BOOOOOOSH.......Or, is it ?????


Aug 2, 2009
Obummer & the Obamarrhoidals' constant refrain is that EVERYTHING is Bush's fault.

Starting with the Iraq War resulting in the TWENTY TWO day elimination of the Baghdad Psycho, which, ironically, Clinton and practically ALL the Dem Congressional Leadership, including Pelosi, the Icon of Dem Morality, the Chappaquidick Murderer, Ted Kennedy (may he rot in Hell), Hanoi Kerry, KKK Byrd, Al Gore, Reid, name 'em, you gottem......yowled & howled for the forcible removal of the Baghdad Monster. Especially since Saddam violated the Kuwaiti War Treaty 72 times (each of which the provisions stated would trigger off a War), as well as blatantly supporting Terrorism, and being a threat to our Strategic Oil Supplies in the Mid East.

Dubya, using his own judgment, agreed with the Perfidious DEMS, and using their IDENTICAL RHETORIC (including the WMD verbiage) got Congress to approve Dubya's invasion of Iraq.

When Bush defeated Iraq (The Fourth Largest Army in the World) in TWENTY TWO days the DEMS realized their chances in the upcoming elections were ZIP, NADA.....ZERO !!!

So the HYPOCRITICAL & TREACHEROUS Dems, did a 180 degree turnabout. And, the Main Stream Media , the unofficial Propaganda Arm of the DEM Party, which in those days had ZERO opposition, started a 24/7 relentless attack on Bush, and magnified each glitch in trying to repair a religiously fractionalized country, a HUNDRED TIMES OVER !!!

The Iranian Leadership may be whackjobs, but they are/were not stupid. They realized the OBVIOUS HYPOCRITICAL & TREACHEROUS game the Perfidious Dems were playing. And, so, feeling their way, the Iranians, with their funding and arming of the Islamofascist Swine basically started, and enlarged, their CONTINUOUS WAR with the United States of America which, incidentally, if you haven't noticed.......we are also engaged with them NOW !!!

D'ya think Iran woulda attacked America, the Most Powerful Nation in the Planet's History if it didn't KNOW that the HYPOCRITICAL & TREACHEROUS DEMS had their back ?!?!?

This isn't some War in the jungles of Vietnam, with China threatening to start a World War III. if we bombed North Vietnam into a parking lot. This is a Tank & Technical Friendly area where the Iranians stood ZERO chance and woulda collapsed like Iraq in another TWENTY TWO days if America was UNITED !!!

Plus.....consider this: it took the Iranians to fight a debilitating War with Iraq in which both sides fought for SIX YEARS and each lost MILLIONS of men.....and fought to a standstill. Whilst America crushed Iraq in TWENTY TWO DAYS !!!

DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT IRAN WOULD CHANCE THE "IRAQI QUAGMIRE" i.e., the WAR with AMERICA, if Iran didn't know at that time that they had the HYPOCRITICAL and TREACHEROUS DEMS guarding their back, with Bush trying to cope with both hands tied behind his back ?????

Well, so much for my input on "ancient" History of Bush vs The HYPOCRITICAL & TREACHEROUS Dems !!!

Hopefully, Byron York's analysis of the MORE RECENT MENDACITY of the Perfidious Dems will enlighten most of you further. Here is Byron York's Link:

Obama Partisans Ignore Facts When Bashing Bush - Page 2 - Byron York - Townhall Conservative
gaytrauma is just having another breakdown... don't mind him. :cuckoo:

He did manage to get through a post without an Obami Salaami

The typical NON SPECIFIC meaningless horseshit from the Obamarrhoidal twits who cannot successfully refute a SINGLE irrefutable statement of TRUTH I made in my extra long thread.

I really wonder why these Obamarrhoidal stooges even bother to make their comments of displeasure when facing the IRREFUTABLE TRUTH.

Aren't these Obamarrhoidal Idiots cognizant of the fact that I already know, in advance, that they are not pleased with the unpalatable to them TRUTH ?!?!?

But then, what could one expect from politically ( and maybe even congenital) idiots ?

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