Booze In The Garden Of Eden! Give Us That Old-Time Religion, And Likely Even Rasta-Styled!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Now that the Red States understand about the slutty look, then the Democratic staffers may have noticed something new and uncanny about the the power of prayer(?)! It seems to make the Republican staffers, actually go away(?)!

That would likely fit the latest findings, of Great socialist, humanist science. Now a new fact arises about the likely Garden of Eden--and maybe why it was so hard to break away(?)! Sex was apparently A-OK. Loud thunder and lightening shows could have been the first "Rock and Roll." Now it is known that the so-called, "Forbidden Fruit," was apparently different from what there really was, rotting in the forest(!). Socialist fermentation itself, was apparently a natural event, like hair(?)! These people had the famous drug, Alcohol!

Others may contend that the finding is actually, a "Real Eye-Opener!" It is not clear that any rumor of a deity, however, seemed to know very much else about it;

Human ancestors developed a taste for alcohol 10 million years ago

The link starts off by noting that the booze was likely around even before the farming. Farming would then create the first interest rates, four sacks of barley seed, in return for a loan of three. Other rituals, and booze-based, would themselves evolve(?). The Babylonians would eventually allow the male of the household to sell off the wife and kids, in payment of debts--(My, My, My, Aren't We the Eye-Opener(?)!)! A three-year indenture was all that was allowed, and no one got chained to the floor of a leaky old sail-boat. Israel would find refuge under one Monarch of Egypt. Monarchy is not Constitutional Democracy, so that came to an end. Israel was suddenly in the heavily regulated, building materials business. One of them seems to have been Egyptian-schooled, not too keen on the arithmetic of interest rates. The fellow, Moses, would eventually ban them among Israel itself, and set them to charging everyone else, instead!

Strictly historically, Western Religion and Civilization: Was under way!

In the Third German Republic, Roughly 1932-1945, the regime in power seems more or less to have understood this--and even set about killing off the Slavs(?)! There apparently exists and Orthodox tradition, and there apparently exists, other Orthodox tradition.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes now come to lands of many nations: Where Civilization is firmly embraced!)
To anyone who has read the Bible this is not news at all. What you're telling us the scientists discovered is no surprise to those who have read the Word.

The OT was loaded with booze, sex, adultery, sinning all over the place, men wanting to fudge pack the Lord's angels at Lot's house even though Lot offered them his daughters (hence the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah).

Wild and crazy. Human sacrifice of children to Baal. Name it you got it in the OT.

You need to get up to speed. Some of the stories will set your hair on fire.


One of the classics is Noah got seriously shit faced and was sleeping naked absolutely drunk as a skunk when Ham found him. Interesting family drama.

Genesis 9:21
At least it would be said a humanist, socialist history of events--if a bit too educated. Those original stories are likely compiled from stories and legends. It is of interest that the Genesis sequence of Evolutionary events seems to have been noted. The epochal time frames would be said deity-driven. When Babel is being destroyed, and linguistics created, there could also be said a Pantheon of the linguistically diverse. "Let Us. . ." was probably not about something slapped on top of a meat slice, in between two pieces of bread.

The usury story of Matthew 25:14-30, and the inverse-usury, markets-friendly remedy in Matthew 20:1-16; originate of an epoch wherein Israel was twice-conquered by the greater gifts and technologies of a pantheon. The inverse-usury story seems to be unique. Household gods, like a Ceasar or Jesus, actually made sense to the world at that time. Apparently, so did the back-to-basics, more on the context of what is noted about Genesis 9:21, or Lot's Kids, or the Baal concept. The Inverse Usury concept had not occurred to Hammurabi, nor to Moses, later on not to Mohammed, then still later not to Adam Smith. Karl Marx never noted it, nor did Keyenes. Nixon never noted it(?), and Billy Graham never noted it.

Obama-Biden created the "Make-Work-Pay, Refundable Income Tax Credit," in the manner of the Inverse Usury story. The Republicans took that away first, after 2010 elections.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Squaw, Maybe Better Understand, Rasta-styled--Not like bar slut disgrace, of Red State Lands(?)!)

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