Border Counter-Protesters: Arrest Them


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The protests at the US/Mexican border have caused angry protest from Americans, upset about the invasion of large numbers of illegal aliens brought to their towns. This, in turn, has spurred counter-protests from people who are supporters of the invasion.

It is quite possible that these counter-protestors are illegal aliens themselves, if not probable. Authorities ought to be checking these counter-protestors for proof of American citizenship or some kind of proof of legal presence in the US. If they don't have it, they should be detained right along with the invading illegals, and be set up for deportation themselves.

A few years ago, when protests against immigration law were held in Tampa, I asked (in Spanish of course) some protestors (waving Mexican flags) if they were here legally. All of them openly told me they were here illegally and bragged about it, joking and insulting the US. I had to be restrained from punching a couple of them out, and I did take one guy's Mexican flag away from him and stomped on it. If a cop had not come over quickly, I was going to rip it to shreds.

These counter-protestors are bad news, are very anti-America, and should be taken off the streets. Whatever they are doing illegal, ARREST THEM for it.
No one takes enforcement seriously on the Wetbacks. It's a joke and they know it and show it by flouting their illegal status without a care in the world.

Our government created this. I really don't blame these illegals for simply taking advantage of a system that looks the other way. If I were in their shoes, I'd do the same.
No one takes enforcement seriously on the Wetbacks. It's a joke and they know it and show it by flouting their illegal status without a care in the world.

Our government created this. I really don't blame these illegals for simply taking advantage of a system that looks the other way. If I were in their shoes, I'd do the same.

It's probably more the blame of US politicians sucking up to the various special interests. When you leave the door open, flies come in.
Hey that sounds like a great plan. Let's pick the protesters we don't agree with and ask for their papers, but let the ones we do agree with be.
Hey that sounds like a great plan. Let's pick the protesters we don't agree with and ask for their papers, but let the ones we do agree with be.

If youre saying illegals are the ones we don't agree with, and legals are the ones we do agree with, then yes, lets do that.
Hey that sounds like a great plan. Let's pick the protesters we don't agree with and ask for their papers, but let the ones we do agree with be.

I'll bet he considers himself to be one of those "Constitutional conservatives" too.
Hey that sounds like a great plan. Let's pick the protesters we don't agree with and ask for their papers, but let the ones we do agree with be.

If youre saying illegals are the ones we don't agree with, and legals are the ones we do agree with, then yes, lets do that.

How do you look at someone and tell whether or not they're illegal? You're just going to start demanding people show documentation for exercising their First Amendment rights? Sounds like a gross violation of the Fourth to me. Where is the probable cause? That is the kind of thing a despotic regime would do.
Hey that sounds like a great plan. Let's pick the protesters we don't agree with and ask for their papers, but let the ones we do agree with be.

Hey, that sounds like :bsflag: The counter-protestors aren't just counter-protestors. Many of them, if not most, if not all, are illegal aliens, and in law enforcement you "pick" those who you think have violated the law. Got it now ?
If youre saying illegals are the ones we don't agree with, and legals are the ones we do agree with, then yes, lets do that.
So much for individual rights and the constitution eh?

You don't know much about law enforcement do you ? Would you have cops not question somebody who walks into a convenience store with a pistol in his hand, afraid that his constitutional rights might be violated ? Would you have them not question a motorist in a vehicle fitting the description of a speeding vehicle, radio-called to them by another officer ? :rolleyes:
Hey that sounds like a great plan. Let's pick the protesters we don't agree with and ask for their papers, but let the ones we do agree with be.

If youre saying illegals are the ones we don't agree with, and legals are the ones we do agree with, then yes, lets do that.

How do you look at someone and tell whether or not they're illegal? You're just going to start demanding people show documentation for exercising their First Amendment rights? Sounds like a gross violation of the Fourth to me. Where is the probable cause? That is the kind of thing a despotic regime would do.

There's plenty of probable cause. Simply that these protests have historically been shown to contain very high %s of illegal aliens. Simple as that. So NO, it does NOT sound like a violation of the 4th amendment. As for the "kind of thing" it is, it is what a regime who protects its people from invasion do. Simple as that.
If youre saying illegals are the ones we don't agree with, and legals are the ones we do agree with, then yes, lets do that.
So much for individual rights and the constitution eh?

Why would the US constitution apply to a person not from this country? What individual right has a law breaking illegal alien earned in the US?

The right to be ARRESTED, IMPRISONED, and DEPORTED, for THIS >>


§ 1325. Improper entry by alien

(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts
Any alien who
(1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or
(2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or
(3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.
Hey, that sounds like :bsflag: The counter-protestors aren't just counter-protestors. Many of them, if not most, if not all, are illegal aliens, and in law enforcement you "pick" those who you think have violated the law. Got it now ?
Nope, you don't know what the counter protesters are you are making assumptions, asserting your 1st amendment rights is not probable cause just because you disagree with their views.

You don't know much about law enforcement do you ?
I know my rights in this country and they include not being subject to "where are your papers" for expressing my views on immigration.
Why would the US constitution apply to a person not from this country? What individual right has a law breaking illegal alien earned in the US?
You don't know they are illegal aliens, you are assuming. We have certain basic rights to protect us from people exactly like you.
There's plenty of probable cause. Simply that these protests have historically been shown to contain very high %s of illegal aliens. Simple as that.
When? Which protest "historically" did someone due a survey of who's illegal? Exactly what percentage was illegal? Who did the survey?

Surely you must know these things since you are basing your argument on it.
The protests at the US/Mexican border have caused angry protest from Americans, upset about the invasion of large numbers of illegal aliens brought to their towns. This, in turn, has spurred counter-protests from people who are supporters of the invasion.

It is quite possible that these counter-protestors are illegal aliens themselves, if not probable. Authorities ought to be checking these counter-protestors for proof of American citizenship or some kind of proof of legal presence in the US. If they don't have it, they should be detained right along with the invading illegals, and be set up for deportation themselves.

A few years ago, when protests against immigration law were held in Tampa, I asked (in Spanish of course) some protestors (waving Mexican flags) if they were here legally. All of them openly told me they were here illegally and bragged about it, joking and insulting the US. I had to be restrained from punching a couple of them out, and I did take one guy's Mexican flag away from him and stomped on it. If a cop had not come over quickly, I was going to rip it to shreds.

These counter-protestors are bad news, are very anti-America, and should be taken off the streets. Whatever they are doing illegal, ARREST THEM for it.

Um, you do realize that an American's right to protest is one of the cornerstones of our democracy right?
Hey, that sounds like :bsflag: The counter-protestors aren't just counter-protestors. Many of them, if not most, if not all, are illegal aliens, and in law enforcement you "pick" those who you think have violated the law. Got it now ?
Nope, you don't know what the counter protesters are you are making assumptions, asserting your 1st amendment rights is not probable cause just because you disagree with their views.

You don't know much about law enforcement do you ?
I know my rights in this country and they include not being subject to "where are your papers" for expressing my views on immigration.

This stupid post was already addressed fully in Post # 13. No need to rehash.

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