'Boomerang' ... 'Double-Edged Sword'? Same, Same - Biden Actions / Biden's Son's Dealings Revealed

"in an entirely different case, uncovered financial records showing just how much Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s company received from Burisma while Joe Biden acted as Obama’s point man on Ukraine.

Between April 2014 and October 2015, more than $3 million was paid out of Burisma accounts to an account linked to Biden’s and Archer’s Rosemont Seneca firm. The bank records show that, on most months when Burisma money flowed, two wire transfers of $83,333.33 each were sent to the Rosemont Seneca–connected account on the same day. The same Rosemont Seneca–linked account typically then would pay Hunter Biden one or more payments ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 each."

Perhaps we need to demand that Unca Joe's taxes and financial records during that time be pulled....
In 2016, when Biden was VP 'put pressure on' Ukraine to fire their top prosecutor, who happened to have run a criminal case involving Biden's son. 'Put Pressure on' is the media's nice way to describe extortion / blackmail, the US VP injecting himself into an allied nation's government through threat of withholding promised money unless our ally did exactly what they were told to do.

During this time, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son - , a lawyer and lobbyist who was kicked out of the Navy in 2014 after he tested positive for cocaine - was on the board of Burisma Holdings. Hunter knew absolutely nothing about energy or the energy industry, the company he was working with was notoriously criminal, and Hunter Biden was being paid a ton of money for knowing / doing nothing....

"The controversy can be traced back to March 2014, when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula in Eastern Ukraine, setting off an international crisis. As the administration’s point-man on Ukraine, Biden led the U.S. response.

That April, Biden’s son, Hunter, was appointed to the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company, despite lacking substantive experience working in Ukraine or the energy sector. He received compensation that was reportedly as high as $50,000 a month.

At the time, Burisma was seeking to build inroads to U.S. Democrats as it faced investigative scrutiny. The same month Hunter Biden joined Burisma, the U.K. government froze bank accounts that allegedly belonged to its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, as part of a money laundering investigation."

Why Trump’s Ukraine scandal could backfire on Biden
Bad, bad, bad Democrats... bad, bad ...

Just more of that same shit from the board's biggest snowflake.

Poor Widdle Tinker Bell

projecting yet again eh?

can you put an actual link between this and it being for his son?

and from what i'm learning, our gov holding money to get what we want isn't anything new. looking back, that's very true.

$50k a month for his son afterward? hmmmmm, one must be blind and stupid. Why would Joe lie about discussing the subject with his son? His son is on record saying he spoke to his father on the subject. Why is it Biden's kid his hands off and every child of trump's is hands on? please, someone with a brain answer.
"In February 2014, Biden became the Obama administration’s “point man” on Ukraine. Within months, Hunter’s business, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, was receiving large monthly deposits from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. These payments began in the spring of 2014 and continued through the fall of 2015. According to writer Peter Schweitzer, both Hunter and his business partner were named to Burisma’s board in the spring of 2014 as well. Hunter was tasked with overseeing Burisma’s legal team."

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

I am sure it was a complete coincidence that a notoriously criminal Ukrainian Energy company sought out a young U.S. Lawyer who had been kicked out of the U.S. military for drug use. I can see it now - them thinking to themselves, 'No one could legally represent our Ukrainian Energy Company than a disgraced, young U.S. lawyer who was booted from the military.'

I am sure the fact that his father was the U.S. V.P. or that Joe had recently been made Barry's 'Point Man' on Ukraine played no part in Hunter Biden not only being hired on by the company as a lawyer but also being appointed to the company's Board...despite not knowing anything about the energy business.



Probably because Ukraine's lawyers suck. American lawyer can get billion dollar deal from China, when nobody else can. Being VP's son has nothing to do with it. He's just that good.


Ukraine Controversy Turns Into Double-Edged Sword For Biden As Son's Dealings Revealed

It was meant to be the 'We REALLY Have Him This Time' Moment. The Leak, the accusation, the scandal, Trump colluding with foreigners again against Democrats...but the latest 'Collusion Delusion' was not thought out, and the attempt has quickly turned into another 'boomerang'...or a 'double-edged sword' for Joe Biden as his 'Ukraine Extortion' scandal was almost forgotten, almost completely ignored, all but 'dead and buried'...

...until the media decided to bring the scandal, initially brought to everyone's attention in 2016 by Hillary Clinton in an attempt to make sure Biden did not enter the race, to 'center stage' again, spinning it in an attack on the President.

