'Boomerang' ... 'Double-Edged Sword'? Same, Same - Biden Actions / Biden's Son's Dealings Revealed

"in an entirely different case, uncovered financial records showing just how much Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s company received from Burisma while Joe Biden acted as Obama’s point man on Ukraine.

Between April 2014 and October 2015, more than $3 million was paid out of Burisma accounts to an account linked to Biden’s and Archer’s Rosemont Seneca firm. The bank records show that, on most months when Burisma money flowed, two wire transfers of $83,333.33 each were sent to the Rosemont Seneca–connected account on the same day. The same Rosemont Seneca–linked account typically then would pay Hunter Biden one or more payments ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 each."

Perhaps we need to demand that Unca Joe's taxes and financial records during that time be pulled....

Joe Biden released his taxes when he was VP. Something Trump has not done.
"in an entirely different case, uncovered financial records showing just how much Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s company received from Burisma while Joe Biden acted as Obama’s point man on Ukraine.

Between April 2014 and October 2015, more than $3 million was paid out of Burisma accounts to an account linked to Biden’s and Archer’s Rosemont Seneca firm. The bank records show that, on most months when Burisma money flowed, two wire transfers of $83,333.33 each were sent to the Rosemont Seneca–connected account on the same day. The same Rosemont Seneca–linked account typically then would pay Hunter Biden one or more payments ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 each."

Perhaps we need to demand that Unca Joe's taxes and financial records during that time be pulled....

Joe Biden released his taxes when he was VP. Something Trump has not done.
not required. fuck off til it is.
Joe Biden released his taxes when he was VP. Something Trump has not done.
Joe Biden has also blackmailed an allied country's leader, something President Trump has not done...
That's exactly what Trump did...for personal political gain

Biden was trying to remove a corrupt prosecutor...as desired by virtually the entire industrialized world (excluding of course Putin)
Actually collusion has not been debunked.
ACTUALLY if has, snowflake. The Obama failed coup attempt is over, WEISMANN'S fishing trip is over, and the only ones being recommended for indictment regarding the 'Collusion Delusion' are Obama's criminal conspirators - McCabe, Strzok, Comey...

"In February 2014, Biden became the Obama administration’s “point man” on Ukraine. Within months, Hunter’s business, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, was receiving large monthly deposits from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. These payments began in the spring of 2014 and continued through the fall of 2015. According to writer Peter Schweitzer, both Hunter and his business partner were named to Burisma’s board in the spring of 2014 as well. Hunter was tasked with overseeing Burisma’s legal team."

Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

I am sure it was a complete coincidence that a notoriously criminal Ukrainian Energy company sought out a young U.S. Lawyer who had been kicked out of the U.S. military for drug use. I can see it now - them thinking to themselves, 'No one could legally represent our Ukrainian Energy Company than a disgraced, young U.S. lawyer who was booted from the military.'

I am sure the fact that his father was the U.S. V.P. or that Joe had recently been made Barry's 'Point Man' on Ukraine played no part in Hunter Biden not only being hired on by the company as a lawyer but also being appointed to the company's Board...despite not knowing anything about the energy business.



It really doesn't matter. The fact is your story is false. Hunter Biden was not under any criminal investigation. Biden was doing what people wanted including the people in Ukraine.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019
Actually, as another link I posted shows, there was an investigation going on in the US as well regarding money transactions being made monthly by the energy company & money being deposited in Biden's company's bank account. Interesting enough, that investigation was abandoned, too.

The fact that you think the notoriousmy criminal Ukraine energy company sought out an American lawyer who was kicked out of the military for drug use to be a BOARD MEMBER, not just one of their lawyers, and that the fact that his father was the VP and new Obama Point Man for Ujraine had nothing to do with it is amazing.


The fact is that you have nothing. Hunter Biden was not charged by the federal government so they clearly did not find anything. Just because they open a investigation does not mean a person is guilty of anything.

Burisma's motives have nothing to do with it. Hunter Biden was not under investigation by the Ukrainian prosecutor. You are the one who is amazing. You will lie, cheat and probably steal to protect Trump.
That's exactly what Trump did...for personal political gain
Why must you snowflakes continue to lie with nothing to support your lies except your personal opinions?

Biden gave a video-taped confession while Ukraine's PM has come forward and debunked the latest false 'collusion delusion'...FAIL.


Ukraine Controversy Turns Into Double-Edged Sword For Biden As Son's Dealings Revealed

It was meant to be the 'We REALLY Have Him This Time' Moment. The Leak, the accusation, the scandal, Trump colluding with foreigners again against Democrats...but the latest 'Collusion Delusion' was not thought out, and the attempt has quickly turned into another 'boomerang'...or a 'double-edged sword' for Joe Biden as his 'Ukraine Extortion' scandal was almost forgotten, almost completely ignored, all but 'dead and buried'...

...until the media decided to bring the scandal, initially brought to everyone's attention in 2016 by Hillary Clinton in an attempt to make sure Biden did not enter the race, to 'center stage' again, spinning it in an attack on the President.

It turns out the whistle blower accusing President Trump had no 1st-hand account information but was told about what supposedly happened...the latest accusations coming from yet another porous Democrat leak, and the PM of Ukraine has debunked the story of how Trump did what Biden did in 2016, threaten to withhold money / extort Ukraine. It also turns out that bringing up the Biden scandal to go after Trump was a risky, desperate gamble that has quickly turned on Joe Biden.

The focus is rapidly shifting to Biden's son's dealings that were exposed in a Ukraine investigation at the heart of this latest scandal / 'collusion delusion'.

