary that our leaders have come to this. It is so far from how our government is supposed to function it makes me sick. Hyper partisan with one side legislating to the extreme of their ideology while the minority party does nothing but obstruct. How embarrassing. Our government is supposed to represent the people, not just a small fraction. All efforts should be bi partisan with input from all. I wouldn't mind if all of congress got shit canned and we started over with respectable leaders who were willing to work as a team

Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
It was wrong when Harry did it and it's wrong now. I was glad to see him go

Harry and Democrats didn't think it was wrong and they all fall in line and did it anyways.
It's time for Democrats to learn the lesson hard way and see how does it look when you know something is wrong but you do it regardless. I would pay to watch that show.
So the rest of us who don't give a damn about D's and R's have to suffer while you partisan hacks play your child games? Grow the fuck up and don't be complacent with bullshit like this. Both sides should be ashamed of themselves.

Both sides? No dude, Democrats brought us to this without feeling any shame, because they don't have any. They seized the opportunity and used it, and now when they have no power anymore, they want to go back to normal. They're doing the same thing over and over since Democrat party and they'll do it again the first chance they get. I say, let them squeal and do it anyways... in their faces.
Of course the GOP has changed everything the last 30 years with a giveaway to the rich, a ridiculously dishonest and hateful propaganda machine, and ridiculous obstruction like a never before seen obstruction of a great SC candidate. Not to mention incompetent, disastrous wars and a world depression. WTF is wrong with you zombies...
It should sound scary because it is scary that our leaders have come to this. It is so far from how our government is supposed to function it makes me sick. Hyper partisan with one side legislating to the extreme of their ideology while the minority party does nothing but obstruct. How embarrassing. Our government is supposed to represent the people, not just a small fraction. All efforts should be bi partisan with input from all. I wouldn't mind if all of congress got shit canned and we started over with respectable leaders who were willing to work as a team

Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
It was wrong when Harry did it and it's wrong now. I was glad to see him go

Harry and Democrats didn't think it was wrong and they all fall in line and did it anyways.
It's time for Democrats to learn the lesson hard way and see how does it look when you know something is wrong but you do it regardless. I would pay to watch that show.
So the rest of us who don't give a damn about D's and R's have to suffer while you partisan hacks play your child games? Grow the fuck up and don't be complacent with bullshit like this. Both sides should be ashamed of themselves.

Both sides? No dude, Democrats brought us to this without feeling any shame, because they don't have any. They seized the opportunity and used it, and now when they have no power anymore, they want to go back to normal. They're doing the same thing over and over since Democrat party and they'll do it again the first chance they get. I say, let them squeal and do it anyways... in their faces.
The Dems didn't go nuclear until after 7 years of the most ridiculous obstruction in our history by hypocrite Pubs...and in a limited way. And not after 60 days, dupes.
Of course the GOP has changed everything the last 30 years with a giveaway to the rich, a ridiculously dishonest and hateful propaganda machine, and ridiculous obstruction like a never before seen obstruction of a great SC candidate. Not to mention incompetent, disastrous wars and a world depression. WTF is wrong with you zombies...

There you go... no argument, so lets turn to deception.

Party of the rich. Riiiiigt.
Propaganda? How many media outlets are pushing Democrats agenda, again?
Obstruction? Barry got everything he wanted, one way or another, because... racism?
Biden rule?

Squeal like a pig, boy.
Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
It was wrong when Harry did it and it's wrong now. I was glad to see him go

Harry and Democrats didn't think it was wrong and they all fall in line and did it anyways.
It's time for Democrats to learn the lesson hard way and see how does it look when you know something is wrong but you do it regardless. I would pay to watch that show.
So the rest of us who don't give a damn about D's and R's have to suffer while you partisan hacks play your child games? Grow the fuck up and don't be complacent with bullshit like this. Both sides should be ashamed of themselves.

Both sides? No dude, Democrats brought us to this without feeling any shame, because they don't have any. They seized the opportunity and used it, and now when they have no power anymore, they want to go back to normal. They're doing the same thing over and over since Democrat party and they'll do it again the first chance they get. I say, let them squeal and do it anyways... in their faces.
The Dems didn't go nuclear until after 7 years of the most ridiculous obstruction in our history by hypocrite Pubs...and in a limited way. And not after 60 days, dupes.

Why Democrats did it at all? There were rules and they decided to go against them.

They lost the election because of going against the rules and for being arrogant assholes, especially asshole in chief Barry.

I say, 60 days is around 59 days overdue. Payback is a bitch.
Right... It's ok to use nuclear option if you're democrat and need to remove filibuster so they can push their agenda. But when the other side does it, it's unacceptable. They should've think about that before they thought they're going to hold the power forever and get themselves in deep shit.

You reap what you sow. Enjoy it.
It was wrong when Harry did it and it's wrong now. I was glad to see him go

Harry and Democrats didn't think it was wrong and they all fall in line and did it anyways.
It's time for Democrats to learn the lesson hard way and see how does it look when you know something is wrong but you do it regardless. I would pay to watch that show.
So the rest of us who don't give a damn about D's and R's have to suffer while you partisan hacks play your child games? Grow the fuck up and don't be complacent with bullshit like this. Both sides should be ashamed of themselves.

Both sides? No dude, Democrats brought us to this without feeling any shame, because they don't have any. They seized the opportunity and used it, and now when they have no power anymore, they want to go back to normal. They're doing the same thing over and over since Democrat party and they'll do it again the first chance they get. I say, let them squeal and do it anyways... in their faces.
The Dems didn't go nuclear until after 7 years of the most ridiculous obstruction in our history by hypocrite Pubs...and in a limited way. And not after 60 days, dupes.
I repeat, "elections have consequences." The Republicans won all three Houses. They have a mandate. And the Democrats are the obstructionists.

The problem with Both Houses, this forum, and the world in general is that everybody wants to be heard but nobody wants to listen. I bet no Democrats play these youtube video because they only care about what they think and not the logical counter argument.

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