It turns out the whistle blower accusing President Trump had no 1st-hand account information but was told about what supposedly happened...the latest accusations coming from yet another porous Democrat leak, and the PM of Ukraine has debunked the story of how Trump did what Biden did in 2016, threaten to withhold money / extort Ukraine. It also turns out that bringing up the Biden scandal to go after Trump was a risky, desperate gamble that has quickly turned on Joe Biden.

The focus is rapidly shifting to Biden's son's dealings that were exposed in a Ukraine investigation at the heart of this latest scandal / 'collusion delusion'.

Ukraine controversy turns into double-edged sword for Biden
can you put an actual link between this and it being for his son?and from what i'm learning, our gov holding money to get what we want isn't anything new. looking back, that's very true.
If it is nothing new, then why are snowflakes / Democrats having a cow over Trump being accused of doing what Joe bragged about doing?
It's EXACTLY what the democraps did with the RUSSIAN COLLUSION DELUSION... accuse Trump of exactly what THEY WERE DOING.

Evidently democrats aren't smart enough to understand that it can and WILL come back to bite THEM in the ass. One can only surmise that their UNHINGED HATE and TDS overrides their PEA BRAINS.

Democrats are the party of trash. Corrupt to the core, and they WILL lose AGAIN in 2020, because they have done NOTHING, NOTHING, since they took congress other than INVESTIGATE SHIT THEY MADE UP, and their only message so far on their campaign trail is ORANGE MAN BAD. People are sick of it.
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I'm all for investigating hunter, but done in the LEGAL manner.... DOJ decides it needs investigating, it turns it over to the FBI Anti Foreign Corruption unit to investigate

this CORRUPT president's actions, using his personal lawyer to investigate, and urging the Ukraine President to assist Giuliani in his investigation 8 times in his conversation with the Ukraine President, while holding back the funds that congress had appropriated to the Ukraine for their national defense against Russia until 2 days after the president found out there was a whistle blower, is the definition of CORRUPTION, and needs to be investigated...

coupled with breaking the law that states congress SHALL receive a copy of the whistleblower IG Report within 7 days, and not giving it to them... has made the alleged impropriety look even worse.

if he has nothing to hide, which it's possible that he does not, then he should allow congress intel heads, get the IG Report.

Also, the IG verified the whistleblower's 2nd hand complaint with first hand accounts of what happened, he DID NOT simply take the whistleblower's word for it....

the IG designated the complaint as CREDIBLE and URGENT.....

this is Trump's picked IG.

Is that truth or you heard it on CNN?

By the way, the IG Horowitz was appointed by Barry, not Trump.
Probably because Ukraine's lawyers suck. American lawyer can get billion dollar deal from China, when nobody else can. Being VP's son has nothing to do with it. He's just that good.
So you are TRYING to say take away the fact that Joe Biden - the Vice President of the United States and the newly appointed Obama administration Point Man on Ukraine, just as Russia is about to annex Crimea, which is important to Putin's stranglehold on Europe's dependency on Russian ENERGY - is Hunter's father, and this notorious criminally-run Ukraine Energy company STILL seeks out a little-known American lawyer who had not long before been kicked out of the military for drug use....and that after finding this American lawyer they don't just hire him to be ONE of their lawyers but also appointed him to be on their Board of Directors despite his not knowing the 1st thing about Energy, Energy Companies, or anything about the Geo-Political situation in Europe in regards to Europe's dependency on Russian energy & Putin's planned annexation of Crimea?!

Also, Ummm, if 'daddy' does not factor into the equation at all, how (and, again, why - what was their motivation / reason for seeking HIM out) did they find Hunter? Yellow Pages? Google?

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Probably because Ukraine's lawyers suck. American lawyer can get billion dollar deal from China, when nobody else can. Being VP's son has nothing to do with it. He's just that good.
So you are TRYING to say take away the fact that Joe Biden - the Vice President of the United States and the newly appointed Obama administration Point Man on Ukraine - just as Russia is about to annex Crimea, which is important to Putin's stranglehold on Europe's dependency on Russian ENERGY - is Hunter's father, and this notorious criminally-run Ukraine Energy company STILL seeks out a little-known American lawyer who had not long before been kicked out of the military for drug use....and that after finding this lawyer they don't just hire him to be ONE of their lawyers but also appointed him to be on their Board of Directors despite his not knowing the 1st thing about Energy, Energy Companies, or anything about the Geo-Political situation in Europe in regards to Europe's dependency on Russian energy & Putin's planned annexation of Crimea?!

Ummm, if 'daddy' does not factor into the equation at all, how (and, again, why - what was their motivation / reason for seeking HIM out) did they find Hunter? Yellow Pages? Google?