Ukraine controversy turns into double-edged sword for Biden
But Trumps daughter and son in law doing business all over the world is fine with Republican scum?
The fact is that you have nothing. Hunter Biden was not charged by the federal government so they clearly did not find anything. Just because they open a investigation does not mean a person is guilty of anything.
Again, your emotional TDS is getting in the way.

1. WHY was Hunter Biden even working with a notoriously criminal Ukraine Energy company / businessman?
- Pretty shady for a Vice President's son.

2. Why would such a criminal organization, that had a lot to gain if Putin annexed Crimea, solidifying his strangled on Europe's energy independence and had worked with Russia in the past, care about the son of the VP who had just been made Obama's Point Man for Ukraine...as Obama refused to help Ukraine as Putin placed his forces on Ukraine's border.
- No, none of that had anything to do with the criminal Ukraine seeking out an American lawyer who had been kicked out of the US military for drugs o be an instant Board Member, not just one of their lawyers.

Bwuhahaha....you prove Hunter is not the only one with a drug problem.

But Trumps daughter and son in law doing business all over the world is fine with Republican scum?
They aren't drug addicts working for notoriously criminal foreign companies and getting paid massive money and helping launder money, like Hunter was, snowflake.

Nothing you said just now is criminal, unlike what Hunter was doing and what Joe confessed to on video tape.

There was no coup except a imagined one.
Tell that to Comey, McCabe, and Strzok, all of whom have been recommended for indictment by the US IG, who was appointed by Barry.

Every time you post it is a debunked shower of easily manipulated Trump-hating unsupported opinion. You are the hardest working denier and propaganda spreader I know.


Biden pushed Ukraine to fire a corrupt prosecutor and was supported by the EU, the IMF and in fact virtually the entire international community (excluding Putin of course)

Trump tried to coerce Ukraine into opening a bogus investigation to help his election chances.

Endlessly repeating your bullshit doesn't change those facts
Ruh-Roh...DEMOCRATS are telling Biden it's time to do some explaining about his son and his admission that he strong-armed Ukraine's P.M.

House Democrat who endorsed Biden says it's time for him to 'clear up' questions on son's Ukraine dealings

Yes, Joe, please explain why your drug-using son was a Board Member for a well-known, notoriously criminal Ukrainian energy company that stood to benefit from Putin annexing Crimea while you were named Obama's Point Man on Ukraine ... and how you confessed to blackmailing the Ukraine P.M...

This ought to be good....


Damn, I love being right and seeing snowflakes struggling to spin....

But Trumps daughter and son in law doing business all over the world is fine with Republican scum?
They aren't drug addicts working for notoriously criminal foreign companies and getting paid massive money and helping launder money, like Hunter was, snowflake.

Nothing you said just now is criminal, unlike what Hunter was doing and what Joe confessed to on video tape.

Trump is a money launderer for years Why do you think he won't show his taxes or bank records and the son in law getting bailed out by Arabs who then have charges against them removed The Tumps are the biggest crooks ever to enter our WH
Trump is a money launderer for years Why do you think he won't show his taxes or bank records
Awww.....too bad none of that is supported by any fact / evidence, snowflake.

Maybe if you could just get Trump yo confess on video like Biden did....

"These stories first originated back when Hillary Clinton was trying to make sure Biden didn’t get in the race"

Joe's got to be really happy tonight with Hillary and the liberal media that resurrected his scandal...



Ukraine Controversy Turns Into Double-Edged Sword For Biden As Son's Dealings Revealed

It was meant to be the 'We REALLY Have Him This Time' Moment. The Leak, the accusation, the scandal, Trump colluding with foreigners again against Democrats...but the latest 'Collusion Delusion' was not thought out, and the attempt has quickly turned into another 'boomerang'...or a 'double-edged sword' for Joe Biden as his 'Ukraine Extortion' scandal was almost forgotten, almost completely ignored, all but 'dead and buried'...

...until the media decided to bring the scandal, initially brought to everyone's attention in 2016 by Hillary Clinton in an attempt to make sure Biden did not enter the race, to 'center stage' again, spinning it in an attack on the President.

It turns out the whistle blower accusing President Trump had no 1st-hand account information but was told about what supposedly happened...the latest accusations coming from yet another porous Democrat leak, and the PM of Ukraine has debunked the story of how Trump did what Biden did in 2016, threaten to withhold money / extort Ukraine. It also turns out that bringing up the Biden scandal to go after Trump was a risky, desperate gamble that has quickly turned on Joe Biden.

The focus is rapidly shifting to Biden's son's dealings that were exposed in a Ukraine investigation at the heart of this latest scandal / 'collusion delusion'.

Ukraine controversy turns into double-edged sword for Biden

There is no double edged sword. You guys will believe the fake news from Fox, but Trump has again violated the constitution. If Democrats had a strong speaker, all this woofing from you dumb asses would be silenced.
Trump is a money launderer for years Why do you think he won't show his taxes or bank records
Awww.....too bad none of that is supported by any fact / evidence, snowflake.

Maybe if you could just get Trump yo confess on video like Biden did....

Biden didn't confess to anything.
There is no double edged sword.
Wow, thinking is not your strong suit, I see. The fact that DEMOCRATS are telling Biden he has a lot of explaining to do now, and the fact that a new California poll shows Warren suddenly pulling out to an 8--point lead over Biden proves the 'double-edged sword' is already 'cutting' Biden.


Way to go Hillary & Fake news liberal media...

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