'Boomerang' ... 'Double-Edged Sword'? Same, Same - Biden Actions / Biden's Son's Dealings Revealed

"I said you’re not getting the billion, and I’m going to be leaving here, and I think it was what, six hours. I looked. I said I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired."

Again, why was Hunter Biden working for a known notoriously criminal Ukraine energy company and named to their board of directors ... being a massive conflict of interest with daddy being named the #1 Obama Point Man for Ukraine.

Why was blackmailing the Ukraine P.M. into firing their top prosecutor by threatening to withhold much needed money as Putin prepared to invade this ally and annex Crimea so important?

Why did Barry and Biden inject themselves into the governments of allies and other nations, blackmailing them and using force to help criminals and terrorists?
- Using tax dollars to try to influence Israel's election...
- Blackmailing the Ukraine P.M. ...
- 'Pimping out' our military to Al Qaeda to help them murder Gaddafi & take over Libya
- Invading Syria

Democrat supporters are right - Joe has some explaining to do...

There is no double edged sword.
Wow, thinking is not your strong suit, I see. The fact that DEMOCRATS are telling Biden he has a lot of explaining to do now, and the fact that a new California poll shows Warren suddenly pulling out to an 8--point lead over Biden proves the 'double-edged sword' is already 'cutting' Biden.


Way to go Hillary & Fake news liberal media...
Wrong. Warren has been consistently moving up. There is no double edged sword, the prosecutor was not investigating the company in question. The fact he wasn't is a prime reason he was wanted out by the EU, G7 and the government of the United States. You don't know shit about this and consistently posting that video does not tell the story.
"I said you’re not getting the billion, and I’m going to be leaving here, and I think it was what, six hours. I looked. I said I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired."

Again, why was Hunter Biden working for a known notoriously criminal Ukraine energy company and named to their board of directors ... being a massive conflict of interest with daddy being named the #1 Obama Point Man for Ukraine.

Why was blackmailing the Ukraine P.M. into firing their top prosecutor by threatening to withhold much needed money as Putin prepared to invade this ally and annex Crimea?

Why did Barry and Biden inject themselves into the governments of allies and other nations, blackmailing them and using force to help criminals and terrorists?
- Using tax dollars to try to influence Israel's election...
- Blackmailing the Ukraine P.M. ...
- 'Pimping out' our military to Al Qaeda to help them murder Gaddafi & take over Libya
- Invading Syria

Democrat supporters are right - Joe has some explaining to do...


Yawn! More right wing retardation.
Wrong. Warren has been consistently moving up.

Yeah, Biden is feeling zero heat for admitting on video he blackmailed the Ukraine P.M.

I am sure the Democrats asking for Biden to answer questions about his son and his video-taped confession weren't serious - they were just kidding.

"I said you’re not getting the billion, and I’m going to be leaving here, and I think it was what, six hours. I looked. I said I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired."

Only a snowflake can tell a Democrat who confesses on video tape to blackmailing a foreign leader they are wrong and did not do so.

This is almost as dumb as the snowflake claiming last night that the video and audio of Joe's confession was PHOTO SHOPPED.


Your TDS has become 'terminal'...

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Debunked. Sorry wingnut.

"It cannot be an abuse of power for the president to encourage a foreign government to crack down on corruption, even if the corruption in question coincidentally involves the Democratic frontrunner for president"

The President of the United States asking the Ukraine Prime Minister to re-open or re-look at possible crimes by Americans in his country - which former VP Biden blackmailed him into closing / ending, especially when there is a chance Biden might become the President - is not a crime.

If anything it is safeguarding the country from being possibly run by another criminal Democrat...and it is the President's job to protect the country.
Biden is "guilty of" getting a corrupt prosecutor removed. Something the EU, the G7, and the International Monetary Fund supported

Trump...tried to coerce a foreign government into opening a bogus investigation of his political rival
Debunked. Sorry wingnut.

View attachment 280716

Not debunked.

Biden blackmailed an allied nation's leader, no matter the reason, but this does not matter to supporters of admitted criminal Biden or the criminal Obama administration, that injected itself into allied and enemy governments alike.

No one has even bothered to try to answer why Biden's son was working for, on the Board of, and being paid by a known notoriously criminal energy company known to have done business with Putin in the past and that stood to benefit from the US not helping the UK AND allowing Russia to annex Crimea....

At the same time Biden was named Obama's Point Man for Ukraine...

That ignored conflict of interest and Biden's confession that he blackmailed the Ukraine P.M. is enough for Joe to have to answer questions ... according to Democrat supporters.

Never have I seen such sheep willing to close their eyes and 'swallow' to protect their own....while continuing to cling to unsupported and debunked false narratives / failed coup cover stories...
"It cannot be an abuse of power for the president to encourage a foreign government to crack down on corruption, even if the corruption in question coincidentally involves the Democratic frontrunner for president"

The President of the United States asking the Ukraine Prime Minister to re-open or re-look at possible crimes by Americans in his country - which former VP Biden blackmailed him into closing / ending, especially when there is a chance Biden might become the President - is not a crime.

If anything it is safeguarding the country from being possibly run by another criminal Democrat...and it is the President's job to protect the country.
Just what we all need A lying criminal, a sack of **** protecting us Are you kidding me?
The Whistle Blower wasn't one of the approved staff.... HE GOT THE INFORMATION SECOND HAND thus it is HEARSAY!

Now we have a leak investigation for the release of TOP SECRET INFORMATION as the phone conversations of President are TOP SECRET!

Now the would be whistleblower is nothing more than a hearsay person without first hand knowledge of the subject.. Now we have a criminal investigation....

The Left and deep state sure stepped in it...
We knew about this stuff when it first happened. Why are the pundits two years late in talking about it?
Biden is "guilty of" getting a corrupt prosecutor removed. Something the EU, the G7, and the International Monetary Fund supported

Trump...tried to coerce a foreign government into opening a bogus investigation of his political rival

It was a CYA by Obama and Biden to hide their criminal conduct.
Debunked. Sorry wingnut.

View attachment 280716
Since the Trumpnuts endlessly repeat lies...I'll repeat the truth


Obstruction of the complaint is the crime. There may be others, but the crime which should be emphasized is not how many times the administration says it pressured the Ukrainian president, but the act of obstruction which is keeping that urgent, credible report from going to Congress.
"I said you’re not getting the billion, and I’m going to be leaving here, and I think it was what, six hours. I looked. I said I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired."

Again, why was Hunter Biden working for a known notoriously criminal Ukraine energy company and named to their board of directors ... being a massive conflict of interest with daddy being named the #1 Obama Point Man for Ukraine.

Why was blackmailing the Ukraine P.M. into firing their top prosecutor by threatening to withhold much needed money as Putin prepared to invade this ally and annex Crimea so important?

Why did Barry and Biden inject themselves into the governments of allies and other nations, blackmailing them and using force to help criminals and terrorists?
- Using tax dollars to try to influence Israel's election...
- Blackmailing the Ukraine P.M. ...
- 'Pimping out' our military to Al Qaeda to help them murder Gaddafi & take over Libya
- Invading Syria

Democrat supporters are right - Joe has some explaining to do...

Like gator pointed out, our gov in general has a long history of "buying solutions". I can't get mad at Biden or Obama if every president did it before them.
Trump ordered a hold on 400 million in military aid days before calling the Ukraine president asking for help to get biden

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