This will all come down to evidence, the more Biden in investigated he not only becomes innocent but also shows how he knows how to his job, on contrast the more they investigate Trump the more the crimes he seems to have broke.. Trump is hiding...
Probably because Ukraine's lawyers suck. American lawyer can get billion dollar deal from China, when nobody else can. Being VP's son has nothing to do with it. He's just that good.
So you are TRYING to say take away the fact that Joe Biden - the Vice President of the United States and the newly appointed Obama administration Point Man on Ukraine - just as Russia is about to annex Crimea, which is important to Putin's stranglehold on Europe's dependency on Russian ENERGY - is Hunter's father, and this notorious criminally-run Ukraine Energy company STILL seeks out a little-known American lawyer who had not long before been kicked out of the military for drug use....and that after finding this lawyer they don't just hire him to be ONE of their lawyers but also appointed him to be on their Board of Directors despite his not knowing the 1st thing about Energy, Energy Companies, or anything about the Geo-Political situation in Europe in regards to Europe's dependency on Russian energy & Putin's planned annexation of Crimea?!

Ummm, if 'daddy' does not factor into the equation at all, how (and, again, why - what was their motivation / reason for seeking HIM out) did they find Hunter? Yellow Pages? Google?


This will all come down to evidence, the more Biden in investigated he not only becomes innocent but also shows how he knows how to his job, on contrast the more they investigate Trump the more the crimes he seems to have broke.. Trump is hiding...


Ukraine Controversy Turns Into Double-Edged Sword For Biden As Son's Dealings Revealed

It was meant to be the 'We REALLY Have Him This Time' Moment. The Leak, the accusation, the scandal, Trump colluding with foreigners again against Democrats...but the latest 'Collusion Delusion' was not thought out, and the attempt has quickly turned into another 'boomerang'...or a 'double-edged sword' for Joe Biden as his 'Ukraine Extortion' scandal was almost forgotten, almost completely ignored, all but 'dead and buried'...

...until the media decided to bring the scandal, initially brought to everyone's attention in 2016 by Hillary Clinton in an attempt to make sure Biden did not enter the race, to 'center stage' again, spinning it in an attack on the President.

It turns out the whistle blower accusing President Trump had no 1st-hand account information but was told about what supposedly happened...the latest accusations coming from yet another porous Democrat leak, and the PM of Ukraine has debunked the story of how Trump did what Biden did in 2016, threaten to withhold money / extort Ukraine. It also turns out that bringing up the Biden scandal to go after Trump was a risky, desperate gamble that has quickly turned on Joe Biden.

The focus is rapidly shifting to Biden's son's dealings that were exposed in a Ukraine investigation at the heart of this latest scandal / 'collusion delusion'.

Ukraine controversy turns into double-edged sword for Biden
Hunter Biden got paid $84,000 a month to be a whore for The Ukraine. And he was a two timing cheating whore also getting paid by GINA.....errr China!

That's YUGE!
This will all come down to evidence, the more Biden in investigated he not only becomes innocent but also shows how he knows how to his job, on contrast the more they investigate Trump the more the crimes he seems to have broke.. Trump is hiding...

Yeah, after 3+ years, a debunked 'Collusion Delusion', and an exposed failed Obama coup attempt, how is that 'the more they investigate Trump the more the crimes he seems to have broke' going?!

Too bad there is no evidence to support what it 'SEEMS' like in snowflakes' alternate reality.


"Your honor, I present 'Exhibit 1', Joe Biden's video confession in which he brags how he extorted / blackmailed the Ukraine Prime Minister.

The 'prosecution' rests."

Probably because Ukraine's lawyers suck. American lawyer can get billion dollar deal from China, when nobody else can. Being VP's son has nothing to do with it. He's just that good.
So you are TRYING to say take away the fact that Joe Biden - the Vice President of the United States and the newly appointed Obama administration Point Man on Ukraine, just as Russia is about to annex Crimea, which is important to Putin's stranglehold on Europe's dependency on Russian ENERGY - is Hunter's father, and this notorious criminally-run Ukraine Energy company STILL seeks out a little-known American lawyer who had not long before been kicked out of the military for drug use....and that after finding this American lawyer they don't just hire him to be ONE of their lawyers but also appointed him to be on their Board of Directors despite his not knowing the 1st thing about Energy, Energy Companies, or anything about the Geo-Political situation in Europe in regards to Europe's dependency on Russian energy & Putin's planned annexation of Crimea?!

