Border Counter-Protesters: Arrest Them

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Seems pretty simple to me. You may not like it, but the US Constitution is the law of the land. Before you push to arrest lawful protestors, you might either learn the Bill of Rights or pass an amendment removing the parts of the 1st Amendment that support protests.

OFF TOPIC!! We're not talking about lawful protestors, the first amendment, or lawful anything. We're talking about illegality.

Look who is back to screaming "OFF TOPIC!".
Yeah. And look who's being screamed at for doing it. YOU. So shape up, OK ? :D
Of course THAT isn't what is creating the probable cause, as I've already explained 3 times now, and I'm not going to explain it again, for someone who pretends he hasn't been informed on it.
The only thing you've explained is that you don't understand what probably cause is.

Just because your standards of surveying aren't the same as mine, that doesn't mean surveys haven't been taken, or that I haven't answered your dumb question. You got your answers, and they were good ones. If you don't like the answers, Not My Problem.
Hah hah no I didn't because you didn't answer it.

You threw out some number but have been unable to provide when, where, etc. of this sampling of protesters happened. To know what percentage are illegal surely you must know these things, and apparently you do not.

So let's try again, you can either point me to the post where you answered it or paste what you said... what protest was the sampling done to determine how many were illegal, when did it happen, and who took the survery?
You are clueless for not knowing that I DO know the difference. There's more than one thing going on here. First, for all those protestors who ARE illegal alieins, how did they get here.
Fauly premise, you haven't proven anyone is an illegal alien.

Hint: you claiming you know isn't proof.

This notion has been refuted about 10 times earlier in the thread. Try reading it before posting.
You mean you have failed to refute it about 10 times.
Hey that sounds like a great plan. Let's pick the protesters we don't agree with and ask for their papers, but let the ones we do agree with be.

We disagree with nasty ass people who violate our border and our laws then shit on us.
So yeah. Whatever befalls them is their problem.
The more they play that racist La Raza bullshit the more marginalized they become. Let the commies and their filth speak although a full out street brawl would be awesome!
If youre saying illegals are the ones we don't agree with, and legals are the ones we do agree with, then yes, lets do that.
So much for individual rights and the constitution eh?

Which part of "the illegals" does not register with you?
Illegals......Means they do not legally have a right to be here. They are in violation of US Law. They SHOULD be punished and deported.
Hey that sounds like a great plan. Let's pick the protesters we don't agree with and ask for their papers, but let the ones we do agree with be.

If youre saying illegals are the ones we don't agree with, and legals are the ones we do agree with, then yes, lets do that.

How do you look at someone and tell whether or not they're illegal? You're just going to start demanding people show documentation for exercising their First Amendment rights? Sounds like a gross violation of the Fourth to me. Where is the probable cause? That is the kind of thing a despotic regime would do.

Taz..In the story, there were people who admitted to being here illegally.
That in and of itself is enough to challenge their presence here.
You don't know much about law enforcement do you ?
Let me know when you figure out being in this country as an illegal alien isn't a criminal offense, Mr. law enforcement expert.

I struggle with those who ignore the fact that when people admit to being here illegally ignore that fact and then spew about the US Constitution.
That is counter intuitive.
The protests at the US/Mexican border have caused angry protest from Americans, upset about the invasion of large numbers of illegal aliens brought to their towns. This, in turn, has spurred counter-protests from people who are supporters of the invasion.

It is quite possible that these counter-protestors are illegal aliens themselves, if not probable. Authorities ought to be checking these counter-protestors for proof of American citizenship or some kind of proof of legal presence in the US. If they don't have it, they should be detained right along with the invading illegals, and be set up for deportation themselves.

A few years ago, when protests against immigration law were held in Tampa, I asked (in Spanish of course) some protestors (waving Mexican flags) if they were here legally. All of them openly told me they were here illegally and bragged about it, joking and insulting the US. I had to be restrained from punching a couple of them out, and I did take one guy's Mexican flag away from him and stomped on it. If a cop had not come over quickly, I was going to rip it to shreds.

These counter-protestors are bad news, are very anti-America, and should be taken off the streets. Whatever they are doing illegal, ARREST THEM for it.

Um, you do realize that an American's right to protest is one of the cornerstones of our democracy right?
Using Westboro Baptist Church as an example. We as citizens also have the right to find said protests to be unacceptable and in doing so may use OUR rights to object and if necessary, stop said protest.
In other words, it cuts both ways.
There cannot be law enforcement without assumptions. You have no conception whatsoever about law enforcement. Already addressed in Post 13.
Nope, the guy who thinks people exercising their rights to protest means there is probably cause to demand their papers is the one clueless about law enforcement, and the constitution.

Each time we are questioned by the police, we are asked for ID....In your language, "papers".
The protests at the US/Mexican border have caused angry protest from Americans, upset about the invasion of large numbers of illegal aliens brought to their towns. This, in turn, has spurred counter-protests from people who are supporters of the invasion.

It is quite possible that these counter-protestors are illegal aliens themselves, if not probable. Authorities ought to be checking these counter-protestors for proof of American citizenship or some kind of proof of legal presence in the US. If they don't have it, they should be detained right along with the invading illegals, and be set up for deportation themselves.

A few years ago, when protests against immigration law were held in Tampa, I asked (in Spanish of course) some protestors (waving Mexican flags) if they were here legally. All of them openly told me they were here illegally and bragged about it, joking and insulting the US. I had to be restrained from punching a couple of them out, and I did take one guy's Mexican flag away from him and stomped on it. If a cop had not come over quickly, I was going to rip it to shreds.

These counter-protestors are bad news, are very anti-America, and should be taken off the streets. Whatever they are doing illegal, ARREST THEM for it.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Seems pretty simple to me. You may not like it, but the US Constitution is the law of the land. Before you push to arrest lawful protestors, you might either learn the Bill of Rights or pass an amendment removing the parts of the 1st Amendment that support protests.

The operative being "Congress"...
Each time we are questioned by the police, we are asked for ID....In your language, "papers".
Wow how often are you questioned by the police? You think it is okay that anytime you go exercise your rights to peaceful protest you should be questioned by the police?

I don't.
OFF TOPIC!! We're not talking about lawful protestors, the first amendment, or lawful anything. We're talking about illegality.

Look who is back to screaming "OFF TOPIC!".
Yeah. And look who's being screamed at for doing it. YOU. So shape up, OK ? :D

Not a chance. I am shaped up quite nicely, thank you.

Unlike you, I am consistent in my voice on these forums. I do not whine about someone doing something in one thread, and then do the very same thing myself, in another thread.
Look who is back to screaming "OFF TOPIC!".
Yeah. And look who's being screamed at for doing it. YOU. So shape up, OK ? :D

Not a chance. I am shaped up quite nicely, thank you.

Unlike you, I am consistent in my voice on these forums. I do not whine about someone doing something in one thread, and then do the very same thing myself, in another thread.

You're shaped up as a troll, whose aim it is to disparage a poster you don't like, simply because he's handed you your ass multiple times in multiple threads. SO instead of coming into the thread and contributing to the topic, you just flame, and pollute the thread with your ego reclamation attempts, which nobody cares about except you. Ho hum.

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