Also, Ummm, if 'daddy' does not factor into the equation at all, how (and, again, why - what was their motivation / reason for seeking HIM out) did they find Hunter? Yellow Pages? Google?


He became member of the board based on the merit. On the Ukraine top 10 lawyers ranking list, he takes position 1 to 5 and 9. He's just that good.


Ukraine Controversy Turns Into Double-Edged Sword For Biden As Son's Dealings Revealed

It was meant to be the 'We REALLY Have Him This Time' Moment. The Leak, the accusation, the scandal, Trump colluding with foreigners again against Democrats...but the latest 'Collusion Delusion' was not thought out, and the attempt has quickly turned into another 'boomerang'...or a 'double-edged sword' for Joe Biden as his 'Ukraine Extortion' scandal was almost forgotten, almost completely ignored, all but 'dead and buried'...

...until the media decided to bring the scandal, initially brought to everyone's attention in 2016 by Hillary Clinton in an attempt to make sure Biden did not enter the race, to 'center stage' again, spinning it in an attack on the President.

It turns out the whistle blower accusing President Trump had no 1st-hand account information but was told about what supposedly happened...the latest accusations coming from yet another porous Democrat leak, and the PM of Ukraine has debunked the story of how Trump did what Biden did in 2016, threaten to withhold money / extort Ukraine. It also turns out that bringing up the Biden scandal to go after Trump was a risky, desperate gamble that has quickly turned on Joe Biden.

The focus is rapidly shifting to Biden's son's dealings that were exposed in a Ukraine investigation at the heart of this latest scandal / 'collusion delusion'.

Ukraine controversy turns into double-edged sword for Biden

The fact is that Trump continues to hide the information involving the whistleblower complaint. Why bother hiding it if there is nothing there? The PM of Ukraine clearly does not want to get in the middle of it. The Trump administration has been slow walking aid to Ukraine for no reason whatsoever.

It is not boomeranging on anyone other than Trump. It shows the extremes Trump will go to win re-election. Clearly he is worried about Biden.
The corrupt prosecutor was never investigating Biden's son, who was simply a board member.... the corrupt prosecutor investigated the company that Hunter worked for in 2014 and 2015, the 2 years before Joe's threat, and the prosecutor brought no charges against this company.

your made up STORY is simply BS, as usual, leaving out pertinent FACTS.... and that is the definition, of biased or fake news.
I see you ate up the CNN alternative facts that were proved incorrect.. Enjoy your crap sandwich...

Youi have enough crap in you to make a million sandwiches. You are not interested in facts as this story contains no facts.
"In February 2014, Biden became the Obama administration’s “point man” on Ukraine. Within months, Hunter’s business, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, was receiving large monthly deposits from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. These payments began in the spring of 2014 and continued through the fall of 2015. According to writer Peter Schweitzer, both Hunter and his business partner were named to Burisma’s board in the spring of 2014 as well. Hunter was tasked with overseeing Burisma’s legal team."

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

I am sure it was a complete coincidence that a notoriously criminal Ukrainian Energy company sought out a young U.S. Lawyer who had been kicked out of the U.S. military for drug use. I can see it now - them thinking to themselves, 'No one could legally represent our Ukrainian Energy Company than a disgraced, young U.S. lawyer who was booted from the military.'

I am sure the fact that his father was the U.S. V.P. or that Joe had recently been made Barry's 'Point Man' on Ukraine played no part in Hunter Biden not only being hired on by the company as a lawyer but also being appointed to the company's Board...despite not knowing anything about the energy business.



It really doesn't matter. The fact is your story is false. Hunter Biden was not under any criminal investigation. Biden was doing what people wanted including the people in Ukraine.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019
"In February 2014, Biden became the Obama administration’s “point man” on Ukraine. Within months, Hunter’s business, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, was receiving large monthly deposits from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. These payments began in the spring of 2014 and continued through the fall of 2015. According to writer Peter Schweitzer, both Hunter and his business partner were named to Burisma’s board in the spring of 2014 as well. Hunter was tasked with overseeing Burisma’s legal team."

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

I am sure it was a complete coincidence that a notoriously criminal Ukrainian Energy company sought out a young U.S. Lawyer who had been kicked out of the U.S. military for drug use. I can see it now - them thinking to themselves, 'No one could legally represent our Ukrainian Energy Company than a disgraced, young U.S. lawyer who was booted from the military.'

I am sure the fact that his father was the U.S. V.P. or that Joe had recently been made Barry's 'Point Man' on Ukraine played no part in Hunter Biden not only being hired on by the company as a lawyer but also being appointed to the company's Board...despite not knowing anything about the energy business.



It really doesn't matter. The fact is your story is false. Hunter Biden was not under any criminal investigation. Biden was doing what people wanted including the people in Ukraine.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019
Actually, as another link I posted shows, there was an investigation going on in the US as well regarding money transactions being made monthly by the energy company & money being deposited in Biden's company's bank account. Interesting enough, that investigation was abandoned, too.

The fact that you think the notoriousmy criminal Ukraine energy company sought out an American lawyer who was kicked out of the military for drug use to be a BOARD MEMBER, not just one of their lawyers, and that the fact that his father was the VP and new Obama Point Man for Ujraine had nothing to do with it is amazing.

"In February 2014, Biden became the Obama administration’s “point man” on Ukraine. Within months, Hunter’s business, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, was receiving large monthly deposits from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. These payments began in the spring of 2014 and continued through the fall of 2015. According to writer Peter Schweitzer, both Hunter and his business partner were named to Burisma’s board in the spring of 2014 as well. Hunter was tasked with overseeing Burisma’s legal team."

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

I am sure it was a complete coincidence that a notoriously criminal Ukrainian Energy company sought out a young U.S. Lawyer who had been kicked out of the U.S. military for drug use. I can see it now - them thinking to themselves, 'No one could legally represent our Ukrainian Energy Company than a disgraced, young U.S. lawyer who was booted from the military.'

I am sure the fact that his father was the U.S. V.P. or that Joe had recently been made Barry's 'Point Man' on Ukraine played no part in Hunter Biden not only being hired on by the company as a lawyer but also being appointed to the company's Board...despite not knowing anything about the energy business.



Probably because Ukraine's lawyers suck. American lawyer can get billion dollar deal from China, when nobody else can. Being VP's son has nothing to do with it. He's just that good.
Huh? Intelligent this time?
"In February 2014, Biden became the Obama administration’s “point man” on Ukraine. Within months, Hunter’s business, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, was receiving large monthly deposits from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. These payments began in the spring of 2014 and continued through the fall of 2015. According to writer Peter Schweitzer, both Hunter and his business partner were named to Burisma’s board in the spring of 2014 as well. Hunter was tasked with overseeing Burisma’s legal team."

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

I am sure it was a complete coincidence that a notoriously criminal Ukrainian Energy company sought out a young U.S. Lawyer who had been kicked out of the U.S. military for drug use. I can see it now - them thinking to themselves, 'No one could legally represent our Ukrainian Energy Company than a disgraced, young U.S. lawyer who was booted from the military.'

I am sure the fact that his father was the U.S. V.P. or that Joe had recently been made Barry's 'Point Man' on Ukraine played no part in Hunter Biden not only being hired on by the company as a lawyer but also being appointed to the company's Board...despite not knowing anything about the energy business.



It really doesn't matter. The fact is your story is false. Hunter Biden was not under any criminal investigation. Biden was doing what people wanted including the people in Ukraine.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019
Actually, as another link I posted shows, there was an investigation going on in the US as well regarding money transactions being made monthly by the energy company & money being deposited in Biden's company's bank account. Interesting enough, that investigation was abandoned, too.

The fact that you think the notoriousmy criminal Ukraine energy company sought out an American lawyer who was kicked out of the military for drug use to be a BOARD MEMBER, not just one of their lawyers, and that the fact that his father was the VP and new Obama Point Man for Ujraine had nothing to do with it is amazing.

Again, why is Biden’s kid off limits? Fk his ass
This will all come down to evidence, the more Biden in investigated he not only becomes innocent but also shows how he knows how to his job, on contrast the more they investigate Trump the more the crimes he seems to have broke.. Trump is hiding...

Yeah, after 3+ years, a debunked 'Collusion Delusion', and an exposed failed Obama coup attempt, how is that 'the more they investigate Trump the more the crimes he seems to have broke' going?!

Too bad there is no evidence to support what it 'SEEMS' like in snowflakes' alternate reality.


"Your honor, I present 'Exhibit 1', Joe Biden's video confession in which he brags how he extorted / blackmailed the Ukraine Prime Minister.

The 'prosecution' rests."


Actually collusion has not been debunked. The question that is unanswered is why Manafort GAVE internal polling data and campaign strategy to a agent aligned with Russian Intelligence. There was no coup found. That is your fantasy.

Does that mean that Trump blackmailed countries by threatening their funding? The fact is that Biden made it clear that unless Ukraine fought corruption, the US would withhold funding. That is not blackmail, that is the correct decision.

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